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Warclaw feedback!


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> @"Zaoda.1653" said:

> • While I don't exactly like the -1 supply required with every tug, I get that, without this, it would render rams kinda useless, so I get that.


Considering their extremely slow speed and being limited to 3 per gate, I think the -1 supply per pull is overkill in the terms of limiting siege capabilities. There is absolutely no reason to even pull a gate with a Warclaw, as 3 Warclaws with 20 supply each won't even take a T0 gate below half HP.



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Honestly Anet you know how to make mounts. The movement, the speed feels really good and also pleasantly right - by that I mean, I don't find them too fast, they offer the speed that was really useful and necessary.


The triple leap is great! Finally you can skip difficult sections that are besieged by gankers or enemy NPCs quickly to reach your goal. Some may not like that - but they probably also like to rob players of the fun. I can't say it often enough that this trolling and bullying of players is really a problem - with the mount possibly found an end.


The Income leap with the downstate kill is terrific! It feels so damn powerful how you storm into a fight as a cavalry and really clean up - ok, so much for the RP :) But I think this function doesn't harm the game. Big blob fights between 3 parties always had one problem: the game lag. They were interesting, but let's admit it, after all those years they were never really competitive and fair - always there was one unweighted, always one party that took advantage of the situation to grab undeserved bags. Well, I think the war claw only changes so much that it addresses these situations more directly and also ends - I think - very well as a passionate zerg v zerg player.


I haven't been able to use the sniffer in a specific way up to now, but I have considered that this can ruin fun actions like hiding zergs to catch incoming zergs from behind. But, so they finally have a counterplay.


The chains for the goal - well, I think they are too weak. If you compare this with a golem or a dune roller, the two are clearly superior. I wish that at least the use of the materials with the chains would be omitted or the effect would be a little stronger. Because a faster opening of gates is, in my opinion, necessary.


In short, the war claw pleases me very much and enriches the game.


But, Anet, honestly, it's damned not enough to make the WvW come alive. For too long you haven't brought anything really innovative and fresh and so much potential is seen in it by players. You can do good, the claw shows it, but I hope you listen more to the players, because the desert frontiers are the proof that you wanted to push through more your style than the player's one.


I am confident!

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tbh the mounts aren't nearly as OP as most people here make them sound...


I fully expected this to be a compete disaster but they are actually fairly balanced. Even in terms of speed it is not that bad. Maybe a little too early to make a real judgement call.


Right now I hope the priority is to fix the bug where the game thinks you are mounted but your character is not so you're just T-posing on your mount with 3 'dashes' instead of dodges..


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I had an absolute blast trolling people with my guildies, just waiting for them to down so I could jump-finish them. I haven't had that much fun in a while in WvW, but we were just messing around so I don't have much commentary on its actual impact on the game mode.


I will say that I believe there should be a timer after getting out of combat before being able to mount.

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Bugged camera, won't stay facing back with free camera on, sometimes can't move the camera with left mouse while running, it'll just break off and return to front.

Stealth water in smc turns you stealth but not the mount, not sure if enemies still see the mount.

Sniffer doesn't really work?

Seen people on mounts jumping straight up into the sky. lag?

Seen mounts jumping around in smc lords like they're floating. lag?

Finishers are pretty much dead now, might as well just release them all for free.

The mount triple dash speed... shakes head.

The mount pounce... shakes head.

Having some random wait on a fight to come in to pounce and instantly kill 5 downs that they didn't even work for seems like selfish play, puts finishers out of business and speeds up fights yet again.

People wanted no down state but at least they still had to work for that in fights, not stand aside for a minute and hit 1 button to steal a kill.

People already exploiting the jumps into structures.


Offensive skills should have never been implemented, it should have been only used for travel if that was suppose to be the major complaint from pve'ers about wvw were. Now just sped up the game play and turned it into k-training.


Always trying to fancify your mounts, but you just sold out wvw for extra money, while leaving it for dead, the pvers will get their mount this week and move on to show off their shiny in lion's arch.


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After testing longer, i realized it have to be changed in a few ways, my suggestions:


1- Reduce speed movement to 33% (player with swftness) in enemy territory, and 50% (Below superspeed) in friendly territory.

2- Remove the damage of skill 1, if you want to keep the auto stomp factor thats ok, but shouldnt do dmg too.

3- Engage Skill since dismounts you, should be able to dismount an enemy too, if you use to engage your enemy you should be able to put them in the same conditions than you in order to fight.

4- The triple dodge is super powerfull, reduce to 2.

5- The HP pool isnt really that small like we thought, it can even survive a full revenant burst, also might be bugged, because a friend on ele was getting less hp on the mount, probs is scaling from some stats?

6- Almost forgot, ofc we need to add CC, we should be able to stun/inmob the mounts, they are unstopabble, no way to cut reinforcements now.


@"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" i hope you can check this out and give us some answer about what you guys think.

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Heres' a 5 year WvW commander/guild raid lead POV based on 5 hours of leading after patch.

All comments are on 20-60 player zergs/guild raids/larger scale combat.


1. Mount speed feels nice, I'd personally not have it move slower inside enemy territory so that we can still force engages on enemies. Instead create other ways for enemies to escape combat if they really need to (CC, Mount tripwire trap).

2. Instead of mount being immune to CC, give it a break bar adjusted to WvW CC amounts (2-3 hits to dismount a player). Skills like guardian lines should not affect mount if evaded over them.

3. With Sniff you can check behind gates or scout the area as you attack. Unfortunately it removes some of the advantages a less skilled or numbered foe could have in a situation where they're trying to ambush an enemy team.

4. I only have one serious criticism that needs to be addressed asap, the finishing "Superior Battle Maul", this will create salt and grief. The current WvW meta has lots of emphasis on support and sustain. The damage spikes in bursts creating multiple downs and your support classes are meant to resurrect/illusion/Merciful Intervention the downstates back to the fight. Now a single player coming in with a mount from sidelines can change the outcome of the entire fight by finishing multiple targets with a single button press, instantly. = Either add a limit of 1 finish per Maul or re-design the whole skill to do damage and maybe a short daze/stun?


In general the mount will bring more players to WvW, let's take an advatange of this and try and make few of them stick around.


Ohh and please, make the WvW lobby Armstice Bastion an open area for all WvW players. If not now, then on the alliance update. That type of a lobby is essential in creating unity behind your server/alliance.

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> @"James.3982" said:

> 4. I only have one serious criticism that needs to be addressed asap, the finishing "Superior Battle Maul", this will create salt and grief. The current WvW meta has lots of emphasis on support and sustain. The damage spikes in bursts creating multiple downs and your support classes are meant to resurrect/illusion/Merciful Intervention the downstates back to the fight. Now a single player coming in with a mount from sidelines can change the outcome of the entire fight by finishing multiple targets with a single button press, instantly. = Either add a limit of 1 finish per Maul or re-design the whole skill to do damage and maybe a short daze/stun?


I see that as pretty funny stuff though.


Remember all "true" hardcore WvW fighters that want to remove downed state completely? I wonder if they are for or against this particular skill. They better be for keeping this. All of them.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > Anyone saying that with the dashes this thing is not faster than melee specs is just lying and is enjoying avoiding any form of fight they don't pick themselves.

> Besides that fact that you don't know what you are talking about (I have played 6 hours today in WvW and tested the mobility compared to the typical roaming encounters) we already did say that there is a huge mobility difference in terms of territory.


> - **own territory**: you on your mount are faster than your target on his mount. You can chase him down, dismount and burst him off his mount with ease.

> - **enemy territory**: the opposite, which means your mount is useless and you have no advantage at all.

> - **neutral territory**: several roaming specs are faster than you on your mount - at least (!) fast enough to kick you off the mount before you can disengage. You might be able to outrun them in the long run when they would not attack you, but they do (!) attack you, as this isn't the olympics but a fight.




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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:


>i seen a mesmer tonight just run through the entire zerg, and kept on going


I've seen many mesmers do that without a mount.


The mount should be faster than anyone on foot, that's the whole point. No one on foot should be able to keep up with an unengaged mount over a sustained period of time. Keep the speed -- but reduce the combat capabilities, make it cc'able, possibly reduce the evades to 2, and bring in dismount traps. Maybe add a "combat debuff timer" that prevents someone recently in combat from re-mounting for x time.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:s pretty funny stuff though.

> Remember all "true" hardcore WvW fighters that want to remove downed state completely? I wonder if they are for or against this particular skill. They better be for keeping this. All of them.


I kinda feel this is the Anet response to all the cries about having No Downed State permanently...

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> @"BlueMelody.6398" said:

> > @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:


> >i seen a mesmer tonight just run through the entire zerg, and kept on going


> I've seen many mesmers do that without a mount.


> The mount should be faster than anyone on foot, that's the whole point. No one on foot should be able to keep up with an unengaged mount over a sustained period of time. Keep the speed -- but reduce the combat capabilities, make it cc'able, possibly reduce the evades to 2, and bring in dismount traps. Maybe add a "combat debuff timer" that prevents someone recently in combat from re-mounting for x time.


I could get on board with this. This should have been a movement enhancer to speed up getting to the action not a combat enhancer. If they'd have taken a queue from other MMOs that allow dual seats or more, eg WoWs Recruite a friend rocket or motorcycle or mamath all allowed transporting friends.


I think the reaction would be much better. If I could transport new players who don't have the mount while they are learning it would be a great experience for them and help foster community. Instead they built it around combat abilities that add to the disagreements about current issues with WvW.

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I had fun with my Stomposaurus Rex.


Rush in the middle of the fight when there is a bunch of downed and watch all your allies rally - unless someone from the other side was faster. Then GTFO and do it again. The blob vs blob fights certainly felt less like an attrition war.


Without the stomp ability, the mount feels mandatory for its speed, but not particularly fun.

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> @"Latinkuro.9420" said:

> Unpopular opinion here.


> I think now that we have a WvW mount, gliding should be disabled in WvW.

> Honestly, I think gliding is more damaging than mounts to WvW.


Gliding requires Gliders which leads to Glider Skins which leads to the Gem Store.....


Yeah, gliding in WvW ain't going anywhere.


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