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How to get into WvW?


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Since you don't have a mount, prioritize +25% movement or permanent swiftness. Also look for leaps, either in your skills or weapons. Mobility is hugely important in wvw.


Also, for a zerg build, I found hammer rev to be great to relearn things when I came back recently. I first focussed on following the zerg and putting my hammers in the right place, then worried about adding skills to my repertoire as I picked up the flow of things.

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> @"Sarius.9285" said:

> So after playing for about 6 years, I finally want to try out WvW, but have absolutely no clue how.


> Any tips or directions would be greatly appreciated


New plan - Don't.


It is the least balanced mode and I can no longer lie to myself that it is fun. Save yourself disappointment.

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Welcome to WvW. If I can get into it, anyone can get into it.

Bring what build you enjoy - seriously - but also grow a somewhat tough hide. Not everyone is gonna value what you like. Not everyone knows how to behave in a social context. See below.

Be respectful to others. Listen to your comms. Help your co-players. Join TS/discord.

If you feel, your build is underperforming, research other build options, but if you're happy, gogogo! :smile:


Others already said it: Don't be afraid io dying, especially if you really bring a zerker build. Die, respawn, try again. Don't get salty.

If you get ganked repeatedly, ask for help. If you can't take an objective or defend one alone, ask for help.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > @"SexyMofo.8923" said:

> > Press B, then select Eternal Battlegrounds.


> Congratulations! Now you changed a clueless player outside of WvW to a clueless player in WvW.


> Things depend a bit on how you want to play. I play WvW casually and just like to follow a commander / group or go by myself to capture small objectives / defend our structures.


> 1. Always take supplies with you. Help build the siege weapons that your commander places. Repair walls/gates when your group does so.

> 2. Follow the tag. Do what your commander dies or points out you to do.

> 3. Look at the chat. Players and commanders will often point out which locations they are capping or where the enemy is attacking.

> 4. If you like to play solo, You can be helpful to your team by capturing camps and mercenaries (Hyleks/Ogres/Dredges)

> 5. Sometimes, a keep or the Stonemist castle is under permanent siege. Don't spend much supplies here repairing the outer walls/gates. These will be destroyed again in no time. Focus your defense on the center core. You can always repair the outer section later when the enemies are gone and when there are plenty of supplies again.

> 6. Be prepared to get killed, a lot. Schitt happens. Part of the game. Cry and carry on again. Or plot a revenge.


You’re clueless.

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> @"SexyMofo.8923" said:

> > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > > @"SexyMofo.8923" said:

> > > Press B, then select Eternal Battlegrounds.

> >

> > Congratulations! Now you changed a clueless player outside of WvW to a clueless player in WvW.

> >

> > Things depend a bit on how you want to play. I play WvW casually and just like to follow a commander / group or go by myself to capture small objectives / defend our structures.

> >

> > 1. Always take supplies with you. Help build the siege weapons that your commander places. Repair walls/gates when your group does so.

> > 2. Follow the tag. Do what your commander dies or points out you to do.

> > 3. Look at the chat. Players and commanders will often point out which locations they are capping or where the enemy is attacking.

> > 4. If you like to play solo, You can be helpful to your team by capturing camps and mercenaries (Hyleks/Ogres/Dredges)

> > 5. Sometimes, a keep or the Stonemist castle is under permanent siege. Don't spend much supplies here repairing the outer walls/gates. These will be destroyed again in no time. Focus your defense on the center core. You can always repair the outer section later when the enemies are gone and when there are plenty of supplies again.

> > 6. Be prepared to get killed, a lot. Schitt happens. Part of the game. Cry and carry on again. Or plot a revenge.


> You’re clueless.


5/5 for the comeback

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Hello, sfr has a pretty active community as said above. First thing to do is join their discord and keep actively using it during your stay.

Second as said above comes the build for the class youre playing. Metabattle is fine, however for more information about most of the clases you should use builds.vabbi.org. Metabattle is pretty tldr, firebrand document on vabbi builds has around 13 pages of text. So you could imagine how much effort the people on metabattle put into it.

Why not to pick ranger/thief: ranger doesnt provide anything to the group really, thief aswell is a pure dps class as it provides nothing but stealth to the group, however is more than viable in smaller numbers up to 20.

Actual gameplay is up to your ability to follow commanders calls. If your commander is popular, but clueless about what hes doing, your skill is probably not going to develop. If your commander has a clue, youre basically good to go, now you just need to follow up correctly. On sfr there is Nation, he has more than enough experience as well as knowledge of the game. Even though hes a bit of a pepega, im sure he will gladly help you out. Good way to learn is also watching others pov and gameplay. But its up to you again.

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Hello, RoS has a pretty friendly community, we are open to all classes and are actively reaching out to ppl so they can bandwagon to the server. Our goal is to be like Gandara since they are obviously the best server on EU atm. Some ppl will probably tell you that we are toxic and elitist, but that's not true. Those ppl are in fact elitist themselves, since all they care about is how much dmg they do when looking at the dps meters. They even tend to show those elitist videos on our discord, and proceed to tell us how bad we are for not acknowledging there "uber builds".


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Welcome to WvW! Lots have given some great advice, so not much I can add. I would, however, emphasize the _importance of getting on voice chat._

When I first started, I was intimidated and quietly wandered around trying to figure things out on my own which was really frustrating. WvW isn't simplistic. Then, I saw map chat invites to the server voice chat and decided to join in. The world opened up. I didn't speak much initially, but took opportunity to listen to the strategies going on, and ask those burning questions that had been with me in my solo wanderings. Eventually I got a commander tag and did some leading (not a fightmander tho :P)


You also get to know your community, and can find ways to participate. As those above mentioned, there are several roles/playstyles you can pick that will suit you. From that point, I think you'll begin to explore professions and roles that work best for you within your community. Most of all, have fun!

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1. Buy a go-pro

2. Buy a oculus rift

3. Connect the go-pro to the oculus rift with some software that randomly adds between .2-.7 seconds of lag to the image display

4. Put on head

5. Have someone throw wrenches at you from close range

6. Dodge the wrenches


Once you can force-sense your skin bruise free, you're ready for today's wvw

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> @"Sarius.9285" said:

> So after playing for about 6 years, I finally want to try out WvW, but have absolutely no clue how.


> Any tips or directions would be greatly appreciated


Welcome in WvW. I don't claim I know the right way you should follow, so I will tell you how I started WvW.


1. Enter WvW - any map. If you are not a good PvP-er, then I recommend you to follow a group. If you are good in PvP then you can go solo. If you don't join a group / squad, then you can play any class/build you want.

2. Be prepared to die. Many times. If this is something intolerable, then WvW is not for you.

3. I saw before an advice to always have supply with you. Is a good one. This does not mean you should not spend supplies. This means to resupply every time you have the opportunity.

4. Be prepared to die. Many times.

5. At first let the others to start doing something. For example - do not place siege engines / do not repair walls before someone starts to do this. Why? You can very well cut the way for your group by repairing a wall. Or to place an engine for an objective your group will skip. With other words - give yourself time to understand the WvW and to start to correctly judge a situation.

6. Did I mention before? Be prepared to die. Many times.

7. Find a friend to do WvW together. In this way you already have a roaming team =)


The first thing is to try the WvW. Then you will learn. And, who knows, maybe you will like WvW.

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