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Warclaw... Question(s)/Concern


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Why does it have this of moving SLOWER in enemy capped zones nonsense?


What are the speed numbers and what (if anything) makes this better than swiftness spam?

The mount skill seem OK, but if its slower than swiftness at any spot (your capped areas or enemy capped area), some groups may decide its useless, and it may even be DOA...


I'm just concerned. A mount is cool idea, but if it isn't executed correctly, it'll just clog the queue with people that want the cat for a few weeks and then go back to square one...

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> @"jpsssss.7530" said:

> Why does it have this of moving SLOWER in enemy capped zones nonsense?


> What are the speed numbers and what (if anything) makes this better than swiftness spam?

> The mount skill seem OK, but if its slower than swiftness at any spot (your capped areas or enemy capped area), some groups may decide its useless, and it may even be DOA...


> I'm just concerned. A mount is cool idea, but if it isn't executed correctly, it'll just clog the queue with people that want the cat for a few weeks and then go back to square one...


They said you can do most of it in EOTM so theres that also...then back to square one minus some...


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As has been noted, the *speculated* speed is somewhere around 15% faster than swiftness in enemy zones (which is more than hardcapped speed, ie no runner can ever match a mount out of combat even if they have superspeed) and probably 30% in friendly zones (which lands it near griffon run speed).


**If** this is how it is, then it's always going to be significantly faster than a runner with swiftness and cause havoc on zergs with varying mounted/running players.


Assuming it has the same penalties as players in combat, only thieves in permastealth with 50% speed traited or 66% swiftness runes will be able to run faster than the mount, but it wont really matter much as people today can outrun 66% swiftness with ease just by mobility skills.

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> @"dynomite.5834" said:

> And once unlocked, it's usable in PvE. So the PvE'ers will stay just long enough to get it and then go back to PvE. I doubt we'll see much of it actually used in WvW once the newness wears off.


You'd be a fool not to use it once at your disposal. That's like buying a new car and never actually driving it. It'll be faster, which is why everybody will use it. People will also use it to gank and instakill downs.

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In the preview video they said the in territory speed is about gryphon speed with has been measured at 27% faster than on foot with speed. They did not estimate in the preview how fast it is outside of territory but a rough guess looking at the drop off is around 5%-10% faster than on foot with speed.

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> @"jpsssss.7530" said:


>it'll just clog the queue with people that want the cat for a few weeks and then go back to square one...


It seems to be Anet's design philosophy for gw2

When the next shiny comes along WvW will be left slightly worse and emptier


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I guess we’ll see whether or not its fast enough on Tuesday. I would like it to be as it opens up a bit more for each class while not having to pick between combat and mobility. The pull skill looks neat, but I think a GC will still be faster than 2 pulls and a ram. My main concern is the Warclaw looked kinda slow on the stream...

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Well its out now, and WITH the movement skill its 1% faster than swiftness in enemy zones but it'll hard CC you if you get knocked down. Congrats Anet, you did the one thing that could've killed it for me... I see no issue with 25% speed in enemy zones (most classes have access to this) WITHOUT movement abilities, but I guess you didn't take much player input...

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