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03/2019 God of PvP appreciation thread


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Many of you at here forums, don't seem to respect new best player in game (rank 1 leaderboard currently). You don't understand how much effort it takes for him to transfer NA, play game only at 4AM to be sure matches are possible to win, play raids in pve to hoard thousands of gold so hes able to pay money for enemies (or allies if team is going to lose) for reaching his long term dream - God of PvP title. This title - it was behind very hard work. He was not able to sleep much during nights, because he had to be awake at 4AM for pvp ques. He was tired during day in work, on this journey towards God of PvP title. It was over 2 months of daily struggle about planning when its good time to que, how much you can pay for each person/match, how you can arrive rank 1 at end of season during last hour etc.


In this thread, we respect hard work of that new God of PvP who sacrificed a lot in real life to get this precious title.

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> @"Babylonn.5027" said:

> play game only at 4AM to be sure matches are possible to win


Why does everyone say that? From my experience and from experience of all my friends the matches past 10 - 11 pm are full of complete **** and when they are not you get +4 for a win...

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > @"yanniell.1236" said:

> > The funny thing is that noone cares about the titles.


> Lol people that actually stand a **chance** at getting them care a lot. Which excludes most of the population


> Same way the average person could care less about a Lamborghini Huracan.



And then the people that actually stand a chance at getting them start to not care , or rage when they realize tip top end is notorious for some match manipulation and spot selling, basically rigged if you're not part of the 'Clique'. With a reputation like that at the top end it brings down the title value. Kinda like property in a known bad neighborhood.

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Sadly the titles dont mean much as far as if someone is good. Might as well be "God" of pvp.


When the majority of the "top" players lol are just wintrading basement trolls who are up at odd hours clicking que with a few buddies at the same time over voice chat just to play or throw a game. It's no longer ranked or competitive it's just wintrade wars.


At this point to fix the issue it will require a team lb and a solo lb or 2v2 tdm as ranked if continuing with the duo wintrade wars.

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I cared enough about your well being to make this post in order to respectfully tell you that nobody cares, and that you probably shouldn't be so invested in an endeavor which could potentially do some harm to a person's daily life for no purpose other than a **title plate** in Guild Wars 2 of all games. In fact, you really ought to discourage such reckless behavior.

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> @"yanniell.1236" said:

> The funny thing is that noone cares about the titles.


exactly. not exactly a badge you can wear with pride... people either think you've wintraded, think you must be a sad no-life or simply dont care.


Best of the Best is a clearer indication of a good pvp-er imo.

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> @"bbop.9706" said:

> > @"yanniell.1236" said:

> > The funny thing is that noone cares about the titles.


> exactly. not exactly a badge you can wear with pride... people either think you've wintraded, think you must be a sad no-life or simply dont care.


> Best of the Best is a clearer indication of a good pvp-er imo.


Best of Best is a very nice title. As the previous mAT one gold 3 thief got it because Flandre team's thief did not show up and they got a thief from LFG.

I mean, the god of pvp title does not mean you are THE BEST pvper in the game, but a silver/browze/plat1/2 player would not be able to get it for sure. Therefore, it is a signal of skill, though a bit noisy. I would like that title, but I know I am not that skillful.


Moreover, it is more convincing if people who have that title or at least top 25 title to say the gold of pvp title means nothing and the title is meaningless; for those who do not have the top 25 title or no title at all, it only shows your jealousy/envy, and you are either unskillful or too lazy to try.

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> @"Crozame.4098" said:

> > @"bbop.9706" said:

> > > @"yanniell.1236" said:

> > > The funny thing is that noone cares about the titles.

> >

> > exactly. not exactly a badge you can wear with pride... people either think you've wintraded, think you must be a sad no-life or simply dont care.

> >

> > Best of the Best is a clearer indication of a good pvp-er imo.


> Best of Best is a very nice title. As the previous mAT one gold 3 thief got it because Flandre team's thief did not show up and they got a thief from LFG.

> I mean, the god of pvp title does not mean you are THE BEST pvper in the game, but a silver/browze/plat1/2 player would not be able to get it for sure. Therefore, it is a signal of skill, though a bit noisy. I would like that title, but I know I am not that skillful.


> Moreover, it is more convincing if people who have that title or at least top 25 title to say the gold of pvp title means nothing and the title is meaningless; for those who do not have the top 25 title or no title at all, it only shows your jealousy/envy, and you are either unskillful or too lazy to try.


Nothing skillful about win trading and perma duo queue at 3am+


By the way, the simple fact that you can queue with someone else and compete on an individual leader board is ludicrous.

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> @"Crozame.4098" said:

> > @"bbop.9706" said:

> > > @"yanniell.1236" said:

> > > The funny thing is that noone cares about the titles.

> >

> > exactly. not exactly a badge you can wear with pride... people either think you've wintraded, think you must be a sad no-life or simply dont care.

> >

> > Best of the Best is a clearer indication of a good pvp-er imo.


> Best of Best is a very nice title. As the previous mAT one gold 3 thief got it because Flandre team's thief did not show up and they got a thief from LFG.

> I mean, the god of pvp title does not mean you are THE BEST pvper in the game, but a silver/browze/plat1/2 player would not be able to get it for sure. Therefore, it is a signal of skill, though a bit noisy. I would like that title, but I know I am not that skillful.


> Moreover, it is more convincing if people who have that title or at least top 25 title to say the gold of pvp title means nothing and the title is meaningless; for those who do not have the top 25 title or no title at all, it only shows your jealousy/envy, and you are either unskillful or too lazy to try.


So you're saying most people are lazy/jealous?


Why would they be?


What's to be impressed about a mode that gives you no good IRL money prize. No good revenue. No good anything. I could go to a card game tourney and make double the amount of money but simply getting top 3. I could get semi good in League, go to a local tourney and win 300+ bucks for beating local teams. Why would anyone be jealous of a badge that you can't even make a decent living off of? LOL. Most of these streamers have to still go to their real jobs just to make due.


You can try to say people are jealous/lazy/whatever but the cold, hard truth is the populace, E-Sports, and general MMO community could not give two dimes about gw2 PvP.


Sorry to break the truth to you.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > @"Crozame.4098" said:

> > > @"bbop.9706" said:

> > > > @"yanniell.1236" said:

> > > > The funny thing is that noone cares about the titles.

> > >

> > > exactly. not exactly a badge you can wear with pride... people either think you've wintraded, think you must be a sad no-life or simply dont care.

> > >

> > > Best of the Best is a clearer indication of a good pvp-er imo.

> >

> > Best of Best is a very nice title. As the previous mAT one gold 3 thief got it because Flandre team's thief did not show up and they got a thief from LFG.

> > I mean, the god of pvp title does not mean you are THE BEST pvper in the game, but a silver/browze/plat1/2 player would not be able to get it for sure. Therefore, it is a signal of skill, though a bit noisy. I would like that title, but I know I am not that skillful.

> >

> > Moreover, it is more convincing if people who have that title or at least top 25 title to say the gold of pvp title means nothing and the title is meaningless; for those who do not have the top 25 title or no title at all, it only shows your jealousy/envy, and you are either unskillful or too lazy to try.


> So you're saying most people are lazy/jealous?


> Why would they be?


> What's to be impressed about a mode that gives you no good IRL money prize. No good revenue. No good anything. I could go to a card game tourney and make double the amount of money but simply getting top 3. I could get semi good in League, go to a local tourney and win 300+ bucks for beating local teams. Why would anyone be jealous of a badge that you can't even make a decent living off of? LOL. Most of these streamers have to still go to their real jobs just to make due.


> You can try to say people are jealous/lazy/whatever but the cold, hard truth is the populace, E-Sports, and general MMO community could not give two dimes about gw2 PvP.


> Sorry to break the truth to you.


Who plays video games for money? lol


You know a lot of people make more than $300 everyday

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > @"Crozame.4098" said:

> > > @"bbop.9706" said:

> > > > @"yanniell.1236" said:

> > > > The funny thing is that noone cares about the titles.

> > >

> > > exactly. not exactly a badge you can wear with pride... people either think you've wintraded, think you must be a sad no-life or simply dont care.

> > >

> > > Best of the Best is a clearer indication of a good pvp-er imo.

> >

> > Best of Best is a very nice title. As the previous mAT one gold 3 thief got it because Flandre team's thief did not show up and they got a thief from LFG.

> > I mean, the god of pvp title does not mean you are THE BEST pvper in the game, but a silver/browze/plat1/2 player would not be able to get it for sure. Therefore, it is a signal of skill, though a bit noisy. I would like that title, but I know I am not that skillful.

> >

> > Moreover, it is more convincing if people who have that title or at least top 25 title to say the gold of pvp title means nothing and the title is meaningless; for those who do not have the top 25 title or no title at all, it only shows your jealousy/envy, and you are either unskillful or too lazy to try.


> So you're saying most people are lazy/jealous?


> Why would they be?


> What's to be impressed about a mode that gives you no good IRL money prize. No good revenue. No good anything. I could go to a card game tourney and make double the amount of money but simply getting top 3. I could get semi good in League, go to a local tourney and win 300+ bucks for beating local teams. Why would anyone be jealous of a badge that you can't even make a decent living off of? LOL. Most of these streamers have to still go to their real jobs just to make due.


> You can try to say people are jealous/lazy/whatever but the cold, hard truth is the populace, E-Sports, and general MMO community could not give two dimes about gw2 PvP.


> Sorry to break the truth to you.


Then do it, stop spending time on GW2 or post threads that related to the PvP topics. Use this time to win prizes in other games. Don't cry on the forum~~


You need to know most people play this game for pleasure as in many other games. Some people like pvp, others enjoy pve. The titles in PvP and PvE are a noisy signal of how good you are in THIS game. And this extra little thing might motive some people. Of course, most people do not train everyday, 8 hours a day to get the pvp title of this game, exactly because the reward is not that huge. And the meaning of people have job is that, even if the game had IRL money reward, most people would not spend much time on it, because they have a job. I have a job, and spend at most 5-7 hours a week on this game (except the end of a pvp season, I might spend 3-4 hours more per week).

Another similar argument is that, why people like weapon or armor skins? Why people take down raid bosses? There is also none IRL money rewarding them.

Mate, you need to understand many people play games not to earn money, but to relax. And PvP title is a non monetary prize, that some enjoy. Why cant it be pure psychological, why it must be money that motivates people?

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> @"Crozame.4098" said:

> > @"bbop.9706" said:

> > > @"yanniell.1236" said:

> > > The funny thing is that noone cares about the titles.

> >

> > exactly. not exactly a badge you can wear with pride... people either think you've wintraded, think you must be a sad no-life or simply dont care.

> >

> > Best of the Best is a clearer indication of a good pvp-er imo.


> Best of Best is a very nice title. As the previous mAT one gold 3 thief got it because Flandre team's thief did not show up and they got a thief from LFG.

> I mean, the god of pvp title does not mean you are THE BEST pvper in the game, but a silver/browze/plat1/2 player would not be able to get it for sure. Therefore, it is a signal of skill, though a bit noisy. I would like that title, but I know I am not that skillful.


> Moreover, it is more convincing if people who have that title or at least top 25 title to say the gold of pvp title means nothing and the title is meaningless; for those who do not have the top 25 title or no title at all, it only shows your jealousy/envy, and you are either unskillful or too lazy to try.


it was his alt thief so it was the same player you imbecile

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