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Griffon Mount requirements. No sir, I don't like them.

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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:


> Many people do not enjoy group content or jumping puzzles/collections - those people are impeded from getting a Griffon Mount, unless they engage in activities that they don't like.


Why are you playing a multiplayer game with no desire to play with others? And you can get most of the griffon collection done alone and then just save the group stuff for last.


Even if you have limited time you could do one meta and then do whatever it is you like to do and then eventually you'd get the griffon without spending money or start a pay 2 win version of GW2

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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> . My only real gripe about the griffon and other mounts is the limited dye channels on the default skin


That's standard for every mount ANET creates, past and present. Unfortunately they do that to promote buying skins, as usually the first skin they release for any mount has the identical model and textures, just with 4 useable dye channels..


It's blatant, but then again we don't pay a sub fee, so it's hard to begrudge them


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> @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> > @"zengara.8301" said:

> > Honestly havent read all comments. But its basically one of those things that everyone agree is BS, but if you have done it, you forget how BS it is and almost want others to suffer, just because you either dont want everyone to have griffon, or because lack of knowledge for how BS it really is.

> >

> > Everyone back when Griffon was released said the events will be almost impossible to complete in the future, waited a few months before getting it so just getting enough people to do these events was pretty hard, and it is one of those things that literally are impossible to complete on your own based on AOE.....And this is from someone who used to solo Arah paths with a thief.... it was BS back then, prob a lot worse now, since it requires people.

> >

> > Besides, it truly is boring having a griffon is very different than getting for example a legendary. The whole "you need to work for it" mentality when it is not a cosmetic, seems very weird, specially in this game.


> I enjoyed the Griffon collection very much. I sure as heck don’t “not want others to have the Griffon” nor do I “want others to suffer like me (I had fun with the Griffon collection)” or whatever. And I had no trouble getting groups for group contents when I did the Griffon collection 6 months ago. The problem isn’t that there are no more players for group contents; it’s that new players don’t know the proper way to get groups for these contents or just aren’t willing to put much effort. I still help players who claimed to have been stuck on a group content for “weeks” and it takes me minutes to help these players get into groups.


> From my experience, the majority of these players who are stuck for “months” on group contents are vastly exaggerating. They don’t know to check all maps for bounty trains, or aren’t willing to join a train and wait for the Facet’s turn, or get upset if they don’t get a group right away, etc. I even offered to help the OP, but I haven’t received a single whisper requesting help.


> Maybe Anet will need to change the group contents months or years from now, but at least for now, it doesn’t take months to find groups if the player knows how or are willing.


Yeah seems like it is very true on the event part. Tried it myself, seems like a lot of ppl helped and the group was literally coordinated within minutes. Even faster than back when griffon was kinda new. I honestly still found most of the achievements boring though, and do think it shouldn't be as costly/hard to receive a griffon. But I should delete my previous post

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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> I have already bought the items requiring a gold investment. No big deal. I have done all of the eggs in the first zone (forget its name.. crystal desert?) and many in other zones as well. In fact, I am probably about half way done, but I cannot bring myself to finish it. The whole time I was doing these things - I was NOT enjoying myself.


> I just don't want to chase a bunch of silly bounties, or go and get all the eggs. I find it boring and senseless. This is my personal.... subjective... interpretation of what is "FUN".

> I don't think the griffon collection is "FUN", but I would like to have a griffon. I will not do the griffon collection - I don't like it. I don't understand the concept of "suck it up" in a medium that is for entertainment. It's like you guys are telling me to "quit griping and go watch aqua man... its good for you!" . Well... I don't really like aqua man, and don't have any interest in watching it - why should what I consider entertaining mirror what you consider entertaining?


> It only makes sense that I would like to pay Arenanet for the privilege of having what I would enjoy at the expense of what I do NOT enjoy.


If it were just about you, it wouldn't be an issue. The problem is, Arenanet letting you buy a griffon would negatively impact everyone else. Games that become pay-to-win go downhill RAPIDLY. What you are asking for would not be a one-time, isolated event. It would continue. It would cause GW2 to get massive criticism, lose players, and ultimately fail. The reason GW2 is so successful is because it caters to the people with time limits and budget limits--and it doesn't give people an advantage in-game just because they have more money.

As for your argument that getting the Griffon isn't fun, and games should be 100% fun, well... people have different ideas of fun; and the vast majority of the playerbase either enjoys or does not mind the griffon unlock process. Since arenanet can't make the game 100% fun to 100% of people, it's going to go with the majority. And you aren't in the majority.

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I still fail to see how my desire to spend money on the game to bypass aspects of it that I don't like - is bad. Noone has made a convincing argument to the contrary. XP/Item boosts are readily available in the store for people who want to level more quickly (i.e. bypass content). This is nothing new. I don't want to dance a merry jig for a mount - I just want to buy it. That seems totally legitimate to me.

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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> I still fail to see how my desire to spend money on the game to bypass aspects of it that I don't like - is bad. Noone has made a convincing argument to the contrary. XP/Item boosts are readily available in the store for people who want to level more quickly (i.e. bypass content). This is nothing new. I don't want to dance a merry jig for a mount - I just want to buy it. That seems totally legitimate to me.


Not having this mount dont make the game unplayable for you tho so its an option for you to get it or not.

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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> I still fail to see how my desire to spend money on the game to bypass aspects of it that I don't like - is bad. Noone has made a convincing argument to the contrary. XP/Item boosts are readily available in the store for people who want to level more quickly (i.e. bypass content). This is nothing new. I don't want to dance a merry jig for a mount - I just want to buy it. That seems totally legitimate to me.


I will try, again, to put it as simply as I can. Pandering to people like you will eventually ruin the game for the rest of us. Let's say that gem unlock existed. Most of **us** got the griffon without paying a dime while **you** did. It would make sense financially for the company to make future content even grindier to "encourage" more of **us** to do the same as **you**. In a sense you would be sabotaging yourself since you are giving them monetary incentives to make more content that "makes you angry", in order to get more of that dough you are willing to spend.

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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> Honestly - I HATE the requirements to acquire the griffon mount. I don't want to do them, and frankly - I won't, EVER do them. However, I would like the advantages of a griffon mount, and would be happy to pay real money to get them. Please offer the griffon mount on the real money transaction store for whatever you feel is an appropriate price. I am certain that many people would appreciate it. Let me reiterate - I will NEVER..... NEVER do the current requirements for the griffon mount.


> NEVER. It actually makes me angry.



So thats what AngryZoric have been talking about in teatime. Toxic casual

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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> I still fail to see how my desire to spend money on the game to bypass aspects of it that I don't like - is bad. Noone has made a convincing argument to the contrary. XP/Item boosts are readily available in the store for people who want to level more quickly (i.e. bypass content). This is nothing new. I don't want to dance a merry jig for a mount - I just want to buy it. That seems totally legitimate to me.


They simply did an immediate level to 80. They have no achievements. They have no masteries. What content have they bypassed? Your example is not comparable to the path involved in getting the griffon mount.


You don't seem to like MMORPGs. Having long-ish quest lines to get good rewards is a key feature of these.

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So let's list all the other things that people probably don't like how long/expensive/difficult they are and would rather just shell out cash to get.


Just to name a few:

Legendary armor from all three game modes

Legendary backpacks

Legendary trinkets

Crimson weapons

The glowy carapace stuff.

Auric weapons

dragonblood weapons

Stellar weapons

Treasure hunter achievement


I don't like the requirements for these. No sir, I do not. Too grindy. Too difficult.(Been working on the season 2 achievements for that for YEARS.


Okay now back to being serious. There are some things that just DO take awhile. They are not MEANT to be something you whip out the wallet and buy. And actually I'm fine with that. Gw2 isn't Candy Crush where if you can't pass a level you throw money at it and continue.

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I'll put the tl;dr version up front since time is seemingly of the essence for OP:


If you don't want to quest for end game loot/rewards in an MMO thats fine. Your choice, but you don't also get to just "earn it" with a credit card.


Now the longer version:


No one here is saying to HAVE to like the content that others like. For instance, I don't really like the idea of raids, nor have I found anyone I'd want to raid with due to some of the overarching behavior of many in that section of the community that I've interacted with thus far. That being said, while legendary armor might be nice to have for various reasons, I will never own a set. Why? Because I don't raid, and that's ok. I'm not out here begging Anet to put it in the gemstore for me to just buy though because a) that adds a HUGE pay to win feature into the game and b) it completely invalidates that time and effort those players put into EARNING the reward in game. Now, would i be happy if they put other ways in game to earn Legendary armor? Yes, yes I would. Could they have done that from the start of the game and made crafting more meaningful along the way along with a big quest to get it? Yeah, definitely. Why is this preferable? Because this is an MMO and it should be all about earning cool rewards in game through actually PLAYING the game content.


As far as in game collections go, this one was actually fun and at time challenging (since I did it solo except for the few map events/bounties that I literally happened upon while doing the rest of the collection for the mount). It took me a while since I also didn't have tons of time to play when I got the mount, but it felt great to finally get it because I EARNED it. My time and energy was rewarded in game, which is how it should be.


If the day ever comes that Anet caves and starts putting in game earn-able things like mounts (not skins) and legendary armor, or other such items into the gemstore so people can just fast track those things and trivialize that part of their game is the day they kill GW2. And no, that's not me being hyperbolic. They will lose their player base if they go that route for the small number of people that will buy their way through the game because at that point they will no longer have a game. They will have a store.


So yeah, if you want the mount, go out and play the content to get the mount or resign yourself to not having it. What you don't get to do is come to the boards and talk about how precious your time is, and how you just want to buy the mount and by proxy trivialize the time of all the players that put in the effort to earn the mount because you don't enjoy questing for it. If you dislike it that much, then ignore it exists as a thing and do something else in the game that you feel is a better use of your time.

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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> It would be nice if you offered a BYPASS option on the gem store, once a character finished the Path of Fire Campaign, to allow them to acquire the Griffon Mount.


> Please offer a gem store option, or integrate the griffon into the solo campaign - whatever (you guys are more creative than I am). Just please allow another solo method to acquire it.


I suspect that if nothing said this far will sway the @OP’s opinion, I am unlikely to be any more successful since most of the arguments I can think of have already been posted, some quite eloquently. However I did want to stop and appreciate for a moment the raw irony of this final statement. Acquiring the griffon (in the interest of transparency I have acquired 3 so far using alt accounts) IS part of the “solo campaign”. It is an epilogue to the story completed with PoF. The vast majority of my own play time is spent in solo play. And like the OP neither do I like jumping puzzles, although unlike the op, I am willing to at least hire a good Mesmer to assist, and when I say assist, I mean drag my non-jumping virtual self around.


But having said that, @OP if you want to simply throw real world money at it perhaps think of it this way. Figure out how much cash you are willing to commit at this point. Determine how many eggs you have left that you are unwilling to jump to, and how many events you have to do still. Put a price on each that you believe to be reasonable or even a tad generous, and then make a post on this forum something like this (this is only an example, please do not misread this and think I am asking for this or establishing actual value)


PAYING MY WAY TO THE GRIFFON, looking for Mesmer & motivated commanders


20Gold / egg


200gold / successful map event


There. Some enterprising Mesmer/commander can do it all for you, all you have to do is pay them as they do it and tag a few things for credit at each event. You get your pay to win, someone else gets good gold, and Anet doesn’t have to compromise their stance on this matter.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> i don't like the gold requirement, i've never ever had 200g or more in the history of playing this game :(


Uhm, what? On a free test account i made (when it was first introduced to help new players with their experience) I easily earned over 300 gold from doing dailies and selling materials on a single character with limited trading post access and no daily login rewards. What are you spending gold on in this game to not earn gold hand over fist? Mind you, I wasn't even trying too hard to earn the gold, it just worked out that way. If you go out of your way to do things to earn gold (fractals, map farms, etc) you can earn waaaaaaay more gold. Not to mention if you also have a full account and not a free one.

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My 2c: the requirements really, really aren't that bad. But then I was 'raised' on WoW mount grinding. The Griffon is an absolute walk in the park to get compared to that. I'm probably the most casual of casual players, and it took me less than a month to get all of it done, including some gold grinding - 200G is chump-change, really. But, yes, I found the proces fun. If you hate it, don't do it.

But sure, if you want a for-real-money buy option, I'm fine with that too. Anything that gets more money in is good.

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> @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:


> But having said that, @OP if you want to simply throw real world money at it perhaps think of it this way. Figure out how much cash you are willing to commit at this point. Determine how many eggs you have left that you are unwilling to jump to, and how many events you have to do still. Put a price on each that you believe to be reasonable or even a tad generous, and then make a post on this forum something like this (this is only an example, please do not misread this and think I am asking for this or establishing actual value)


> PAYING MY WAY TO THE GRIFFON, looking for Mesmer & motivated commanders


> 20Gold / egg


> 200gold / successful map event


> There. Some enterprising Mesmer/commander can do it all for you, all you have to do is pay them as they do it and tag a few things for credit at each event. You get your pay to win, someone else gets good gold, and Anet doesn’t have to compromise their stance on this matter.


Good suggestion, but it should be advertised in the Players Helping Players forum.

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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> Honestly - I HATE the requirements to acquire the griffon mount. I don't want to do them, and frankly - I won't, EVER do them. However, I would like the advantages of a griffon mount, and would be happy to pay real money to get them. Please offer the griffon mount on the real money transaction store for whatever you feel is an appropriate price. I am certain that many people would appreciate it. Let me reiterate - I will NEVER..... NEVER do the current requirements for the griffon mount.


> NEVER. It actually makes me angry.



Yes sir! It's too bad you HATE them. I LOVE them, and have already done them. Frankly - i'd do them again just for a different mount.


I do however believe NOBODY who hasn't bothered to do the requirements should have the advantages of the griffon mount and would be HAPPY to pay real money to keep it that way and keep people from BUYING THEIR WAY INTO THINGS THEY CANNOT EARN BECAUSE THEY CAN'T BE BOTHERED.

Please *do not* offer the mount on the real money transaction as no fee is appropriate to skip game content. If you don't like something don't play it, but don't expect to get the associated reward.

I am certain a lot of people agree. I will NEVER understand players that want to buy their way to a better situation. Why are you playing?


It actually makes me angry.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You do not deserve it if you dont want to play for it. Spammy. It would be the ruin if the game if truly everything was unlockable for money. an absolutely foolish request and slippery slope. If you truly wanted it, then youd put in the effort. Its not as hard or insurmountable as you erroneously paint it as being. Man up and actually try doing it. Follow the dulfy guides and its over before you know it. The Beetle took longer for me due to all the timed bosses needed.

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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> Dear Arenanet,


> Please just be aware that I am still willing to happily pay a fee to unlock the griffon mount. That hasn't changed, despite all the ugliness aimed my direction over that stance.

> Feel free to weigh in.


> Respectfully,

> (player known as) Spamwagon


Well maybe its time to go on a holliday to a place were a gw2 player lives and let him/her do it while you provide food and drinks?

Your paying a fellow community memeber to do it instead of anet, that is already implemented btw.

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I have several thoughts on this thread, i'll try to be brief with them.


the requirements to get the griffon (and yes, some of the roller beetle collection too) need to be re-evaluated because unless players are there the first week after the mount is released, there's rarely going to be as large a group or as easy an access to groups at the time those mounts have been released. while it will always be possible, the ease of access to the completion of these events is significantly reduced.


I'm iffy, to say the least, about unlocking the griffon, or any mount, via the gemstore. nothing in the gemstore has had distinct mechanical advantages given to players. the most, in that front, are the xp/level 80 boosters (which reduce the time to get to max level and is not a mechanical benefit), waypoint unlocks (reduce the time to obtain them and is not a mechanical benefit), boss/event portals (which reduces the time to get to said events, is not a mechanical benefit). however, the griffon provides a distinct mechanical benefit, and paying for that benefit with real world money gets into some gray area that I hope ArenaNet are unwilling to go into.


I personally had fun with the griffon storyline, but the achievements to finish that storyline were only okay for me because i did it when everyone was trying to get it at the time. the roller beetle was significantly less fun for me even though i finished it the same day the patch was released.


to think about it from another angle, what does the griffon really provide apart from increase mobility? while it is something that is actively mechanical, it doesn't really affect me if someone else has an easier time with getting the griffon. While i remain adamant that **I do not wish for the griffon to become a gemstore item**, having the griffon is simply fun, and i'm not one to deny another person of something that is fun simply because i feel they should have to 'earn it', which is a nonsensical notion for a video game that is supposed to be about fun.

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I think as a fun and useful idea a guild could get together and have a "Get-yer-Griffon" weekend where they help the clutzes and shy folk in this game get a Griffon of their very own. They could charge a small fee per person and the profits could go toward something fun for everybody. If not the Griffon, maybe this could be an idea for when the new Mount is released...just a thought.

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