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Let's make GW2 more profitable! Are you ready to support new content with $3 monthly fee?

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+ There is altruism in the human race. There might be altruism among social media (like MMO's or forums) users. There might even be altruism in some of those who want to throw money at ANet above what ANet asks for.

+ That said, most of those who want an "optional" sub would want more it to be a deal, giving them more of what they value than they'd pay for at full price.

+ For a gem subscriptions with a discounted rate to make sense, enough players who do not buy gems normally to make up for those who buy them regularly but would now need to spend less to get a given amount of gems. The second group would be bigger by far than the first.

+ Any sub might cost ANet far more revenue from disenfranchised players who stop spending or even stop playing.

+ There would be zero guarantee that, even if an optional sub generated more revenue that it cost, that ANet would in any way change their content delivery plans.

+ I blame crowdfunding.

+ It's one thing for for people to fund other people or companies with an idea but no other funding.

+ It's quite another to offer to throw money at a subsidiary in one of the bloated mega game development companies.

+ The normal business-consumer relationship involves the company producing something the consumer wants to buy. Then, the consumer pays. Telling a multi-billion dollar corporation that you'll pay ahead in the hope they'll produce something of value is asking for the company to take advantage of you.


I suppose I should have chosen, "I want to spend on something else" instead of "I don't want to pay anything." I want to pay for expansions and am willing to buy fluff on the gem store.

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i seriously dont get this kind of threads... Do you want to support gw2? so buy an small amount of gems every month. And there is your monthly fee.

Others like me preffer to buy gems in a bunch every few months or so . Others simply preffer not to because they have enough gold.


Stop forcing this on the rest of us. GW2 works for me because it does not have a fee. If it would become anything else i would lose interest very quickly.

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First of all, it won't work. Secondly, Anet knows it won't work so they won't bother even entertaining this option. MMO's can transition from subscription model to F2P/B2P model, but it doesn't work the other way around.


To support this game, simply open up your wallet, buy things. Tell your friends about the game, and help players ingame who are new so they feel welcomed.

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I don’t think we need to pay every month, but there could be a way to pay for living world episodes instead of those being free.


For example in most episodes we’re going to get 1 episode story, 1 map, achievements, and something Anet thinks that will profit from the game.


If for example every 3-4 months they add more content besides 1 story episode and 1 map. They could also add 1 new dungeon and few paths. 1 raid boss, not wing a whole wing just to be realistic. 1 new fractal and challenge mode. new stats. Balance patch. 1 new pvp map/mode. 1 new wvw mode/map, alliance. And then they could surprise everyone with a new in game feature. For example, fishing, true housing. Making jewelry to 500, or cooking to 500. A new playable race. Etc.


I think if Anet truly has dedication to update every mode, and if they need more income to invest in speeding up the process. 10-15$ Every 3-4 months for all of these things included, we as a community could be satisfied.


Hell even if it took them 6 months to add all these things I would be happy. I just want more end game content.

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No monthly fee, please. I live in a poor Eastern European country but I do buy Gems whenever I can (that comes down to $5-ish per month). I want to pay when I can, not when I'm forced to. Give me Gem Store stuff I want to buy and start with armor skins. I have every Gem Store armor skin but only 2 Outfits. I would pay a higher price for armor skins! Give me content with repeatable and fun meta events that are balanced and do not need nerfs in the future. I would happily pay for living world episodes, ESO and every other MMO sells DLCs, Anet is too generous for giving living world episodes away for free. Also, give me player housing. I would spend a fortune on furniture!

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> I'm not going to pay anything. I spend enough money on the gemstore for that.


What if there was no gemstore and instead it all went into the game, would you pay a small sub then? I would rather pay 5/10 a month and have gem store items put in game as drops or bought with ingame currencies or crafted. What if the gemstore isnt enough to keep the game afloat, would you pay a sub then to keep gw2 going? Just curious, because it does cost to keep servers going.

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Big NO to that suggestion!

I spend 100$~250$ every few months to support this game out of love for the game whether I need something from the gemstore or not and I enjoy doing that

A forced subscription will make me take my money elsewhere and find another game.


I understand some are coming from WoW

But lets get something straight here

This is Guild Wars and it used to cost money....Yes some of us paid for the core game...and now its free..Surprising isn't it?!


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I've already put in enough money. I'm happy to let others carry that torch if they wish.


I'm not complaining. I got decent value for my money, but I simply don't plan on spending any more money on this game. If it went subscription at this point...I'd be forced to stop playing. I'd rather not do that.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > I'm not going to pay anything. I spend enough money on the gemstore for that.


> What if there was no gemstore and instead it all went into the game, would you pay a small sub then? I would rather pay 5/10 a month and have gem store items put in game as drops or bought with ingame currencies or crafted. What if the gemstore isnt enough to keep the game afloat, would you pay a sub then to keep gw2 going? Just curious, because it does cost to keep servers going.


A subscription game with no in-game store is a fair model but it doesn't exist anymore. Games like WoW have stores on top of their sub fees because why just make money when you can make ALL the money.


That idea of "supporting" a product/service baffles me. This game is made by subsidiary of a gaming conglomerate. Any money you spend on it are going into the pockets of NCsoft and they decide what to do with them. I'm just a consumer, if I worried too much about a corporation's earnings I'd buy stock not a subscription. Also, I know it's just an old saying at this point, but server costs are lower than ever and a very minor cost for modern gaming companies.

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I am not sure about the pricing becuase I don't know what the content would be.


I pay the 15 dollar optional subscription at ESO because it's a good deal and the company releases content often enough, plus I don't have to remember to whip out my wallet each month to support the company, it's automatic.


An optional subscription model with account perks such as (suggestions, not all need to be included):


* bonus gold chance, magic find, and XP, like 10% or so

* a modest amount of gems

* exclusive access to special bonus sale prices in the gem store

* an upgraded daily chest

* double daily gold

* bonus storage space and material storage while subscription is active

* free z-key and chest with guaranteed extra item chance


Doesn't change anything for those who don't subscribe, and the list is not what "must" be there, I am just throwing ideas.


I don't understand why people wouldn't want those willing to pay for this optional subscription to not have the option to do so.


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I can't express my opinion in a civilized manner.



>! You want a special mount and buffs and exclusivity for 3 euros/dollars a month?

>! And how about a kitten *bob to go with it?Dear customer!!?

>! Or go buy some Gems and stop being a kitten kitten.

>! Enough with this kitten. <3 >!


I'm terribly sorry.

I deserve to be kittenised.



*That is really a "J"

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Subscription models are an outdated model, and rightfully so.

When I feel like supporting Anet I buy myself a bunch of gems and buy something that is reasonably useful/pretty/whatever. That's a flexible model I am in control of. I decide if my "subscription benefits" are worth it, I decide when I spend money and how much of it. No repercussions when I don't have money to spare in one month, no regrets when it's a slow month in GW2 or I don't get to play that much.

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> @"Trinnitty.8256" said:

> If every expansion gets included for paying a monthly fee with the perks to subbing then maybe. If I pay a sub and still have to pay for expansions then no.


The issue with what you’d prefer is that players would sub for a month, exhaust the content, and then un-sub.

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> @"AlexPlay.8436" said:

> ...2 months earlier than free-players.



Um, I am not a free player. I paid for every single release, usually well before they launched, Don't diminish my contribution based on what you think would be a good business model for Anet. If you want to contribute, that's your prerogative, but to get in game rewards for it would be a slap in the face of those who didn't sign up for it.


Edit: spelling mistake

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I am personally not down with having to pay a monthly expense for the game, but i do provide support by buying from the gem store and purchasing xpacs. 60$ Xpac, I'm there. I'm used to buying games for consoles anyway so it doesn't turn out to be much different from that.

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I'll support them with Gem Store purchases when they actually provide me with good options for things to purchase. I'll buy another expansion if they decide to do one. Bundling the Warclaw skins is an example of how to _not_ get me to spend money, and I would definitely have at least purchased one could I have picked and purchased single skins. To be honest, I have supported GW2 for years now with various Gem Store purchases, so my vote option isn't entirely accurate, though it's not inaccurate either I guess, I'm still willing to spend money on the game. RNG is not something I want to deal with though, so things like BLC keys and random mount skins are not something I care to gamble with unless I happen to have left-over Gems and decide to just burn them on something like that on a whim, nor do I like bundled items being the sole way of obtaining something. As an option, I do like bundles, but not when that's the only option there is. That makes me boycott the offer.


If they were to start monetizing stuff like the Living World beyond the items that go up for sale simultaneously with the episodes on the Gem Store, I would likely either stop paying for anything entirely as I would no longer partake in the Story, and that'd likely result in me losing interest and quitting. I enjoy WvW. I enjoy playing instruments. But I also enjoy that little period of time when me and a friend goes through the next part of the story as it's released. I would honestly not pay for that though, especially if I've burned out and are on a break. The free updates always brings me back in, which results in me playing again, which results in me spending some money on the Gem Store. Take that out, and I don't have any reason to come back if I burn out and take a break. Getting somewhat sick of seeing people suggesting to monetize this and subscription that as if it wouldn't cause players to quit, as if it won't kill any incentive for coming back to the game if you have taken a break. If you want to support the game, the Gem Store is there for you to make purchases in right now. Tell people you know about the game, and let them know they can try the core game extensively for free. Sell them on the product and perhaps they will purchase the game, expansions and story packs. I've supported it monetarily since 2012. I've given them _way_ more than $3 a month combined and have paid _more_ than a fair share for the story content that haven't even been developed yet. I'll continue to give them money when they give me a reason to give them money. I like supporting the game, but I ain't ready for any subscription fees or sudden pay gates on story content beyond paying for an expansion. That'd push me away.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > guarantee of better or sustained content

> >

> > It has been for the other mmos that run a sub fee (optional or not).


> It’s not guaranteed better content. Results are every bit as mixed as they are here


Depends, overall it seems to be better as the other mmos tent to be more sucessful.

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I personally would be willing to have an pay an optional sub fee, even assuming all it did was give a little bonus of gems a month (IE you pay 15 a month but get like $20 a month of gems or something)


However, I’m likely in a tiny minority that’d even support something like that, not to mention the sheer amount of players who’d pay for the sub and feel like their every whim should be catered to by Anet because of it, which would just be toxic as hell.

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