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Which Race would you like to see in Next Xpac

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The all dwarves are stone thing could be easy- We just play a dwarf that IS stone!

I think with the newest gemstore item we won't be getting largos, seeing as we've just chopped off their wings and are flashing them around as a fashion item. While they would've been cool for me Largos are officially off the table.


Tengu would be amazing, and their starting location would be beyond their wall, perhaps intro story mission a instance of them deciding to finally open up to the world.


I don't really see a reason for the other two races, Kodan we barely see outside of their environment and Jotun seem to be a bit mindless ish now, definitely well-fallen from their previous status as chosen of the gods.

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Tengu was supposed to be one of the races playable upon GW2 conception but for some reason they did not make it into the final cut. I would like to see Tengu finally added. I've had a name reserved for a Tengu since launch on an alt that is just taking up an extra character slot I could be using for my Tengu.

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I’d prefer no new races of those listed. Most would just be variations of charr (tengu, kodan) and not many people play them. Armours look bad on them, they are too big, et cetera. I’d much prefer they make a lot more armour sets for the existing races.


If we *had* to have a new playable race, I’d choose choya. :)

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We don't need another expansion where the major "feature" is "roll another character"


Adding multiple races is one of the reasons content feels so sparse in GW2 compared to GW1 in the first place. It drastically increased the financial investment required to create dialogue, armor, and animations for characters.


People like to remind everyone that art assets were cheaper to produce in GW1 as a means of explaining why there was so much more armor and so many more skills, but forget that the fact that there were only ever two animation skeletons and variants of any armor set meant that each took significantly less work.


In addition, adding classes in GW1 was added content for existing characters because of the secondary class system. It made sense there because classes were a system that didn't require a reroll to use them.


Adding races is a non-feature. Races add nothing compelling to the game compared to what we lose. It was the same situation with adding revnant. The decision to add a class took away from the art, animation, sound, and design team that could have easily in stead been used to ship HoT with 2 elite specs for the characters you already have.


The point of expansions is to extend content and rewards. Adding races actively hampers the ability to extend content and rewards while creating a requirement to actively stop playing existing characters to enjoy them.


We don't need more races, and we don't need more classes. We need more armor, more elite specs, and more actual content to play. Yes, these things are mutually exclusive. The same art and animation staff required to make one makes the other.

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> @PopeUrban.2578 said:

> We don't need another expansion where the major "feature" is "roll another character"


> We don't need more races, and we don't need more classes. We need more armor, more elite specs, and more actual content to play. Yes, these things are mutually exclusive. The same art and animation staff required to make one makes the other.


And yet 5 years in and almost ALL the armor still has buttflaps.


Obviously they don't care to give us any new looks anyway...


So we might as well get new races and classes instead.


Besides, I can't be the only one who's bank is near full of account bound level boosts...


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> @PopeUrban.2578 said:

> We don't need another expansion where the major "feature" is "roll another character"


> Adding multiple races is one of the reasons content feels so sparse in GW2 compared to GW1 in the first place. It drastically increased the financial investment required to create dialogue, armor, and animations for characters.


> People like to remind everyone that art assets were cheaper to produce in GW1 as a means of explaining why there was so much more armor and so many more skills, but forget that the fact that there were only ever two animation skeletons and variants of any armor set meant that each took significantly less work.


> In addition, adding classes in GW1 was added content for existing characters because of the secondary class system. It made sense there because classes were a system that didn't require a reroll to use them.


> Adding races is a non-feature. Races add nothing compelling to the game compared to what we lose. It was the same situation with adding revnant. The decision to add a class took away from the art, animation, sound, and design team that could have easily in stead been used to ship HoT with 2 elite specs for the characters you already have.


> The point of expansions is to extend content and rewards. Adding races actively hampers the ability to extend content and rewards while creating a requirement to actively stop playing existing characters to enjoy them.


> We don't need more races, and we don't need more classes. We need more armor, more elite specs, and more actual content to play. Yes, these things are mutually exclusive. The same art and animation staff required to make one makes the other.


The Tengu where originally in the game but anet cut them of. That is your view..... for me new races would bring a fresh wind. Guild Wars do have a big lore and it is a fantasy game in first line not some FPS. I loved the dwarves in gw 1 because they are cool and have a nice background (same as Tengu). For a MMO it is essential for many players that u can identify with your toon. And for real the new elites aren't that good. Heck even for PvP/WvWvW it is more a disaster now because there are plenty people which are not in love how bad the balance now is.


Im a player who doesn't play a MMO only for rewards. Perhaps im too old school now. I grow up with games like Baldurs Gate & Co. I do not need any baggys (or carrots) for getting me happy in a game.


Some features aren't often that big on the paper but big & strong in your mind. Don't forget this hehe.

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