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What Would You Like to See in a Hypothetical New Game Title

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I love guild wars 2, and as much as I love guild wars 2 I love seeing new things bloom and grow into newer and better things. I am excited for the new living world and possible expansion, (yet to be announced), but if there would ever be a guild wars 3 game, I would love to talk and nerd out with fellow players into what I would love to see from the new game.




1. **Dyable Weapons**- Guild Wars 1 enabled you to have dyable weapons which was amazing. It allowed you to personalize things so much and made the experience more personal.

2. **Marriage System** - A lot of people want this, I wouldn't mind but I know many friends of mine want this system. Having a system where you have shared inventory slots with your married partner would be a fun experience and enable you to play the game and share items that may or may not be account bound. Though there would be a short list of marriage shareable items.

3. **Under-realm**- Guild Wars talks about the area underground where the Asura used to live. It talks about vast stretches of rivers and lakes with an entire Eco-system blooming. I want to see us go down there and I don't want to re-hash GW1 with each new expansion. I want new content and not old areas. What do I mean? I want the game to release with Cantha, Elona, Kryta, Maguma, and areas we have seen in HOT, POF, and GW1. I want there to be a way for us to really venture into this world and have fun.

4. **Less waypoints** - Many might disagree, but the HUGE array of waypoints seems to make the world feel smaller. I want a huge world to explore and the way-point system as it is now just makes the game feel really small. This is not a priority at all though. Research needs to go into this to see if this is what community wants because many might disagree and if they do then PLEASE discount this idea.

5. **Open world** - No more instances, no more portal hopping. I would love to venture and fly on a griffin quickly into new areas and seek new ways of travel do not involve way-point system. If they allowed you to use hubs to go from one major city to another that would be pretty fun.

6. **Large structures** - Many of the cities feel small, I want things to be opened up and have a larger cities, buildings, and areas for people to explore in game. Divinities reach could be a monumentally massive structure which would be great.

7. I would love to see the landscape changed a lot. I want to see people move, I want to see new races introduced and even a new continent discovered. For instance, if we had a dragon-born race then that would cause conflicts between the people of Tyria. They fought elder dragons and lost many friends and family, having a race that is from that line would cause some serious diplomatic and racial issues which I would love to see addressed.

8. **I want to see character creation matter**. I want to see the decisions you make on character personality, religion, history influence your characters way of speech, movement, stance, and emotes. I want to see a character designed by us actually have actually ramifications in how we act and live in Tyria.

9. **Housing** - we already have instances which would work great for housing. The only issue is that we can't personalize them, choose location, or buy stuff of gem-store to make them look better. I would love to explore friends homes and look at the fun things we do. If we just did something small and allow decorations like the guild hall then you would open up a HUGE rush for personalizing instances which would spur the market on a bit more in collecting things. You could also have blueprints drop from world bosses so people could world boss more to get stuff for their instances.

10. **Mobile Access** - This would be hard to do, and I know guild wars has tried in the past and failed. It would be cool to have an app where we can MSG friends, guildies, manage BL store and inventory, have a farming system on mobile em-placed, and just benefits in enabling mobile system. I want a guild wars alert system em-placed, which I will discuss in next post, that will really make people invested in the game and alert them when they are attacked.

11. **I want guild halls to be a rare resource**. Maybe, 20 guild halls per a server and guilds can actually declare war and loot or destroy for the purpose of claiming a guild hall. You can have an alert system on the app so that players can have that 'oh crap' moment and rush to play and defend their guild hall. Scribes can have the option to craft defense items which can be placed on the guild halls areas and you can have guild defenses leveled up with the guild progressing by level.

12. **WvW** - I want to see WvW have skins for siege weapons, dynamic events like world bosses popping up for extra team points and collections bonuses, EXPENSIVE SUPPLY siege weapons where you would activate a siege weapon at a home base and it will slowly move this massive battering ram towards an enemy keep at a slow pace where it must be defended to get there. (think Lord of the Rings return of the king and the massive battering ram in that). Make WvW have unique drops and collections for siege, mount, and keep claims that make it look unique and customizable so that guilds could go out and claim something with a zerg and make a keep look really cool. Maybe ice themed with ice wafting off the sides, or a branded keep that shimmers in the light. Something so that WvW looks different and feels interesting.

13. **Dungeons** - Lets face it, dungeons seem to have been neglected and I have a few ideas in how to get them spurred up again. Fractals has ascended rings, so lets have dungeons enable with ascended back-pieces. Have unique back-pieces that can either drop at higher level dungeons tiers or is a long grind like fracs. You can also change dungeons by making them dynamic. So fractals have instabilities, lets have dungeons have unique daily events. So have one day we have a dungeon infested with spiders and a spider queen, next day you have imps that invaded the place and you find out is part of flame legion who are performing a secret ritual. If you change things up and have unique days for unique events that would make it fun. If you also had seasonal dungeons where a dungeon might be frozen in ice parts of the year but melted in the summer months enable access in only those months. Then you would have exclusive time for players to access it and make it more valued and wanted to be played by those who have waited for that specific dungeon. Also, I want to discourage 'speed running' I want to add a lot of hidden secrets that could pop in a dungeon. The fractal deepstone had a secret ability for people to explore the fractal and find hidden chests. This was also an achievement. If we had stuff like that where we were enticed to explore to get rewards, rewarded on actually exploring a dungeon and finding secrets that would be awesome. Also if there were hidden breakable walls with no hit markers that would cause people to go searching for hidden pathways and areas that may not be known. Just adding a dynamic element to the game where you play to explore and adventure a dungeon would really be awesome.

14. **Underwater combat **- 'sighs' just please fix this, don't just add speed infusions and chests.... you take away content for when we go underwater, but you don't replace it with anything or make any incentive to go underwater other than to be a pain and make people sigh about going underwater.

15.** Elite specs **- Make elite specs an adventure. It can be its own quest-line and story. GW1 had a way for you to build a character and go to areas based on the class you played. So for instance, if you chose necromancer, you would go as a necromancer into the Ascalonian Catacombs and do a ritual. You can still do HP's but have it set up where you do quests and adventures to get unique skills and you have to choose your HP's wisely because you only get a certain number. This will make certain builds more viable and so you can't just swap quickly in combat. You have to choose wisely and think about how you want to build your character and talk with other members to find secret hidden skills that might be part of collections, jumping puzzle endings, etc. Some skill quests will only be accessed seasonally too so that some people will have to know where and when to access them in the year and will have an advantage over some. This last part can honestly come or go, doesn't really matter.

16. **Story **- I want to see our actions influence the game. I don't want everything scripted out. I would love to see factions in the game that you can join. Maybe you join the white mantle, maybe you join the flame legion, or iron legion, or just run the game without a faction. I would love to see the game have a competition factor in the game because honestly. Competition in games spurs on a game and makes people passionate about their factions. Just look at sports and you can see how passionate some people are. You can also sell merchandise that would really make people excited to play and wear the logos of their side.

17. **PVP** - Just add more content we only have stronghold and conquest.... Just... Add more stuff. Add Team death-match, add capture the flag, add ship fighting, add king of the hill, heck...add Battle royale since that seems to be the trend as of late. Just add more content because it gets really repetitive and people in the pvp want more...


So if you read through this MASSIVE list, then thanks! This is just some ideas I had and some of my friends and I have talked about. If you disagree, then great! What do you like or not like, what do you want to see? If this isn't in guild wars 3 then do you want it in guild wars 2 instead and if so, what do you want added in gw2? I just wrote this because I wanted to start a fun and healthy conversation. I love guild wars 2 and what they have done and I am excited to see what they have next in store for us. As a community what we do best is nerding out by talking about what we love, what we want to see, and what we might see. Hopefully this sparks some cool ideas and speculation into what we can see in the game down the road at some point.

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> @"Neural.1824" said:

> Here's the one I'd like to see with some of those features implemented:

> Guild Wars 2: Halls of Ice, where we stay in this game, which is not dead yet, and continue with the story we have going already, and fight Jormag.


That would be awesome, I think jormag went to sleep after primordus situation transpired, but I could be wrong. Jormag was honestly my favorite elder dragon so it was sad that we never really went far with it.

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> @"PolarTitan.8519" said:

> 4. **Less waypoints** - Many might disagree, but the HUGE array of waypoints seems to make the world feel smaller. I want a huge world to explore and the way-point system as it is now just makes the game feel really small. This is not a priority at all though. Research needs to go into this to see if this is what community wants because many might disagree and if they do then PLEASE discount this idea.


Might be nuts, but I think teleporting to friends should cost copper, and Teleport to Waypoint should be gemstore items. Combined with some friend list improvements, it would make the game more social, without requiring guilds.

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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > @"PolarTitan.8519" said:

> > 4. **Less waypoints** - Many might disagree, but the HUGE array of waypoints seems to make the world feel smaller. I want a huge world to explore and the way-point system as it is now just makes the game feel really small. This is not a priority at all though. Research needs to go into this to see if this is what community wants because many might disagree and if they do then PLEASE discount this idea.


> Might be nuts, but I think teleporting to friends should cost copper, and Teleport to Waypoint should be gemstore items. Combined with some friend list improvements, it would make the game more social, without requiring guilds.


Honestly that really is a great idea. They would need to polish it out and try to figure out how that would work with map completions, metas, farming, etc. Though I think this would be an interesting idea that I would like to see played out.

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> @"PolarTitan.8519" said:

> > @"Neural.1824" said:

> > Here's the one I'd like to see with some of those features implemented:

> > Guild Wars 2: Halls of Ice, where we stay in this game, which is not dead yet, and continue with the story we have going already, and fight Jormag.


> That would be awesome, I think jormag went to sleep after primordus situation transpired, but I could be wrong. Jormag was honestly my favorite elder dragon so it was sad that we never really went far with it.


jormag has an entire cult of norn so him being asleep doesn't seem like much of a permanent solution


> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > @"PolarTitan.8519" said:

> > 4. **Less waypoints** - Many might disagree, but the HUGE array of waypoints seems to make the world feel smaller. I want a huge world to explore and the way-point system as it is now just makes the game feel really small. This is not a priority at all though. Research needs to go into this to see if this is what community wants because many might disagree and if they do then PLEASE discount this idea.


> Might be nuts, but I think teleporting to friends should cost copper, and Teleport to Waypoint should be gemstore items. Combined with some friend list improvements, it would make the game more social, without requiring guilds.


that'd be exploited to hell and back


and also:


are you mad?

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> @"PolarTitan.8519" said:

> 4. **Less waypoints** - Many might disagree, but the HUGE array of waypoints seems to make the world feel smaller. I want a huge world to explore and the way-point system as it is now just makes the game feel really small. This is not a priority at all though. Research needs to go into this to see if this is what community wants because many might disagree and if they do then PLEASE discount this idea.


I could imagine a Guild Wars 3 set in the far flung future where the waypoints have fallen into disrepair and no one remembers what they do anymore. Open world would be pretty fun this way.

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A Single-Player/coop Action/Adventure game. With MMO style towns/cities.


Basically play to what I consider the strengths of ANet, this game is a great Action/Adventure, but a bad RPG. And the original design of GW1 with instancing zones but easy coop access would probably work a lot better with the general fanbase. Would also allow them to add back hard-mode for those interested in that, while still being able to add dungeons/fractal like content as well.


They could also finally go back to making some single player challenges again! But expecting GW2 to last for many more years.

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A game with reputation scores/politics that effect how the world reacts to your character.


For example, if you kill a lot of pirates, you get a reputation as a pirate-killer and pirates go out of their way to target (or evade) you. If you get a bad reputation from choosing rude dialog lines or destroying property, merchants may charge you higher prices or even refuse to deal with you. If you steal loot from ordinary NPCs or attack them, you get a reputation as an outlaw, and both law enforcement and rival outlaws will come gunning for you. If you cause mayhem in a kingdom, you will be an outlaw in that kingdom, and a hero in another kingdom that is at war with them. Included would be a way for other players to affect your scores, based on whether you had helped them, annoyed them, trolled them, been funny in chat, been a jerk in chat, etc.


And there would be some player-versus player conflict. For example, if Player X walked into Townville, where they had burned down a bunch of buildings earlier, the guards would come running and order them to leave. If Player X refused, and got in a fight with the guards, nearby players would have a chance to choose which side they took, either aiding the guard against Player X, or joining to mow them down.

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. . .





GW2 is actually pretty awful for both. While I *love* having best-in-slot gear as a craftable thing, the number of roadblocks and twists in procedure makes it utterly baffling to put up with. Sometimes you need a recipe. Sometimes you have to "Discover" it (after long years of *not* needing discovery).






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> @"Roam.5208" said:


> > @"PolarTitan.8519" said:

> > 4. **Less waypoints** - Many might disagree, but the HUGE array of waypoints seems to make the world feel smaller. I want a huge world to explore and the way-point system as it is now just makes the game feel really small. This is not a priority at all though. Research needs to go into this to see if this is what community wants because many might disagree and if they do then PLEASE discount this idea.


> I could imagine a Guild Wars 3 set in the far flung future where the waypoints have fallen into disrepair and no one remembers what they do anymore. Open world would be pretty fun this way.


seems like that would be a good way to introduce higher quality mats/ items and harder but more rewarding content since you would have to travel a ways to get there so it couldn't be farmed as easily.

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**Support for 3rd party cosmetic modding** - primarily for outfits, armors and weapons, but potentially extended to include other items as well. Only allow them in PvE areas if there are exploit concerns. Include a toggle for showing other player's characters with default vs modded skins to allow players to completely avoid seeing whichever cosmetic mods other players are using, or simply make the mods be client-side only where only the player using the cosmetic mods can see them.

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Rather than diving into the minutiae that don't really define the game (they just offer little features to compete with every other generic MMO), I'd start with why the game needs to exist.


GW1's raison d'etre, a competitive (not gear-gated) RPG with tactical depth, is a field that is still quite sparse. There are few decent RPGs at the moment that offer enjoyable guild-based combat, and with a name like Guild Wars you'd figure GW2 might be top of the list. Yet it's not even on it.


Since, in GW2, the PvP side of the game is designed around combat of up to (but importantly not always) 5 people per team, large-scale guild combat remains unsupported. Every class needs to do a little bit of everything, which means the dependencies between classes that existed in GW1 are diminished or absent from GW2, along with the strategies that targetted those dependencies. Unfortunately, largely self-sufficent classes result in one-dimensional combat when played at larger scales.


So, in a hypothetical new title, I'd like to see re-designed PvP with large-scale combat at the centre.


Pretty much everything else GW2 focusses on, I can see someone else doing the same thing to a comparable standard (although no-one that I know of has been game enough to try a player race with a completely different rig like the charr).

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->Big Giant Player cities / Guild Halls you can fully customize.

->More interactions with community through contests what about modding too? I'm very hyped by Hytale due to that right now.

->A story mainly centered on YOUR character, the character YOU have designed by choosing its choices at the beginning, allow players to be Nice, Neutral or Evil, let's allow us to have a reputation, a real personality that matter depending of how you treats NPCs can be simply made: All is neutral, but the more "nice" peoples you are killing, the more evil you become. But also why not choosing certain options through dialogs...

->We can have two stories:

-A current event story, related to what is currently happening, can be routine like festival, or hunting a baddy.

-A personal one that "never end", you do the corresponding racial story until lvl 100 let's say, and after that depending on your alignment/reputation you get things to do all around the world. (Assassination, Corruptions, Helping merchants, Defending places...) Taking a long time, and leading to several awesome reward like racial based weapons/ armors, legendaries, hidden map parts with lores where you can return later by yourself, unlocking new types of decos for you, mounts, vehicles...

->"Jobs", become gardener/miner/lumberjack/farmer to farm those resources and selling them to other players. Resources used in crafting weapons/armors/decos

->Way more customization, no outfits, only mix and match armor pieces for all tastes.

->Big giant stunning place, to give an idea, maps with 4x the size of divinity reach, underground, underwater, in desert, in jungle, in space!!! Whatever. Full of just everything to satisfy exploration, ton of easter eggs, mass quests, cool ambient dialogues, with very rewarding events. Oscillating between possessed by allies, possessed by enemies, defending, attacking, preparing and stocking supply.....

->Ability to incarnate who you want, for RP purposes or even fun, even if it's an enemy! Allow us to be who we want, why not an option an option to make Rpers invisible to everyone, even enemies, whereas RPers can see enemies and other players. Can be a status, when Rping it toggle the thing....


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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> A game with reputation scores/politics that effect how the world reacts to your character.


> For example, if you kill a lot of pirates, you get a reputation as a pirate-killer and pirates go out of their way to target (or evade) you. If you get a bad reputation from choosing rude dialog lines or destroying property, merchants may charge you higher prices or even refuse to deal with you. If you steal loot from ordinary NPCs or attack them, you get a reputation as an outlaw, and both law enforcement and rival outlaws will come gunning for you. If you cause mayhem in a kingdom, you will be an outlaw in that kingdom, and a hero in another kingdom that is at war with them. Included would be a way for other players to affect your scores, based on whether you had helped them, annoyed them, trolled them, been funny in chat, been a jerk in chat, etc.


> And there would be some player-versus player conflict. For example, if Player X walked into Townville, where they had burned down a bunch of buildings earlier, the guards would come running and order them to leave. If Player X refused, and got in a fight with the guards, nearby players would have a chance to choose which side they took, either aiding the guard against Player X, or joining to mow them down.


I like this, really makes the game feel very immersive if they did this.

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Moving on the premise that this is an entirely new game, possibly set in the Guild Wars universe:


I'd be interested in a proper Metroidvania game. I like the way those exploration elements were implemented in HoT and PoF and I'd be interested to see what they do when not hindered by MMO space and design philosophy. Bonus points if they can make it multi-player and/or class-based, somewhat like Trine or Cave Story+ (or Guild Wars : Factions).

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> @"PolarTitan.8519" said:


> 1. **Dyable Weapons**- [...]




> 8. **I want to see character creation matter**. [...]


Absolutely agree, and this would be my "Want to see" as well: Personality choices, race and profession should matter (and influence the story). Personal story paths should be available throughout the whole game.


> 9. **Housing** - [...]


Would be nice.


> 10. **Mobile Access** - This would be hard to do, and I know guild wars has tried in the past and failed. It would be cool to have an app where we can MSG friends, guildies, manage BL store and inventory, have a farming system on mobile em-placed, and just benefits in enabling mobile system.


That could be a truly enjoyable addition.


> 14. **Underwater combat **- [...]


Yes, could use a bit of an engine tweak.


Other things I would like to have added:

* The old GW1 skill system

* Build templates

* Better main story than GW2


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The ability to change hair with silver or gold like a barber shop. Dye weapons, Build templates, ranger pet skins, a dang option to turn down and off player spell effects so i can see whats under my feet, of all the things i want this the most. DX11 base, with DX12 support with a better engine.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> ->Big Giant Player cities / Guild Halls you can fully customize.

> ->More interactions with community through contests what about modding too? I'm very hyped by Hytale due to that right now.

> ->A story mainly centered on YOUR character, the character YOU have designed by choosing its choices at the beginning, allow players to be Nice, Neutral or Evil, let's allow us to have a reputation, a real personality that matter depending of how you treats NPCs can be simply made: All is neutral, but the more "nice" peoples you are killing, the more evil you become. But also why not choosing certain options through dialogs...

> ->We can have two stories:

> -A current event story, related to what is currently happening, can be routine like festival, or hunting a baddy.

> -A personal one that "never end", you do the corresponding racial story until lvl 100 let's say, and after that depending on your alignment/reputation you get things to do all around the world. (Assassination, Corruptions, Helping merchants, Defending places...) Taking a long time, and leading to several awesome reward like racial based weapons/ armors, legendaries, hidden map parts with lores where you can return later by yourself, unlocking new types of decos for you, mounts, vehicles...

> ->"Jobs", become gardener/miner/lumberjack/farmer to farm those resources and selling them to other players. Resources used in crafting weapons/armors/decos

> ->Way more customization, no outfits, only mix and match armor pieces for all tastes.

> ->Big giant stunning place, to give an idea, maps with 4x the size of divinity reach, underground, underwater, in desert, in jungle, in space!!! Whatever. Full of just everything to satisfy exploration, ton of easter eggs, mass quests, cool ambient dialogues, with very rewarding events. Oscillating between possessed by allies, possessed by enemies, defending, attacking, preparing and stocking supply.....

> ->Ability to incarnate who you want, for RP purposes or even fun, even if it's an enemy! Allow us to be who we want, why not an option an option to make Rpers invisible to everyone, even enemies, whereas RPers can see enemies and other players. Can be a status, when Rping it toggle the thing....



Yeah... Fable tried to do that... and is still a joke. Final Fantasy 14 tried to do that too... and had to entirely reinvent itself (and still sucks, no matter what the fanboys say). What you're asking for here is Garry's Mod tools running a Dungeons and Dragons campaign... or to go live an actual life, because apparently people just refuse to do that nowadays.

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yup totally agree apart that life is boring, not allowing you to be who you want and customizing everything :p , yeah many games tried and haven't succeeded in. But seeing personal story option, it can have a great potential. The issue is maybe linked to the complexity, too much choices kill the choice?

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If there ever is a Guild Wars 3 I'd like the ability to transfer my characters (+ items and wardrobe) from previous games to the new title. Make it an unlockable after you finish the main story of the core game or whatever but that's the one feature I'd like to see the most.

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