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Changes to improve mesmer (Buffs, Nerfs, QoL)


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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

Would you or Quadox mind going over why you didn’t like the suggested Signet of Inspiration change (If you didn’t or think it is nonconsensual, Quadox’s statement was very vague)?


I missed that I think, was it about IoL being dependant on your boons instead of allies? I think that would be preferable but I have no clue about the PvE balancing.

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> @"Quadox.7834" said:


> I also think the stun on f3 is interesting, I would say I like it more than the ammo suggestion.


Ya, agree. But unfortunately the 15 sec ICD wasn't long enough last time and it can't synergize as well or at all with Mantra of Distraction for the devs to take it. The devs had the oprotunity to just increase the ICD last time and didn't for some reason.

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> @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > @"Quadox.7834" said:


> > I also think the stun on f3 is interesting, I would say I like it more than the ammo suggestion.


> Ya, agree. But unfortunately the 15 sec ICD wasn't long enough last time and it can't synergize as well or at all with Mantra of Distraction for the devs to take it. The devs had the oprotunity to just increase the ICD last time and didn't for some reason.


I dislike daze mantra anyway so imo it is good if it doesn't work with that.


Edit: I like *using* daze mantra but I dislike the idea of instant ranged cc on low cooldown. It means that all interrupt traits have to be balanced around it so they become weak without it (same issue with mirage sword leap).

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> @"Xaylin.1860" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > Desired Changes - Important:

> > 1. **Infinite Horizon as Grandmaster Minor - this is the NUMBER 1 change I strongly believe should be done for Mirage** in order to balance the class. Obviously merge Speed of Sand into Adept Minor. I don't care what new trait needs to be made to fill the GM Major spot (possibly a trait that allows fast side/back strafe movement as an alternative to Sand through Glass pseudo backwards dodge) - do this, _rebalance all ambushes_ then change Elusive Mind and tweak Dune Cloak if necessary to balance.

> > 2. **Critical Infusion** - restore to 5s on crit (10s icd) to be in line with all vigour traits again. No reason to have this at 3s following mirage cloak duration nerf.

> > 3. **Jaunt** - reduce charge cooldown to 20s in pvp/wvw (leave max count at 2). Again following mirage cloak nerf, the additional mobility from Jaunt is far more important than before and in hindsight wouldn't have had to be nerfed if you (Anet) had just nerfed mirage cloak first.


> I agree.


> I also wouldn't mind Jaunt losing any kind of damage as long as I get more mobility out of it. I'd rather see more condition removal.


> I had an idea for Elusive Mind. Not directly dodge-related, though.

> "Remove 1 Condition when creating a Mirage Mirror. Reduce the CD of Distortion by x seconds when gaining Mirage Cloak."




Sorry for the delay, I was thinking how I felt about this before wanting to reply.


Hmm, must say sadly I'm not too keen on that alternative for EM - would rather prefer something else around mirage only (eg Deception skills, dodge, mirrors, detarget/shuffle, mobility with dodge, etc) rather than linking with core shatters.

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Can mass Invisibility have the same amount of stealth in useful pulsing increments as Sneak Gyro? Because right now Mass Invisibility has twice the cooldown and half the duration, and 4x the cast time. No? Fine. What if we only bump Mass Invisibilty so that it matches Toss Elixir S; 6 second duration 31 second traited cooldown like?


![](https://i.imgur.com/gZrlrvR.png "")


No? Engineers need to have better party stealth than mesmers and thieves for some reason? Okay....

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Can mass Invisibility have the same amount of stealth in useful pulsing increments as Sneak Gyro? Because right now Mass Invisibility has twice the cooldown and half the duration, and 4x the cast time. No? Fine. What if we only bump Mass Invisibilty so that it matches Toss Elixir S; 6 second duration 31 second traited cooldown like?


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/gZrlrvR.png "")


> No? Engineers need to have better party stealth than mesmers and thieves for some reason? Okay....


I posted MI buff taken from the other thread in which you and others suggested improvements:


Mass Invisibility - rework the anti-synergy between MI and Master of manipulation trait. Reduce CD to 50. Alternatively give 2 ammo mechanic.


I think it would be better for elixir s to get nerfed but I'm biased against stealth, will edit the first post with 31sec like elixir s tho.

Also I forgot your name above, will edit it aswell, sorry for that.


Edit: first post updated with @"Me Games Ma.8426" and @"Curunen.8729" 's master of manipulation idea and @"Xstein.2187" SoI and tides of time.

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> @"Odik.4587" said: [...]

I'm a bit confused... Either you didn't really read my post or you didn't understand what I meant. ;)


> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> Hmm, must say sadly I'm not too keen on that alternative for EM - would rather prefer something else around mirage only (eg Deception skills, dodge, mirrors, detarget/shuffle, mobility with dodge, etc) rather than linking with core shatters.


Mh.... it is connected to Mirrors, though? :p


* More condition removal (because it doesn't only work on dodge but also by consuming Mirrors)

* Synergizes with Desert Distortion and increases active defense this way. It's just not a SB anymore.


I like the detarget idea, though. "Be de-targeted everytime you gain Mirage Cloak". That would be so fun. Haha. Totally useless in PvE, though. I wouldn't like it to be connected to Deceptions. We already got a trait for that.


Just another idea I had... didn't check all relevant skills, so I might have missed problematic interactions:

"Gain Mirage Cloak when executing a successful Leap finisher."

Sword Ambush will probably have to lose its Leap finisher then... but it could be fun.

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> @"Xaylin.1860" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > Hmm, must say sadly I'm not too keen on that alternative for EM - would rather prefer something else around mirage only (eg Deception skills, dodge, mirrors, detarget/shuffle, mobility with dodge, etc) rather than linking with core shatters.


> Mh.... it is connected to Mirrors, though? :p


> * More condition removal (because it doesn't only work on dodge but also by consuming Mirrors)

> * Synergizes with Desert Distortion and increases active defense this way. It's just not a SB anymore.


> I like the detarget idea, though. "Be de-targeted everytime you gain Mirage Cloak". That would be so fun. Haha. Totally useless in PvE, though. I wouldn't like it to be connected to Deceptions. We already got a trait for that.


> Just another idea I had... didn't check all relevant skills, so I might have missed problematic interactions:

> "Gain Mirage Cloak when executing a successful Leap finisher."

> Sword Ambush will probably have to lose its Leap finisher then... but it could be fun.


Between axe 3, Jaunt and Staff 2 I'd be laughing with all the free mirage cloaks in chaos storm! xD


The detarget idea was something between how Mirror Images and Illusionary Ambush work - eg when disabled, dodge would teleport all clones within 600 radius of you and shuffle their position, while detargeting you (but still remain cced).


Though I would be happy with other solutions such as longer dodge, deception cooldown reduction, convert all cc into daze, additional mobility in dodge, etc...


I must admit though I really don't like Desert Distortion - personally feels really uninspired and a filler trait that could be far more interesting.


Ideally with IH at GM minor I'd love to see Desert Distortion redesigned to something completely different, and a new GM major trait enhancing Mirrors in some way.


But I do like the idea to remove one condition on all mirage cloak - whether from mirrors or dodge (or IA) - but not from spawning the mirrors themselves, rather from breaking them to gain mirage cloak. :)

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> I must admit though I really don't like Desert Distortion - personally feels really uninspired and a filler trait that could be far more interesting.


While I feel it is slighty undertuned I love it for the obvious synergy with baseline Mesmer. There is close to none besides Riddle of Sand (which is even less inspired and random) and Vigor (for which Duelling got nerfed.... yey.)


I think, I might dig up my Mirage rework when I got some time...

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shh don't tell them mes scep 3 is broken XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

![](https://i.imgur.com/sCZukpD.jpg "")



that pet skill is instant on swap unlike scep 3 and for the record a ranger using the same build said that "scep3 oneshots me" and then i asked him to come to arena


3300 damage with deadshot amulet (condi/no power)

6.5ish with wizard amulet


11.5k ~ with marauder (poweR+ferocity) **AND** 25 might stacks


so the 2nd slowest skill in the game, with 25 might stacks which on mirage is hard to get, with +ferocity is still doing less damage than a pet instant ability but lets keep being biased and ignoring the facts bois owo

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> shh don't tell them mes scep 3 is broken XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/sCZukpD.jpg "")



> that pet skill is instant on swap unlike scep 3 and for the record a ranger using the same build said that "scep3 oneshots me" and then i asked him to come to arena


> 3300 damage with deadshot amulet (condi/no power)

> 6.5ish with wizard amulet


> 11.5k ~ with marauder (poweR+ferocity) **AND** 25 might stacks


> so the 2nd slowest skill in the game, with 25 might stacks which on mirage is hard to get, with +ferocity is still doing less damage than a pet instant ability but lets keep being biased and ignoring the facts bois owo


I donno man I dont think comparing mes to THEE most op spec in the game really shows mirage being in a bad spot as most classes are in comparison to soulbeast when looking at dps sustain etc

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > shh don't tell them mes scep 3 is broken XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/sCZukpD.jpg "")

> >

> >

> > that pet skill is instant on swap unlike scep 3 and for the record a ranger using the same build said that "scep3 oneshots me" and then i asked him to come to arena

> >

> > 3300 damage with deadshot amulet (condi/no power)

> > 6.5ish with wizard amulet

> >

> > 11.5k ~ with marauder (poweR+ferocity) **AND** 25 might stacks

> >

> > so the 2nd slowest skill in the game, with 25 might stacks which on mirage is hard to get, with +ferocity is still doing less damage than a pet instant ability but lets keep being biased and ignoring the facts bois owo


> I donno man I dont think comparing mes to THEE most op spec in the game really shows mirage being in a bad spot as most classes are in comparison to soulbeast when looking at dps sustain etc


Is that not druid?

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Substtituting any form of ranger in general still applies really. Mirage after patch is not useless but nor is it overperforming, anyone calling mirage op these days is doing so due to disliking the class itself not because its performance,as a mesmer player u might as well get used to it as thief's do. mesmer could lose 90% of its burst and still be called op due to how it engages opponents it's a salt generator just like thieves are

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> I have scepter 3 on nerflist although I don't agree, I mean dealing that kind of damage is easy nowadays on every profession.

> Nerf scepter and mesmers will not have a single good mainhand..



It's simple if scepter is too high in the dps dapartment but other weapons are low than nerf scepter dps and bring dps up on other weapons, also creating more variety in builds. Not that compensation is common with nerfs

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I'm in favor of more or less getting rid of the power coefficient on Scepter 3 in favor of completely reweighting the skill's value into condition. Like 21 confusion if you land all the hits and for 6 second duration base. It needs to have actual killing potential as a primarily condition weapon for its telegraph to mean anything. Scepter's auto attack chain needs to not be completely worthless and the block's torment needs to land on my targets reliably.


It is genuinely weird that the long range condition weapon is being run by a pure power build like Chronobunker. Even some Greatsword builds run it now.

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![](https://media.giphy.com/media/5nohAcRYylndnrylWi/giphy.gif "")






__ THE SECOND SLOWEST CAST SKILL IN THE ENTIRE GAME ONLY LOSING TO 100B (Which does way more damage and is aoe) __





it's not even on a person with demolisher amulet, it's on a person with mirror/same amulet (deadshot in this picture)


people only look at extreme cases where scep 3 does 12k damage but nobody looks ta cases where it does 2,000 damage. GW2 community in a nutshell, nobody looks at the picture as a whole and everybody just says whatever fits them to say


the problem isnt with scepter 3, the problem is with how much damage power gives (to ALL classes) and with how much damage 25 might stacks give (which is what chrono can get) and with how much damage reduction protection has (33%). All of these are major factors and without all of these aligning you won't hit people for 12k while ranger pet charge does 12k even if you're playing a condition amulet cause your amulet doesn't matter for your pet's stats. So, not only it casts faster (by an AI) and does more damage but it also doesn't even require an amulet

if you wanna complain about something go ahead and complain about the power scaling in this game .. as i have.. because i can actually identify what the problems with gw2 are and i'm not impartial and biased and i don't post half-truths






threads posted months ago, there's more but this forum is so heavily censored that getting any actual viable info through is a challenge because the moderators don't like freedom of speech or truth and a lot of the factual information posted here seems to be deleted if it doesn't fit some people's agenda


the fact that

no+power amulet scepter 3 with 0 might stacks would do under 1600 damage on a person with demolisher amulet and protection and


+power/ferocity amulet with fury/25might stacks on a person with no protection/demolisher would do 13,000+ damage


doesn't speak to scepter 3 being broken, i don't understand in WHAT WORLD IS THE SKILL BROKEN WHEN THE SKILL IS THE ONLY CONSTANT IN THIS EQUATION? It's the power multipliers that are broken and flawed and it's those that need to be reworked/nerfed/changed/standard-ized so that it's more balanced


scep 3 does around 6k damage on a hybrid amulet which is on the low side for its cast time and that's okay


meanwhile, 100b does 20k dmg, guard gs2 does 12k+ dmg while any symbol does 10k dmg with might stacks if u stand in it, ranger 2 does 20k dmg with sickem and no might, ranger maul does 12k+ dmg, worldly imp;act does 18k dmg, backstab does more dmg than scep 3 and so on and so on






Illusionary Counter: This skill now summons two clones instead of one if the mesmer successfully blocks a strike.

Counterspell: In addition to its previous effects, mesmers will summon a clone to attack the first enemy struck by this skill.

Confusing Images: The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.



scepter received buffs less than a year ago because it was too weak


> Confusing Images: **The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds**. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.


scepter 3 received a dmg buff but a cast time nerf because the skill was too weak and it's POWER WAS INCREASED AT THE PRICE OF CAST TIME


their INTENTION was to make the skill "hit hard" and even then it doesn't hit hard (on condi mirage at least) because of how other circumstances (as mentioned above) matter so much



why is it so hard for people to be objective?

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> ![](https://media.giphy.com/media/5nohAcRYylndnrylWi/giphy.gif "")






> __ THE SECOND SLOWEST CAST SKILL IN THE ENTIRE GAME ONLY LOSING TO 100B (Which does way more damage and is aoe) __

> X D




> it's not even on a person with demolisher amulet, it's on a person with mirror/same amulet (deadshot in this picture)


> people only look at extreme cases where scep 3 does 12k damage but nobody looks ta cases where it does 2,000 damage. GW2 community in a nutshell, nobody looks at the picture as a whole and everybody just says whatever fits them to say


> the problem isnt with scepter 3, the problem is with how much damage power gives (to ALL classes) and with how much damage 25 might stacks give (which is what chrono can get) and with how much damage reduction protection has (33%). All of these are major factors and without all of these aligning you won't hit people for 12k while ranger pet charge does 12k even if you're playing a condition amulet cause your amulet doesn't matter for your pet's stats. So, not only it casts faster (by an AI) and does more damage but it also doesn't even require an amulet

> if you wanna complain about something go ahead and complain about the power scaling in this game .. as i have.. because i can actually identify what the problems with gw2 are and i'm not impartial and biased and i don't post half-truths


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/62116/the-protection-boon-alone-is-making-80-of-the-builds-unviable


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/59778/condition-builds-require-way-more-skill-than-cheesy-power-burst-ones


> threads posted months ago, there's more but this forum is so heavily censored that getting any actual viable info through is a challenge because the moderators don't like freedom of speech or truth and a lot of the factual information posted here seems to be deleted if it doesn't fit some people's agenda


> the fact that

> no+power amulet scepter 3 with 0 might stacks would do under 1600 damage on a person with demolisher amulet and protection and


> +power/ferocity amulet with fury/25might stacks on a person with no protection/demolisher would do 13,000+ damage


> doesn't speak to scepter 3 being broken, i don't understand in WHAT WORLD IS THE SKILL BROKEN WHEN THE SKILL IS THE ONLY CONSTANT IN THIS EQUATION? It's the power multipliers that are broken and flawed and it's those that need to be reworked/nerfed/changed/standard-ized so that it's more balanced


> scep 3 does around 6k damage on a hybrid amulet which is on the low side for its cast time and that's okay


> meanwhile, 100b does 20k dmg, guard gs2 does 12k+ dmg while any symbol does 10k dmg with might stacks if u stand in it, ranger 2 does 20k dmg with sickem and no might, ranger maul does 12k+ dmg, worldly imp;act does 18k dmg, backstab does more dmg than scep 3 and so on and so on


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53000/game-update-notes-august-28-2018


> >

> Mesmer

> Illusionary Counter: This skill now summons two clones instead of one if the mesmer successfully blocks a strike.

> Counterspell: In addition to its previous effects, mesmers will summon a clone to attack the first enemy struck by this skill.

> Confusing Images: The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.



> scepter received buffs less than a year ago because it was too weak


> > Confusing Images: **The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds**. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.


> scepter 3 received a dmg buff but a cast time nerf because the skill was too weak and it's POWER WAS INCREASED AT THE PRICE OF CAST TIME


> their INTENTION was to make the skill "hit hard" and even then it doesn't hit hard (on condi mirage at least) because of how other circumstances (as mentioned above) matter so much



> why is it so hard for people to be objective?


It hits hard with power instead of with condi.right now, that's what I don't like.

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> @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > ![](https://media.giphy.com/media/5nohAcRYylndnrylWi/giphy.gif "")

> >


> >


> >

> > __ THE SECOND SLOWEST CAST SKILL IN THE ENTIRE GAME ONLY LOSING TO 100B (Which does way more damage and is aoe) __

> > X D

> >

> > this is HYGH DAMAGE GUYS

> >

> > it's not even on a person with demolisher amulet, it's on a person with mirror/same amulet (deadshot in this picture)

> >

> > people only look at extreme cases where scep 3 does 12k damage but nobody looks ta cases where it does 2,000 damage. GW2 community in a nutshell, nobody looks at the picture as a whole and everybody just says whatever fits them to say

> >

> > the problem isnt with scepter 3, the problem is with how much damage power gives (to ALL classes) and with how much damage 25 might stacks give (which is what chrono can get) and with how much damage reduction protection has (33%). All of these are major factors and without all of these aligning you won't hit people for 12k while ranger pet charge does 12k even if you're playing a condition amulet cause your amulet doesn't matter for your pet's stats. So, not only it casts faster (by an AI) and does more damage but it also doesn't even require an amulet

> > if you wanna complain about something go ahead and complain about the power scaling in this game .. as i have.. because i can actually identify what the problems with gw2 are and i'm not impartial and biased and i don't post half-truths

> >

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/62116/the-protection-boon-alone-is-making-80-of-the-builds-unviable

> >

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/59778/condition-builds-require-way-more-skill-than-cheesy-power-burst-ones

> >

> > threads posted months ago, there's more but this forum is so heavily censored that getting any actual viable info through is a challenge because the moderators don't like freedom of speech or truth and a lot of the factual information posted here seems to be deleted if it doesn't fit some people's agenda

> >

> > the fact that

> > no+power amulet scepter 3 with 0 might stacks would do under 1600 damage on a person with demolisher amulet and protection and

> >

> > +power/ferocity amulet with fury/25might stacks on a person with no protection/demolisher would do 13,000+ damage

> >

> > doesn't speak to scepter 3 being broken, i don't understand in WHAT WORLD IS THE SKILL BROKEN WHEN THE SKILL IS THE ONLY CONSTANT IN THIS EQUATION? It's the power multipliers that are broken and flawed and it's those that need to be reworked/nerfed/changed/standard-ized so that it's more balanced

> >

> > scep 3 does around 6k damage on a hybrid amulet which is on the low side for its cast time and that's okay

> >

> > meanwhile, 100b does 20k dmg, guard gs2 does 12k+ dmg while any symbol does 10k dmg with might stacks if u stand in it, ranger 2 does 20k dmg with sickem and no might, ranger maul does 12k+ dmg, worldly imp;act does 18k dmg, backstab does more dmg than scep 3 and so on and so on

> >

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53000/game-update-notes-august-28-2018

> >

> > >

> > Mesmer

> > Illusionary Counter: This skill now summons two clones instead of one if the mesmer successfully blocks a strike.

> > Counterspell: In addition to its previous effects, mesmers will summon a clone to attack the first enemy struck by this skill.

> > Confusing Images: The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.

> >

> >

> > scepter received buffs less than a year ago because it was too weak

> >

> > > Confusing Images: **The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds**. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.

> >

> > scepter 3 received a dmg buff but a cast time nerf because the skill was too weak and it's POWER WAS INCREASED AT THE PRICE OF CAST TIME

> >

> > their INTENTION was to make the skill "hit hard" and even then it doesn't hit hard (on condi mirage at least) because of how other circumstances (as mentioned above) matter so much

> >

> >

> > why is it so hard for people to be objective?


> It hits hard with power instead of with condi.right now, that's what I don't like.


how is 2000 damage hard?


it hits hard BECAUSE of how much power gives, not because the skill has too much power


and i've said that the power dmg in this game is way too high FOREVER ago. If you nerf it's power damage then in my gif it would do 1500 dmg instead 2000 dmg how is that not pathetic for the 2nd slowest cast skill in the game?


the solution is OBVIOUS. Nerf the amount of power you get from might stacks or the max amount of might stacks or the dmg multiplier from power stat which will affect all classes in the game, as it should, because the power dmg is way too high compared to condi for all classes in the game


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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > ![](https://media.giphy.com/media/5nohAcRYylndnrylWi/giphy.gif "")

> > >


> > >


> > >

> > > __ THE SECOND SLOWEST CAST SKILL IN THE ENTIRE GAME ONLY LOSING TO 100B (Which does way more damage and is aoe) __

> > > X D

> > >

> > > this is HYGH DAMAGE GUYS

> > >

> > > it's not even on a person with demolisher amulet, it's on a person with mirror/same amulet (deadshot in this picture)

> > >

> > > people only look at extreme cases where scep 3 does 12k damage but nobody looks ta cases where it does 2,000 damage. GW2 community in a nutshell, nobody looks at the picture as a whole and everybody just says whatever fits them to say

> > >

> > > the problem isnt with scepter 3, the problem is with how much damage power gives (to ALL classes) and with how much damage 25 might stacks give (which is what chrono can get) and with how much damage reduction protection has (33%). All of these are major factors and without all of these aligning you won't hit people for 12k while ranger pet charge does 12k even if you're playing a condition amulet cause your amulet doesn't matter for your pet's stats. So, not only it casts faster (by an AI) and does more damage but it also doesn't even require an amulet

> > > if you wanna complain about something go ahead and complain about the power scaling in this game .. as i have.. because i can actually identify what the problems with gw2 are and i'm not impartial and biased and i don't post half-truths

> > >

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/62116/the-protection-boon-alone-is-making-80-of-the-builds-unviable

> > >

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/59778/condition-builds-require-way-more-skill-than-cheesy-power-burst-ones

> > >

> > > threads posted months ago, there's more but this forum is so heavily censored that getting any actual viable info through is a challenge because the moderators don't like freedom of speech or truth and a lot of the factual information posted here seems to be deleted if it doesn't fit some people's agenda

> > >

> > > the fact that

> > > no+power amulet scepter 3 with 0 might stacks would do under 1600 damage on a person with demolisher amulet and protection and

> > >

> > > +power/ferocity amulet with fury/25might stacks on a person with no protection/demolisher would do 13,000+ damage

> > >

> > > doesn't speak to scepter 3 being broken, i don't understand in WHAT WORLD IS THE SKILL BROKEN WHEN THE SKILL IS THE ONLY CONSTANT IN THIS EQUATION? It's the power multipliers that are broken and flawed and it's those that need to be reworked/nerfed/changed/standard-ized so that it's more balanced

> > >

> > > scep 3 does around 6k damage on a hybrid amulet which is on the low side for its cast time and that's okay

> > >

> > > meanwhile, 100b does 20k dmg, guard gs2 does 12k+ dmg while any symbol does 10k dmg with might stacks if u stand in it, ranger 2 does 20k dmg with sickem and no might, ranger maul does 12k+ dmg, worldly imp;act does 18k dmg, backstab does more dmg than scep 3 and so on and so on

> > >

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53000/game-update-notes-august-28-2018

> > >

> > > >

> > > Mesmer

> > > Illusionary Counter: This skill now summons two clones instead of one if the mesmer successfully blocks a strike.

> > > Counterspell: In addition to its previous effects, mesmers will summon a clone to attack the first enemy struck by this skill.

> > > Confusing Images: The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.

> > >

> > >

> > > scepter received buffs less than a year ago because it was too weak

> > >

> > > > Confusing Images: **The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds**. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.

> > >

> > > scepter 3 received a dmg buff but a cast time nerf because the skill was too weak and it's POWER WAS INCREASED AT THE PRICE OF CAST TIME

> > >

> > > their INTENTION was to make the skill "hit hard" and even then it doesn't hit hard (on condi mirage at least) because of how other circumstances (as mentioned above) matter so much

> > >

> > >

> > > why is it so hard for people to be objective?

> >

> > It hits hard with power instead of with condi.right now, that's what I don't like.


> how is 2000 damage hard?


> it hits hard BECAUSE of how much power gives, not because the skill has too much power


> and i've said that the power dmg in this game is way too high FOREVER ago. If you nerf it's power damage then in my gif it would do 1500 dmg instead 2000 dmg how is that not pathetic for the 2nd slowest cast skill in the game?


> the solution is OBVIOUS. Nerf the amount of power you get from might stacks or the max amount of might stacks or the dmg multiplier from power stat which will affect all classes in the game, as it should, because the power dmg is way too high compared to condi for all classes in the game



You want less power damage, more condi damage. I propse to lower power damage on scepter 3 and increase condi damage. And yet you complain. Incredible.

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> @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > > ![](https://media.giphy.com/media/5nohAcRYylndnrylWi/giphy.gif "")

> > > >


> > > >


> > > >

> > > > __ THE SECOND SLOWEST CAST SKILL IN THE ENTIRE GAME ONLY LOSING TO 100B (Which does way more damage and is aoe) __

> > > > X D

> > > >

> > > > this is HYGH DAMAGE GUYS

> > > >

> > > > it's not even on a person with demolisher amulet, it's on a person with mirror/same amulet (deadshot in this picture)

> > > >

> > > > people only look at extreme cases where scep 3 does 12k damage but nobody looks ta cases where it does 2,000 damage. GW2 community in a nutshell, nobody looks at the picture as a whole and everybody just says whatever fits them to say

> > > >

> > > > the problem isnt with scepter 3, the problem is with how much damage power gives (to ALL classes) and with how much damage 25 might stacks give (which is what chrono can get) and with how much damage reduction protection has (33%). All of these are major factors and without all of these aligning you won't hit people for 12k while ranger pet charge does 12k even if you're playing a condition amulet cause your amulet doesn't matter for your pet's stats. So, not only it casts faster (by an AI) and does more damage but it also doesn't even require an amulet

> > > > if you wanna complain about something go ahead and complain about the power scaling in this game .. as i have.. because i can actually identify what the problems with gw2 are and i'm not impartial and biased and i don't post half-truths

> > > >

> > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/62116/the-protection-boon-alone-is-making-80-of-the-builds-unviable

> > > >

> > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/59778/condition-builds-require-way-more-skill-than-cheesy-power-burst-ones

> > > >

> > > > threads posted months ago, there's more but this forum is so heavily censored that getting any actual viable info through is a challenge because the moderators don't like freedom of speech or truth and a lot of the factual information posted here seems to be deleted if it doesn't fit some people's agenda

> > > >

> > > > the fact that

> > > > no+power amulet scepter 3 with 0 might stacks would do under 1600 damage on a person with demolisher amulet and protection and

> > > >

> > > > +power/ferocity amulet with fury/25might stacks on a person with no protection/demolisher would do 13,000+ damage

> > > >

> > > > doesn't speak to scepter 3 being broken, i don't understand in WHAT WORLD IS THE SKILL BROKEN WHEN THE SKILL IS THE ONLY CONSTANT IN THIS EQUATION? It's the power multipliers that are broken and flawed and it's those that need to be reworked/nerfed/changed/standard-ized so that it's more balanced

> > > >

> > > > scep 3 does around 6k damage on a hybrid amulet which is on the low side for its cast time and that's okay

> > > >

> > > > meanwhile, 100b does 20k dmg, guard gs2 does 12k+ dmg while any symbol does 10k dmg with might stacks if u stand in it, ranger 2 does 20k dmg with sickem and no might, ranger maul does 12k+ dmg, worldly imp;act does 18k dmg, backstab does more dmg than scep 3 and so on and so on

> > > >

> > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53000/game-update-notes-august-28-2018

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > > Mesmer

> > > > Illusionary Counter: This skill now summons two clones instead of one if the mesmer successfully blocks a strike.

> > > > Counterspell: In addition to its previous effects, mesmers will summon a clone to attack the first enemy struck by this skill.

> > > > Confusing Images: The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > scepter received buffs less than a year ago because it was too weak

> > > >

> > > > > Confusing Images: **The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds**. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.

> > > >

> > > > scepter 3 received a dmg buff but a cast time nerf because the skill was too weak and it's POWER WAS INCREASED AT THE PRICE OF CAST TIME

> > > >

> > > > their INTENTION was to make the skill "hit hard" and even then it doesn't hit hard (on condi mirage at least) because of how other circumstances (as mentioned above) matter so much

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > why is it so hard for people to be objective?

> > >

> > > It hits hard with power instead of with condi.right now, that's what I don't like.

> >

> > how is 2000 damage hard?

> >

> > it hits hard BECAUSE of how much power gives, not because the skill has too much power

> >

> > and i've said that the power dmg in this game is way too high FOREVER ago. If you nerf it's power damage then in my gif it would do 1500 dmg instead 2000 dmg how is that not pathetic for the 2nd slowest cast skill in the game?

> >

> > the solution is OBVIOUS. Nerf the amount of power you get from might stacks or the max amount of might stacks or the dmg multiplier from power stat which will affect all classes in the game, as it should, because the power dmg is way too high compared to condi for all classes in the game

> >


> You want less power damage, more condi damage. I propse to lower power damage on scepter 3 and increase condi damage. And yet you complain. Incredible.



no, i want less power damage in the entire game and i want a mesmer to have a hybrid weapon that works with amulets such as wizard (or even viper)


what's incredible is that you don't understand that the skill doesn't do good damage unless you have +power/ferocity/might stacks and your enemy has no protection

none of these circumstances are related to scepter 3 itself


scepter 3 itself isn't the issue


how can this be too hard to understand ?

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > > @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > > > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > > > ![](https://media.giphy.com/media/5nohAcRYylndnrylWi/giphy.gif "")

> > > > >


> > > > >

> > > > > PLEASE NERF

> > > > >

> > > > > __ THE SECOND SLOWEST CAST SKILL IN THE ENTIRE GAME ONLY LOSING TO 100B (Which does way more damage and is aoe) __

> > > > > X D

> > > > >

> > > > > this is HYGH DAMAGE GUYS

> > > > >

> > > > > it's not even on a person with demolisher amulet, it's on a person with mirror/same amulet (deadshot in this picture)

> > > > >

> > > > > people only look at extreme cases where scep 3 does 12k damage but nobody looks ta cases where it does 2,000 damage. GW2 community in a nutshell, nobody looks at the picture as a whole and everybody just says whatever fits them to say

> > > > >

> > > > > the problem isnt with scepter 3, the problem is with how much damage power gives (to ALL classes) and with how much damage 25 might stacks give (which is what chrono can get) and with how much damage reduction protection has (33%). All of these are major factors and without all of these aligning you won't hit people for 12k while ranger pet charge does 12k even if you're playing a condition amulet cause your amulet doesn't matter for your pet's stats. So, not only it casts faster (by an AI) and does more damage but it also doesn't even require an amulet

> > > > > if you wanna complain about something go ahead and complain about the power scaling in this game .. as i have.. because i can actually identify what the problems with gw2 are and i'm not impartial and biased and i don't post half-truths

> > > > >

> > > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/62116/the-protection-boon-alone-is-making-80-of-the-builds-unviable

> > > > >

> > > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/59778/condition-builds-require-way-more-skill-than-cheesy-power-burst-ones

> > > > >

> > > > > threads posted months ago, there's more but this forum is so heavily censored that getting any actual viable info through is a challenge because the moderators don't like freedom of speech or truth and a lot of the factual information posted here seems to be deleted if it doesn't fit some people's agenda

> > > > >

> > > > > the fact that

> > > > > no+power amulet scepter 3 with 0 might stacks would do under 1600 damage on a person with demolisher amulet and protection and

> > > > >

> > > > > +power/ferocity amulet with fury/25might stacks on a person with no protection/demolisher would do 13,000+ damage

> > > > >

> > > > > doesn't speak to scepter 3 being broken, i don't understand in WHAT WORLD IS THE SKILL BROKEN WHEN THE SKILL IS THE ONLY CONSTANT IN THIS EQUATION? It's the power multipliers that are broken and flawed and it's those that need to be reworked/nerfed/changed/standard-ized so that it's more balanced

> > > > >

> > > > > scep 3 does around 6k damage on a hybrid amulet which is on the low side for its cast time and that's okay

> > > > >

> > > > > meanwhile, 100b does 20k dmg, guard gs2 does 12k+ dmg while any symbol does 10k dmg with might stacks if u stand in it, ranger 2 does 20k dmg with sickem and no might, ranger maul does 12k+ dmg, worldly imp;act does 18k dmg, backstab does more dmg than scep 3 and so on and so on

> > > > >

> > > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53000/game-update-notes-august-28-2018

> > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > Mesmer

> > > > > Illusionary Counter: This skill now summons two clones instead of one if the mesmer successfully blocks a strike.

> > > > > Counterspell: In addition to its previous effects, mesmers will summon a clone to attack the first enemy struck by this skill.

> > > > > Confusing Images: The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > scepter received buffs less than a year ago because it was too weak

> > > > >

> > > > > > Confusing Images: **The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds**. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.

> > > > >

> > > > > scepter 3 received a dmg buff but a cast time nerf because the skill was too weak and it's POWER WAS INCREASED AT THE PRICE OF CAST TIME

> > > > >

> > > > > their INTENTION was to make the skill "hit hard" and even then it doesn't hit hard (on condi mirage at least) because of how other circumstances (as mentioned above) matter so much

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > why is it so hard for people to be objective?

> > > >

> > > > It hits hard with power instead of with condi.right now, that's what I don't like.

> > >

> > > how is 2000 damage hard?

> > >

> > > it hits hard BECAUSE of how much power gives, not because the skill has too much power

> > >

> > > and i've said that the power dmg in this game is way too high FOREVER ago. If you nerf it's power damage then in my gif it would do 1500 dmg instead 2000 dmg how is that not pathetic for the 2nd slowest cast skill in the game?

> > >

> > > the solution is OBVIOUS. Nerf the amount of power you get from might stacks or the max amount of might stacks or the dmg multiplier from power stat which will affect all classes in the game, as it should, because the power dmg is way too high compared to condi for all classes in the game

> > >

> >

> > You want less power damage, more condi damage. I propse to lower power damage on scepter 3 and increase condi damage. And yet you complain. Incredible.



> no, i want less power damage in the entire game and i want a mesmer to have a hybrid weapon that works with amulets such as wizard (or even viper)


Reducing power damage flat-out across the entiee game seems incredibly realistic...

> what's incredible is that you don't understand that the skill doesn't do good damage unless you have +power/ferocity/might stacks and your enemy has no protection

> none of these circumstances are related to scepter 3 itself


> scepter 3 itself isn't the issue


> how can this be too hard to understand ?

And I disagree. How hard is it?

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> @"Quadox.7834" said:

> And I disagree. How hard is it?


that's like saying that you disagree that the earth is round. It's a factual issue and not an opinion based issue


if the same skill can do 1600 damage and 13,000 damage based on different circumstances and factors then it's clearly the circumstances that make the difference and not the skill itself, which is why if you're looking for the culprit of "big damage" you look at the circumstances



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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > And I disagree. How hard is it?


> that's like saying that you disagree that the earth is round. It's a factual issue and not an opinion based issue


> if the same skill can do 1600 damage and 13,000 damage based on different circumstances and factors then it's clearly the circumstances that make the difference and not the skill itself, which is why if you're looking for the culprit of "big damage" you look at the circumstances




Skill damage depends on certain factors? Well color me surprised. That is true for every skill in the game. It says nothing about how strong or weak the skill is.


By the way, this guy said I am **like a flat-earther** for having the opinion that scepter 3 is an issue, so I replied "Wrong". And anet deleted my post and **gave me a warning**?? Incredible. Just permaban me from the game and get it over with.

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