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Please stop the update of Guild Wars 2 and develop Guild Wars 3

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Well... on the one hand, GW1 is in maintenance mode because of GW2. On the other hand, GW1 is still running because of GW2. There's probably a lesson there.


If GW2 goes into maintenance mode because of GW3, then your stuff is still there, and it's on you if you would rather be playing GW3. If GW2 gets too outdated relative to newer MMOs and collapses under the weight of the various systems kludgily stacked on one another over the course of a decade, it's just gone, along with GW1.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> Then why do you think that another game by the same team would be different for you? Most of the problems GW2 has now are not engine problems. If devs weren't able to fix them till now, there's no indicatuon that they would be to do so in a new game.


A fresh start and not being bound to 7 years of didn't-know-they-were-bad-at-the-time decisions *would* afford the opportunity to make a better game, especially when backed by tons of metrics (hopefully with proper interpretation...) and a plan to build in features that were tack-ons before.

It's no guarantee that a better game would come out of it, because the same conceptual designers might carry over, but some things like the attribute system and crafting are better to raze entirely and not repeat them as mistakes.



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Personally I'd love to see some stuff from GW1 ported over to GW2 (especially some of the necro armor skins) and the special weapons that could be obtained from the named bosses/mini-bosses. They were Green weapons/items in GW1 and would probably be ascended in GW2.

And I still think a time traveling story line would be cool. Go back and visit locations that were highlights in GW1.

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Anet just need to tune classes and skill design more towards gw1.


Gw2 issue it’s just a suicide balance problem... To much aoe spam and powercreep gameplay.


If they managed learn tho counter their ideals of how a game carry its a good thing, they could start thinking in growing game mechanics that could serve game mode game wide.



That the only thing they need to improve... or learn...

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