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"Guild Wars 2 will not get a third expansion, at least not any time soon" - Mike Z

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Expansion is just contents in bulk (imo). As long as the game continue to release new contents (like living story etc) it will be fine. On the bright side, good to know the story with Kralk won't be rushed to an end (Mordre*cough*). But if possible, a little request; would like to see new npc/monsters models added together with every new maps added.


Best motivation and reason(at least for me) to explore and venture. Eg. The feeling of wanting to move forward while leveling and playing expansions (HoT & PoF) is to see new enviroment & new monsters. Eg. HoT maps is fun. Same for PoF , encountering Hydras for the first time etc, but it gets boring when same models is reused frequently or altered slightly(branded/ awakened) :frown:. LS4 is good, maps such as Jahai etc. is beautiful but would feel better with new monster models. (Love the rifts linking to different enviroments idea, was actually hoping one would linked me to a new world with monsters not seen before, teaser or some sort). Hope LS5 will offer new npc models.

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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> Expansion is just contents in bulk (imo). As long as the game continue to release new contents (like living story etc) it will be fine. On the bright side, good to know the story with Kralk won't be rushed to an end (Mordre*cough*). But if possible, a little request; would like to see new npc/monsters models added together with every new maps added.


> Best motivation and reason(at least for me) to explore and venture. Eg. The feeling of wanting to move forward while leveling and playing expansions (HoT & PoF) is to see new enviroment & new monsters. Eg. HoT maps is fun. Same for PoF , encountering Hydras for the first time etc, but it gets boring when same models is reused frequently or altered slightly(branded/ awakened) :frown:. LS4 is good, maps such as Jahai etc. is beautiful but would feel better with new monster models. (Love the rifts linking to different enviroments idea, was actually hoping one would linked me to a new world with monsters not seen before, teaser or some sort). Hope LS5 will offer new npc models.


mmos without expansions are the ones on life support, very few people will pay to play the same content over and over

the number of posts/views in this thread should give you (and them ) a clue, to how important they are

just look at the decline pre HoT...LS is NOT enough

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As long as there's new content, its fine. The more and faster for them to be delivered the better of course. Expansion is just content shipping in bulks.


As for revenue, that's more of Anet's side. How much can they get from an expansion and quality one at that, I'll leave that to them. But as a consumer, PoF value will definately be higher for having more content.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> To be honest, an entire LW season is essentially an expansion.


to be honest. if it wasn´t for mounts & new elites, POF was essentially _just_ a whole LS season.


without adding new features, this "new" content is just more of the same. while it may work for others, it is not working for me. would i pay money for those LS releases? never. a new expasion with a CLEAR feature/content list (something like for example: 6maps, 1 new class, housing, 3 raids, 5 new fractals with cm, new pvp mode, wvw changes.........), i would open my wallet instantly

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> @"sigur.9453" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > To be honest, an entire LW season is essentially an expansion.


> to be honest. if it wasn´t for mounts & new elites, POF was essentially _just_ a whole LS season.


Agreed PoF would have been empty without mounts, elite specs. People might hate meta-events, but they are most of the replay-value in open-world, Heart of Thorns being the best example where you always find people for Tarir, Chak and Mouth of Mordremoth, not only that but the Hero points are much faster to get with mounts despite these being harder so it's less of a chore than going through PoF maps again which are just huge for no reason at all since there aren't any meta-events...

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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> Expansion is just contents in bulk (imo). As long as the game continue to release new contents (like living story etc) it will be fine.

There's a massive difference between maps released as part of LS, and those released as part of the expac. It's the reuse value. And i don't mean replayability, things like Istan having a good farm, while most LS maps do not have anything like that. What i mean is the ability for anet devs to revisit the old maps.


Remember Sun's Refuge, and Anet's explanation why they will never touch it again? It's exactly because it was part of an LS map - and so, Anet had to assume that players would not have access to it. In case of expacs on the other hand, they can introduce elements, mechanics and places that will impact the game as a whole. Guilhalls for example, couldn't have been introduced through LS maps. There is also lot of stuff that cannot be done with the effort they use for LS releases. Remember, expacs allow the team to not only work on stuff for longer, but they also bring income for that extra stuff, because expac is paid content.


Yes, LS in general could do the work of the expac, but not in the model GW2 uses. They'd have to rework it from ground up. Also, remember, that they went with HoT exactly because they _couldn't_ do a lot of stuff through LS episodes. The pure LS model turned out to be unsufficient then. Why do you think it would be different now?

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Healix.5819" said:

> > They had likely planned on running the living world with a minimal team for a few more years while they were focused on their other project. Now that they need more funds, expect expansions to be the new focus and occur more quickly. They ultimately need a new game however, as GW2 is only guaranteed to decline no matter what.


> i was wondering when the "anet broke, gw2 dead" post would show up


Not sure how you read that from @"Healix.5819" post..

Maybe ANET were planning to continue GW2 with a reduced resource as they sought to push on with new projects.. because actually they do need another product otherwise they are left relying on an ageing product that will only decline further over time no matter how good it is or not, that's just how it goes.

We by now know that NC Soft was concerned for its declining revenues across it's ageing franchises so yes it makes sense for ANET and other parts of the business to reduce costs and refocus efforts into relining the coffers and trust that the opportunity to broaden will present itself again in the future.... that does not in any way imply "ANET are broke, game is dead - far from it imo. - you made that assumption up all by yourself.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Healix.5819" said:

> > > They had likely planned on running the living world with a minimal team for a few more years while they were focused on their other project. Now that they need more funds, expect expansions to be the new focus and occur more quickly. They ultimately need a new game however, as GW2 is only guaranteed to decline no matter what.

> >

> > i was wondering when the "anet broke, gw2 dead" post would show up


> Not sure how you read that from @"Healix.5819" post..

> Maybe ANET were planning to continue GW2 with a reduced resource as they sought to push on with new projects.. because actually they do need another product otherwise they are left relying on an ageing product that will only decline further over time no matter how good it is or not, that's just how it goes.

> We by now know that NC Soft was concerned for its declining revenues across it's ageing franchises so yes it makes sense for ANET and other parts of the business to reduce costs and refocus efforts into relining the coffers and trust that the opportunity to broaden will present itself again in the future.... that does not in any way imply "ANET are broke, game is dead - far from it imo. - you made that assumption up all by yourself.


all of what you've mentioned doesn't require anet to gimp gw2 development but ppl are just assuming that is what anet did

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> @"Metal.3194" said:

> So, MMORPG released a new article yesterday, in which they mention that during a talk with Mike Z at Gamescon, Mike Z said there wouldn't be a 3rd expansion, or at least any time soon (as we know this could be another 2-3 years, which means IF we do end up seeing a 3rd expansion, it'll likely be in 2021 or 2022, leaving us 4-5 years without expansions, which translates to 4-5 years of no new exposure, no exciting comment, and mostly, less revenue for ANET).


> Here's the reference:


> "Back in 2018, Mike Z sat down with us at Gamescom and revealed that Guild Wars 2 would not get a third expansion, at least not any time soon. Instead, the Seattle studio would plow on with the Living Story, an episodic injection of content that periodically expands the frontiers of Tyria while edging the narrative of the game further forward. It's a formula that has worked relatively well for some time, and after the incendiary pace of Living Story Season 2, it finally seemed that this might be ArenaNet settling into a sustainable cadence that suited the studio."


> You can read more at https://www.mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464#PX8XQz63Ol0dTtvM.99 if you feel like reading everything (pretty good article).


> Now, we'll have to see if LWS5 will ACTUALLY bring "expansion-like" content (i highly doubt this. It is mostly PR talk to get people hyped). But this brings a problem, LW episodes do NOT bring new players in, at best, it brings some veterans back for 2 hours of content and then they proceed to a (?better?) MMO game.


> Discuss.


Taking into account that this is what Mike Z said several months ago, before the actual events, and also taking into consideration that ANet is now part of the NC Soft Western division, I don't know if we can still consider the statement as accurate.


The plans Mike Z exposed were the plans for **creating** the illusion that ANet is working for GW2. At that time the focus was on the now abandoned projects.


We don't know the chain of command in the new Western Division + ANet, but it may be possible that ANet to have now limited rights in deciding the investition and the direction of the game. It may be very possible that NC soft to demand a new expansion. And ANet to execute the order. Paradoxical, NC Soft may be the chance for the GW2 players to see an XPac and some quality content =)


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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> Living stories are great for PvE players, run through the content in a week and go back to other games...


> Expansions on the other hand is what keeps the WvW/PvP players around for a year or more due to tinkering with various builds and build set ups.


> It will be interesting to see if GW2 is their focus or just gem shop and LS episodes while everything else is ignored, its pretty much make or break time.


PvE player here. I love expansions because they bring a complete story and feel like a journey through the world, as opposed to Living World which until now has always been around a specific area. But I suppose you could "build" an expansion with Living World? By adding the maps one after the other?

I also love having new elite specs. I feel like 2 is not enough, 3 would be perfect. Then perhaps revamp core classes a bit?

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I sincerely hope that ArenaNet, once settled after the recent turn of events, will come to the conclusion that starting to work on the next expansion would be a good idea after all.


I also hope that they will provide us with an official statement on said decision soon. I, for once, will likely stop playing if LW seasons are the only future content we will receive in this game, because of its inconsitent quality, constant cliffhangers, the wait and the unnecessary dragging-on of a storyline that has been long overdue to end. (Edit to quote from said article: "_[...] expansions provide a fantastic jumping on point as punctuation point for huge narrative arcs._" Exactly!)


It would be nice of ANet to announce the facts soon.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"Healix.5819" said:

> > > > They had likely planned on running the living world with a minimal team for a few more years while they were focused on their other project. Now that they need more funds, expect expansions to be the new focus and occur more quickly. They ultimately need a new game however, as GW2 is only guaranteed to decline no matter what.

> > >

> > > i was wondering when the "anet broke, gw2 dead" post would show up

> >

> > Not sure how you read that from @"Healix.5819" post..

> > Maybe ANET were planning to continue GW2 with a reduced resource as they sought to push on with new projects.. because actually they do need another product otherwise they are left relying on an ageing product that will only decline further over time no matter how good it is or not, that's just how it goes.

> > We by now know that NC Soft was concerned for its declining revenues across it's ageing franchises so yes it makes sense for ANET and other parts of the business to reduce costs and refocus efforts into relining the coffers and trust that the opportunity to broaden will present itself again in the future.... that does not in any way imply "ANET are broke, game is dead - far from it imo. - you made that assumption up all by yourself.


> all of what you've mentioned doesn't require anet to kitten gw2 development but ppl are just assuming that is what anet did


I never said ANET did or have or will kitten up development..in fact if you read through my posts within the plethora of topics since before and after the layoffs, you will see I am saying quite the opposite, because we have no idea what has actually been going on, what decisions and when had been made regarding resources, structures, funding, revenue etc etc .. but you read something into a post that basically wasn't there is all.

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> @"Puma.3645" said:

> This sounds pretty lame to me if its true. Yes, POF came out "only" 18 months ago, but it was rather..boring and had few re-playable aspects like HOT. **im sure people are even doing frozen MAW over pof..(lol)**. I definitely would throw my money at another expansion. i dont know how much longer i will keep giving this game after many years if its just little updates every 3 months.


Odd you say that because I spend a lot of time in that map. These days 95% of my time is in core maps and 5% for WvW dailies until something is done with that mode...



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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > @"Healix.5819" said:

> > > > > They had likely planned on running the living world with a minimal team for a few more years while they were focused on their other project. Now that they need more funds, expect expansions to be the new focus and occur more quickly. They ultimately need a new game however, as GW2 is only guaranteed to decline no matter what.

> > > >

> > > > i was wondering when the "anet broke, gw2 dead" post would show up

> > >

> > > Not sure how you read that from @"Healix.5819" post..

> > > Maybe ANET were planning to continue GW2 with a reduced resource as they sought to push on with new projects.. because actually they do need another product otherwise they are left relying on an ageing product that will only decline further over time no matter how good it is or not, that's just how it goes.

> > > We by now know that NC Soft was concerned for its declining revenues across it's ageing franchises so yes it makes sense for ANET and other parts of the business to reduce costs and refocus efforts into relining the coffers and trust that the opportunity to broaden will present itself again in the future.... that does not in any way imply "ANET are broke, game is dead - far from it imo. - you made that assumption up all by yourself.

> >

> > all of what you've mentioned doesn't require anet to kitten gw2 development but ppl are just assuming that is what anet did


> I never said ANET did or have or will kitten up development..in fact if you read through my posts within the plethora of topics since before and after the layoffs, you will see I am saying quite the opposite, because we have no idea what has actually been going on, what decisions and when had been made regarding resources, structures, funding, revenue etc etc .. but you read something into a post that basically wasn't there is all.


censors are confusing, meant cripple, not mess up.


>continue GW2 with a reduced resource


basicly not do this ^

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > > @"Healix.5819" said:

> > > > > > They had likely planned on running the living world with a minimal team for a few more years while they were focused on their other project. Now that they need more funds, expect expansions to be the new focus and occur more quickly. They ultimately need a new game however, as GW2 is only guaranteed to decline no matter what.

> > > > >

> > > > > i was wondering when the "anet broke, gw2 dead" post would show up

> > > >

> > > > Not sure how you read that from @"Healix.5819" post..

> > > > Maybe ANET were planning to continue GW2 with a reduced resource as they sought to push on with new projects.. because actually they do need another product otherwise they are left relying on an ageing product that will only decline further over time no matter how good it is or not, that's just how it goes.

> > > > We by now know that NC Soft was concerned for its declining revenues across it's ageing franchises so yes it makes sense for ANET and other parts of the business to reduce costs and refocus efforts into relining the coffers and trust that the opportunity to broaden will present itself again in the future.... that does not in any way imply "ANET are broke, game is dead - far from it imo. - you made that assumption up all by yourself.

> > >

> > > all of what you've mentioned doesn't require anet to kitten gw2 development but ppl are just assuming that is what anet did

> >

> > I never said ANET did or have or will kitten up development..in fact if you read through my posts within the plethora of topics since before and after the layoffs, you will see I am saying quite the opposite, because we have no idea what has actually been going on, what decisions and when had been made regarding resources, structures, funding, revenue etc etc .. but you read something into a post that basically wasn't there is all.


> censors are confusing, meant cripple, not mess up.


> >continue GW2 with a reduced resource


> basicly not do this ^


TBH.. ANET are now running at pre launch /launch headcount so I think it can function and develop just fine.. of course there will be some change and some time for this to all settle down should be afforded especially as there has been a few very experienced big hitters who have exited the company. Doesn't of course mean all is well within ANET or NC Soft but for now lets hope they can regain their focus and footing as quickly as possible.

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Interesting. As someone who never buys gems (skins are so insanely overpriced I can't believe anyone buys them) and almost always quits the game after it gets stale (so few updates and class reworks/balance) ... the only time Anet gets my money and my interest is with expansion releases. I would guess I am not the only one.


Seems like an odd choice. Either their revenue from gems is good enough as it is to keep the game limping along or they are going to start monetizing something else soon...


There has to be some balance between changing how classes play every expansion (WoW) and changing hardly anything for years (GW2) ... I hope some gaming company strikes it.

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> @"sigur.9453" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > To be honest, an entire LW season is essentially an expansion.


> to be honest. if it wasn´t for mounts & new elites, POF was essentially _just_ a whole LS season.


> without adding new features, this "new" content is just more of the same. while it may work for others, it is not working for me. would i pay money for those LS releases? never. a new expasion with a CLEAR feature/content list (something like for example: 6maps, 1 new class, housing, 3 raids, 5 new fractals with cm, new pvp mode, wvw changes.........), i would open my wallet instantly


Aaand there u go the LS gave u 2 mounts what would stop anet from giving u an Elite Spec with LS if they sees its financial more beneficial that way ? Is there some magic in x pac that only this format can do that ?


Many mobile games are without suscription and they adding new content on the fly. They are play for free micro transaction only and they so i heard are the new most profitable market...


What Anet could had done and maybe was or is planing is an GW2 Mobile addon which makes it easier for players to buy stuff in game using their mobile.


EDIT / An expansion creates hype Yes but so can do Any form of advertising. GW2 Says welcome gamers join our game for free this summer we roll out this and that and this and its amazing.




welcome gamers join our game buy the 2 xpacs plus core game and this summer we roll out an 3third x pac and its amazing.

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > To be honest, an entire LW season is essentially an expansion.

> >

> > to be honest. if it wasn´t for mounts & new elites, POF was essentially _just_ a whole LS season.

> >

> > without adding new features, this "new" content is just more of the same. while it may work for others, it is not working for me. would i pay money for those LS releases? never. a new expasion with a CLEAR feature/content list (something like for example: 6maps, 1 new class, housing, 3 raids, 5 new fractals with cm, new pvp mode, wvw changes.........), i would open my wallet instantly


> Aaand there u go the LS gave u 2 mounts what would stop anet from giving u an Elite Spec with LS if they sees its financial more beneficial that way ? Is there some magic in x pac that only this format can do that ?


> Many mobile games are without suscription and they adding new content on the fly. They are play for free micro transaction only and they so i heard are the new most profitable market...


> What Anet could had done and maybe was or is planing is an GW2 Mobile addon which makes it easier for players to buy stuff in game using their mobile.


> EDIT / An expansion creates hype Yes but so can do Any form of advertising. GW2 Says welcome gamers join our game for free this summer we roll out this and that and this and its amazing.


> or


> welcome gamers join our game buy the 2 xpacs plus core game and this summer we roll out an 3third x pac and its amazing.


1 mount. Warclaw isn’t living story



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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> TBH.. ANET are now running at pre launch /launch headcount so I think it can function and develop just fine..

Remember, that it's the headcount that was originally barely sufficient to maintain LS update schedule (we heard later that they were stretched very thin then), and was completely unable to sustain expac development alongside LS.


> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> Aaand there u go the LS gave u 2 mounts what would stop anet from giving u an Elite Spec with LS if they sees its financial more beneficial that way ? Is there some magic in x pac that only this format can do that ?

Yes. It's called money. You pay for expac (quite a lot). Most of the players do not play for LS however. You could probably bundle it in a DLC, but i'm pretty sure the PR of doing that would be absolutely horrible.



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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> To be honest, an entire LW season is essentially an expansion.


How can you _not_ see the differences? This:

> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> I sincerely hope that ArenaNet, once settled after the recent turn of events, will come to the conclusion that starting to work on the next expansion would be a good idea after all.


> I also hope that they will provide us with an official statement on said decision soon. I, for once, will likely stop playing if LW seasons are the only future content we will receive in this game, **because of its inconsitent quality, constant cliffhangers, the wait and the unnecessary dragging-on of a storyline that has been long overdue to end**. (Edit to quote from said article: "_[...] expansions provide a fantastic jumping on point as punctuation point for huge narrative arcs._" Exactly!)


> It would be nice of ANet to announce the facts soon.


An expansion is wrapped up content, it is a finished, polished piece of work for there is _one_ team working on it and putting their combined resources into a consistent piece. An expansion has a concluded storyline, plus you don't have to wait months for a random continuation of what might or might not be a well written, well executed next chapter. Seriously, that is so much preferable to LW content.

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