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What direction should Gw2 go with their Villains?

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I may be in the minority but I prefer dragons over villains like Joko cracking quips every time they open their mouth. I just wish they handle them better because shooting them with big canons is getting old. The way they did Mordremorth was my favorite with an epic battle on two fronts, physical and mental happening at the same time. I wish they do something like that again.

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I think it would be interesting/fun to go up against a group thats sort of a 'villian' version of Dragon's Watch. As in each member equivalent would have similar personalities and traits to their counterparts, similar bond within the people in that group etc, just with opposing intentions. Could give a fun game of cat and mouse with each group similarly matched in tech geniuses and strategists trying to outsmart each other. Even if they weren't the main antagonists I think having a group like that around that we clash with from time to time could result in some fun scenes and dialogue exchanges.

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> @"Rico.6873" said:

> Most of the ones we had ended warped or eaten by dragons, then afterwards destroyed by our hands.


> Scarlet, Joko, Balthazar and other villains.


> Where the big ones , the Dragons want us gone so they can have all the magic to themselves.


> What kind of villain do you wish to appear in Gw2?


> I myself am hoping that we end up facing a dragon with humor and a powerful personality, that would make my day!



You do not like vilians with cheesy one liners and evil laughs? To be fair, the dragons are not bad, cuz they do not talk, mostly.

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> @"Rico.6873" said:

> What kind of villain do you wish to appear in Gw2?


At last, somebody who doesn't seem like a mad clown with a single urge of destruction defining all their actions. Somebody charismatic, smart, extremely talented and able to act reasonably and command respect - yet still taking the opposite side and thus becoming significant threat to your plans. A good, deep character, in other words, which the plot has been lacking, like, since beginning. Somebody on par with Hans Landa from Inglourious Basterds, or Tywin Lannister from Game of Thrones, or King Schultz from Django Unchained, or Rorschach / Comedian from The Watchmen movie (yea, I know the most of those are not really villains, still it's a good example of a deep, enigmatic character I'm talking about).


It really breaks all immersion for me when they portrait a villain like, you know, a villain. Like an embodiment of evil, a cataclysmic force. May be dragons are like that, but their minions - really? They need them to keep their personalities, in the first place, exactly because they understand humans and their societies better, so can be used to disrupt them. It makes me feel like I'm seeing a cheap propaganda feed, as such thing as pure evil doesn't really exist, usually there are just people with their motives, and not all of them are twisted in the head madmen just because they took the opposite side. They could deviate from those deadbeat cliche, for once, and provide some interesting twist involving "different shades of evil" trope.

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A villain guild - the anti Dragon’s Watch. They may not be “evil” but there goals are at odds with the Commander’s and they are less aultruistic. For example they want to resurrect Aurien but to make her their slave weapon against the dragons. They go through hell and back to create a cure the awaken but for a price. They find Queen Jenna a undeniably suitable royal mate, and the union will bring peace to the land, but he (or she) is loathsome.

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> @"killermanjaro.5670" said:

> I think it would be interesting/fun to go up against a group thats sort of a 'villian' version of Dragon's Watch. As in each member equivalent would have similar personalities and traits to their counterparts, similar bond within the people in that group etc, just with oppoaing intentions. Could give a fun game of cat and mouse with each group similarly matched in tech geniuses and strategists trying to outsmart each other. Even if they weren't the main antagonists I think having a group like that around that we clash with from time to time could result in some fun scenes and dialogue exchanges.


Yes, I agree totally. Sorry I posted a similar comment then saw you’d already beat me to the idea.

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I don't think we can plausibly scale back our antagonists until *after* we've actually solved the Kralkatorrik threat.


After that, I'll gladly take a story segment around looking for potential magic repositories/regulators (like we had planned Aurene to be) *without* having an Elder Dragon breathing down our necks!


I can also see a Charr-focused story revolving around tensions between the legions.


Another option could be having the dragons as backdrop for a Norn story about Sons of Svanir going north to wake Jormag, or Asura trying to reclaim their underground ancestral homes.

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> @"killermanjaro.5670" said:

> I think it would be interesting/fun to go up against a group thats sort of a 'villian' version of Dragon's Watch. As in each member equivalent would have similar personalities and traits to their counterparts, similar bond within the people in that group etc, just with oppoaing intentions. Could give a fun game of cat and mouse with each group similarly matched in tech geniuses and strategists trying to outsmart each other. Even if they weren't the main antagonists I think having a group like that around that we clash with from time to time could result in some fun scenes and dialogue exchanges.


Like Zaheer's Red Lotus group from Legend of Korra season 3 :)

A group of talented individuals with good strategy and understandable motives.

Love it :D

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> @"Udolpho.1209" said:

> No more dragons. Tired of them. And no more Gods either.


> How about an enemy that CAN'T be killed. Was hoping for that with Joko, personally.


> My vote is for the Eternal Alchemy.


> Turns out the Asura were right (because, of course). The Eternal Alchemy is an extremely complex computer/machine that created and maintains the universe of Tyria, including the Dragons and the Gods. The Alchemy slowly turns its attention to a strange arberration causing errors in the system, namely the Commander. You could say it's getting pissed off now. Or perhaps it merely wishes to eliminate the bad code. It would be very 4th wall-y: the in-game world is a computer construct and the commander has something that is from outside that universe, namely you.


> It could take over SOMEONE, the heros could fight them thinking that person is just a big bad and discover after killing them that they were fighting the Eternal Alchemy itself, which cannot be killed. Of course they'll try to kill it at first. Or would killing it destroy everything? Does it even exist in a life and death manner? Whoever it takes over still retains their personality, meaning the villain du jour could be the same but change each time. I'd be interested in seeing a long term solution that's more story driven. Could also take over one of the pre-existing characters, like Taimi, causing your friend/s to become your enemy.


> Joko was right, the Commander is the problem. You are creating changes that the Eternal Alchemy never intended, for better or for worse. But perhaps you can even change the Eternal Alchemy by interacting with it. Or perhaps the Eternal Alchemy will change the world drastically in its attempts to set things right.


> The Inquest gets involves (because, of course).


The eternal alchemy is just an asuran term for **literally everything that exist**. You are the eternal alchemy, your allies are the eternal alchemy and all your enemies are the eternal alchemy.

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Yeah the concept of Eternal Alchemy is an ideology. Everything is part of it, from the smallest insect to a giant. Asuras consider everything as a gear within that giant mechanism/machine (life). That's kinda why when an asura die, it is incinerated; as a gear he served its purposes and is no longer useful. Note that asuras have the possibility to breed new progenies within test tubes, but despite their high technology they decided to continue doing it the natural way. We never seen an asuran nursery btw...

It would explain also the role of colleges, if you want to work in a concrete way, theoretical way or in practicing. You are a gear but at least you can choose which component you want to help. Inquest is too complex for that debate, they think they can manipulate it, harness the eternal alchemy, but in reality, it's more of wanting to rule over anything, to control the space-time and dimensions, that's why Scarlet and Inquest are the greatest threat, due to the same thing, knowledge. Also Kralk now with its space-time shaningans portals.


But, I have zero idea if the eternal alchemy is conscious or not since it's not really an entity, it's a kind of religion? The more I re-read the post the more I'm starting seeing a giant asuran-computer in an hidden warehouse just like X.A.N.A. Maybe trying to recreate the process of life as a machine but it resulted into an intelligent aberration... dunno

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> After this concludes they absolutely need to downscale the villans.

> I made a post on this ages ago, but things cannot continually escalate in terms of "threat" or else everything else becomes pointless.


Really can't go much more "up" from here. One of the realms god-tier beings gaining access to the infinite energy between all realms... is overmuch, and the writing backed itself into a huge corner trying to deal with it. Any solution that comes out of this would end up changing the world forever.

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > After this concludes they absolutely need to downscale the villans.

> > I made a post on this ages ago, but things cannot continually escalate in terms of "threat" or else everything else becomes pointless.


> Really can't go much more "up" from here. One of the realms god-tier beings gaining access to the infinite energy between all realms... is overmuch, and the writing backed itself into a huge corner trying to deal with it. Any solution that comes out of this would end up changing the world forever.


Oh they can go futher, we've only seen global scale threats. We know the gods have traveled elsewhere in this universe before and again so a Cosmic Scale issue is not out of the realm of impossible or implausible.


The writers need to understand that semper fi isn't a writing mantra they should follow. It would be wise for them to taper things way down to tribal matters i.e Inquest, Blood Legion, Nightmare Court, Sons of Svanir, White Mantle, Jade Brotherhood etc... style of levels. It may also be in their interest to have an antagonist instead of a villian. One whose motives are clear but not intrisitically evil, just a opposition force to our ever present "good".

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i like enemies that aren't necessarly huge evil beasts. i think it's much more dangerous a mad man with power fetish. that's why scarlet was fun, I like stories about betrayal, conspiracies, plot twists that keep us entertained. but when the evil is (yet another) huge dragon, ehhh it's not so interesting as a villain itself, what are its motivations?

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I would like some crazy twist Villain. Like the reason the dragons wake up to absorb all the magic before falling back to sleep throughout history is to prevent some beyond ancient being from being awoken. But since we're just knocking em dead "eventually" we find out that since there are no dragons left to do their thing, all the magic absorbed finally awakens the thing that existed that basically created the planet.



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