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Why does ANET allow this to happen


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There's a guardian in pvp, I think some of you may be unluck enough to know


He joins the match just to afk


It's not like he afks when his team start losing


He joins the matches just to afk


By the start he starts dancing, when he's about to be kicked he /laugh


Why is this guy not permabanned from pvp, the amount of games he ruins must be huge


I have him added to friends, so I know when he logs in, so I wait him to find a match so I can play mine


He does it on daily basis, that makes me think he never get banned

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> @"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:

> He was on my team and we still won 4v5


That's not the matter


He still ruins the experience for everybody else, specially if you already know him


I'll prolly never play with this guy duting the season, because the rating gap won't allow it but he's still out there messing up other ppl's game

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Anet would rather ban ragers that DO play the game and are actually good (davinci) instead of perma-dishonoring people that have been AFKing constantly in game


Literally, it doesn't take a staff to see if people are doing this constantly. You could hire some fresh graduate at minimum wage to take care of this.

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Just encountered this guy, account name is Dian.Xiom.7028.


The toon name is T H R Ä N D U I L. Guardian.


Lost me a couple of games. I don't mind much since I'm just farming the chest rewards but this shouldn't be Allowed by Anet. He seemed to be a bot though, just placed there for griefing.

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> @"piko.2874" said:

> Just encountered this guy, account .


> Lost me a couple of games. I don't mind much since I'm just farming the chest rewards but this shouldn't be Allowed by Anet. He seemed to be a bot though, just placed there for griefing.


you can't blacklist ppl here, edit your post before you get banned


He's not a bot, I've seen him trash talking ppl when they asked to report him.


He also has near 50% winrate which is very unlikely to someone that just sits base.

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > @"piko.2874" said:

> > Just encountered this guy, account .


> > Lost me a couple of games. I don't mind much since I'm just farming the chest rewards but this shouldn't be Allowed by Anet. He seemed to be a bot though, just placed there for griefing.


> you can't blacklist ppl here, edit your post before you get banned


> He's not a bot, I've seen him trash talking ppl when they asked to report him.


> He also has near 50% winrate which is very unlikely to someone that just sits base.


Now we know who's bot it is lol I'm kidding

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