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Stop play naked


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First I m a big fan of nude ppl but in pvp u loose stats.


These days I see a lot player running without chest Armor and when u tell them that they loose base armor they all reply with LOL stats are from the Amulet only.


It even went to I bet 20 G with someone waited him google before he sudden went offline :)


So here quote from the Wiki


“Players need to equip chest, legs and foot armor to achieve the base armor value, but hands, shoulders and head may be ignored.”


So please don’t play naked in ranked if u want challenge urself do it in UN ranked


Thank u very much.


Ps u can test it urself open pvp panel look ur stats for armor than take chest on and off see the stats lost and now try the same with gloves no stats lost. Just that u don’t think ur real armor is shown in the pvp panel when u be in the lobby.

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"There are warriors among the barbarian ranks whose love of battle is such that they live for little else. Clad only in flimsy loincloths, the fanatics whip themselves into a frenzy by chanting, beating themselves and drinking heavily. In this state they make an unnerving sight on the battlefield! (...)"


[https://totalwar.fandom.com/wiki/Naked_Fanatics_(Germans)](https://totalwar.fandom.com/wiki/Naked_Fanatics_(Germans) "https://totalwar.fandom.com/wiki/Naked_Fanatics_(Germans)")

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There are so many things people do that need to be stopped. This, thinking what pedestal they’re on is the game saying how well they did, thinking where they’re listed I’m the overview page is the game saying how well they did, fighting on enemy owned points, and so much more.

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