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[Suggestion] Raid reward - killproof

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Im fairly new to raiding and therefore I had a hard time finding groups that fit my personal "skill-level".

Once a week you get the in the LFG required LI and KP which are required to confirm that you got experience on wings/bosses. As LI are needed for legendary armor I completely understand that they can't get thrown away in each single bosskill as you would farm the most easiest one for you.

But killproof - the guild decoration things - don't have such a value and thats why I would suggest that you get besides the few bags after second/third/x kill the "killproof" too. I really like raiding but theres no reason atleast for me why I would do a wing more than once.


Any opinions on that? :)

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> @"Oberwaldmeister.8239" said:

> Hey,

> Im fairly new to raiding and therefore I had a hard time finding groups that fit my personal "skill-level".

> Once a week you get the in the LFG required LI and KP which are required to confirm that you got experience on wings/bosses. As LI are needed for legendary armor I completely understand that they can't get thrown away in each single bosskill as you would farm the most easiest one for you.

> But killproof - the guild decoration things - don't have such a value and thats why I would suggest that you get besides the few bags after second/third/x kill the "killproof" too. I really like raiding but theres no reason atleast for me why I would do a wing more than once.


> Any opinions on that? :)


You can get 250 li on W1 only. killproofs means u killed certain boss x times, so u SHOULD have experience with it. i keep kps from last bosses and keep them in bank so its easy to ping

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Those are guild decoration tokens not killproofs in the first place. They were never meant for using them as kp. It's what the raid/fractal community made out of them.

Anet should rather implement some kind of UI for my part with opt-in so commanders/squads have a non-fakeable & reliable system (killed once, killed 5 times, killed 10 times & veteran killer or something like that) for getting/noticing appropriate players. Of course this will lead to some whining because certain people won't be taken along in "elitist" squads but it's not a real concerning problem considering there's a lfg and the abilitiy to create own groups.

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> @"Oberwaldmeister.8239" said:

> That doesn't make any point on the topic wether or not the reward of a 2nd/3rd bosskill in one week should give you besides the few bags the killproof decoration.


> E.g. kill Dhuum 3 times in one week but only get killproof for the first time.



N/m why would you go kill the same boss more then once a week?

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> Those are guild decoration tokens not killproofs in the first place. They were never meant for using them as kp. It's what the raid/fractal community made out of them.

> Anet should rather implement some kind of UI for my part with opt-in so commanders/squads have a non-fakeable & reliable system (killed once, killed 5 times, killed 10 times & veteran killer or something like that) for getting/noticing appropriate players. Of course this will lead to some whining because certain people won't be taken along in "elitist" squads but it's not a real concerning problem considering there's a lfg and the abilitiy to create own groups.


Or this, yes. Would be better but more effort for Anet without getting more player into the game.


> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Oberwaldmeister.8239" said:

> > That doesn't make any point on the topic wether or not the reward of a 2nd/3rd bosskill in one week should give you besides the few bags the killproof decoration.

> >

> > E.g. kill Dhuum 3 times in one week but only get killproof for the first time.


> Edit

> N/m why would you go kill the same boss more then once a week?


For practicing/joy? Some ppl enjoy raids besides getting loot and then log off. If you have like 100 Dhuum kp there would be no reason to go for another kill if you dont profit of it. But for new raiders like me it would help to be able to join groups that fit their expierence a lot faster.

I dont even mentioned the RNG at getting more or less kp.

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If you use discord (and most commanders do) you can explicitly ask them to link your API and do a $bt command in a server of their choice (it shows the full history of boss kills of your account). I know this isn't an in-game solution but it's the best for most groups, and most commanders accept it when they're not in a bad day (at which point I don't want to play with them anyways, lol).


I click every GH decoration because I want the decorations for my main guild, where the guildies don't really raid much at all - this is what the "killproof" is meant for and Anet will not support other uses. I don't think they want to directly support KP in a general form either. When you think about it, most bosses are viable to all kinds of setups, and in spite of people being shoehorned into meta so that they can complete it, the bosses are easy enough that you _shouldn't_ really need KP. The very concept of training is even strange and doesn't really happen in most other MMO's (but I think this is a good thing and a community-driven effort to help newbies that Anet otherwise doesn't care much to do). All in all we'll probably have to settle with discord bots or actually pinging your GH decorations.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Oberwaldmeister.8239" said:

> > That doesn't make any point on the topic wether or not the reward of a 2nd/3rd bosskill in one week should give you besides the few bags the killproof decoration.

> >

> > E.g. kill Dhuum 3 times in one week but only get killproof for the first time.


> Edit

> N/m why would you go kill the same boss more then once a week?


I do it quite often because

1) its fun

2) one kill per week is not enough no master the fight

(I have more then 600Li)

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> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> If you use discord (and most commanders do) you can explicitly ask them to link your API and do a $bt command in a server of their choice (it shows the full history of >boss kills of your account). I know this isn't an in-game solution but it's the best for most groups, and most commanders accept it when they're not in a bad day (at which >point I don't want to play with them anyways, lol).


The command doesnt count from the begnning tho and it only records one kill per boss per week. If i understand OP correctly however, he wants KP everytime you kill a boss.


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> @"RaidsAreEasyAF.8652" said:

> > @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> > If you use discord (and most commanders do) you can explicitly ask them to link your API and do a $bt command in a server of their choice (it shows the full history of >boss kills of your account). I know this isn't an in-game solution but it's the best for most groups, and most commanders accept it when they're not in a bad day (at which >point I don't want to play with them anyways, lol).


> The command doesnt count from the begnning tho and it only records one kill per boss per week. If i understand OP correctly however, he wants KP everytime you kill a boss.



It would be my suggestion, yes. The best would be an item/linkable achievement without any other purpose than showing how much times you killed a boss.

As 100kp for any Boss could be 20 OR 100 kills its heavely based on RNGesus.

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Killproofs are never a good thing if they can be stacked too much.


Achievements and API records should be all the killproof anyone should ever need.


In order to keep people from hoarding inordinate amounts of 'killproff', decorations could be applied on acquisition, and LI should get an additional sink that is so good nobody would ever think about hoarding them for killproof, like being able to craft replicas of legendary gear that has been already unlocked for the account out a piece of ascended gear of the same type, 5 LI, a bloodstone shard and an item bought from the legendary researcher that is unlocked for purchase after unlocking for the account the corresponding legendary item, or up to 20 weekly mystic coins.


At most, the raid kills achievements could get a repeatable achievement that gives a dynamic title that changes to include the number of times that boss was defeated, like "X times anquisher of ". But that would still be kind of a stretch that would discriminate against those who may not have as much time to do as many bosses each week, or a good schedule to get things done on mondays.



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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"Oberwaldmeister.8239" said:

> > Hey,

> > Im fairly new to raiding and therefore I had a hard time finding groups that fit my personal "skill-level".

> > Once a week you get the in the LFG required LI and KP which are required to confirm that you got experience on wings/bosses. As LI are needed for legendary armor I completely understand that they can't get thrown away in each single bosskill as you would farm the most easiest one for you.

> > But killproof - the guild decoration things - don't have such a value and thats why I would suggest that you get besides the few bags after second/third/x kill the "killproof" too. I really like raiding but theres no reason atleast for me why I would do a wing more than once.

> >

> > Any opinions on that? :)


> You can get 250 li on W1 only. killproofs means u killed certain boss x times, so u SHOULD have experience with it. i keep kps from last bosses and keep them in bank so its easy to ping


Yea sry, was tired and didn't understand. I can kinda agree, but first of all I would like to normalize amount of kp u get. Always 3 for example, or even let it scale with kill time. But yea giving more kps for further kills should give more kp. Anet doesn't support kill proofs, but this is what ppl are using so we could get a little qol

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> @"Oberwaldmeister.8239" said:

> > @"RaidsAreEasyAF.8652" said:

> > > @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> > > If you use discord (and most commanders do) you can explicitly ask them to link your API and do a $bt command in a server of their choice (it shows the full history of >boss kills of your account). I know this isn't an in-game solution but it's the best for most groups, and most commanders accept it when they're not in a bad day (at which >point I don't want to play with them anyways, lol).

> >

> > The command doesnt count from the begnning tho and it only records one kill per boss per week. If i understand OP correctly however, he wants KP everytime you kill a boss.

> >


> It would be my suggestion, yes. The best would be an item/linkable achievement without any other purpose than showing how much times you killed a boss.

> As 100kp for any Boss could be 20 OR 100 kills its heavely based on RNGesus.


I see. In this case, I'd say my thoughts about it is simply to not have any official way of tracking kills at all. It's not a reliable measure and supporting its use directly would further involve players in unnecessary bureaucracy just so that they can raid. If it feels cumbersome to use KP that's precisely because Anet did not intend it to be there to begin with. Now for the **community issue** of people actually wanting KP, that's their lack of sight to be fixed, and it might actually get fixed soon enough when bosses become even more trivialized by new patches and classes as time goes by. Giving something (even increasing a counter) for every boss kill would also immediately stimulate daily, constant farming instead of the weekly clear schedule Anet wants to maintain.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> "Kill proof" is a player-invented concept imposed by a subset of players who believe that "proof of killing" is the same as "proof of competence." I don't think ANet should invest in making it easier, when the game itself is designed with more flexibility.




There is no better "proof of competence" atm than kill proofs, and they somehow work. Try to do w5 +w6 10 times where requirement is only 250-500 li, and than do the same asking for 100 dhuum kp +50 quadim kp. I can tell u already which run will be shorter.


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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > "Kill proof" is a player-invented concept imposed by a subset of players who believe that "proof of killing" is the same as "proof of competence." I don't think ANet should invest in making it easier, when the game itself is designed with more flexibility.

> >

> >


> There is no better "proof of competence" atm than kill proofs, and they somehow work. Try to do w5 +w6 10 times where requirement is only 250-500 li, and than do the same asking for 100 dhuum kp +50 quadim kp. I can tell u already which run will be shorter.



His post still stands though. This is no proof of competence, there is no "better" proof because there is none. It can't be statistically sound either because Anet knows what the success rate is for each kind of group, and doesn't really release info about anything really, so we can't know if your "10 shorter runs" are meaningful sampling. Also, did you even account for waiting time for a LFG who asks for 100w5 +50w6 KP? How actually shorter is shorter if you can already tell? An hour or minutes?


This is precisely the problem with the community. There is no way around and there is _no guaranteed optimization route_ with pugs. It's people you usually don't play with*, simple as that. This game is so lenient with its raid encounters, the bosses are so flexible, the enrage timers are so lax, that it's almost baffling that you would rather wait for 9 other players who have killed a boss a hundred times when even that won't "somehow work", if it takes more than 30 minutes to find a group for such a well balanced and not hard at all gameplay experience. Guild Wars 2, contrary to popular raider belief, still stands _very much_ by their policy of "playing how you want", raids did not change that. Which I guess makes it fair and square that people only want to play with GH decoration hoarders, but the point to be made very clear about the topic, is that Anet would be going contrary to their own development philosophy if they actually supported such concepts as KP in any official manner.

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