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What direction should Gw2 go with their Villains?

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Most of the ones we had ended warped or eaten by dragons, then afterwards destroyed by our hands.


Scarlet, Joko, Balthazar and other villains.


Where the big ones , the Dragons want us gone so they can have all the magic to themselves.


What kind of villain do you wish to appear in Gw2?


I myself am hoping that we end up facing a dragon with humor and a powerful personality, that would make my day!


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> @"Rico.6873" said:

> Most of the ones we had ended warped or eaten by dragons, then afterwards destroyed by our hands.


> Scarlet, Joko, Balthazar and other villains.


Of those three, only one fits your description.


Joko got eaten by a dragon, true, but he was never warped or influenced by an *elder* dragon.


Balthazar wasn't warped by a dragon, he was on some kind of crusade against them. I still haven't understood a *rational* reason for him, but whether or not it was rational it was *his* motivation.


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Enabled.> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> Wouldn't mind seeing a non villainous antagonist, someone who is a counterpart to the commander, acting with good intentions, but with a conflicting objective.


The Canthan commander is trying to lead his people to colonize new lands. What, with the jade sea all up in everyone's grill and all. He rallies his people to await the sign that they are free to find new lands. Make an emphasis on how poor the Canthan people are and how they desperately need new land.


We kill the Deep Sea Dragon between us and Cantha.


That opens the way for Cantha to invade. The Canthan commander rallies his people around this sign.


They decide "hey, let's go to Tyria". That place looks nice, lots of green land and stuff. They go to the jungle and accidentally get into a war with the Asura. The Asura see them as hostiles, and fight against them, causing them to fight the Asura.


We go to the Asura homeland to help them defend against the invaders.


Cantha commander flees back to Cantha, to gather more troops.


The Asura lend us a Cube-Shaped Deathstar as our new airship. Asura crew as well!

(New Guild-Hall theme unlocked!)


We go to Cantha to try to kill/diplomacy the Canthan commander to death.


We get beaten back, totally unprepared by the wealth of Canthan celestial magic, as well as the unthinkable horrors in the Jade Sea.


We settle the Deathcube on an island just outside Cantha. The Asura start tinkering with the Jade, the Pact prepares for War.


Tyria vs Cantha expansion! Commander vs Commander! The jade sea vs Asura deathmachines! The Luxon vs the Charr and Norn! The Kurzicks vs the Humans and Silvari! Epic battles all around.


Extra Stuff:

The Canthan commander has a DSD egg that awakens when the original DSD dies. He/She (mirroring our character's gender?) bonds with the egg in a celestial ritual, similar to our own at Tarir.


To enter cities in Cantha, we disguise ourself (new mastery). We keep our weapons and armour, but as we grow with this new mastery we will be able to talk to more NPCs and do more quests. We gain the trust of the Canthans from within, to try to find a way to end the war. Also to do wartime things like the spying, sabotage, all that fun stuff. This new mastery will include things like getting Canthan mounts to keep the disguise up, maybe a heat system that has Canthan martial-police spawn as we perform actions that are suspicious.

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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> Wouldn't mind seeing a non villainous antagonist, someone who is a counterpart to the commander, acting with good intentions, but with a conflicting objective.

We already had that in Caithe, people got all bent and called for her head.

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While Scarlet was very controversial for being a bit of a Villain Sue, I think the style of villain who are rational actors with their own thoughts and personality and moving away from Elder Dragons has always been the best idea. Palawa Joko was like Scarlet done right. Rather than coming out of absolutely nowhere with godly levels of technology never before seen in tyria, Joko having established his power over 250 years, being an extremely well entrenched necromancer king with an army of everlasting minions feels more believable. It's why Joko is the most well loved antagonist I've seen in Guild Wars 2. Caudecus was also an excellent villain with his believable motivations and build up regarding his power.

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more villians build up game of thrones do this great


On a simple note I would like an enemy who has some style like Morphous God of Dreams who does mayhem for his own amusment


Asura Master mind

Charr Warlord

not always rescue the world so a Norn Tournament which put our skills to a test or some other small episodes

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> One Word.....


> ALIENS.....




So, humans? ;p


Though I actually wouldn't mind if there was an opposing force from within the Pact or from a racial faction that isn't part of the Pact. Or hey, how about the portal to the human world gets re-opened and we do end up dealing with an alien invasion.

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> @"Rico.6873" said:

> Scarlet, Joko, Balthazar and other villains.

> [...]

> What kind of villain do you wish to appear in Gw2?


Anything _but_ dragons. GW1 had much more exciting storylines, because it wasn't all about the same sort of threat but had to offer a lot of variety. The few times GW2 strayed from the elder dragon theme were the best times I have had with GW2 so far (first half of the personal story, Joko, side stories).

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Why not an organization instead of a simple super sayian individual?


Not that hard to create some plots:

-Organization menacing opening rifts everywhere around tyria, fractals are melting with reality. Inqu....

-A group of peoples decided to protect dragons and their minions.

-Sons of svanir became powerfull and they are enslaving kodans, quaggans and norns.

-Steam creature invasion with the return of aetherblades+ some new mysterious steampunk commando.

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No more dragons. Tired of them. And no more Gods either.


How about an enemy that CAN'T be killed. Was hoping for that with Joko, personally.


My vote is for the Eternal Alchemy.


Turns out the Asura were right (because, of course). The Eternal Alchemy is an extremely complex computer/machine that created and maintains the universe of Tyria, including the Dragons and the Gods. The Alchemy slowly turns its attention to a strange arberration causing errors in the system, namely the Commander. You could say it's getting pissed off now. Or perhaps it merely wishes to eliminate the bad code. It would be very 4th wall-y: the in-game world is a computer construct and the commander has something that is from outside that universe, namely you.


It could take over SOMEONE, the heros could fight them thinking that person is just a big bad and discover after killing them that they were fighting the Eternal Alchemy itself, which cannot be killed. Of course they'll try to kill it at first. Or would killing it destroy everything? Does it even exist in a life and death manner? Whoever it takes over still retains their personality, meaning the villain du jour could be the same but change each time. I'd be interested in seeing a long term solution that's more story driven. Could also take over one of the pre-existing characters, like Taimi, causing your friend/s to become your enemy.


Joko was right, the Commander is the problem. You are creating changes that the Eternal Alchemy never intended, for better or for worse. But perhaps you can even change the Eternal Alchemy by interacting with it. Or perhaps the Eternal Alchemy will change the world drastically in its attempts to set things right.


The Inquest gets involves (because, of course).

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I hope GW2 gets a villain like John Karmer from the SAW movie.

What I like about a villain like John Karmer aka jigsaw is how he is logical and how he isn't wrong about what he is saying regarding life.

His desire to help people to appreciate life is admirable but his methods while it can work, is brutal and cruel.

As a Protagonist, this antagonist gives you a mix feeling of "he is right but he is wrong to do it that way and must be stopped."

I like a villain who you can actually learn of something value from. Specially after defeat.


**Some of my favorite quotes from John Karmer that I admire as a villain are as followed:**

"Those that don't appreciate life, don't deserve it."


"You can't save people they have to save themselves"


"Most people are so ungrateful to be alive, but not you, not any more..."


"Death is a surprise party. Unless, of course, you're already dead on the inside."


"Until a person faces death, it is impossible to know if the person has what it takes to survive."


"Cherish your life"


"Some would call this karma, I call it justice."




"The jigsaw piece that I cut from my subjects was only ever meant to be a symbol that that subject was missing something. A vital piece of the human puzzle. The survival instinct."


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> @"cyberzombie.7348" said:

> Less world-ending crisis and more taking on ruffians.


The White Mantle filled this role decently well through Season 3. Their plots ranged far (Bloodstone Fen to Lake Doric), and their leader was a schmuck, but an ambitious one. Even had him working with a tie to one of the great forces of Tyria, though narratively, I regret how much it ended up with Balthazar's involvement.

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> @"Rogue.4756" said:

> > @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > Wouldn't mind seeing a non villainous antagonist, someone who is a counterpart to the commander, acting with good intentions, but with a conflicting objective.

> We already had that in Caithe, people got all bent and called for her head.


True, people went on the Caithe rampage

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