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Warclaw Speeds in WvW (Reddit Data from TheBandicoot)

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Redditor [u/TheBandicoot](https://old.reddit.com/user/TheBandicoot) did some controlled tests on the speed of the Warclaw in WvW and [posted on Reddit](https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/axp5x0/the_warclaw_speedtests_and_intel/). For comparison, they also [published data on the other mounts](https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/7381g5/research_indepth_mount_speed_tests/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=Guildwars2&utm_content=t3_axp5x0).


tl;dr (updated after the patch reducing the leap)

* WvWarrior on foot runs at ~290 units/s, swifted to ~390 u/s

* Warclaw moves at 547u/s in friendly territory, 447 u/s in enemy areas

* Using the endurance ability, that increases to 590 u/s friendly, 507 u/s enemy.

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> So its a bit faster.

> Thanks for the math.


> ~ Kovu

Its quite alot faster than 33% swiftness actually.


15% in enemy territory and 35% in friendly (give or take a few percent, cant be arsed with math), without the mobility skill. The fact that it exceed hardcap makes it even worse (ie it doesnt matter if you have 50% superspeed or 66% swiftness, cant run faster than 400).


Runners have been left obsolete. Warclaw is mandatory for WvW.

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But...but guys!


>Because of WvW’s unique design, we took a different approach to designing the warclaw’s skills. **Rather than focusing on game-changing movement mechanics**, which would have been broken in WvW, we focused on giving the warclaw unique skills that would enhance the existing WvW mechanics.


Surely they didn't just make it way faster all around with massive leaps...that wouldn't make any sense...

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Thanks for sharing the data OP.

> > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> Runners have been left obsolete. Warclaw is mandatory for WvW. <-- This so much and more. There are also currently no "falling" movement penalties; the warclaw takes falling damage but continues moving with no falling penalty (other than damage) thus bridging previous distances by an even greater margin.



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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Ironic since pewpew ranger should be decent against mounts due to range and damage...


Negative Ghostrider - a pew pew ranger tried to gank me when I turned a corner and ran past him on Alp BL. My mount dropped to about 10-15% health but I just kept running. Even if he had dropped my mount though, his RF would then be on cooldown, so he would likely just kite away if I turned, leaving me time to get out of combat, re-mount, and continue on my merry way.


> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Runners have been left obsolete. Warclaw is mandatory for WvW.


Agree 100%, especially in zerg movement, where having at tail is inevitable, but if most of the group has the mount while some do not....well, that will be a problem.


What bugs me about this is that gliding is rarely 'mandatory', except maybe in desert BL. I hope this is something that ANET keeps an eye on.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > So its a bit faster.

> > Thanks for the math.

> >

> > ~ Kovu

> Its quite alot faster than 33% swiftness actually.


> 15% in enemy territory and 35% in friendly (give or take a few percent, cant be kitten with math), without the mobility skill. The fact that it exceed hardcap makes it even worse (ie it doesnt matter if you have 50% superspeed or 66% swiftness, cant run faster than 400).


> Runners have been left obsolete. Warclaw is mandatory for WvW.


Forgive me for not feeling bad that the lower mobility professions have a tool to help them not be ganked.


~ Kovu

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > > So its a bit faster.

> > > Thanks for the math.

> > >

> > > ~ Kovu

> > Its quite alot faster than 33% swiftness actually.

> >

> > 15% in enemy territory and 35% in friendly (give or take a few percent, cant be kitten with math), without the mobility skill. The fact that it exceed hardcap makes it even worse (ie it doesnt matter if you have 50% superspeed or 66% swiftness, cant run faster than 400).

> >

> > Runners have been left obsolete. Warclaw is mandatory for WvW.


> Forgive me for not feeling bad that the lower mobility professions have a tool to help them not be ganked.


> ~ Kovu


There's no restrictions'

And the buffs are all the same

It's an important game mechanic

Just as steal/sustain

Would you also make a tool for that, stronger then everything and the same for everyone?

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I think problem lies in the fact that low mobility classes were designed with that in mind and have been compensated elsewhere. Arenet has been adding mobility skills and tools out like candy and classes that were designed for mobility and were designed as such having to pay for mobility are not being compensated as such,another non surprise of arenanet balancing lol mount is cool tho

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Low mobility classes were really designed to compensate the lack of it. Yet I agree with everyone on one thing, speed should not be the sole determinant when making a build. What Anet should have done was to limit Warclaws speed at %33, swiftness speed. Then all builds would be viable, yet there would have been an equal opportunity for those who does not have the mount. That would be way wiser and more beneficial to wvw in my opinion.

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> [Patch](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/853527/#Comment_853527)

> Reduced the distance the warclaw travels when using the Leap Forward mount action.

This reduces the "with ability" speeds somewhat, more noticeably in enemy territory. I've updated the main post with the new numbers from the original tester.


PS your mileage might vary.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Redditor [u/TheBandicoot](https://old.reddit.com/user/TheBandicoot) did some controlled tests on the speed of the Warclaw in WvW and [posted on Reddit](https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/axp5x0/the_warclaw_speedtests_and_intel/). For comparison, they also [published data on the other mounts](https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/7381g5/research_indepth_mount_speed_tests/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=Guildwars2&utm_content=t3_axp5x0).


> tl;dr (updated after the patch reducing the leap)

> * WvWarrior on foot runs at ~290 units/s, swifted to ~390 u/s

> * Warclaw moves at 547u/s in friendly territory, 447 u/s in enemy areas

> * Using the endurance ability, that increases to 590 u/s friendly, 507 u/s enemy.


Good to know. I figured they must have more speed now, as when I was out just after patch, they weren't any faster than me on foot with speed. Obviously that has changed(due to higher skill level, achievements, whatever)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Teon.5168" said:

> > Sounds like, from another thread, that their jump distance already got nerfed.


> I updated the numbers with the new data.


Great OP, btw. Some really interesting stuff. :)

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:


> Runners have been left obsolete. Warclaw is mandatory for WvW.


I have the Warclaw but I'm not using it routinely and don't intend to. I have all the PvE mounts but I use them as little as possible. I prefer to be on foot.


If Warclaws become genuinely mandatory for PUG zerging, which I very much doubt because there will usually be a significant number of non-PoF accounts in PUG zergs, I'll just stop following tags and concentrate on scouting and structure defence.

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