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Since a lot of pve players got the warclaw...

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I don't imagine it will have convinced many to stay in WvW, I imagine most PvE only players either won't bother with the Warclaw at all, or will just leave WvW the second they have it done.


What probably won't have helped is as Yamazuki mentioned above, the WvW chat since the Warclaw has been constantly full of players bashing the PvE players, throwing insults at them, and telling them to leave. If I was a new player/new to WvW that wouldn't exactly make me feel welcomed and want to give WvW a proper try. A shame as there are friendly players and good comms there who are happy to help people get into it, but at the moment they're being drowned out by all the toxic ones in chat which doesn't really make a good first impression for new players.

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The Warclaw actually forced me to get into WvWvW again, after years of absence. Normally I only do the easy dailies there and log off the instant I see an enemy player, but this time it was no option. However I noticed a couple of interesting things:


1.) If I want to continue with my ridiculous legendary armor plan, I have to get all parts of the Triumphant set unlocked and purchase the ascended version. So I need to do a lot more WvWvW in the future or start raiding.

2.) When I do sPvP I can mostly run 1-3 games, then I begin to tremble. However in WvWvW that effect almost never triggers at all - yay.

3.) Compared to PvE, Scrapper is welcome and respected there.

4.) The community is a lot more friendly than I thought.

5.) It is a very good place to test support-builds without harming anyone.


In conclusion, I am going to spend more time in WvWvW in the future. With the Warclaw my mobility drastically increased.


The only thing I am still waiting for, the homeworld-patch. But to be honest I am bored of waiting for an event that maybe never comes at all. It sounded pretty cool when it was announced, the ability to play with guilds and alliances instead of your home server. But the more I think about it, the more I come to realize that it might be too difficult to implement. So I am working on plan B now ^^. Collecting gems for a server-transfer.


Still it was a positive experience.

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> @"killermanjaro.5670" said:

> I don't imagine it will have convinced many to stay in WvW, I imagine most PvE only players either won't bother with the Warclaw at all, or will just leave WvW the second they have it done.


> What probably won't have helped is as Yamazuki mentioned above, the WvW chat since the Warclaw has been constantly full of players bashing the PvE players, throwing insults at them, and telling them to leave. If I was a new player/new to WvW that wouldn't exactly make me feel welcomed and want to give WvW a proper try. A shame as there are friendly players and good comms there who are happy to help people get into it, but at the moment they're being drowned out by all the toxic ones in chat which doesn't really make a good first impression for new players.


On my server the ridiculous complaining about suspected PvE players has been almost entirely in Team chat, and often quickly de-railed when people respond to any comment they think is stupid, wrong or irrelevant by accusing the person saying it of being a PvE player and then it descends into a rank/any other WvW stats contest until someone shuts them up.


Squad and even map chat has been more focused. You still get nagged to stay on the tag, pick up supply, spend supply etc. but I've not seen any accusations about why someone might not be doing that.


So for me the solution is to turn off Team chat, which doesn't seem to have any useful messages anyway, even when people ask for more people on a map if they've all got a queue we can't do anything about it.

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> @"killermanjaro.5670" said:

> I don't imagine it will have convinced many to stay in WvW, I imagine most PvE only players either won't bother with the Warclaw at all, or will just leave WvW the second they have it done.


> What probably won't have helped is as Yamazuki mentioned above, the WvW chat since the Warclaw has been constantly full of players bashing the PvE players, throwing insults at them, and telling them to leave.

True. Although, to be fair, that's only half of the chat. The other half is WvW players talking exactly that same to each other (sometimes i think that toxic spill on chat is the main gameplay for a lot of WvWers nowadays). Not that this makes it any better for PvE players listening to it.


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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> Does this mean we wont see any more of them "i cant stand getting Gift of battle cause wvw toxic" posts?


Ever since the Warclaw was introduced, the toxicity in WvW has increased by 500% on our server. Unbearable, I had to deactivate the team chat.


Many of the new players refuse to join the squads, let alone join TS to be able to hear the commander. They clog the server, yet refuse to "play by the rules", costing us points and nerves. I am a very casual WvW player (I play PvE 99% of the time), but _this_ current status quo is just awful. Why do you even want to get the Warclaw when it is useless in PvE? Stay away from WvW if you don't like the game mode and don't want to play along, but stop making it hell for the rest of us.


> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> On my server the ridiculous complaining about suspected PvE players has been almost entirely in Team chat [...]


Exactly. Disrespectful behavior and flaming have become common on my server since Tuesday night. I understand that people are frustrated over the aforementioned status quo of PvE players refusing to play along to make it a nice, successful experience for everyone, but the reactions have grown out of proportions, since this is hopefully just a temporary status quo.

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Playing WvW for the Warclaw was the most fun i'd ever had in the game mode. I used to be a heavy WvW player, but i eventually stopped for many reasons, but I was happy to see that alot of those issues had been addressed and that it wasn't nearly as toxic as before.


Especially surprising was to see people actually defending forts and locations instead of just blob flipping.


Despite all the rage on the forums about Warclawmageddon, adding the cat mount seems to've really brightened peoples spirits in WvW, and made them feel like they're having some real fun, and you can see that reflected in the gameplay as of late.


I'll definitely be returning to the game mode more often, myself..



As for everyone else who complains about PvE players not joining squads, etc..


I recommend that you learn what "social anxiety" is, that alot of gamers have it, and that its most prevalent in PvP-oriented game modes. Please remember that there are real people behind the screen, and that they do not pander to your need to win.


All three game modes are are free for all players to access and play as they want to, they don't belong to you.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> Playing WvW for the Warclaw was the most fun i'd ever had in the game mode. I used to be a heavy WvW player, but i eventually stopped for many reasons, but I was happy to see that alot of those issues had been addressed and that it wasn't nearly as toxic as before.


> Especially surprising was to see people actually defending forts and locations instead of just blob flipping.


> Despite all the rage on the forums about Warclawmageddon, adding the cat mount seems to've really brightened peoples spirits in WvW, and made them feel like they're having some real fun, and you can see that reflected in the gameplay as of late.


> I'll definitely be returning to the game mode more often, myself..


> ---

> As for everyone else who complains about PvE players not joining squads, etc..


> I recommend that you learn what "social anxiety" is, that alot of gamers have it, and that its most prevalent in PvP-oriented game modes. Please remember that there are real people behind the screen, and that they do not pander to your need to win.


> All three game modes are are free for all players to access and play as they want to, they don't belong to you.



Whether or not those pvers "had fun" and will stay in wvw, will be apparent within the next weeks (when the double wxp event is over as well) in the form of queues and more frequent logging in. It is way too soon to say that wvw has been "refreshed" or "brightened".


People in all game modes play to win. Dunno about you, but I play fractals to win, do pve metas to win, play wvw to win. I contribute to the best of my abilities in each mode because that means respecting everyone's effort, and most importantly, time. I do not "pander" to anyone's need for anything. It is simple respect, cause if someone else cant be arsed to play properly in each mode, someone else will have to put extra effort FOR THEM. Respect goes both ways, I will respect newcomers who have questions about wvw or fractals or raids but they will, in turn, respect my time as well and ask what they can do to maximize win chances. Which means playing half properly, dont care about meta builds for a pver in wvw. But please dont die from retal dmg before first push.


Social anxiety affects 6.8% of US population, let us assume the same for wvw population, meaning if 400 new people came to wvw, 28ish of them would have it. It is hardly an issue if it even is an issue. Maybe people are just lazy, maybe people love to leech off others who play properly instead of having "social anxiety". Self diagnosis isnt a thing here.

And before you ask, I am in a T1 eu server, play wvw many hours per day and have NEVER, EVER seen that infamous pve toxicity everyone speaks of. Unless "guys please get proper classes" or "stay on tag instead of dying randomly" counts as toxicity. In which case, the problem lies with the offended one.


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Whats the problem with gift of battle? If you start doing the easy WvW dailies when you start work on legendary, you can just auto the reward track with potions when you need it. There's many soloable dailies that only include killing NPC's and only take a few mins to do.

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> Different rewards, different time investment. Getting just a part of a legendary vs getting a mount.


> I can only guesstimate that people feel more rewarded for the mount than for the gift of battle.


Agreed. Especially since a lot of the people who complain about the Gift of Battle don't realise when they start working on a legendary that they'll need it, or they don't realise it's only obtainable in WvW, so when they get to that point it's a nasty surprise that they have to either play a game mode they can't stand or go through a long, slow process of doing easy dailies.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> Does this mean we wont see any more of them "i cant stand getting Gift of battle cause wvw toxic" posts?


Considering the toxicity that I ran in to while trying to get my mount I highly doubt it. What I don't understand was the mindset that they seemed to have. I even made a comment in world chat pointing out what I thought they were overlooking but apparently it didn't help. People were complaining in chat about the PvE crowd, wanting them out of WvW. I basically pointed out that it was their own fault.


Let me explain, as I did to them. The longer it takes them to get what they want, the mount, the longer they will be in WvW. So, they could do one of 2 things. They could either let them get done what they needed to, and they would most likely leave, or they could keep doing things to prevent them from getting what they need and they will be there longer. If they wanted them gone then the solution was simple. Just let them get done what they need to and they would leave WvW.


I will say this, on my main account (this is an alt account) my server was awesome. We had a Commander that was capping, not skirmishing, and I got done with little to no trouble. The toxicity that I ran in to was on my alt account's server, and it was really toxic. I was actually surprised by it after the really good experience that I had on my other account. Not all servers, Borderlands, are toxic, it varies from server to server.

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You guys realize this is online gaming and that type of chat is native to the culture right? Having played a multitude of online games, even with gw2 chat issues i can say its mild by most standards. Best thing you can do is turn off map chats if you think its too much. But really its just a gaming culture thing, it happens in every game even Final Fantasy and LotR. People feel power to say what they want cause they think they are anonymous

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The part I don't understand is WvW players are forever saying Anet needs to find more ways to get people into WvW...but when they do all those new players are berated for being "PvEers", told they don't belong, shouldn't have come, certainly shouldn't stay...then when they take that advice and leave somehow it's Anet's fault again.


If you want new people in "your" game mode you have to accept that those people are going to start off new, not knowing what to do or how to do it and they need to learn, just like everyone else did. Yelling at them until they feel guilty about even entering the map and vow never to come back is not going to help the population.

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I find that in WvW, most of the players that are solo/small group roaming are friendly and helpful. Its not until you try to join a zerg group with a commander tag that all the politics come out. They don't allow certain classes/builds/lack of experience/voice chat connection/etc.


Just like raid groups.


Just like SPvP groups.


Just like T4 fractals.


Its all the same stuff.....just different game modes with different ways of ostracizing new people.

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