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sigils on weapon swap give warriors unfair advantage


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since a selected few is trying their very best to make the discipline minor trait fast hands baseline..i fail to see why


i mean warrior allready has the unfair advantage of proccing on weapon swap sigils every 5 seconds instead of every 9 seconds like pretty much everyone else, and it seems not enough?

what else do they want?


in wvw how annoying is it to fight a warrior with hydromancy sigil, proccing it every 5 seconds..2 seconds of chill (together with blind and weakness the most annoying conditions to deal with)


that's nearly a 50% upkeep, just by weapon swapping

same with superior sigil of energy, a free dodge roll every 5 seconds


and the list goes on and on

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> @"melandru.3876" said:


> in wvw how annoying is it to fight a warrior with hydromancy sigil, proccing it every 5 seconds..2 seconds of chill (together with blind and weakness the most annoying conditions to deal with)

>Also, they're annoying to fight because I'm also bad and **can't dodge non-instant cast damage in 2019**or can't land skills on Warrior when it's a class that doesn't have many dodges compared to Ranger, Mesmer, Thief.




Also, hydromancy can proc every 9 seconds regardless of fast hands or not. THAT's your excuse when fire/air can be a lot worse? Fire/air doesn't even need fast hands LMAO


Now you know some people can't be taken seriously.


Wait until you fight actual good players (Scourge/Chrono/Soulbeast/etc). I dare to play vs. good ones as Warrior, but you're too much of a coward that you're scared to be proven wrong.


My advice to you is, learn to count dodges, learn to count stunbreaks, stop getting hit by non-instant cast attacks in OPEN FIELD in 2019.


Even if they land hydromancy, what is to stop you from simply bursting them back? How do you not land anything on a class that DOESN'T SPAM EVADES while attacking. You could literally just run in a straight line and dodge anything Warrior when hydromancy runs out as well. But I guess people who are bad mechanically will complain about the class with millions of counters.


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> @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

> > @"melandru.3876" said:


> > in wvw how annoying is it to fight a warrior with hydromancy sigil, proccing it every 5 seconds..2 seconds of chill (together with blind and weakness the most annoying conditions to deal with)

> >Also, they're annoying to fight because I'm also bad and **can't dodge non-instant cast damage in 2019**or can't land skills on Warrior when it's a class that doesn't have many dodges compared to Ranger, Mesmer, Thief.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sigil_of_Hydromancy


> Also, hydromancy can proc every 9 seconds regardless of fast hands or not. THAT's your excuse when fire/air can be a lot worse? Fire/air doesn't even need fast hands LMAO


> Now you know some people can't be taken seriously.


> Wait until you fight actual good players (Scourge/Chrono/Soulbeast/etc). I dare to play vs. good ones as Warrior, but you're too much of a coward that you're scared to be proven wrong.


> My advice to you is, learn to count dodges, learn to count stunbreaks, stop getting hit by non-instant cast attacks in OPEN FIELD in 2019.


> Even if they land hydromancy, what is to stop you from simply bursting them back? How do you not land anything on a class that DOESN'T SPAM EVADES while attacking. You could literally just run in a straight line and dodge anything Warrior when hydromancy runs out as well. But I guess people who are bad mechanically will complain about the class with millions of counters.



hydromancy procs every 5 seconds on warrior not 9 seconds

do you even play warrior? its very easy to try out yourself


and you can drop the personnal attacks, if you would not mind. "coward" really? i bet my wvw rank is atleast 10 times as high as yours lol


you do know what chill does right, increases cooldown on skills by 66%


your argument was that fast hands need to be made basline, for smoother gameplay, yet when fighting a hydromancy warrior you do the exact oppsite, for other classes (or non discipline builds) so you basically cornered your own argument..flawless victory


also learn to count dodges: ill advice, maybe useful in 2013. superior sigil of energy (and as allready said, every other on weapon swap sigil) procs every 5 second, not 9 seconds, on fast hands warriors.


so they have allready an extra dodge in reserve when on axe/shield


ill advice, from an ill player

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> Man...... Realy?

> Weaponswap sigils make warrior op?


> Come the kitten on....


> The Anti warrior crowd is starting to reach far.


indeed. leeching + hydromance, 2k dmg (more if frost procs) + 1k selfheal, every 5 seconds

its not like warrior allready has enough passive health gain, no?


healing signet, adrenal health (if taken) might maks right


if they want fast hands made basline for every war, then weapon swap sigils need to be globalised aswell to 9 seconds, else there is massive powercreep

but all is goon when you close your eyes and live in the fream, right

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> @"melandru.3876" said:

> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > Man...... Realy?

> > Weaponswap sigils make warrior op?

> >

> > Come the kitten on....

> >

> > The Anti warrior crowd is starting to reach far.


> indeed. leeching + hydromance, 2k dmg (more if frost procs) + 1k selfheal, every 5 seconds

> its not like warrior allready has enough passive health gain, no?


> healing signet, adrenal health (if taken) might maks right


> if they want fast hands made basline for every war, then weapon swap sigils need to be globalised aswell to 9 seconds, else there is massive powercreep

> but all is goon when you close your eyes and live in the fream, right


Ever heard of kitting? You know... Hydro is melee.


And because of these INSANE numbers it cant be PvP.


Sooo why exactly do you want to kill a roaming warrior?


Is he capping camps?


[Edit] Ohhh i get it. A late april fools joke.


You got me good.

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I'll be nice for once and ask, are you SURE that's an unfair advantage over other classes? The 5 second weapon swap?


Are you sure it's stronger than Soulbeast burst? Are you sure it's more annoying than Chrono/Mirage instant cast burst damage? Are you sure it's a lot stronger than Firebrand team support?


Before you say something is OP, try exploring how other classes work first. From now on, I will assume that you're a new player and you don't really know much.

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > > Man...... Realy?

> > > Weaponswap sigils make warrior op?

> > >

> > > Come the kitten on....

> > >

> > > The Anti warrior crowd is starting to reach far.

> >

> > indeed. leeching + hydromance, 2k dmg (more if frost procs) + 1k selfheal, every 5 seconds

> > its not like warrior allready has enough passive health gain, no?

> >

> > healing signet, adrenal health (if taken) might maks right

> >

> > if they want fast hands made basline for every war, then weapon swap sigils need to be globalised aswell to 9 seconds, else there is massive powercreep

> > but all is goon when you close your eyes and live in the fream, right


> Ever heard of kitting? You know... Hydro is melee.


> And because of these INSANE numbers it cant be PvP.


> Sooo why exactly do you want to kill a roaming warrior?


> Is he capping camps?


it can't be pvp because hyromancy is not a pvp sigil, that aside

the numbers are real, and let me show you something experienced first hand (see picture)![](https://pasteboard.co/I8g0wvv.jpg "") 6.2k frost burst, those are the more "real" numbers in wvw


6.2k, potential for every 5 seconds. triggers the moment you weapon swap (so no telegraphic tell) in an aoe radius


ye sure :p


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> @"melandru.3876" said:

> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > > > Man...... Realy?

> > > > Weaponswap sigils make warrior op?

> > > >

> > > > Come the kitten on....

> > > >

> > > > The Anti warrior crowd is starting to reach far.

> > >

> > > indeed. leeching + hydromance, 2k dmg (more if frost procs) + 1k selfheal, every 5 seconds

> > > its not like warrior allready has enough passive health gain, no?

> > >

> > > healing signet, adrenal health (if taken) might maks right

> > >

> > > if they want fast hands made basline for every war, then weapon swap sigils need to be globalised aswell to 9 seconds, else there is massive powercreep

> > > but all is goon when you close your eyes and live in the fream, right

> >

> > Ever heard of kitting? You know... Hydro is melee.

> >

> > And because of these INSANE numbers it cant be PvP.

> >

> > Sooo why exactly do you want to kill a roaming warrior?

> >

> > Is he capping camps?


> it can't be pvp because hyromancy is not a pvp sigil, that aside

> the numbers are real, and let me show you something experienced first hand (see picture)![](https://pasteboard.co/I8g0wvv.jpg "") 6.2k frost burst, those are the more "real" numbers in wvw


> 6.2k, potential for every 5 seconds. triggers the moment you weapon swap (so no telegraphic tell) in an aoe radius


> ye sure :p



So you basicaly are telling me that Fast Hand + Hydro i bugged and Hydro Sigil needs a nerf (should not crit).



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> @"Razorsharp Blade.9283" said:

> The sigil is a global 9 second cooldown, fast hands doesnt reduce this cooldown, the sigil will only proc after 9 seconds no matter any traits.


sigh howmany times do i have to tell this...the sigils are "balanced" around weapons wap (9 seconds, for non fast hands, 5 seconds for fast hands) it takes literally 10 seconds to test this yourself.


engi enters forge: procs on weapon swap sigils

warrior changes weapons: proc on weapon swap sigils


both on 5 second cooldown


is this balanced? only if fast hands doesn't become baseline

holo benefits from it, but core engi and scrapper not


with fast hands baseline, core war, spellbreaker and berserker would benfit.a.ka powercreep


very easy to understand, but some do their very best to deny everything

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Fast Hands does not override the **9 seconds** internal sigil cooldown. So this thread is pointless.


Other examples the OP might not know:

- changing attunement counts as a weaponswap (Elementalist)

- entering/leaving holomode counts as a weaponswap (Holosmith)

- entering/leaving shroud counts as a weaponswap (Necromancer)

- switching legends counts as a weaponswap (Revenant)



Fast Hands and these examples are the reason why there is a 9s cooldown for sigils at all.

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> @"melandru.3876" said:

> since a selected few is trying their very best to make the discipline minor trait fast hands baseline..i fail to see why


> i mean warrior allready has the unfair advantage of proccing on weapon swap sigils every 5 seconds instead of every 9 seconds like pretty much everyone else, and it seems not enough?

> what else do they want?


> in wvw how annoying is it to fight a warrior with hydromancy sigil, proccing it every 5 seconds..2 seconds of chill (together with blind and weakness the most annoying conditions to deal with)


> that's nearly a 50% upkeep, just by weapon swapping

> same with superior sigil of energy, a free dodge roll every 5 seconds


> and the list goes on and on


The Sigils have a cooldown on their effect beeing at 9 seconds. So even if you can swap weapons every 5 seconds, you won't receive the sigil's effect unless it's off cooldown.


I'm not sure what is the point of this post.

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> @"Edge.8724" said:

> > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > since a selected few is trying their very best to make the discipline minor trait fast hands baseline..i fail to see why

> >

> > i mean warrior allready has the unfair advantage of proccing on weapon swap sigils every 5 seconds instead of every 9 seconds like pretty much everyone else, and it seems not enough?

> > what else do they want?

> >

> > in wvw how annoying is it to fight a warrior with hydromancy sigil, proccing it every 5 seconds..2 seconds of chill (together with blind and weakness the most annoying conditions to deal with)

> >

> > that's nearly a 50% upkeep, just by weapon swapping

> > same with superior sigil of energy, a free dodge roll every 5 seconds

> >

> > and the list goes on and on


> The Sigils have a cooldown on their effect beeing at 9 seconds. So even if you can swap weapons every 5 seconds, you won't receive the sigil's effect unless it's off cooldown.


> I'm not sure what is the point of this post.


Basically he was trying to "argue" against baseline fast hands, but legit proved that he had little to no game knowledge or he is a new player. Could just move on tbh.

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> @"melandru.3876" said:

> since a selected few is trying their very best to make the discipline minor trait fast hands baseline..i fail to see why


> i mean warrior allready has the unfair advantage of proccing on weapon swap sigils every 5 seconds instead of every 9 seconds like pretty much everyone else, and it seems not enough?

> what else do they want?


> in wvw how annoying is it to fight a warrior with hydromancy sigil, proccing it every 5 seconds..2 seconds of chill (together with blind and weakness the most annoying conditions to deal with)


> that's nearly a 50% upkeep, just by weapon swapping

> same with superior sigil of energy, a free dodge roll every 5 seconds


> and the list goes on and on


I refuse to believe that you have 4.5k hours on your warrior. Such statments would be understandable from someone who made warrior few months ago as an alt and play it from time to time.


"in wvw how annoying is it to fight a warrior with hydromancy sigil, proccing it every 5 seconds..2 seconds of chill (together with blind and weakness the most annoying conditions to deal with)"


This is great example that what you are saying and proposing is based on lack of class knowledge. Hydromancy sigil (and any other weapon swap sigil) cannot be procced every 5 seconds.

The cooldown of that sigil's bonus is 9 seconds and the same weapon swap sigils share their cooldowns even when they are on different equipped weapon sets.

Your statement is completely false and you just outplayed yourself.


You probably meant that different weapon swap sigils can be procced more often (while still being on 9 second cooldown!) with Fast Hands, which is true and which is why Fast Hands is awesome trait and synergies very well with sigil swapping. That is whole point of Fast Hands. It is intentional, refined over all those years.

But oh no no no no! Suddenly someone realized how useful a trait is SO LET'S NERF IT while proposing false statements and make things look too strong while in reality, they are time-tested.

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It's a mistake to look at just one aspect of a profession in evaluating whether the profession is balanced.

ANet (and any competent game developer) is going to compare the overall impact of each profession against the overall impact of the others. (It's one of the reasons why it's so hard to achieve anything like true balance in a complex game.)



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