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When will the glamour trait come back ?


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Throwing ideas while I'm here

1) Other than CD reduction, which is always fine, glamours become stunbreakers

2) Give each an additional effect, much like Blurred Inscriptions does with signets

Then again, which effects can be granted? Considering that feedback has already a trait to improve it, this makes it quite hard to find something that still offers improvement without creating one skill that trumps everything. Here is my modest proposal


- Null field: pulsing area stunbreak for all allies. Has a chance to daze foes at every pulse (much like the old chaos storm)... or apply revealed to foes? :) just to give us a counter against THAT ONE PERMA STEALTH DEADEYE

- Veil: on enter grants superspeed and next attack unblockable while in stealth, to turn your allies into nice thief cosplayers. Also reduce the cd: like, regardless of traits. 72s cd for 3s stealth is a big meme.

- Feedback: can block people, much like ward does (Could this make it OP with medic's feedback? IDK, but it's a possibility). Otherwise: allies inside the bubble will not bleed out.

- Time warp: casting it grants some kind of boon? IDK, some stacks of might or something. Devs won't really love this because it doesn't fit with the whole "time" theme but really I like this skill the way it is, only problem to me is the insane cooldown

- Portal: full condi cleanse on portal exit


Hear me out, you're gonna love this



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> @"Terrorhuz.4695" said:


> Throwing ideas while I'm here

> 1) Other than CD reduction, which is always fine, glamours become stunbreakers

> 2) Give each an additional effect, much like Blurred Inscriptions does with signets

> Then again, which effects can be granted? Considering that feedback has already a trait to improve it, this makes it quite hard to find something that still offers improvement without creating one skill that trumps everything. Here is my modest proposal


> - Null field: pulsing area stunbreak for all allies. Has a chance to daze foes at every pulse (much like the old chaos storm)... or apply revealed to foes? :) just to give us a counter against THAT ONE PERMA STEALTH DEADEYE

> - Veil: on enter grants superspeed and next attack unblockable while in stealth, to turn your allies into nice thief cosplayers. Also reduce the cd: like, regardless of traits. 72s cd for 3s stealth is a big meme.

> - Feedback: can block people, much like ward does (Could this make it OP with medic's feedback? IDK, but it's a possibility). Otherwise: allies inside the bubble will not bleed out.

> - Time warp: casting it grants some kind of boon? IDK, some stacks of might or something. Devs won't really love this because it doesn't fit with the whole "time" theme but really I like this skill the way it is, only problem to me is the insane cooldown

> - Portal: full condi cleanse on portal exit

> *OR.*

> Hear me out, you're gonna love this



> Tell me what you think


unblockable on vail seems to have no synergy with the veil itself, so meh

Feedback blocking people seems like VERY strong effect, it could block entire node... could be broken, expecially with mimic to zone enitre node out for 12s+

Null field could ramp up with boon shread, 1 then 2 then 3 then 4 then 10, or it could simply reduce damage taken.

No clue what could make portal usable, its super bad rn, having 2 stacks of it would mean it would NEVER be buffed again

tbh if it fully cleansed it would be the best cleanse in the game. 10s of constant full cleanse by jumping back and fourth lol.

The problem with glamours are that they are super bad by themselfs, to ever be played they need to be buffed first.

Veil is a joke

Time warp is a joke

Null field is a joke

Portal is a joke too

Even if we got glamour trait, I dont think it would be played.

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> @"Terrorhuz.4695" said:

> - Null field

Just make it remove same amount of condis/boons in half the time without trait (5 pulses in 2.5 seconds instead of 5 seconds). The trait can make the radius bigger or something.


> - Feedback

Maybe the trait can add "allies inside the AoE periodically gains retaliation", following the "reflect" theme.


> - Time Warp

Lower the CD, no questions asked. The trait can add swiftness to allies and crippled to opponents inside AoE, without touching quickness and slow.


> - Portal

Maybe the trait makes it stay for 60 seconds again, lol.



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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> Since chrono died there is no excuse to NOT buff kitten out of TW,moa and unnerf all phantasm that were made garbage and other stuff


there is plenty of reasons, like laziness. incompetence or plain old not giving a damn. :D

any buff to mesmer will mean outrage

you guys remember when Dune Cloak was made even worse and someone made post about it being op? i member

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > "When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. Then Glamour will return, and not before.”


Again, all you need to know.


> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > Since chrono died there is no excuse to NOT buff kitten out of TW,moa and unnerf all phantasm that were made garbage and other stuff


> there is plenty of reasons, like laziness. incompetence or plain old not giving a kitten. :D

> **any buff to mesmer will mean outrage**

> you guys remember when Dune Cloak was made even worse and someone made post about it being op? i member


Truth. So many people are so bad at this game that they don't even know they are allowed to switch targets. If you want good mobile PvP, stop playing Thief or Mesmer here and go to Destiny 2 and play Hunter. Where you'll see the same threads complaining the class is OP.


Every PvP game ends up dominated by the bad whiners and their meds. Can't learn to play? Just whine on the forums and be a cash shop whale.

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