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Game Issues (access, TP, Gem Store) 10-03/04 [merged]

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As the Title says, I sold alot of items on the tp from my material storage (about 50g+ worth), but after sellign all my items and running to the TP to collect my gold, I realised that the Delivery Box shows 0g available to collect. prior to this large sale, i sold about 10g worth of items, which when selling took about a minute or so to update and reflect the gold in the delivery box. now I just emptied most of my material storage to make some gold, but no gold. I checked the transaction and all the sales are reflected there, and all the items are gone, but Im without gold. I thought it was weird and waited, but its been about 30+minutes since hte sale and still nothing. Please fix. Im beginning to have abit of a panic attack here.

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Hi there,

I'm surprised as I don't see anyone speaking about this but the Trading Post have since an hour a few issues, like being really **really** slow.

Cancelled items do not come back instantly, bought items take age to show up... etc...

Almost everyone experienced that around me right now.

Nothing on the Twitter account yet, so I just wonder if Arena.net is aware of this fact.

C ya

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Same here, when I try to buy something i get error saying "The game client is unable to gain access to the log-in server at this time..." (Code=42:0:9001:4402:101), except I can receive gold from my auctions. And TP gives me error however, while trying to buy again, it has actually taken my gold after an hour and deliver me nothing. So therefore I lost around 100g trying to buy Superior Sigil of Bursting, history shows I've purchased 5 of them, but I actually didn't received them. So DO NOT buy more than once, because client actually charges you and doesn't deliver. Any information on the topic would be nice.

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Sounds as if the server hosting the TP is having conniptions. There's not much to do except wait for ANet to figure out what's going on and address it. In the meantime:

* The TP doesn't remove gold or items from your account without registering, so even if you can't see your transactions or collect gold/items, they are there.

* Be patient; when all's well again, you'll be able to collect.

* As someone said above, don't 'buy' multiple times.

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Nothing is 'gone' -- you just aren't able to see it at the moment.


This unfortunate occurrence happens when there's something wrong with the server(s) that host the TP. Fortunately the game keeps a record of all your transactions: nothing is every 'lost'; at worst, you just can't see (or collect). Everything will be back to normal as soon as ANet can tackle whatever is wrong with the hardware/software.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @Myrdreth.6829 said:

> > The gemstore isn't working either.


> They use the same resources; it's common for both to have trouble at the same time :(


ah, ok :) I hope they will fix it soon. But I don't worry about it...they wanna make money, so they will fix it as fast as possible I think.

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Be careful on making multiple purchases thinking the first didn't go through. I seem to remember something like this happening before and someone ended up with every order placed getting fulfilled when they only wanted one. So if you placed an order for something, just wait for Anet to fix things first.

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