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Slippery Slope is annoying and should be negated with Stability

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ANet tried that, and even a dev mentioned in the forums that doing that made it even more difficult as players had to adapt to the two different kinds of movement.


I am fine with this instability, but it does need some kind of benefit so it works like the other ones. It could be something simple as monsters always being crippled, or something more elaborate like increased CC durations.

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While I can fully understand the problem this might cause, aka 2 different movement speeds, there could be a work-around:


- make slippery proc a debuff when entering combat which causes the instability (thus the instability is only active with this debuff, as such not active outside of combat)

- remove the debuff when stability is applied for the remainder of the combat


Ergo presto, we now have a less frustrating instability which:

- A.) can be countered

- B.) does not affect out of combat movement

- C.) encourages the use of an extra mechanic (usage of stability)

- D.) even when not using stability, the uptime of slipper slope will be reduced to combat only

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Please dont change slippery slope. I love it. Especially the part that makes angry threads demanding removal of it spawn on forum/reddit every few weeks.


But in all earnesty: I really do like it. Slippery slope adds another dimension to fights in gw2. You have to be more careful and keep your movements to a minimum. Every unecessary wriggling around punishes you. And its already VERY limited anyway. So just... deal with it. Not every challenge has to be fun.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> Please dont change slippery slope. I love it. Especially the part that makes angry threads demanding removal of it spawn on forum/reddit every few weeks.


> But in all earnesty: I really do like it. Slippery slope adds another dimension to fights in gw2. You have to be more careful and keep your movements to a minimum. Every unecessary wriggling around punishes you. And its already VERY limited anyway. So just... deal with it. Not every challenge has to be fun.


Then I'll just stack 3 Scourge 1 FB and 1 Chrono how about that? Challenge is not challenge if you can remove it when it becomes too much of a hassle and adds nothing interesting.

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My friend plays DD and he just flats out refusing to join any fractals with Slippery Slope. I'm truly sympathetic to him. I only play healer and this instab makes my wrist hurt from aiming at people who slide around. Imagine when u have to aim your dodge/Bound and Weakening Charge so they won't miss because you are launched ahead - so they are missed 50% of all times anyways...

Doing Orbs at Astarivv or getting into the dome when u have a bomb is pure hell.

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> @"Iris Ng.9845" said:

> My friend plays DD and he just flats out refusing to join any fractals with Slippery Slope. I'm truly sympathetic to him. I only play healer and this instab makes my wrist hurt from aiming at people who slide around. Imagine when u have to aim your dodge/Bound and Weakening Charge so they won't miss because you are launched ahead - so they are missed 50% of all times anyways...

> Doing Orbs at Astarivv or getting into the dome when u have a bomb is pure hell.


It's also terrible when playing Core Warrior, enjoy missing your F1s because you cannot leap properly.

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I hate it and the first day it was implemented asked why bother lengthening stability if it doesn't even stop the effect.


Playing warrior or holo is horrific with it. You can't burst as easily with your F skill or use holo leap without overshooting it oftentimes.


I remember playing with it in Molten Furnace and half the group got fed up jumping the rocks til they were mesmer portaled.


Slippery slope could have been slippery puddles as in Thunderhead peaks.

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> @"Amineo.8951" said:

> > @"Yasi.9065" said:

> > Please dont change slippery slope. I love it. Especially the part that makes angry threads demanding removal of it spawn on forum/reddit every few weeks.

> >

> > But in all earnesty: I really do like it. Slippery slope adds another dimension to fights in gw2. You have to be more careful and keep your movements to a minimum. Every unecessary wriggling around punishes you. And its already VERY limited anyway. So just... deal with it. Not every challenge has to be fun.


> Then I'll just stack 3 Scourge 1 FB and 1 Chrono how about that? Challenge is not challenge if you can remove it when it becomes too much of a hassle and adds nothing interesting.


Then why arent you doing that? Nobody keeping you from it. If thats how you want to deal with it, then do it. Though why you'd want to bring a chrono when you have a firebrand already and an alacrigade brings either more heal or more dps (and with both variants more cc and sustain), thats something Id rather question. But at least you'd actively DO something to meet that "challenge" of slippery slope. Instead of just whining about it on forums.

Also, my friend, you REALLY should look up the meaning of "challenging". Because I have dismaying news for you, it aint what you think it is.


> @"Iris Ng.9845" said:

> My friend plays DD and he just flats out refusing to join any fractals with Slippery Slope. I'm truly sympathetic to him. I only play healer and this instab makes my wrist hurt from aiming at people who slide around. Imagine when u have to aim your dodge/Bound and Weakening Charge so they won't miss because you are launched ahead - so they are missed 50% of all times anyways...

> Doing Orbs at Astarivv or getting into the dome when u have a bomb is pure hell.


I play DD as well as power warrior, no issues tbh. Did you even try to adapt to slippery slope? I rather doubt that, because the first thing you'd have realized, is that you have to use your movement keys very sparingly and release them to keep from sliding further. Next realization would have been that dodging and special action key doesnt slide you then at all.

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> I hate it and the first day it was implemented asked why bother lengthening stability if it doesn't even stop the effect.


> Playing warrior or holo is horrific with it. You can't burst as easily with your F skill or use holo leap without overshooting it oftentimes.


> I remember playing with it in Molten Furnace and half the group got fed up jumping the rocks til they were mesmer portaled.


> Slippery slope could have been slippery puddles as in Thunderhead peaks.


If you target something then you dont have any sliding at all on movement skills - just like you dont slide after a dodge. You also dont slide if you use your leap without moving before. If you use leaps without a target then you slide around 350, but you can break it and slide at the most 100.

The issue, clearly, is that you are smashing your movemvent keys, which slippery slope punishes you for. Which is good, because all that unnecessary movement that gw2 lets you get away with is actually very unskilled gameplay. Old SA was horrible because it punished OTHERS for your wiggly wobbly antsy movements. Slippery slope is good because it now punishes you instead.

Without a doubt, the days of seaweed salad are - thank god - over. So stop with the wiggling and you'll see how laughable all your complaints about slippery slope really are.

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Just remove this instab from the game instead of doctoring around with it. Oh wait, Ben got fired. Naahhh nothing will change here for MONTHS. Don't waste your breath, just do what me and all my friends did and stop doing this to yourself and play actually enjoyable games.

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> I hate it and the first day it was implemented asked why bother lengthening stability if it doesn't even stop the effect.


> Playing warrior or holo is horrific with it. You can't burst as easily with your F skill or use holo leap without overshooting it oftentimes.

You are not supposed to use Holo Leap in the first place.


> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> If you target something then you dont have any sliding at all on movement skills - just like you dont slide after a dodge. You also dont slide if you use your leap without moving before. If you use leaps without a target then you slide around 350, but you can break it and slide at the most 100.

You are just wrong there. You need to be on the edge of the hitbox or inside of it to not slide when using leaps. Max range melee leap will still slide you through the hitbox. Super fun on skorvald or artsaariv.

The dodge interaction seems to be a special exception since it really does stop all sliding.

Playing something with a leap like warr, weaver or soulbeast feels just terrible.


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> @"Grogba.6204" said:

> Thanks to the new instabilites I am having a blast playing FFXIV rather than trying to acquire a taste for a system I disliked from the start. Gonna return for the obligatory next change or when (if!) the next raid wing is released.


It doesn't help that GW2 is getting less and less fun, I haven't been able to join anyone for Mythwright Gambit raid since it came out and only cleared Hall of Chains once in my life, when you compare the restrictions pulled by the community in this game compared to FFXIV it's night and day (just clear the content once and NOBODY will ever bother you), Path of Fire and the endgame community nearly killed GW2 for me.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> If you target something then you dont have any sliding at all on movement skills - just like you dont slide after a dodge. You also dont slide if you use your leap without moving before. If you use leaps without a target then you slide around 350, but you can break it and slide at the most 100.

> The issue, clearly, is that you are smashing your movemvent keys, which slippery slope punishes you for. Which is good, because all that unnecessary movement that gw2 lets you get away with is actually very unskilled gameplay. Old SA was horrible because it punished OTHERS for your wiggly wobbly antsy movements. Slippery slope is good because it now punishes you instead.

> Without a doubt, the days of seaweed salad are - thank god - over. So stop with the wiggling and you'll see how laughable all your complaints about slippery slope really are.


Sorry, what?


I don't know what you run, but old SA was never an issue in CMs/T4s. The "punishment" range for old SA was only 44 units, which was more than fine because Chrono wells and whatnot extended WAY past that. Only reason it was hard is because people can't space themselves out properly for a meager unit distance, and just end up blowing themselves up. Try running a CM pug with exp'd people, and you'd see the difference.


Slippery still sucks in many fractals, notably the puzzle part in Deepstone, which is a horrible fractal in general. I'd be perfectly fine if Stab counteracted the instability but that's not even the case, even though you gain increased Stab duration through it.


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> @"MorpheusDV.8592" said:


> > @"Yasi.9065" said:

> > If you target something then you dont have any sliding at all on movement skills - just like you dont slide after a dodge. You also dont slide if you use your leap without moving before. If you use leaps without a target then you slide around 350, but you can break it and slide at the most 100.

> > The issue, clearly, is that you are smashing your movemvent keys, which slippery slope punishes you for. Which is good, because all that unnecessary movement that gw2 lets you get away with is actually very unskilled gameplay. Old SA was horrible because it punished OTHERS for your wiggly wobbly antsy movements. Slippery slope is good because it now punishes you instead.

> > Without a doubt, the days of seaweed salad are - thank god - over. So stop with the wiggling and you'll see how laughable all your complaints about slippery slope really are.


> Sorry, what?


> I don't know what you run, but old SA was never an issue in CMs/T4s. The "punishment" range for old SA was only 44 units, which was more than fine because Chrono wells and whatnot extended WAY past that. Only reason it was hard is because people can't space themselves out properly for a meager unit distance, and just end up blowing themselves up. Try running a CM pug with exp'd people, and you'd see the difference.


> Slippery still sucks in many fractals, notably the puzzle part in Deepstone, which is a horrible fractal in general. I'd be perfectly fine if Stab counteracted the instability but that's not even the case, even though you gain increased Stab duration through it.



You can tell that there was change of designers when it comes to fractals since One Path Ends update (the one that introduced Shattered Observatory btw), they're filled with AOEs during boss fights (though only Artsariiv is terrible in SO fractal) and are unnecessarily long for the most part, the new instabilites weren't needed.

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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > @"Yasi.9065" said:

> > If you target something then you dont have any sliding at all on movement skills - just like you dont slide after a dodge. You also dont slide if you use your leap without moving before. If you use leaps without a target then you slide around 350, but you can break it and slide at the most 100.

> You are just wrong there. You need to be on the edge of the hitbox or inside of it to not slide when using leaps. Max range melee leap will still slide you through the hitbox. Super fun on skorvald or artsaariv.

> The dodge interaction seems to be a special exception since it really does stop all sliding.

> Playing something with a leap like warr, weaver or soulbeast feels just terrible.



Just tried it again, and no. Im not sliding in the least, even using max distance sword2 on warrior. No clue what you are doing, but Id guess you are keeping forward button pressed.


I cant say this often enough: You have to stop lead-footing movement keys and that instab is not a problem anymore.


And regarding old SA, ofc a lot of players didnt see it as a problem. They just expected druid to outheal all the dmg they caused with their insane wiggling around. There is no reason for constant movement in gw2 fractals. Not for years. So... I hate to say this, but: get good, stop the wiggling and use only short bursts of movement -> done.

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> @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> ANet tried that, and even a dev mentioned in the forums that doing that made it even more difficult as players had to adapt to the two different kinds of movement.


> I am fine with this instability, but it does need some kind of benefit so it works like the other ones. It could be something simple as monsters always being crippled, or something more elaborate like increased CC durations.


Perhaps this is where certain Insta's can be limited to ONLY T4. That way - only exp players will need to adapt instead of complete newbies.

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> @"HardRider.2980" said:

> > @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> > ANet tried that, and even a dev mentioned in the forums that doing that made it even more difficult as players had to adapt to the two different kinds of movement.

> >

> > I am fine with this instability, but it does need some kind of benefit so it works like the other ones. It could be something simple as monsters always being crippled, or something more elaborate like increased CC durations.


> Perhaps this is where certain Insta's can be limited to ONLY T4. That way - only exp players will need to adapt instead of complete newbies.


No the new ones should just be removed or they add a way to counter these, Slippery Slope is too annoying in 100CM and since most of the pugs are still in the mindset where you have to run Chrono + Druid, it's a hassle to deal with it.


I wouldn't have any issue with this if pugs would run Minstrel Firebrand/Heal Scourge/Heal Tempest + Chrono/Alac Renegade and 3 DPS, Druid is really terrible in fractals now (it brings no stability and aegis at all) and most people still wants one in their team.

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> @"Amineo.8951" said:

> > @"HardRider.2980" said:

> > > @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> > > ANet tried that, and even a dev mentioned in the forums that doing that made it even more difficult as players had to adapt to the two different kinds of movement.

> > >

> > > I am fine with this instability, but it does need some kind of benefit so it works like the other ones. It could be something simple as monsters always being crippled, or something more elaborate like increased CC durations.

> >

> > Perhaps this is where certain Insta's can be limited to ONLY T4. That way - only exp players will need to adapt instead of complete newbies.


> No the new ones should just be removed or they add a way to counter these, Slippery Slope is too annoying in 100CM and since most of the pugs are still in the mindset where you have to run Chrono + Druid, it's a hassle to deal with it.


> I wouldn't have any issue with this if pugs would run Minstrel Firebrand/Heal Scourge/Heal Tempest + Chrono/Alac Renegade and 3 DPS, Druid is really terrible in fractals now (it brings no stability and aegis at all) and most people still wants one in their team.


Soo players are the issue where they are not preparing themselves and adapting.

It's either.. too hard QQ or too easy and are pointless... Can't have a middle group and if you remove them then people will QQ things are boring.

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