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Should Anet make a GW2 plus system like in ESO

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> @"MandiX.6942" said:

> > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> > I don't know what that is.


> Its quality of life "upgrade" that players in ESO get double bank space infinite crafting bag exp bounus etc.

It's quite a bit more than just quality of life. Without it, you are pretty much screwed if you want to craft in ESO, as there are way more than 200 kinds of crafting materials in that game and getting your bank even expanded to 200 slots costs a lot of in-game gold. Due to the fact that ESO doesn't have a game-wide auction house or trading post, you can't even gain decent gold by selling the crafting materials you get while playing, so you pretty much have to depend on finding people that buy your mats to get gold, plus craft equipment for you whenever a balance patch changes the meta.

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No idea what that is, but sounds like a subscription based pay to win system and thus nothing GW2 needs. Really tired of people asking for sub fees when that's never been the case for GW and GW2 and is working fine as it it. Adding sub fees when they've been specifically advertised against since day one would just make players quit.

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> @"NASATT.3678" said:

> I like the eso system with subscription. I use the free crowns for skins I wouldn't normally pay for. And like the perks, the biggest being a crafting bag which isn't useful for gw2 tho.


...but you ARE paying for them, don't you see? there's nothing "free" about a subscription.

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The thing is ESO started as sub only, then made the sub voluntary but added perks. GW2 has always been no sub, and would lose players if this became a thing. *Especially* if like ESO it had a QoL perk that was so huge the game felt unplayable without it. I love my crafting bag but it means if I stop paying for ESO, I'm not playing it any more.

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ESO is Elder Scrolls Online. ESO+ is what they call the subscription. This gets you the following benefits:


* **Access to all DLC** (not expansions) - 2 new dungeons and 1 new map per year. This isn't a permanent unlock, you only have access to it as long as you keep paying the subscription. Or non-subscribers can buy permanent access for 1,500 - 3,500 crowns (aka gems) - roughly $11 - $25 each.

* **Crafting material storage** - exactly the same as GW2's system except materials go in instantly instead of into your inventory and there's no limit on how many you can store.

* **Costume dying** - costumes are the same as GW2's outfits. Non-subscribers can only dye them by buying a 'dye stamp' which gives you a pre-determined colour combination.

* **Double bank space** - everyone can buy bank upgrades but non-subscribers get 10 slots, subscribers get 20.

* **Double furnishing slots for houses** - fairly self explanatory.

* **10% Gold find, XP and crafting XP bonuses** - also fairly self explanatory.

* **Cash shop currency** roughly equal to the cost of the subscription. (It's difficult to say exactly because there's several different currency amounts you can buy with discounts on the more expensive ones, and different subscription options too.)

* **Exclusive cash shop items** - so far it's mostly been small statues for your house but there might be more later.


I do play ESO (almost always without subscribing) and I like it, but you know what I see there? A list of things we mostly already get for free in GW2. Now you could argue that it's different in ESO because most of those things weren't in the game at release, but the same is true of a lot of QoL things we have, and my concern is that, just like in ESO, any new QoL changes would be reserved for subscribers. Especially because, just like in ESO I suspect subscribers would keep on complaining that they don't get enough value for money and 'need' more for their money.

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It's one of those posts, again.

Anet can manage their own finances, if they couldn't they would have been out of business a long time ago. It's nice that you want to help - I suppose that's your goal here - but they have professionals to figure their money out.

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