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Finish HoT before buying PoF?

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No need to finish HoT in order to start PoF. While gliding mastery helps in PoF, it is designed so that you can play it with NO HoT content unlocked at all. I would recommend playing the Living World S3 to get caught up on the story, but there is no requirement to do so.


Unlocking elite specs only requires the expansion and enough hero points. If you have leftover enough saved from HoT, you could start unlocking it immediately upon purchasing PoF.

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> @"lujate.5432" said:

> So I don't have to even have to finish HoT? Interesting... I'll have to think on think on that one. Thank you

You dont even have to finish base GW2.


You do miss out a fair bit of the background story though. And elite specs if you havent gotten it elsewhere like WvW.


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> @"lujate.5432" said:

> I'm returning after a long hiatus. I played Heart of Thorns and fully unlocked my main spec. I didn't finish the story. Do I need to finish the HoT story before I get PoF, or can I start to unlock the new spec while playing thru HoT?

You don't need to finish HoT, but keep in mind that by unlocking mounts in PoF and starting using those in HoT maps you pretty much kill half of its originality, because all HoT's maps were built around using their native navigation systems and boosters (glyding, jump platforms, using local plants etc), and those are very interestingly built and tied to your map-based progression (through masteries) - and mounts make all those obsolete. IMO, it robs a huge chunk of great gaming experience from players. I really think they should have banned mounts usage there, until you first learn local navigation masteries to some level.


All said is just my opinion, of course.

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Nah, the story is completely optional. I finished the personal story (Vanilla) just last month and I've been playing this game for over 6 years.


You're better off unlocking the new specs, IMO. And you can do it with HoT hero pts anyways.


Personally I'd finish HoT story eventually. I preferred it greatly over vanilla.

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