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Enough with the repeatable hearts already

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I've just returned to the game after a considerable hiatus. I've done some map completion work in Elon Riverlands. According to map completion, I'm 5 of 6 hearts completed. Only problem is, I don't remember which heart I have left to do and ... you get my problem no doubt.

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> @"Electra.7530" said:

> I've just returned to the game after a considerable hiatus. I've done some map completion work in Elon Riverlands. According to map completion, I'm 5 of 6 hearts completed. Only problem is, I don't remember which heart I have left to do and ... you get my problem no doubt.


Look for the heart that does not have the infinity loop underneath it, that will be the heart you have yet to complete. You can also mouse-over each heart for a tool-tip that will basically tell you if you have or have not completed that heart before.

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I'd like the option to repeat the heart for karma only, or karma+ a little silver but leave the vendor items open if you've done it once. Reason: funerary incense. Omg, getting 250 of that is like wearing a millstone around your neck. The only other way of getting it is via the primeval vendor, but he just sucks out all of your elegy mosaics, which can pretty much only be gained by killing legendary bounties. I think next time i'll go back to making the maguuma gift instead, cos the desert gift is soul-destroying.

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> @"Midnight.7526" said:

> The problem with offering the items and still allowing you to do hearts is that no one will do the hearts without some kind of tangible reward.


But nobody does the hearts without a tangible reward now....


If I have 5/5 Hearts completed on a PoF map, the only reason I would complete the heart again was to gain access to the vendor.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> I like the suggestion to unlock the vendor permanently after completing the heart once. Go ahead and let them reset every day. For those who enjoy repeating them, nothing will change. For those who don't, you will no longer be forced to redo them whenever you wish to access the vendor. Seems like a win from every perspective.


Pretty simple actually yeah.


Do it once and it gets marked with a "repeatable" icon so you know which ones you already did. The vendors will always be available from first time.

Only repeat for the XP, Karma and coin or simply to reward players for playing in that zone :)


Edit: now imagine if doing 5 renown hearts a day would reward you 1 Laurel ;P

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I am not a fan of Hearts. Anything where the mechanic is do this very simple thing once, now do it again, and again, and again... It's worse than 10 kill rats when it's carry 10 crates or close 10 portals, or flip 10 switches. I would love to see an option on the heart vendors that would allow purchasing once the heart was completed once instead of it going back to an unfinished state every day. There are some things that I do over and over again because it's fun; I wouldn't be able to tell you how many times I've defended Indigo or killed the Chak Gerant or opened Balthazar's temple -- hearts are not like these things. I understand that some people might find the hearts fun. I am not arguing against them being used as something simple for a daily task but I really hate it when I have to do the heart again before I can get an item needed for a collection.

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> @"Lite Ning Strike.5203" said:

> > @Midnight.7526 said:

> > The problem with offering the items and still allowing you to do hearts is that no one will do the hearts without some kind of tangible reward.


> Not being a Smart Alec but why do you feel it is necessary for everyone to re-do the heart quests? I do them for points to use my Mastery upgrades, there is no other reason to me. Thanks!!


To get what they sell. Most of them have a unique list of items for sale. Some of those are used in achievements, which will almost certainly be done well after the original heart completion.

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> @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> I also agree the vendor should be left open after completion, but I've been thinking about an alternative change to the heart system.


> Make them party/squad wide.


> There will always be people completing them for various reasons, so this would guarantee there always will be groups wanting to do the hearts. Every member's participation would be counted into the progress, and the heart could be completed faster together. This could create "heart trains" similar to HP and bounty trains, creating a bit more group content for those who need the hearts, even after the population in the PoF/LS3/LS4 maps goes down.


I like the idea of party/squad progression, but it shouldn't be required to join a group. Instead, simply progress everybody in the heart radius whenever anybody performs one of the actions. For story reasons, though, it might be required to limit SOME progression steps to just the player who performed the action.

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I (somewhat) like the repeating hearts. They make sense from a game perspective. But, from a story perspective, they're totally useless.


To fix the game aspect, some kind of diminishing returns would make sense. Every day you lose 10% of the progress you originally put into the heart. Or, 10% of what progress you still have. Something.


I also like the idea of making them repeatable as a group. But, one shouldn't be required to join a train to get this benefit. Simply grant progress as long someone in the neighborhood made progress, AND your character has been making progress. (One shouldn't be able to get the heart by just standing around in the neighborhood.)


But, both of the above should only apply AFTER one has completed the heart once on the current character.


Finally, add story. Invent a story reason why there are still skritt stuck on the rocks in the lava river on the east side of Ember Bay. Or, make a new grawl attempt to be their "god" in Bitterfrost, which explains why you need to convince them again to not follow Jormag.


Story additions don't even need to have specific changes to the heart neighborhood, but they could. In Sandswept Isles, perhaps each time the Djinni meta progresses to completion, it erodes a little of the good will you had with the heart vendors in the area. So, they would reset a small portion of the good deeds you need to do to get back in their good graces. Thus, instead of a daily reset (or partial reset), the reduction comes as a result of the meta being successful (collateral damage), or more so if the meta fails (they're really upset with you for not fixing things).

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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> Hate to break it to you, but I and a lot of others had been asking for this for years since before the first expansion.


Sure some people (likely a minority but that is just my opinion, no facts, like your "a lot of others") may have asked for repeatable hearts, which is fine. Locking the vendors behind them was not, vendors should remain open.

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