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Make unidentified gear bags exempt from global salvaging

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> @"Julius Seizure.4985" said:


> >

> > So please remind me again, why are you against it?

> >

> > I rest my case here.


> A lot of us are against these complaints because an easy solution already exists, it’s just not what you prefer. Developer time is a more valuable resource, and you are effectively asking for them to code on something that already has a solution...



Please read my previous posts in this thread in detail because I explain exactly why it's not a solution.


And I am pretty sure that loot management comes up pretty high on the list of priorities for any MMO. Especially one that is so prominently riddled with candy loot like GW2.

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> @"holodoc.5748" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > @"holodoc.5748" said:

> > > It's not a solution and here is why.

> > >

> > > **Pre-patch workflow**:

> > >

> > > **Post-patch workflow:**

> > >

> > > I can't stress enough how much I hate the added post-patch busywork required to just salvage all the contents of the unidentified gear bags now.

> > In the upper left of your inventory screen are two numbers: total inventory slots on the character and used inventory slots. Subtract the 2nd from the first, alt+drag an appropriately sized part of the stack to the next slot, open that and salvage away.

> >

> > Personally I very much prefer this way to getting "inventory full" messages in the middle of meta events, wvw fights, and whatever other places you can think of where fiddling around with your inventory is the best recipe to get killed.


> So, instead of just directly salvaging and quickly depositing collectibles you prefer to first do all the inventory space math, split stacks, open all the bags, salvage every single bag manually because you can't use "Salvage All", deposit salvaged stuff and then rinse and repeat until you've done with all the bags? Because you know, your inventory will get filled with other stuff in WvW, not just bags of unidentified gear.

Why can't you use "salvage all"? The whole point is to put the stacks of unidentified gear somewhere where they are save from salvaging (invisible bag or shared slot), then pull out a part of them to "use all" and "salvage all". And if simple subtraction is too much to ask, just take a quick look at how many empty bags are in your inventory and break off a stack of 20/40/60 as rough approximate of how many empty spots you can fill.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"holodoc.5748" said:

> > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > @"holodoc.5748" said:

> > > > It's not a solution and here is why.

> > > >

> > > > **Pre-patch workflow**:

> > > >

> > > > **Post-patch workflow:**

> > > >

> > > > I can't stress enough how much I hate the added post-patch busywork required to just salvage all the contents of the unidentified gear bags now.

> > > In the upper left of your inventory screen are two numbers: total inventory slots on the character and used inventory slots. Subtract the 2nd from the first, alt+drag an appropriately sized part of the stack to the next slot, open that and salvage away.

> > >

> > > Personally I very much prefer this way to getting "inventory full" messages in the middle of meta events, wvw fights, and whatever other places you can think of where fiddling around with your inventory is the best recipe to get killed.

> >

> > So, instead of just directly salvaging and quickly depositing collectibles you prefer to first do all the inventory space math, split stacks, open all the bags, salvage every single bag manually because you can't use "Salvage All", deposit salvaged stuff and then rinse and repeat until you've done with all the bags? Because you know, your inventory will get filled with other stuff in WvW, not just bags of unidentified gear.

> Why can't you use "salvage all"? The whole point is to put the stacks of unidentified gear somewhere where they are save from salvaging (invisible bag or shared slot), then pull out a part of them to "use all" and "salvage all". And if simple subtraction is too much to ask, just take a quick look at how many empty bags are in your inventory and break off a stack of 20/40/60 as rough approximate of how many empty spots you can fill.


Because now I have at least two extra steps I have to worry about that I didn't have to worry about before. Not only do I need additional micro- management of opening the bags but I also need to worry about where I've put the bags before salvaging?


And what if I have disabled showing separate bags in my inventory? Do I need to count slots to make sure I've put the gear bags exactly in the invisible bag or do I need to turn bags separation in my inventory settings on every time I wan't so salvage something?


Unnecessary annoying busywork.


> @"Cuks.8241" said:

> Moving 3 stacks of unid gear into invis bag is still much less managing work than salvaging when the bags get full during play.


Absolutely not true. Please take a look at my fourth post in this thread to see why.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"holodoc.5748" said:

> > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > @"holodoc.5748" said:

> > > > It's not a solution and here is why.

> > > >

> > > > **Pre-patch workflow**:

> > > >

> > > > **Post-patch workflow:**

> > > >

> > > > I can't stress enough how much I hate the added post-patch busywork required to just salvage all the contents of the unidentified gear bags now.

> > > In the upper left of your inventory screen are two numbers: total inventory slots on the character and used inventory slots. Subtract the 2nd from the first, alt+drag an appropriately sized part of the stack to the next slot, open that and salvage away.

> > >

> > > Personally I very much prefer this way to getting "inventory full" messages in the middle of meta events, wvw fights, and whatever other places you can think of where fiddling around with your inventory is the best recipe to get killed.

> >

> > So, instead of just directly salvaging and quickly depositing collectibles you prefer to first do all the inventory space math, split stacks, open all the bags, salvage every single bag manually because you can't use "Salvage All", deposit salvaged stuff and then rinse and repeat until you've done with all the bags? Because you know, your inventory will get filled with other stuff in WvW, not just bags of unidentified gear.

> Why can't you use "salvage all"? The whole point is to put the stacks of unidentified gear somewhere where they are save from salvaging (invisible bag or shared slot), then pull out a part of them to "use all" and "salvage all". And if simple subtraction is too much to ask, just take a quick look at how many empty bags are in your inventory and break off a stack of 20/40/60 as rough approximate of how many empty spots you can fill.


Because the whole idea behind unids is to save inventory management. Buying new bags, moving the unids around, identifying, then salvaging in groups (and hoping your open all doesn't go into overflow) doesn't alleviate the inventory management system. What holo suggests, removes the need to worry about where you even put those unids at all and genuinely lessens the amount of inventory management required.


Invisible bags is an acceptable workaround (for many) and a stop gap. However, there is simply no reason Holo's feedback should be objected to though if it can be done. It literally is a win/win if it gets implemented.

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As I've said in another thread:

For me, the invisible bag works perfectly, but as there is an option to Salvage Stack on the salvage kits I see no reason against exempting unIDed gear from Salvage All.


**Those against - give one reason against that isn't either "it works as is" or "unnecessary dev work".**

The first is straight up a bad argument if the proposed change doesn't meaningfully affect you (and we who keep them in Invisible bags or shared inventory would not see any *effective* difference), and the second is reasonable for big changes but *way* overused for stuff we don't know how hard they are to do.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> I have always found invisible bags an absolute pain in my kitten to manage properly.


The trick with invisible bags is to put them at the bottom of your bag lists and keep them mostly full from the bottom up so that when you max your inventory you don't get surprise drops in unexpected spots. My mains have three invisible bags each. The top bag is the generic 20 slot, next is the Olmakhan Bandolier to pickup bag an other odd drops then equipment bags between it and the lower invisible bags. If you don't have a Olmakhan Bandolier bag then put at least 1 of each type of container you frequently get in the top most invisible bag. I picked up the habit back during the ABML days when I had to manage the inventory and salvage on the run to avoid maxed out inventory. I have a wide panel monitor. I keep my inventory window on the left side 5x wide so I can see what what's going on with it as I'm on the go or fighting.


I really wish the devs would make containers in invisible bags open all but one so we can leave 1 container as a place holder. Of course that wouldn't matter if the Olmakhan Bandolier had an invisible version. Having both fixes would be good since you have to do a bit of a grind to get the Olmakhan Bandolier bags.

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Inventory management is an end-game skill that 'elitists' rely on. As said, leave a stack of 1 of gear type in an invisible bag and NEVER worry. Lacking this, please use the feature that was added to preview the loot that is about to be salvaged.


BTW, there are already 32-slot invisible bags in the game and they don't require any time-gated components (other than gold).

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Only been playing for a few months however I play daily for hours each day.




#1. I can do inventory management/salvaging/selling on downtime

#2. No longer must I be paranoid about filling up my bags in the middle of map sweeping

#3. Literally can stay focused longer on things I rather be doing most of the time

#4. I find it cleaner and more organised feeling


All in all I prefer this mode much more.

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