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Wouldn't story missions make good fractal or even raids?


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Also they don't need to be hard as i mentioned Freezie which was fun and easy raid, also seems such a waste since the amount of effort put in to them with voice acting , zones and boss encounters to be just played 1 to 5 times and be done.They could be done something like Mist dungeon/raid/fractal thing with timey whimey explanation, that rotates them once per week so they don't get stale.

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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> I know most of them have simplified mechanics but would it be bad to have them as repeatable group content and Freezie as easy raid was cool (all puns intended). Kralkatorik fight feels like it could get to great quality raid content.


I actually wondered this for a lot of the boss encounters in the living story. Make them a 10 man encounter, adjust the hp dmg and maybe an additional mechanic and you could have a solo instance raid. We had a number of boss encounters this season alone that could be a single raid encounter. What they could do is after you finish the story and go back for achievements it could be an additional menu selection.


Imagine a Joko 10 man style raid encounter.

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Mordremoth fight with Challenge Mote in HoT is easily one of my favorite in the whole game but let's be honest, they won't put anything from the story in Fractals/Raids.


What would work easily are key points from GW1 story as fractals, IMO Abaddon fight should be remade and put as a boss fractal, I don't see why it's not done yet but judging from the tweets about the Six that were published recently it might be a possibility.


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> @"Amineo.8951" said:

> Mordremoth fight with Challenge Mote in HoT is easily one of my favorite in the whole game but let's be honest, they won't put anything from the story in Fractals/Raids.


> What would work easily are key points from GW1 story as fractals, IMO Abaddon fight should be remade and put as a boss fractal, I don't see why it's not done yet but judging from the tweets about the Six that were published recently it might be a possibility.


They could turn a lot of the boss fights from even Season 4 into 10 man single instance raids though. At the very least to give more content for the raiders. Could I the 10 man Taimi fight from episode 1, 10 man exterminator or Lenai fight from episode 2, Joko from episode 3. I think there is some wiggle room to add these fights as possible single instance raids. If those who do the story mode don’t want to bother with those fights, then they don’t have to do them. Plus it gives an extra oomph to raiders each living world release.


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