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Dueling bunkers


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So after picking up the scrapper spec last night, I realized that it is very, *very* hard to die...

...and just as hard to actually kill things - especially *other* bunkers. :tongue:


This led to a funny situation in a match where I was dueling another scrapper one on one over a neutral node. Neither of us could kill the other, or even make much of a dent in each others' health, or push each other off the node, and no one from either team came to 1v2 the other. It was just two little asura with giant hammers bonking each other on the head for about a minute, before I said "forget it" and ran off to go help the rest of my team.


So...questions: when I'm dueling another bunker (regardless of class), and neither of us can gain even a slight advantage over the other, what should I do? Should I keep engaging him, because every second he wastes in a pointless fight with me is another second that he *isn't* helping his team? Or should I go help *my* team, even though that means a) losing the node (if I'm fighting on a node), and b) freeing the other bunker to help *his* team? Is it a case-by-case situation? Should I never duel another bunker in the first place if I can avoid it?

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> So after picking up the scrapper spec last night, I realized that it is very, *very* hard to die...

> ...and just as hard to actually kill things - especially *other* bunkers. :tongue:


> This led to a funny situation in a match where I was dueling another scrapper one on one over a neutral node. Neither of us could kill the other, or even make much of a dent in each others' health, or push each other off the node, and no one from either team came to 1v2 the other. It was just two little asura with giant hammers bonking each other on the head for about a minute, before I said "forget it" and ran off to go help the rest of my team.


> So...questions: when I'm dueling another bunker (regardless of class), and neither of us can gain even a slight advantage over the other, what should I do? Should I keep engaging him, because every second he wastes in a pointless fight with me is another second that he *isn't* helping his team? Or should I go help *my* team, even though that means a) losing the node (if I'm fighting on a node), and b) freeing the other bunker to help *his* team? Is it a case-by-case situation? Should I never duel another bunker in the first place if I can avoid it?


Sidenoders would feel a bit relieved if bunkers can hold the busy nodes until they +1 so yeah help the team don't waste it on single player... Or u can cap far and stay on it... That'll create openings and advantage for the team

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> So after picking up the scrapper spec last night, I realized that it is very, *very* hard to die...

> ...and just as hard to actually kill things - especially *other* bunkers. :tongue:


> This led to a funny situation in a match where I was dueling another scrapper one on one over a neutral node. Neither of us could kill the other, or even make much of a dent in each others' health, or push each other off the node, and no one from either team came to 1v2 the other. It was just two little asura with giant hammers bonking each other on the head for about a minute, before I said "forget it" and ran off to go help the rest of my team.


> So...questions: when I'm dueling another bunker (regardless of class), and neither of us can gain even a slight advantage over the other, what should I do? Should I keep engaging him, because every second he wastes in a pointless fight with me is another second that he *isn't* helping his team? Or should I go help *my* team, even though that means a) losing the node (if I'm fighting on a node), and b) freeing the other bunker to help *his* team? Is it a case-by-case situation? Should I never duel another bunker in the first place if I can avoid it?


This is why I play the demo variant of Scrapper. I can actually kill the other Scrapper. It takes a while but if I can hurt them and they can't hurt me, atleast I'll take the node at some point.

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had the same situation happen to me last night. I decided to stay with him on his home point until somebody came to +1 me. once I died, I went back to his far. kept him there until somebody came and killed me again. I kept doing that and it gave my team the opportunity to take and hold both mid and home. keep the scrapper busy, even if u are a scrapper too and that alone will help your team win.

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You can kill the bandwagoners with some burst damage prof, you will hit a snag if its someone that played it in hot and knows his shit, but the simple scrapper equation works and at least its not like the double mirage meta when you die from randomly farted conditions.

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Use team chat, request your higher burst dps to help you. The best case scenario is if other ppl come try to kill you, so you kite them but never completely leave the point. Pretty sure this works in all gold tier. If they have the wrong classes trying to kill you, you can pretty much bunk up to 3 ppl or even 5 if they cant properly burst you or stun lock you.

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Scrapper has forced the meta into a weird spot because it's OP enough that every viable build must have a way to deal with it. It can't fully bring back bunker meta, because there are still too many good DPS builds.


So instead every build must either A: Have enough damage to quickly burst scrapper down during a +1 or B: have enough sustain and defense so that a scrapper cannot kill you and you can troll the point from him forever. No in between. If you bring a "balanced" build that has an even split between damage and defense, but not quite enough defense that a decent scrapper can't kill you, it doesn't work. Welcome to the hybrid Bunker/Glass meta.


At least shield rev is now viable. :D

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> @"Babylonn.5027" said:

> Solution:

> Stop playing bunker and start to play real class//build.


Ah...like I have been doing for the past year-ish that I've been playing PVP? :tongue: I like playing a bunker! It's something new and fun for me.


To everyone else: Thank you! All your responses are super helpful. I think I'll play around with my pure tank build and see if I can work in some damage-dealing capabilities, too...if not, I'll keep in mind what you said. To sum it up:

**Captured or neutral node, stay. Enemy node, leave.** Communicate with team to help eliminate the stalemate if I get caught in an interminable one-on-one fight.

That about right? :)

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> So after picking up the scrapper spec last night, I realized that it is very, *very* hard to die...

> ...and just as hard to actually kill things - especially *other* bunkers. :tongue:


> This led to a funny situation in a match where I was dueling another scrapper one on one over a neutral node. Neither of us could kill the other, or even make much of a dent in each others' health, or push each other off the node, and no one from either team came to 1v2 the other. It was just two little asura with giant hammers bonking each other on the head for about a minute, before I said "forget it" and ran off to go help the rest of my team.


> So...questions: when I'm dueling another bunker (regardless of class), and neither of us can gain even a slight advantage over the other, what should I do? Should I keep engaging him, because every second he wastes in a pointless fight with me is another second that he *isn't* helping his team? Or should I go help *my* team, even though that means a) losing the node (if I'm fighting on a node), and b) freeing the other bunker to help *his* team? Is it a case-by-case situation? Should I never duel another bunker in the first place if I can avoid it?


* If you hold the node -- always duel the bunker.

* If the node is neutral -- stall the bunker until you get assistance, then hopefully cap it.

* If the node is held by the bunker -- go somewhere else

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> @"Mammoth.1975" said:

> If it's yours, stay, if it's neutral, stay, if it's theirs, leave. Very few exceptions. Fact is as a scrapper you're not helping your team much if you join them anyway, your whole job is keeping nodes or keeping them neutral.


Though to be fair, the healing and condi cleanse is really nice in team fights. Firebrand is probably better though tbh for overall team bunker

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