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Dragon Bash... where did you go?

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I know everyone is gearing up for SAB which is great. But I got to thinking what festivals have been forgotten and left to the wayside. [Dragon Bash ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon_Bash "Dragon Bash ")came to mind. I am not sure why anet never brought this back. I know it was originally ran before Lions Arch got its rework but I think they could add some Holographic dragons and some vendors to the new one and call it a day. I personally would like to see this event going every year with new rewards of course. We have a few more dragons to kill now and with the impending Kralkatorrik fight coming soon it would be a great time to have it. Also It would be a pity to waste such a good song "[bash the Dragon](

"Bash the Dragon")" for just a one and done event.


The story has always been someway tied around fighting dragons through out the story from personal story through current living world. Yes we fought other stuff along the way but it was always pushing us towards fighting a dragon eventually. It would be fitting to bring back this festival. I find it hard to believe that the fine people of Tyria would only celebrate this one time and forget about it. Especially the Norns who don't need much reason to drink.


Maybe its a pipe dream but I enjoyed it back in 2013 and it would be nice to enjoy it again.

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Part of it got merged into Lunar New Year. Bringing it back now would require adding to it and it feels like the festival team are already fairly stretched.


It mostly existed as way to celebrate killing Zhaitan. Now we aren't supposed to be killing ED's it's possible they see it as not really fitting, on top of the fact we have a pretty decent number of festivals now

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There's not much to that festival: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon_Bash

We already have Dragon Bash, and the only other real 'events' were Moa Racing (the track is gone, I believe), and the Hologram Projectors, which gave an achievement (16 AP for killing 300 minions; probably less AP nowadays).

There was, also, Lighting Effigies, but that's not really an _event_.

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