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Best Necromancer April fools joke


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I thought the best joke was the one where people still think they can't get teams in PVE ... and that one runs all year round. I guess you wouldn't know since you aren't playing as long as Anet doesn't make necro fun to play in PVE again ... AMIRITE?


Guess what. People still get kicked out for being necro very often.


Yes that's not only anets fault. It's player mentality as well.


I recently joined a pug group for soulless horror. Well I was at somewhat like 19-22k boss dps.

But: some of the other dmg players managed to hit 30k, so they did almost do 50% more than I did.


Yes I didn't do the full dmg rotation, because I tried to help the druids by giving barrier to the tanks or to the whole group when she did her aoe attack, or by helping out with Condi cleanses. While using epi at the right times, for the undead golem.


But yet we didn't manage to kill the boss, till I had to go (tried for 45minutes).


Difficulties: people died a lot to walls, or the golem wasn't kicked properly and people didn't move away from the spot the golem died.


Then there was one player: "I think some people here aren't doing proper DPS"

I didn't reply anything. I just thought to myself. Yes maybe I'm not doing the best DPS I can, but if people wouldn't die to walls or exploding golems, we would manage to kill the boss.


(In my static we even play with 2 healers and one druid guy, that is purely there for kicking the golem away. Better safe than sorry. And we still have plenty of dmg to kill this boss. Not in the best speedrun time but that's totally fine for us)


Yes, you can play necro. But I still felt kinda useless in these attempts.

While people gladly let themselves get carried by other players in statics.


Another example. On quadim, especially quadim cm u used to do the first to lamps solo as a power reaper. (In the same time a chrono + dragon hunter/holosmith need together)

That was really amazing. But at normal bosses, where I didn't get any special roles, I never managed to beat the other players dps (even though reaper and holo aren't that far apart right now, as far as I knew)

The really big difference: I played no kit holo just for the fun. I delayed my cc skills, but it seemed like I lost much less DPS than I did on my reaper (sometimes you are forced to go to out of shroud way too early, for warhorn4, and I ended up needing to autoattack with axe - loosing chill uptime, and a lot of dmg from having to axe-autoattack)


So: necro in general is still very niche in pve. I'm not asking for all specs to be as good as the specs of other classes. But just one would be pretty nice.



Reaper and core still has the "no healing in shroud"- problem, that often let's you loose DPS.

Scourge has the barrier stacking problem when playing multiple scourges in the squad.


Making reaper receive healing in PVE ONLY, even if it's just 1/3rd of the amount of actual healing you receive would help a lot. Or just a little bit more dps, as necro is still way more conditional than the other classes. (Assuming good supports)


Or give scourge more DPS or support but cutting support if you stack scourges.

Just a suggestion that i think is pretty good, but might be too hard to realize:



If a scourge casts barrier and the reciever of the barrier already has barrier, no matter the amount, from another player (himself or another scourge), the player will only receive 50% of the barrier amount from the scourge.

If that's still not enough, you could even add a 3rd multiplier, that lets you receive only 25% of the barrier from a second scourge player.


So you cast barrier as a ele on yourself, 1k barrier.

Scourge comes and uses f3+ healskill for a total amount of 2k+4k, will only make you receive 1k+2k barrier.


Second scourge does the same 2k+4k barrier, you'll only get 1,5k additional barrier.


That would be a drastical nerf yes. But it might open up the possibility, to give scourge more dmg.



But to be more precise. I think that necros specialisations are way too op compared to the core necromancer.

So taking a bit away from the specialisations and give a little bit more back to the core class might be the right way to go.


If you look at warrior. Man that's a thing. Core warrior is pretty strong in my opinion. And the specialisations add different things in different gamemodes.


For example: core warrior is very good in wvw roaming, and spellbreaker adds (mainly the bubble) that makes it very potent for zergplay.

And in pve, core power warrior is/was (don't know after the most recent patch) pretty good, and berserker adds a lot of spice for DPS there.




Also it's pretty sad, that the only thing necro got new is still bugged. Harbingers shroud should technically work like desert shroud no?

Yet you cannot cast f5 then replace the shade. If you do so, you will lose the effect at the shade position.

It doesn't add enough for the effect it does. You loose more than you get in wvw while selecting this trait.

Which is pretty dumb. No other class has a free selection trait that nerfs the class.


I think that it's not working is intentional, but only shows to me the incapability of changing/"balancing" properly.



The only thing that did change with this trait is a buff for pve support scourge on certain raid bosses, where it's pretty useful to give 10 target 9k barrier and where people aren't moving as much so you don't have to replace shades.

But we already got a support trait there.



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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > I thought the best joke was the one where people still think they can't get teams in PVE ... and that one runs all year round. I guess you wouldn't know since you aren't playing as long as Anet doesn't make necro fun to play in PVE again ... AMIRITE?


> Guess what. People still get kicked out for being necro very often.


> Yes that's not only anets fault. It's player mentality as well.


> I recently joined a pug group for soulless horror. Well I was at somewhat like 19-22k boss dps.

> But: some of the other dmg players managed to hit 30k, so they did almost do 50% more than I did.


> Yes I didn't do the full dmg rotation, because I tried to help the druids by giving barrier to the tanks or to the whole group when she did her aoe attack, or by helping out with Condi cleanses. While using epi at the right times, for the undead golem.


> But yet we didn't manage to kill the boss, till I had to go (tried for 45minutes).


> Difficulties: people died a lot to walls, or the golem wasn't kicked properly and people didn't move away from the spot the golem died.


> Then there was one player: "I think some people here aren't doing proper DPS"

> I didn't reply anything. I just thought to myself. Yes maybe I'm not doing the best DPS I can, but if people wouldn't die to walls or exploding golems, we would manage to kill the boss.


> (In my static we even play with 2 healers and one druid guy, that is purely there for kicking the golem away. Better safe than sorry. And we still have plenty of dmg to kill this boss. Not in the best speedrun time but that's totally fine for us)


> Yes, you can play necro. But I still felt kinda useless in these attempts.

> While people gladly let themselves get carried by other players in statics.


> Another example. On quadim, especially quadim cm u used to do the first to lamps solo as a power reaper. (In the same time a chrono + dragon hunter/holosmith need together)

> That was really amazing. But at normal bosses, where I didn't get any special roles, I never managed to beat the other players dps (even though reaper and holo aren't that far apart right now, as far as I knew)

> The really big difference: I played no kit holo just for the fun. I delayed my cc skills, but it seemed like I lost much less DPS than I did on my reaper (sometimes you are forced to go to out of shroud way too early, for warhorn4, and I ended up needing to autoattack with axe - loosing chill uptime, and a lot of dmg from having to axe-autoattack)


> So: necro in general is still very niche in pve. I'm not asking for all specs to be as good as the specs of other classes. But just one would be pretty nice.



> Reaper and core still has the "no healing in shroud"- problem, that often let's you loose DPS.

> Scourge has the barrier stacking problem when playing multiple scourges in the squad.


> Making reaper receive healing in PVE ONLY, even if it's just 1/3rd of the amount of actual healing you receive would help a lot. Or just a little bit more dps, as necro is still way more conditional than the other classes. (Assuming good supports)


> Or give scourge more DPS or support but cutting support if you stack scourges.

> Just a suggestion that i think is pretty good, but might be too hard to realize:



> If a scourge casts barrier and the reciever of the barrier already has barrier, no matter the amount, from another player (himself or another scourge), the player will only receive 50% of the barrier amount from the scourge.

> If that's still not enough, you could even add a 3rd multiplier, that lets you receive only 25% of the barrier from a second scourge player.


> So you cast barrier as a ele on yourself, 1k barrier.

> Scourge comes and uses f3+ healskill for a total amount of 2k+4k, will only make you receive 1k+2k barrier.


> Second scourge does the same 2k+4k barrier, you'll only get 1,5k additional barrier.


> That would be a drastical nerf yes. But it might open up the possibility, to give scourge more dmg.



> But to be more precise. I think that necros specialisations are way too op compared to the core necromancer.

> So taking a bit away from the specialisations and give a little bit more back to the core class might be the right way to go.


> If you look at warrior. Man that's a thing. Core warrior is pretty strong in my opinion. And the specialisations add different things in different gamemodes.


> For example: core warrior is very good in wvw roaming, and spellbreaker adds (mainly the bubble) that makes it very potent for zergplay.

> And in pve, core power warrior is/was (don't know after the most recent patch) pretty good, and berserker adds a lot of spice for DPS there.




> Also it's pretty sad, that the only thing necro got new is still bugged. Harbingers shroud should technically work like desert shroud no?

> Yet you cannot cast f5 then replace the shade. If you do so, you will lose the effect at the shade position.

> It doesn't add enough for the effect it does. You loose more than you get in wvw while selecting this trait.

> Which is pretty dumb. No other class has a free selection trait that nerfs the class.


> I think that it's not working is intentional, but only shows to me the incapability of changing/"balancing" properly.



> The only thing that did change with this trait is a buff for pve support scourge on certain raid bosses, where it's pretty useful to give 10 target 9k barrier and where people aren't moving as much so you don't have to replace shades.

> But we already got a support trait there.




gotta love how warrior and ALL its specialists are viable in all modes, even NEEDED in some, but it can fill multiple roles, Condi, Power, Strength share etc, while necro is only useful for boon corrupt and nothing more, need dmg? take another warrior over a necro, need CC? warrior still better. need support? druid or even if you want to Ele aura (is that still a thing im not sure have not played in a long while since necro is still pretty trash)

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> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > I thought the best joke was the one where people still think they can't get teams in PVE ... and that one runs all year round. I guess you wouldn't know since you aren't playing as long as Anet doesn't make necro fun to play in PVE again ... AMIRITE?

> >

> > Guess what. People still get kicked out for being necro very often.

> >

> > Yes that's not only anets fault. It's player mentality as well.

> >

> > I recently joined a pug group for soulless horror. Well I was at somewhat like 19-22k boss dps.

> > But: some of the other dmg players managed to hit 30k, so they did almost do 50% more than I did.

> >

> > Yes I didn't do the full dmg rotation, because I tried to help the druids by giving barrier to the tanks or to the whole group when she did her aoe attack, or by helping out with Condi cleanses. While using epi at the right times, for the undead golem.

> >

> > But yet we didn't manage to kill the boss, till I had to go (tried for 45minutes).

> >

> > Difficulties: people died a lot to walls, or the golem wasn't kicked properly and people didn't move away from the spot the golem died.

> >

> > Then there was one player: "I think some people here aren't doing proper DPS"

> > I didn't reply anything. I just thought to myself. Yes maybe I'm not doing the best DPS I can, but if people wouldn't die to walls or exploding golems, we would manage to kill the boss.

> >

> > (In my static we even play with 2 healers and one druid guy, that is purely there for kicking the golem away. Better safe than sorry. And we still have plenty of dmg to kill this boss. Not in the best speedrun time but that's totally fine for us)

> >

> > Yes, you can play necro. But I still felt kinda useless in these attempts.

> > While people gladly let themselves get carried by other players in statics.

> >

> > Another example. On quadim, especially quadim cm u used to do the first to lamps solo as a power reaper. (In the same time a chrono + dragon hunter/holosmith need together)

> > That was really amazing. But at normal bosses, where I didn't get any special roles, I never managed to beat the other players dps (even though reaper and holo aren't that far apart right now, as far as I knew)

> > The really big difference: I played no kit holo just for the fun. I delayed my cc skills, but it seemed like I lost much less DPS than I did on my reaper (sometimes you are forced to go to out of shroud way too early, for warhorn4, and I ended up needing to autoattack with axe - loosing chill uptime, and a lot of dmg from having to axe-autoattack)

> >

> > So: necro in general is still very niche in pve. I'm not asking for all specs to be as good as the specs of other classes. But just one would be pretty nice.

> >

> >

> > Reaper and core still has the "no healing in shroud"- problem, that often let's you loose DPS.

> > Scourge has the barrier stacking problem when playing multiple scourges in the squad.

> >

> > Making reaper receive healing in PVE ONLY, even if it's just 1/3rd of the amount of actual healing you receive would help a lot. Or just a little bit more dps, as necro is still way more conditional than the other classes. (Assuming good supports)

> >

> > Or give scourge more DPS or support but cutting support if you stack scourges.

> > Just a suggestion that i think is pretty good, but might be too hard to realize:

> >

> >

> > If a scourge casts barrier and the reciever of the barrier already has barrier, no matter the amount, from another player (himself or another scourge), the player will only receive 50% of the barrier amount from the scourge.

> > If that's still not enough, you could even add a 3rd multiplier, that lets you receive only 25% of the barrier from a second scourge player.

> >

> > So you cast barrier as a ele on yourself, 1k barrier.

> > Scourge comes and uses f3+ healskill for a total amount of 2k+4k, will only make you receive 1k+2k barrier.

> >

> > Second scourge does the same 2k+4k barrier, you'll only get 1,5k additional barrier.

> >

> > That would be a drastical nerf yes. But it might open up the possibility, to give scourge more dmg.

> >

> >

> > But to be more precise. I think that necros specialisations are way too op compared to the core necromancer.

> > So taking a bit away from the specialisations and give a little bit more back to the core class might be the right way to go.

> >

> > If you look at warrior. Man that's a thing. Core warrior is pretty strong in my opinion. And the specialisations add different things in different gamemodes.

> >

> > For example: core warrior is very good in wvw roaming, and spellbreaker adds (mainly the bubble) that makes it very potent for zergplay.

> > And in pve, core power warrior is/was (don't know after the most recent patch) pretty good, and berserker adds a lot of spice for DPS there.

> >

> >

> >

> > Also it's pretty sad, that the only thing necro got new is still bugged. Harbingers shroud should technically work like desert shroud no?

> > Yet you cannot cast f5 then replace the shade. If you do so, you will lose the effect at the shade position.

> > It doesn't add enough for the effect it does. You loose more than you get in wvw while selecting this trait.

> > Which is pretty dumb. No other class has a free selection trait that nerfs the class.

> >

> > I think that it's not working is intentional, but only shows to me the incapability of changing/"balancing" properly.

> >

> >

> > The only thing that did change with this trait is a buff for pve support scourge on certain raid bosses, where it's pretty useful to give 10 target 9k barrier and where people aren't moving as much so you don't have to replace shades.

> > But we already got a support trait there.

> >

> >


> gotta love how warrior and ALL its specialists are viable in all modes, even NEEDED in some, but it can fill multiple roles, Condi, Power, Strength share etc, while necro is only useful for boon corrupt and nothing more, need dmg? take another warrior over a necro, need CC? warrior still better. need support? druid or even if you want to Ele aura (is that still a thing im not sure have not played in a long while since necro is still pretty trash)


> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > I thought the best joke was the one where people still think they can't get teams in PVE ... and that one runs all year round. I guess you wouldn't know since you aren't playing as long as Anet doesn't make necro fun to play in PVE again ... AMIRITE?

> >

> > Guess what. People still get kicked out for being necro very often.

> >

> > Yes that's not only anets fault. It's player mentality as well.

> >

> > I recently joined a pug group for soulless horror. Well I was at somewhat like 19-22k boss dps.

> > But: some of the other dmg players managed to hit 30k, so they did almost do 50% more than I did.

> >

> > Yes I didn't do the full dmg rotation, because I tried to help the druids by giving barrier to the tanks or to the whole group when she did her aoe attack, or by helping out with Condi cleanses. While using epi at the right times, for the undead golem.

> >

> > But yet we didn't manage to kill the boss, till I had to go (tried for 45minutes).

> >

> > Difficulties: people died a lot to walls, or the golem wasn't kicked properly and people didn't move away from the spot the golem died.

> >

> > Then there was one player: "I think some people here aren't doing proper DPS"

> > I didn't reply anything. I just thought to myself. Yes maybe I'm not doing the best DPS I can, but if people wouldn't die to walls or exploding golems, we would manage to kill the boss.

> >

> > (In my static we even play with 2 healers and one druid guy, that is purely there for kicking the golem away. Better safe than sorry. And we still have plenty of dmg to kill this boss. Not in the best speedrun time but that's totally fine for us)

> >

> > Yes, you can play necro. But I still felt kinda useless in these attempts.

> > While people gladly let themselves get carried by other players in statics.

> >

> > Another example. On quadim, especially quadim cm u used to do the first to lamps solo as a power reaper. (In the same time a chrono + dragon hunter/holosmith need together)

> > That was really amazing. But at normal bosses, where I didn't get any special roles, I never managed to beat the other players dps (even though reaper and holo aren't that far apart right now, as far as I knew)

> > The really big difference: I played no kit holo just for the fun. I delayed my cc skills, but it seemed like I lost much less DPS than I did on my reaper (sometimes you are forced to go to out of shroud way too early, for warhorn4, and I ended up needing to autoattack with axe - loosing chill uptime, and a lot of dmg from having to axe-autoattack)

> >

> > So: necro in general is still very niche in pve. I'm not asking for all specs to be as good as the specs of other classes. But just one would be pretty nice.

> >

> >

> > Reaper and core still has the "no healing in shroud"- problem, that often let's you loose DPS.

> > Scourge has the barrier stacking problem when playing multiple scourges in the squad.

> >

> > Making reaper receive healing in PVE ONLY, even if it's just 1/3rd of the amount of actual healing you receive would help a lot. Or just a little bit more dps, as necro is still way more conditional than the other classes. (Assuming good supports)

> >

> > Or give scourge more DPS or support but cutting support if you stack scourges.

> > Just a suggestion that i think is pretty good, but might be too hard to realize:

> >

> >

> > If a scourge casts barrier and the reciever of the barrier already has barrier, no matter the amount, from another player (himself or another scourge), the player will only receive 50% of the barrier amount from the scourge.

> > If that's still not enough, you could even add a 3rd multiplier, that lets you receive only 25% of the barrier from a second scourge player.

> >

> > So you cast barrier as a ele on yourself, 1k barrier.

> > Scourge comes and uses f3+ healskill for a total amount of 2k+4k, will only make you receive 1k+2k barrier.

> >

> > Second scourge does the same 2k+4k barrier, you'll only get 1,5k additional barrier.

> >

> > That would be a drastical nerf yes. But it might open up the possibility, to give scourge more dmg.

> >

> >

> > But to be more precise. I think that necros specialisations are way too op compared to the core necromancer.

> > So taking a bit away from the specialisations and give a little bit more back to the core class might be the right way to go.

> >

> > If you look at warrior. Man that's a thing. Core warrior is pretty strong in my opinion. And the specialisations add different things in different gamemodes.

> >

> > For example: core warrior is very good in wvw roaming, and spellbreaker adds (mainly the bubble) that makes it very potent for zergplay.

> > And in pve, core power warrior is/was (don't know after the most recent patch) pretty good, and berserker adds a lot of spice for DPS there.

> >

> >

> >

> > Also it's pretty sad, that the only thing necro got new is still bugged. Harbingers shroud should technically work like desert shroud no?

> > Yet you cannot cast f5 then replace the shade. If you do so, you will lose the effect at the shade position.

> > It doesn't add enough for the effect it does. You loose more than you get in wvw while selecting this trait.

> > Which is pretty dumb. No other class has a free selection trait that nerfs the class.

> >

> > I think that it's not working is intentional, but only shows to me the incapability of changing/"balancing" properly.

> >

> >

> > The only thing that did change with this trait is a buff for pve support scourge on certain raid bosses, where it's pretty useful to give 10 target 9k barrier and where people aren't moving as much so you don't have to replace shades.

> > But we already got a support trait there.

> >

> >


> gotta love how warrior and ALL its specialists are viable in all modes, even NEEDED in some, but it can fill multiple roles, Condi, Power, Strength share etc, while necro is only useful for boon corrupt and nothing more, need dmg? take another warrior over a necro, need CC? warrior still better. need support? druid or even if you want to Ele aura (is that still a thing im not sure have not played in a long while since necro is still pretty trash)


Ele aurashare got even more op.

There is a build that dishes out might, fury and protection while doing 28k DPS if I remember correctly. Boons for 10 targets and can even give vigor!


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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > I thought the best joke was the one where people still think they can't get teams in PVE ... and that one runs all year round. I guess you wouldn't know since you aren't playing as long as Anet doesn't make necro fun to play in PVE again ... AMIRITE?


> Guess what. People still get kicked out for being necro very often.


Guess what ... that means they still haven't learned to play. Jokes are funny ... that's what makes this one so good. The joke is on them.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > I thought the best joke was the one where people still think they can't get teams in PVE ... and that one runs all year round. I guess you wouldn't know since you aren't playing as long as Anet doesn't make necro fun to play in PVE again ... AMIRITE?

> >

> > Guess what. People still get kicked out for being necro very often.


> Guess what ... that means they still haven't learned to play. Jokes are funny

Haha, that's indeed a good one, for the Necro doesnt even get the chance to play

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> @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > I thought the best joke was the one where people still think they can't get teams in PVE ... and that one runs all year round. I guess you wouldn't know since you aren't playing as long as Anet doesn't make necro fun to play in PVE again ... AMIRITE?

> > >

> > > Guess what. People still get kicked out for being necro very often.

> >

> > Guess what ... that means they still haven't learned to play. Jokes are funny

> Haha, that's indeed a good one, for the Necro doesnt even get the chance to play


Gee, I guess we get to play this game all over again. I don't have a problem ... what's your excuse?

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> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > I thought the best joke was the one where people still think they can't get teams in PVE ... and that one runs all year round. I guess you wouldn't know since you aren't playing as long as Anet doesn't make necro fun to play in PVE again ... AMIRITE?

> >

> > Guess what. People still get kicked out for being necro very often.

> >

> > Yes that's not only anets fault. It's player mentality as well.

> >

> > I recently joined a pug group for soulless horror. Well I was at somewhat like 19-22k boss dps.

> > But: some of the other dmg players managed to hit 30k, so they did almost do 50% more than I did.

> >

> > Yes I didn't do the full dmg rotation, because I tried to help the druids by giving barrier to the tanks or to the whole group when she did her aoe attack, or by helping out with Condi cleanses. While using epi at the right times, for the undead golem.

> >

> > But yet we didn't manage to kill the boss, till I had to go (tried for 45minutes).

> >

> > Difficulties: people died a lot to walls, or the golem wasn't kicked properly and people didn't move away from the spot the golem died.

> >

> > Then there was one player: "I think some people here aren't doing proper DPS"

> > I didn't reply anything. I just thought to myself. Yes maybe I'm not doing the best DPS I can, but if people wouldn't die to walls or exploding golems, we would manage to kill the boss.

> >

> > (In my static we even play with 2 healers and one druid guy, that is purely there for kicking the golem away. Better safe than sorry. And we still have plenty of dmg to kill this boss. Not in the best speedrun time but that's totally fine for us)

> >

> > Yes, you can play necro. But I still felt kinda useless in these attempts.

> > While people gladly let themselves get carried by other players in statics.

> >

> > Another example. On quadim, especially quadim cm u used to do the first to lamps solo as a power reaper. (In the same time a chrono + dragon hunter/holosmith need together)

> > That was really amazing. But at normal bosses, where I didn't get any special roles, I never managed to beat the other players dps (even though reaper and holo aren't that far apart right now, as far as I knew)

> > The really big difference: I played no kit holo just for the fun. I delayed my cc skills, but it seemed like I lost much less DPS than I did on my reaper (sometimes you are forced to go to out of shroud way too early, for warhorn4, and I ended up needing to autoattack with axe - loosing chill uptime, and a lot of dmg from having to axe-autoattack)

> >

> > So: necro in general is still very niche in pve. I'm not asking for all specs to be as good as the specs of other classes. But just one would be pretty nice.

> >

> >

> > Reaper and core still has the "no healing in shroud"- problem, that often let's you loose DPS.

> > Scourge has the barrier stacking problem when playing multiple scourges in the squad.

> >

> > Making reaper receive healing in PVE ONLY, even if it's just 1/3rd of the amount of actual healing you receive would help a lot. Or just a little bit more dps, as necro is still way more conditional than the other classes. (Assuming good supports)

> >

> > Or give scourge more DPS or support but cutting support if you stack scourges.

> > Just a suggestion that i think is pretty good, but might be too hard to realize:

> >

> >

> > If a scourge casts barrier and the reciever of the barrier already has barrier, no matter the amount, from another player (himself or another scourge), the player will only receive 50% of the barrier amount from the scourge.

> > If that's still not enough, you could even add a 3rd multiplier, that lets you receive only 25% of the barrier from a second scourge player.

> >

> > So you cast barrier as a ele on yourself, 1k barrier.

> > Scourge comes and uses f3+ healskill for a total amount of 2k+4k, will only make you receive 1k+2k barrier.

> >

> > Second scourge does the same 2k+4k barrier, you'll only get 1,5k additional barrier.

> >

> > That would be a drastical nerf yes. But it might open up the possibility, to give scourge more dmg.

> >

> >

> > But to be more precise. I think that necros specialisations are way too op compared to the core necromancer.

> > So taking a bit away from the specialisations and give a little bit more back to the core class might be the right way to go.

> >

> > If you look at warrior. Man that's a thing. Core warrior is pretty strong in my opinion. And the specialisations add different things in different gamemodes.

> >

> > For example: core warrior is very good in wvw roaming, and spellbreaker adds (mainly the bubble) that makes it very potent for zergplay.

> > And in pve, core power warrior is/was (don't know after the most recent patch) pretty good, and berserker adds a lot of spice for DPS there.

> >

> >

> >

> > Also it's pretty sad, that the only thing necro got new is still bugged. Harbingers shroud should technically work like desert shroud no?

> > Yet you cannot cast f5 then replace the shade. If you do so, you will lose the effect at the shade position.

> > It doesn't add enough for the effect it does. You loose more than you get in wvw while selecting this trait.

> > Which is pretty dumb. No other class has a free selection trait that nerfs the class.

> >

> > I think that it's not working is intentional, but only shows to me the incapability of changing/"balancing" properly.

> >

> >

> > The only thing that did change with this trait is a buff for pve support scourge on certain raid bosses, where it's pretty useful to give 10 target 9k barrier and where people aren't moving as much so you don't have to replace shades.

> > But we already got a support trait there.

> >

> >


> gotta love how warrior and ALL its specialists are viable in all modes, even NEEDED in some, but it can fill multiple roles, Condi, Power, Strength share etc, while necro is only useful for boon corrupt and nothing more, need dmg? take another warrior over a necro, need CC? warrior still better. need support? druid or even if you want to Ele aura (is that still a thing im not sure have not played in a long while since necro is still pretty trash)


Berserker disagrees with you in wvw and pvp lol

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > I thought the best joke was the one where people still think they can't get teams in PVE ... and that one runs all year round. I guess you wouldn't know since you aren't playing as long as Anet doesn't make necro fun to play in PVE again ... AMIRITE?

> > >

> > > Guess what. People still get kicked out for being necro very often.

> > >

> > > Yes that's not only anets fault. It's player mentality as well.

> > >

> > > I recently joined a pug group for soulless horror. Well I was at somewhat like 19-22k boss dps.

> > > But: some of the other dmg players managed to hit 30k, so they did almost do 50% more than I did.

> > >

> > > Yes I didn't do the full dmg rotation, because I tried to help the druids by giving barrier to the tanks or to the whole group when she did her aoe attack, or by helping out with Condi cleanses. While using epi at the right times, for the undead golem.

> > >

> > > But yet we didn't manage to kill the boss, till I had to go (tried for 45minutes).

> > >

> > > Difficulties: people died a lot to walls, or the golem wasn't kicked properly and people didn't move away from the spot the golem died.

> > >

> > > Then there was one player: "I think some people here aren't doing proper DPS"

> > > I didn't reply anything. I just thought to myself. Yes maybe I'm not doing the best DPS I can, but if people wouldn't die to walls or exploding golems, we would manage to kill the boss.

> > >

> > > (In my static we even play with 2 healers and one druid guy, that is purely there for kicking the golem away. Better safe than sorry. And we still have plenty of dmg to kill this boss. Not in the best speedrun time but that's totally fine for us)

> > >

> > > Yes, you can play necro. But I still felt kinda useless in these attempts.

> > > While people gladly let themselves get carried by other players in statics.

> > >

> > > Another example. On quadim, especially quadim cm u used to do the first to lamps solo as a power reaper. (In the same time a chrono + dragon hunter/holosmith need together)

> > > That was really amazing. But at normal bosses, where I didn't get any special roles, I never managed to beat the other players dps (even though reaper and holo aren't that far apart right now, as far as I knew)

> > > The really big difference: I played no kit holo just for the fun. I delayed my cc skills, but it seemed like I lost much less DPS than I did on my reaper (sometimes you are forced to go to out of shroud way too early, for warhorn4, and I ended up needing to autoattack with axe - loosing chill uptime, and a lot of dmg from having to axe-autoattack)

> > >

> > > So: necro in general is still very niche in pve. I'm not asking for all specs to be as good as the specs of other classes. But just one would be pretty nice.

> > >

> > >

> > > Reaper and core still has the "no healing in shroud"- problem, that often let's you loose DPS.

> > > Scourge has the barrier stacking problem when playing multiple scourges in the squad.

> > >

> > > Making reaper receive healing in PVE ONLY, even if it's just 1/3rd of the amount of actual healing you receive would help a lot. Or just a little bit more dps, as necro is still way more conditional than the other classes. (Assuming good supports)

> > >

> > > Or give scourge more DPS or support but cutting support if you stack scourges.

> > > Just a suggestion that i think is pretty good, but might be too hard to realize:

> > >

> > >

> > > If a scourge casts barrier and the reciever of the barrier already has barrier, no matter the amount, from another player (himself or another scourge), the player will only receive 50% of the barrier amount from the scourge.

> > > If that's still not enough, you could even add a 3rd multiplier, that lets you receive only 25% of the barrier from a second scourge player.

> > >

> > > So you cast barrier as a ele on yourself, 1k barrier.

> > > Scourge comes and uses f3+ healskill for a total amount of 2k+4k, will only make you receive 1k+2k barrier.

> > >

> > > Second scourge does the same 2k+4k barrier, you'll only get 1,5k additional barrier.

> > >

> > > That would be a drastical nerf yes. But it might open up the possibility, to give scourge more dmg.

> > >

> > >

> > > But to be more precise. I think that necros specialisations are way too op compared to the core necromancer.

> > > So taking a bit away from the specialisations and give a little bit more back to the core class might be the right way to go.

> > >

> > > If you look at warrior. Man that's a thing. Core warrior is pretty strong in my opinion. And the specialisations add different things in different gamemodes.

> > >

> > > For example: core warrior is very good in wvw roaming, and spellbreaker adds (mainly the bubble) that makes it very potent for zergplay.

> > > And in pve, core power warrior is/was (don't know after the most recent patch) pretty good, and berserker adds a lot of spice for DPS there.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Also it's pretty sad, that the only thing necro got new is still bugged. Harbingers shroud should technically work like desert shroud no?

> > > Yet you cannot cast f5 then replace the shade. If you do so, you will lose the effect at the shade position.

> > > It doesn't add enough for the effect it does. You loose more than you get in wvw while selecting this trait.

> > > Which is pretty dumb. No other class has a free selection trait that nerfs the class.

> > >

> > > I think that it's not working is intentional, but only shows to me the incapability of changing/"balancing" properly.

> > >

> > >

> > > The only thing that did change with this trait is a buff for pve support scourge on certain raid bosses, where it's pretty useful to give 10 target 9k barrier and where people aren't moving as much so you don't have to replace shades.

> > > But we already got a support trait there.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > gotta love how warrior and ALL its specialists are viable in all modes, even NEEDED in some, but it can fill multiple roles, Condi, Power, Strength share etc, while necro is only useful for boon corrupt and nothing more, need dmg? take another warrior over a necro, need CC? warrior still better. need support? druid or even if you want to Ele aura (is that still a thing im not sure have not played in a long while since necro is still pretty trash)


> Berserker disagrees with you in wvw and pvp lol


spell breaker, I said or at least implied that core warrior and its specializations have a spot in every game mode, and while zerker might not be good in wvw or pvp spellbreaker is

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Aetatis.5418" said:

> > 5.999% axe dmg increase... was probably the best pun on that april fools patch notes. a meme really


> Yeah this was the best part of the necro notes for anyone who has been playing for a while anet even knows......


I was mad that it wasn't really a thing.

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> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > I thought the best joke was the one where people still think they can't get teams in PVE ... and that one runs all year round. I guess you wouldn't know since you aren't playing as long as Anet doesn't make necro fun to play in PVE again ... AMIRITE?

> > > >

> > > > Guess what. People still get kicked out for being necro very often.

> > > >

> > > > Yes that's not only anets fault. It's player mentality as well.

> > > >

> > > > I recently joined a pug group for soulless horror. Well I was at somewhat like 19-22k boss dps.

> > > > But: some of the other dmg players managed to hit 30k, so they did almost do 50% more than I did.

> > > >

> > > > Yes I didn't do the full dmg rotation, because I tried to help the druids by giving barrier to the tanks or to the whole group when she did her aoe attack, or by helping out with Condi cleanses. While using epi at the right times, for the undead golem.

> > > >

> > > > But yet we didn't manage to kill the boss, till I had to go (tried for 45minutes).

> > > >

> > > > Difficulties: people died a lot to walls, or the golem wasn't kicked properly and people didn't move away from the spot the golem died.

> > > >

> > > > Then there was one player: "I think some people here aren't doing proper DPS"

> > > > I didn't reply anything. I just thought to myself. Yes maybe I'm not doing the best DPS I can, but if people wouldn't die to walls or exploding golems, we would manage to kill the boss.

> > > >

> > > > (In my static we even play with 2 healers and one druid guy, that is purely there for kicking the golem away. Better safe than sorry. And we still have plenty of dmg to kill this boss. Not in the best speedrun time but that's totally fine for us)

> > > >

> > > > Yes, you can play necro. But I still felt kinda useless in these attempts.

> > > > While people gladly let themselves get carried by other players in statics.

> > > >

> > > > Another example. On quadim, especially quadim cm u used to do the first to lamps solo as a power reaper. (In the same time a chrono + dragon hunter/holosmith need together)

> > > > That was really amazing. But at normal bosses, where I didn't get any special roles, I never managed to beat the other players dps (even though reaper and holo aren't that far apart right now, as far as I knew)

> > > > The really big difference: I played no kit holo just for the fun. I delayed my cc skills, but it seemed like I lost much less DPS than I did on my reaper (sometimes you are forced to go to out of shroud way too early, for warhorn4, and I ended up needing to autoattack with axe - loosing chill uptime, and a lot of dmg from having to axe-autoattack)

> > > >

> > > > So: necro in general is still very niche in pve. I'm not asking for all specs to be as good as the specs of other classes. But just one would be pretty nice.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Reaper and core still has the "no healing in shroud"- problem, that often let's you loose DPS.

> > > > Scourge has the barrier stacking problem when playing multiple scourges in the squad.

> > > >

> > > > Making reaper receive healing in PVE ONLY, even if it's just 1/3rd of the amount of actual healing you receive would help a lot. Or just a little bit more dps, as necro is still way more conditional than the other classes. (Assuming good supports)

> > > >

> > > > Or give scourge more DPS or support but cutting support if you stack scourges.

> > > > Just a suggestion that i think is pretty good, but might be too hard to realize:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > If a scourge casts barrier and the reciever of the barrier already has barrier, no matter the amount, from another player (himself or another scourge), the player will only receive 50% of the barrier amount from the scourge.

> > > > If that's still not enough, you could even add a 3rd multiplier, that lets you receive only 25% of the barrier from a second scourge player.

> > > >

> > > > So you cast barrier as a ele on yourself, 1k barrier.

> > > > Scourge comes and uses f3+ healskill for a total amount of 2k+4k, will only make you receive 1k+2k barrier.

> > > >

> > > > Second scourge does the same 2k+4k barrier, you'll only get 1,5k additional barrier.

> > > >

> > > > That would be a drastical nerf yes. But it might open up the possibility, to give scourge more dmg.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > But to be more precise. I think that necros specialisations are way too op compared to the core necromancer.

> > > > So taking a bit away from the specialisations and give a little bit more back to the core class might be the right way to go.

> > > >

> > > > If you look at warrior. Man that's a thing. Core warrior is pretty strong in my opinion. And the specialisations add different things in different gamemodes.

> > > >

> > > > For example: core warrior is very good in wvw roaming, and spellbreaker adds (mainly the bubble) that makes it very potent for zergplay.

> > > > And in pve, core power warrior is/was (don't know after the most recent patch) pretty good, and berserker adds a lot of spice for DPS there.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Also it's pretty sad, that the only thing necro got new is still bugged. Harbingers shroud should technically work like desert shroud no?

> > > > Yet you cannot cast f5 then replace the shade. If you do so, you will lose the effect at the shade position.

> > > > It doesn't add enough for the effect it does. You loose more than you get in wvw while selecting this trait.

> > > > Which is pretty dumb. No other class has a free selection trait that nerfs the class.

> > > >

> > > > I think that it's not working is intentional, but only shows to me the incapability of changing/"balancing" properly.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > The only thing that did change with this trait is a buff for pve support scourge on certain raid bosses, where it's pretty useful to give 10 target 9k barrier and where people aren't moving as much so you don't have to replace shades.

> > > > But we already got a support trait there.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > gotta love how warrior and ALL its specialists are viable in all modes, even NEEDED in some, but it can fill multiple roles, Condi, Power, Strength share etc, while necro is only useful for boon corrupt and nothing more, need dmg? take another warrior over a necro, need CC? warrior still better. need support? druid or even if you want to Ele aura (is that still a thing im not sure have not played in a long while since necro is still pretty trash)

> >

> > Berserker disagrees with you in wvw and pvp lol


> spell breaker, I said or at least implied that core warrior and its specializations have a spot in every game mode, and while zerker might not be good in wvw or pvp spellbreaker is


Then there is no real point to even making the base statement if you are going to come back and reword it like that now that can be said for every spec across all classes for the most part.

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