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Guild Wars 2 Forum: The Library - Guild Wars 2 Discussion

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Welcome to The Library, a sticky thread that will help get all the useful and important sticky threads from the Guild Wars 2 Discussion forum in one place! Over the years these threads have accumulated at the top of this subforum and we thought that we'd try simplifying their management. You can suggest new threads to add and we'll consider them.




* [About the On Wiki Of Gold project](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/834257)

* [[News] Gemstore items: new/returned/sales](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/458/news-gemstore-items-new-returned-sales)

* [GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/gemstore-requests-new-items-items-offered-again)

* [[suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas)


**About the Guild Wars 2 Forums**


* [Feedback: Official Forums](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/269/)


* [How to Give Good Feedback](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/317/how-to-give-good-feedback "How to Give Good Feedback"): Important tips on communicating with devs and other forum members

* [How to Communicate with the Forums Team (Appeals, PMs, E-mails)](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/12118/how-to-communicate-with-the-forums-team-appeals-pms-e-mails "How to Communicate with the Forums Team (Appeals, PMs, E-mails)"): How to get in touch so we can answer your questions

* [FAQ about Using the Forums](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/386/faq-about-using-the-forums "FAQ about Using the Forums"): Need to figure out a forum feature? Having trouble with a functionality issue? Let us know in this thread.

* [Forum Moderation and Infraction System](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/342/forum-moderation-and-infraction-system "Forum Moderation and Infraction System"): How we manage the forum with a detailed description of the infraction system

* [How to Report Cheaters or Exploiters](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/351/how-to-report-cheaters-or-exploiters "How to Report Cheaters or Exploiters"): Instructions on the most effective way to let us know about cheating incidents

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Great initiative, @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258".


> To make sure this works in the long run, it needs to be reviewed|refreshed from time to time (more often than yearly, less often than monthly). What's the best way to help y'all make that happen?


We can't commit to a particular timeline but that's the plan overall!


> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> It seems some of the aforementioned threads are still Stickied; unlike the other sub-forums.


Yes we made the decision to include them in the 2 places because they seem to be popular, so we didn't want to inconvenience players.


> @"ArmoredVehicle.2849" said:

> May I ask what is the best way to suggest a thread to be stickied? I have a few in mind which might be useful.


You can post here, but we're not committing to increasing the list unless there's something significant to add.

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Errr... It feels very pointless to have a "Library" topic if you are keeping most old sticked topics there. They're (still) adding a lot of clutter to the main forum's page.


There's also a massive lack of consistency on the way those topics are titled. We have:


* **[News] Gemstore items: new/returned/sales:** brackets indicating what the topic is about, then a space, then the topic's title

* **GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again:** ALL CAPS, no brackets, very random capitalization

* **[suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas:** the brackets return! This time, there's no space between the brackets and the following title. There isn't much of a point in using the abbreviation "QoL" if it's going to be followed by the full version "Quality of Life"

* **Guild Wars 2 Forum: The Library - Guild Wars 2 Discussion**: a completely different format. Isn't it a bit redundant to begin with "Guild Wars 2 Forum", considering everything here is in the GW2 forum anyway?


Would have been nice to have more consistency.



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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I think this thread should be Stickied: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/269/ (It's the Forum Feedback/Bug thread linked on the front page of the Forum.)

> I had totally forgotten that was a way to find it, and most others probably miss that imbedded link, as well.


This is a good idea and I added it. I'm also unsticking the bottom 3 General threads (Gemstore items, GEMSTORE REQUESTS, QoL) because it's currently crowded, but I will probably sticky them back.

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Please do re-sticky the daily Gemstore news thread. Now to find out what's in the store when I can't get to my computer I have to click on this Library thread, click on the news link, click on the last page number, and scroll all the way down. That's an awful lot of effort and load times on a tablet or phone. When it's stickied, all I do is click on the last page number (and then scroll). I would think you guys would *want* people to easily find out about things on sale so they get excited and go spend on gems :)

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> Please do re-sticky the daily Gemstore news thread. Now to find out what's in the store when I can't get to my computer I have to click on this Library thread, click on the news link, click on the last page number, and scroll all the way down. That's an awful lot of effort and load times on a tablet or phone. When it's stickied, all I do is click on the last page number (and then scroll). I would think you guys would *want* people to easily find out about things on sale so they get excited and go spend on gems :)


For now you can bookmark it and there will be a notification noted on the globe icon each time it is updated and the notification takes you directly to that update.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Don't you have to be logged in for that? It sounds like the person is not logged in on the tablet or phone.


Yes, but I suppose being logged in on the tablet or phone is an option unless they are borrowing someone else's or don't trust being logged in on the device for some reason. If they can't log in on the device for some reason then yes it won't help.

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Exactly this, I will not put my game password on my mobile devices. If the forum password were its own thing, sure, but I am keenly aware that phones and tablets are not secure. So no financial passwords, no game account passwords. Anyway, the News thread has been of great value and almost flawlessly maintained, so I'm surprised at it being unstickied.


When it's a sticky I can quickly tell friends what it is and how to find it. When it's more complicated as described above, sure I can do it when I feel like it but it's not so easy to convince readers unaccustomed to using it to go to the bother. I'm sure ANet's losing some sales by letting it slip out of convenient view.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> This is a good idea and I added it. I'm also unsticking the bottom 3 General threads (Gemstore items, GEMSTORE REQUESTS, QoL) because it's currently crowded


The forum is looking MUCH better now. Those stickied topics were crowding the front page too much.



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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> Is there any way to force this link to open to the first post instead of #latest?


> Edit: Meaning for 'this' thread, not in general. :) The way it is now, it opens to the latest posts, rather than the links in the first post.


Agreed. Finding the gemstore news thread is taking longer and longer ... have to get to this thread, scroll to top, click on desired link, scroll to bottom. If the News link takes me to the top of the last News page, surely this link can take me to the top of this one. (Or, y'know, we could just get the News thread stickied again so one can tell at a glance that something new has been posted in it).

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> Is there any way to force this link to open to the first post instead of #latest?


> Edit: Meaning for 'this' thread, not in general. :) The way it is now, it opens to the latest posts, rather than the links in the first post.


An easy way to open *this* particular thread at the first post is to click the 'ArenaNet' icon, instead of the thread title.

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There used to be a Sticky on topics such as 3rd-party apps and the use of macros, etc. I think it was a compilation of several thread dealing with policy on some issues; I can't find it. And the link to it I found in another thread yields a "Permission Problem".

Perhaps, we could have that back, as well.


Edit: I found the Macro Use thread, but not the 'library' thread it was in.



Oh, never mind. I forgot it was its own sub-forum now. Silly me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Way too many sticked topics again. This topic, ironically, is mostly dead weight - since all the "general" topics are already sticked, this doesn't have much of a purpose.


If this topic will continue to be sticked, then the one about the "Wiki of Gold" project and the one about quality of life suggestions should be unsticked. Neither are the kind of thing people would try to find over and over again.

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I disagree that it's way too many -- five of them don't fill up the screen. At least not on a monitor. I do agree that I don't need to come in here, now that the three useful stickies are where they should be. (For me those are: *prime importance* Gemstore News, *useful for devs and to help keep down excessive individual threads* Gemstore Suggestions and QoL Suggestions).


But this thread is a useful spot to hold all the rules info. Just as with the Suggestions listed above, it's one link to point folks to if they need the knowledge.

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  • 1 month later...

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