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How some people have 400k or 700k gold

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> @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > @"Deepcuts.9740" said:

> > No farming. No TP flipping. No lucky drops.

> > Plain old swiping the plastic.

> > This is the only way to have such a high account value.


> This is false.


If believing 819,120k (at the time of writing) gold can be achieved by flipping TP (without insider trading) and no real money makes you feel better, by all means, keep on doing that.

note: no clue if gw2efficiency lists only their registered accounts or all guild wars 2 accounts.



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> @"Deepcuts.9740" said:

> > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > > @"Deepcuts.9740" said:

> > > No farming. No TP flipping. No lucky drops.

> > > Plain old swiping the plastic.

> > > This is the only way to have such a high account value.

> >

> > This is false.


> If believing 819,120k (at the time of writing) gold can be achieved by flipping TP (without insider trading) and no real money makes you feel better, by all means, keep on doing that.

> note: no clue if gw2efficiency lists only their registered accounts or all guild wars 2 accounts.




Only registered ones. It can't read info from accounts that aren't connected via API key as far as I know.

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> @"Deepcuts.9740" said:

> > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > > @"Deepcuts.9740" said:

> > > No farming. No TP flipping. No lucky drops.

> > > Plain old swiping the plastic.

> > > This is the only way to have such a high account value.

> >

> > This is false.


> If believing 819,120k (at the time of writing) gold can be achieved by flipping TP (without insider trading) and no real money makes you feel better, by all means, keep on doing that.

> note: no clue if gw2efficiency lists only their registered accounts or all guild wars 2 accounts.




I'm sorry you feel it is impossible to make large amounts of gold without paying for it. However, just because you feel it's impossible does not mean it actually is.


As well, there is a marked difference between gold, liquid gold, and account value. The current #1 gold amount on GW2Efficiency is 195,906g, and the highest liquid gold (gold, gems, and sellable items) is 398,288g. 819,120g is the highest account value, which included unlocked wardrobe items, dyes, etc. As explained above, just because it's worth a certain value now, does not mean it was bought at that value.


As another note, the accounts currently #1/2 in these categories have played for over 22,000 hours. That's an average of 10 hours per day since the game released. Plenty of time to farm obscene amounts of gold if one wants to.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > You can easily get that much by casually doing various metas and light farming. Various woods and metals spike when new armor or legendary items release. Collect between releases and sell when the demand drives the price up. Also keep your unused alts at profitable farms then use them to farm once a day. People who really bear down on playing the TP and other things can make thousands of gold. There are many videos on YouTube on how to make gold.


> I think this is what we call exaggeration. You cant casually reach 200/400/700 thousand. No people that do that are either living in the game and constantly flipping and selling legendary , in order to do that you need to invest a lot of time into collecting the materials. Or they are buying gold, plain and simple. For the average casual player that plays 5 hours a week or so that aint happening. I have played mmos for a looong time and you only get rich a few ways, work at it almost all the time, use an exploit or hack, or buy it with rl money.


When the last LW episode released there were a few items on the gem store I wanted so I sold my stash of elderwood, mithril, oil and other high value items. No exploit, you just have to be patent. Wait to sell them at the right time and never pass up a node that gives you a decent return. I will occasionally farm when I'm watching a show on another screen. If I have to use a WP that costs I always compensate with a little light farming offset the cost. Keep your alts on the best flax farm, never pass up a node that has either a decent return or the possibility of a good drop (jungle plants, mussels, etc).


It's going to take more than 5 hours a week. If you do an hour a day with the daily reward and light farming you can build up a decent income in the game for the long term. Add 30 mins to do at least one of the major metas and you can add to it.


As far as casual playing goes it depends on what you mean by that term. There isn't any real fixed criteria for that. To me casual is someone who isn't doing something in the game that would prevent them from dealing with real world issues. Someone can be casual gaming one day and more in-depth playing another. It's not an all one or the other. Doing the story, raiding, fractals, PvP and WvW really aren't a casual activities. Wondering around farming and doing PvE events is more casual.

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I know a fellow who I *believe* is the richest player in the game. I'm not positive on that, but he's way up there and he has more than one account in that very high range. He's also a really nice and generous person, and a lot of fun to play with. I've seen him send out hundreds of gold to a stranger on more than one occasion.


For people at that level, the answer is definitely *both* real money and playing the trading post. (And some other things, like having a small army of people "farming" legendaries for him. He provides the non-account bound materials in exchange for a cut of the final sale price....you wouldn't believe how many people are sitting on tons of Gifts of Exploration and just need a little motivation/help to finish them off.) But no, most don't get there by farming mats.


I had a fun talk with him one night and he's actually put in less real money than I have by a factor of 5 or 6, but he considers trading post economics to be a fun challenge...and I don't. He also has a lot more liquid gold and sellable items, whereas I have a much nicer wardrobe. Everyone's motivations are different I guess.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > The irony is, in real life, money hoarders are bad for the world, since millionaires and billionaires contribute poorly to society, even the ones that give to charities donate very little of their fortune compared to what is raised by other means.

> >

> > They only do what they have to to maintain a good social standing, at least by apperances.

> >

> > But in-game, money hoarders are good, because they take gold out of the econemy and keep material prices profitable. Without people who hoard gold, items and materials, everything in the game wouldn't even be worth selling.

> >

> > You'd end up NPC'ing everything for coppers. (That's why TP flipping is allowed.)


> Today's lesson in real world money: the term "millionaire" gets thrown around loosely, and the people at large have a poor understanding of it. What we're really talking about is Net Worth, which is the sum of all theoretical assets owned. This means your house, your company, your car, your degree, etc. This isn't income, or even how much money is in the bank. Sure, we can say that somebody is worth a billion dollars, but in reality it means they own a company that is worth a billion dollars. In order to have that much cash on hand, they'd have to liquidate it. Or rather, sell off everything and fire everybody who works for them. There's 11 million millionaires in the U.S. alone, and they have a 5 figure income. They're millionaires because that is the combined value of their house, their retirement fund, their cars, their savings, and their checking accounts after working for 30 years or so.


> Likewise, the modern world has fractional banking. The billionaire doesn't have a Scrooge Mc'Duck vault full of gold bullion that he swims in and never spends. What they do have is stocks, bonds, securities, savings and checking accounts. See, all of the money that you give to the bank doesn't stay in the bank. The bank then uses that money to give out loans to other people (which is how the bank itself makes money). At any time, there's only a small percentage of the money that's "in the bank" is actually in the bank. This means that whenever a small business gets a loan, it is using the funds that a billionaire supposedly owns. Likewise, stocks and bonds are just complicated loans themselves, used to give money to businesses and the government in exchange for the promise to pay it back later.


> The tl;dr is that no, money hoarders are not bad for the world. This isn't dungeons and dragons, where a dragon sleeps on top of its treasure trove sequestered in a mountain stronghold. The modern economy is liquid, and most of the assets that a billionaire owns is trading hands and funding other people.


What the heck? You got me in your sig. That's impossible because no one ever listens to me!


EDIT: btw, thumbs up. I was going to reply to that post but I'm not quite as financially literate but I do know that, at the very least, a millionaire likely contributes more in taxes than I do period (as I'm getting "free" healthcare and college from the military and own little capital such as real estate or stocks as of current).

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400g (not 400k) is about the cost of a new video game right now. Instant money. Now imagine doing that for a while now over the course of a few years and when prices were far more disconnected such as at the start of the game.


Those players that did the gems deal at the beginning of the games life? They're the BLTP barons right now or else very very rich at any rate. The in-game economy is volatile.


The gem prices (RL money to gems) have remained stable throughout the life of the game. Between that and some basic economics with the BLTP, it's not so hard to imagine dedicated players have amassed a great fortune for themselves.

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  • 6 months later...

there is some degree of TP manipulation but players with this much wealth mostly dont use the TP for flipping. the whole reason they make so much is because they circumvent the 15% tax on TP. by trading via trading guilds. lets say you want to buy a legendary. they invite you to guild, you get a legendary via the bank and deposits materials.+ payment back in the bank. they and you benefit both not having to buy the legendary of TP and they get their mats + interest make new legendaries

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Well ... my account value is 14k according to GW2efficiency and I only have about 800 gold and that only cause I sold some recipes I farmed end 2013 at some seasonal event at the TP when I came back after my long break. A high value if you consider I did not really play the game a lot compared to others. And after my return having lots of achievements and stuff to do - so no "farming" (which would be endgame for me to get expensive stuff when finished with all other stuff).


For trading at the TP you need to remember that there are fees. And that every gold in the economy needs to be "created" somehow - meaning it needs to be received eas drop/loot or from selling to NPC vendors.

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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > > You can easily get that much by casually doing various metas and light farming. Various woods and metals spike when new armor or legendary items release. Collect between releases and sell when the demand drives the price up. Also keep your unused alts at profitable farms then use them to farm once a day. People who really bear down on playing the TP and other things can make thousands of gold. There are many videos on YouTube on how to make gold.

> >

> > I think this is what we call exaggeration. You cant casually reach 200/400/700 thousand. No people that do that are either living in the game and constantly flipping and selling legendary , in order to do that you need to invest a lot of time into collecting the materials. Or they are buying gold, plain and simple. For the average casual player that plays 5 hours a week or so that aint happening. I have played mmos for a looong time and you only get rich a few ways, work at it almost all the time, use an exploit or hack, or buy it with rl money.


> When the last LW episode released there were a few items on the gem store I wanted so I sold my stash of elderwood, mithril, oil and other high value items. No exploit, you just have to be patent. Wait to sell them at the right time and never pass up a node that gives you a decent return. I will occasionally farm when I'm watching a show on another screen. If I have to use a WP that costs I always compensate with a little light farming offset the cost. Keep your alts on the best flax farm, never pass up a node that has either a decent return or the possibility of a good drop (jungle plants, mussels, etc).


> It's going to take more than 5 hours a week. If you do an hour a day with the daily reward and light farming you can build up a decent income in the game for the long term. Add 30 mins to do at least one of the major metas and you can add to it.


> As far as casual playing goes it depends on what you mean by that term. There isn't any real fixed criteria for that. To me casual is someone who isn't doing something in the game that would prevent them from dealing with real world issues. Someone can be casual gaming one day and more in-depth playing another. It's not an all one or the other. Doing the story, raiding, fractals, PvP and WvW really aren't a casual activities. Wondering around farming and doing PvE events is more casual.


This will not allow reaching 200 000/400 000/700 000 account value in any foreseeable future.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Its all tp flipping.


> Having 400 gold and tp flipping to get 700 gold is the exact same thing as having 400,000 gold and tp flipping to get 700,000 gold. Its just numbers. To the guy with 400 gold, 200,000 gold in rotation will seem like an insane amount... to the other its just chump change.


> This apply both ingame and to the modern utterly corrupt capitalist society.


Flipping only works up to 5 000 - 10 000 gold. After that it becomes almost impossible due to time constraints: There is just not enough time in a day to process more orders. People who command vast fortunes usually do not flip. They do investments. The turnover times are much longer than for flipping, but the returns are higher.


Managing big assets, including money, requires slightly different skill set and strategies than working with small sums.

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You people think players who do TP flipping all they do is win gold 24/7?People who do this are not actual players.They don't play game.They sit 20 hours a day,flip items for months just to earn 6 k gold in half year,which you could farm in one month by doing SW,actually playing game and enjoying stuff.


Only time they get out of LA is when they buy new skins just to show off,and after they realize no one cares about new glider,they go back to TP flipper.


Having an item that has price of 6 k gold on TP doesn't mean you are going to sell it for 6 k.

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> @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> You people think players who do TP flipping all they do is win gold 24/7?People who do this are not actual players.They don't play game.They sit 20 hours a day,flip items for months just to earn 6 k gold in half year,which you could farm in one month by doing SW,actually playing game and enjoying stuff.


> Only time they get out of LA is when they buy new skins just to show off,and after they realize no one cares about new glider,they go back to TP flipper.


> Having an item that has price of 6 k gold on TP doesn't mean you are going to sell it for 6 k.


The TP is part of the game so they are still playing the game regardless as to whether you agree with that activity or not. Plus you are making wild assumptions about them. One of the more popular one occasionally streams on Twitch and they are “playing the game” based on your personal standards.

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> @"smashgodlight.6584" said:

> Hey everyone so I woke up today and I got a notification in other social medias that I follow GW2 on ,and there was a guy posting the amount of gold he has in game .


> It was really interesting and impressive to see the amount of 400k gold and they were some many others who posted 700k gold. now for me I would't do such thing to post my gold in social media because you never know who will try to hack your account or either they did it! But I have some really weird questions about that situations.


> First of all I bought the game from launch day and even if you add the amount of gold I spend on mats weapons and armors there is now chance that this amount would be even close ! My method of that I follow for gold is the Domain of istan farm which now is not so good I used to get the amount of 70g only for 3.5 hours of farming buy trophies and sell the (not instantly). Also I used to do some SW farm but it was pretty slow so my No. 1 was domain of istan. How ever I tried the method that you make t5 mats to t6 and then sell them and it was really useful but only if you have a lot of mats you will see the different.


> Now My question is what different method are these guys follow to make such huge amount of gold ?


> Also lately I was really disappointing with the game because I started felt that after all that farm you do is not that rewarding ! I don't want to compare games here but many other mmos can give you a lot of things such as armors weapons and good amount of mats or gold only by doing a World Boss or farming in an area that is known to give huge amount of rewards.

> Personally I believe that even if you want to do a legendary gold is the main source to do it , and for me the older way to do leges is much more easier than the new once if only you have gold !


> So again is there something that i don't do but they do to get that amount of gold ? Even 10k for me is huge so how can i reach that easier ? And also by chance which is the best way for you to make gold ??


Building up several hundred gold is not difficult, even without farming. Buy the game, get login rewards, then sell the things that are not bound. Or use a credit card (gold is cheep if you buy at the right time). I have an alt that just logs in and every so often feeds a couple hundred to my main if I run short.

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