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Warclaw Praise Thread - Yes, It Is Healthy For WvW

Trevor Boyer.6524

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> @"KellionBane.4956" said:

> The Warclaw is probably the WORST thing they've added to WVW over the last few years.

> WHY?

> Because it's a hurdle for new entries into WVW to overcome.

> There's a clear difference between those that have one and those that do not have one. And locking the final piece of the mount behind a 5-10 hour grind in a mode that requires following a large number of players who already HAVE the mount is just asking the new people to punish themselves.

> Without people being able to participate in a meaningful manner (following the zerg) they will not be able to complete their WVW reward tracks in any timely manner, and lose interest.


> In return, this means a dying population for this mode of game play. Without new blood, you may as well retire this mode of gameplay.


> And this entire based on my experiences on a returning player.



I'm in this situation right now and it is agonizing. The new/returning player experience is atrocious. Can't keep up with the group and oftentimes don't make it to objectives before they get captured. Sometimes I'll fall far enough behind that I'll get annihilated by packs of roamers picking off people such as myself. If I'm with some folks and they back off because there's a larger enemy force, I'm left behind to die every time. When I'm running back I am the easiest target imaginable to anyone and everyone because they can choose whether we engage and I cannot. I don't even get swiftness from other people in the group anymore since everyone just mounts up. Hope you aren't playing a class/build without easy access to it.


This is coming from someone with a decent chunk of prior WvW experience from years back. A completely fresh player having to deal with this AND the usual issues of starting out in WvW is going to have a very, very bad time.


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> @"Vargs.6234" said:

> > @"KellionBane.4956" said:

> > The Warclaw is probably the WORST thing they've added to WVW over the last few years.

> > WHY?

> > Because it's a hurdle for new entries into WVW to overcome.

> > There's a clear difference between those that have one and those that do not have one. And locking the final piece of the mount behind a 5-10 hour grind in a mode that requires following a large number of players who already HAVE the mount is just asking the new people to punish themselves.

> > Without people being able to participate in a meaningful manner (following the zerg) they will not be able to complete their WVW reward tracks in any timely manner, and lose interest.

> >

> > In return, this means a dying population for this mode of game play. Without new blood, you may as well retire this mode of gameplay.

> >

> > And this entire based on my experiences on a returning player.



> I'm in this situation right now and it is agonizing. The new/returning player experience is atrocious. Can't keep up with the group and oftentimes don't make it to objectives before they get captured. Sometimes I'll fall far enough behind that I'll get annihilated by packs of roamers picking off people such as myself. If I'm with some folks and they back off because there's a larger enemy force, I'm left behind to die every time. When I'm running back I am the easiest target imaginable to anyone and everyone because they can choose whether we engage and I cannot. I don't even get swiftness from other people in the group anymore since everyone just mounts up. Hope you aren't playing a class/build without easy access to it.


> This is coming from someone with a decent chunk of prior WvW experience from years back. A completely fresh player having to deal with this AND the usual issues of starting out in WvW is going to have a very, very bad time.



This is exactly what became of roaming...and therefor IT died

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It's been a good thing for the game mode.


I think they wanted increased mobility, more engaging game play, and a way to affect downed state strategically since so many people bitch about it.


They succeeded well beyond expectations.


Only thing I dislike about it is it looks just awful even with the extra skins I bought for it. "Vague cat monster". I hope the 2k gem skin is a huge departure from its stock looks.

Reminds me of the gargoyle monster from 1980s ghost buster. Just doesn't fit.


Which is frankly quite odd btw I love pretty much all the other skins for the other mounts and I have a ton of them. Its a shame they didn't include an option for the warclaw to assume any previously unlocked mount skin that you have but obv logistics of that would be impossible.

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i have been, along with a few pals thinking of coming back & giving this game another go. those specialisation reworks are pretty rad for old jaded rev & warrior mains.


thing is, we don’t own the expansion & aren’t super keen to buy it right now (as were not sure if we will stick around). am i to understand that roaming is pretty much dead, & PoF & a warclaw are now mandatory for WvW? because thats how it seems from what @"KellionBane.4956" @"Vargs.6234" & others have said.


so i guess we just shouldn’t play wvw? thats seems like what we have to do as old roamers who don’t own PoF if we don’t want to buy powercreep. doesn’t seem like wvw without the mount is any fun.


not sure if that makes the gamemode healthy @"Trevor Boyer.6524" , somehow i don’t see it. seems like P2W to me...

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> @"choovanski.5462" said:

> i have been, along with a few pals thinking of coming back & giving this game another go. those specialisation reworks are pretty rad for old jaded rev & warrior mains.


> thing is, we don’t own the expansion & aren’t super keen to buy it right now (as were not sure if we will stick around). am i to understand that roaming is pretty much dead, & PoF & a warclaw are now mandatory for WvW? because thats how it seems from what @"KellionBane.4956" @"Vargs.6234" & others have said.


> so i guess we just shouldn’t play wvw? thats seems like what we have to do as old roamers who don’t own PoF if we don’t want to buy powercreep. doesn’t seem like wvw without the mount is any fun.


> not sure if that makes the gamemode healthy @"Trevor Boyer.6524" , somehow i don’t see it. seems like P2W to me...


If you could try it out and give some feedback here that would be great. The more people speak of their experience the more it will help bring things hopefully into line.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > @"choovanski.5462" said:

> > i have been, along with a few pals thinking of coming back & giving this game another go. those specialisation reworks are pretty rad for old jaded rev & warrior mains.

> >

> > thing is, we don’t own the expansion & aren’t super keen to buy it right now (as were not sure if we will stick around). am i to understand that roaming is pretty much dead, & PoF & a warclaw are now mandatory for WvW? because thats how it seems from what @"KellionBane.4956" @"Vargs.6234" & others have said.

> >

> > so i guess we just shouldn’t play wvw? thats seems like what we have to do as old roamers who don’t own PoF if we don’t want to buy powercreep. doesn’t seem like wvw without the mount is any fun.

> >

> > not sure if that makes the gamemode healthy @"Trevor Boyer.6524" , somehow i don’t see it. seems like P2W to me...


> If you could try it out and give some feedback here that would be great. The more people speak of their experience the more it will help bring things hopefully into line.


sure. when the rework patch for berserker & rev comes out, we will give it a look. i must say though, we are expecting to not be able to have fun in WvW & just play Spvp. WvW looks like it’s completely gone down the toilet

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> @"choovanski.5462" said:

> am i to understand that roaming is pretty much dead

People keep claiming that but its still objectivly false. Go and watch any part of the maps and you will see plenty of people running around. Has it *changed* roaming? Yes. But so has every other balance change and expansion done. Its akin to claiming that the removal of the Quaggans is really what killed WvW. Many people have a very narrow definition of what roaming/WvW is to them.


If you dont want to buy the expansion, thats fine. You're just going to make WvW worse for yourself with less build options, less mobility and standing on the outside of the meta. Its your choice.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"choovanski.5462" said:

> > am i to understand that roaming is pretty much dead

> People keep claiming that but its still objectivly false. Go and watch any part of the maps and you will see plenty of people running around. Has it *changed* roaming? Yes. But so has every other balance change and expansion done. Its akin to claiming that the removal of the Quaggans is really what killed WvW. Many people have a very narrow definition of what roaming/WvW is to them.



It's a matter of perspective.

If you understand it as capturing points to help your server win, sure its still there.


But If you understand roaming as a way to fight other players in a open world PvP map, its dead. Specially if you play solo on a melee build, this is definetely dead.


Roaming is what you think its fun.

For some people competing against 2 servers by killing npc's and capturing towers to get a extra pip is fun.


For some its fun to fight other players in a build you like the way you like.

If you cant play the build the way you want anymore then its dead to you.

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> @"choovanski.5462" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > > @"choovanski.5462" said:

> > > i have been, along with a few pals thinking of coming back & giving this game another go. those specialisation reworks are pretty rad for old jaded rev & warrior mains.

> > >

> > > thing is, we don’t own the expansion & aren’t super keen to buy it right now (as were not sure if we will stick around). am i to understand that roaming is pretty much dead, & PoF & a warclaw are now mandatory for WvW? because thats how it seems from what @"KellionBane.4956" @"Vargs.6234" & others have said.

> > >

> > > so i guess we just shouldn’t play wvw? thats seems like what we have to do as old roamers who don’t own PoF if we don’t want to buy powercreep. doesn’t seem like wvw without the mount is any fun.

> > >

> > > not sure if that makes the gamemode healthy @"Trevor Boyer.6524" , somehow i don’t see it. seems like P2W to me...

> >

> > If you could try it out and give some feedback here that would be great. The more people speak of their experience the more it will help bring things hopefully into line.


> sure. when the rework patch for berserker & rev comes out, we will give it a look. i must say though, we are expecting to not be able to have fun in WvW & just play Spvp. WvW looks like it’s completely gone down the toilet


Depends if u consider half a zerg just standing there while scourges flood the area in front of them with circles,rangers and revs pew pew from range while few players sit on cannons while the other server just stands back for half hr or so waiting for more players to join so they dont intact die in a push as going down the toilet lmao such a fun game mode theyve created lol

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> @"spectrito.8513" said:

> But If you understand roaming as a way to fight other players in a open world PvP map, its dead.

I've done that every single day since the mount came out.


Its a matter of perspective in the sense that people think *if I cant use it to my advantage its dead and if the enemy can use it to their advantage they are bad*, true. Thats why its *objectivly false*.

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Honestly, so long as they actually go forward with implementing the dismount skill for the mount then a lot of these problems should dwindle significantly. They are considering doing more by adding a small break bar but I *personally* don't think that it would be necessary as the dismount skill itself should suffice so long as its implemented well.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > But If you understand roaming as a way to fight other players in a open world PvP map, its dead.

> I've done that every single day since the mount came out.


> Its a matter of perspective in the sense that people think *if I cant use it to my advantage its dead and if the enemy can use it to their advantage they are bad*, true. Thats why its *objectivly false*.


Sure, you still can fight mounted people, that doesnt mean you'll dismount them and even if you do most of your skills will be on cooldown unless you play a class that can deal 11k+ damage on a single button


Currently anyone who engages first is forced to burn cooldowns so you're **penalized for starting a fight**.

It's a incentive to **NOT** engage first and this is detrimental for WvW as a PvP mode

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> @"spectrito.8513" said:

> Sure, you still can fight mounted people, that doesnt mean you'll dismount them and even if you do most of your skills will be on cooldown unless you play a class that can deal 11k+ damage on a single button

... Like every class you mean?


You're right in that there are flaws with the mount - I want to see a dismount as much as the next guy - but that **does not mean roaming is dead**. It's very much alive. Hell in the last couple of weeks we've had to fight off more small groups going west/east and north camp on our hbl than I can count, just because they move so fast up from the spawns.

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