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Weaver trait "Woven Stride" does not give Regen when gaining swiftness. Almost no condi cleanse now

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Upon using a skill that gives the weaver swiftness (arcane air attunement, air staff 4, offhand dagger 5) the weaver does not gain regen.


Why is this significant....? it's just regen

This is an extremely vital property and is actually gamebreaking to the point of unplayability for Weaver because this bug removes around 70% of their condi cleanse options.


How does this bug remove 70% of ele's condi cleanse options?

When a Weaver gains regen, and are built with the "Cleansing Water" trait from the Water Specilization, they will cleanse 1 condition every time they gain regen. Normally with the properly functioning "Woven Stride" trait, the Weaver would gain regen when gaining superspeed or swiftness. So they would be able to get a condi cleanse when attuning to air (with the Arcane Specilization), using Twist of Fate, interrupting someone while using "Polaric Leap" (superspeed), or using any dual skill (swiftness from "Swift Revenge"). However right now, "Woven Stride" does not give regen, leaving the Weaver with so much less condition cleanses that any heavy condi spam will effectively defeat the Weaver.


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just read the bug reporting guidelines, here are the extra points to fill in:


date, time, and time zone the bug occurred: Thursday, April 11, 2019 at 12:20AM pst (UTC-7)


name of map you're on: Eternal Battleground, Obsidian Sanctum, Crystal Desert, Elon Riverlands, Desert Highlands, Straits of Devestation. And I'm pretty sure every map has the same bug.


your character name, level, race, and profession: Claire Wnm, 80, human, Elementalist (weaver)


whether you're in a group: no


Provide reproduction steps when possible. If you can reliably cause the bug you're seeing to occur again, let us know exactly how you did it!: Use any skill that gives swiftness (air attunement when using arcane specialization, press 4 when using staff while attuned to air, off hand dagger 5 updraft). None of these skills apply regen. Super speed from twist of fate also does not apply regen.



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actually everything okay with you posting here , the more people see it the better, now lets just see how long anet takes to fix this bug which is game breaking for every ele player and should be hotfixed within hours of finding it


in case any dev/gm wants to "recreate" the bug, equip woven stride trait , and use any skil that gives swiftnes and see if you get the regen from the trait


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Why does playing ele always make me feel like the redheaded step child of the Anet family? I’m sure Anet is doing something about this, but it always feels like we’re being blown off. Remember how long it took to fix signet of restoration when it was broken. And here I thought that significant.


PS. I apologize to all the redheaded step children out there for my comments. I’m sure your families really do love you. :)

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Can you please fix this bug, please? The Smothering Auras build is no way near the same sustain in terms of healing, and it still requires billion times the effort to reach an equal amount of cleanses with so many skills to manage and more combo finishers to care for in order to gain auras and might.

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> @"dascott.6078" said:

> Why does playing ele always make me feel like the redheaded step child of the Anet family? I’m sure Anet is doing something about this, but it always feels like we’re being blown off. Remember how long it took to fix signet of restoration when it was broken. And here I thought that significant.


> PS. I apologize to all the redheaded step children out there for my comments. I’m sure your families really do love you. :)


Pretty much every class have the same issue. Speedy fixes like the herald trait is more of an exception. Take a look at how long it took Swindler's Equilibrium or Gluttony(this one didn't really get fixed it just got changed instead) to get fixed.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"dascott.6078" said:

> > Why does playing ele always make me feel like the redheaded step child of the Anet family? I’m sure Anet is doing something about this, but it always feels like we’re being blown off. Remember how long it took to fix signet of restoration when it was broken. And here I thought that significant.

> >

> > PS. I apologize to all the redheaded step children out there for my comments. I’m sure your families really do love you. :)


> Pretty much every class have the same issue. Speedy fixes like the herald trait is more of an exception. Take a look at how long it took Swindler's Equilibrium or Gluttony(this one didn't really get fixed it just got changed instead) to get fixed.


Not really, appreciate you may not play ele, but to let you understand, this bug removes 90%ish of all condy removal, just about all condy removal on demand, and 2.5k+ heal per 10 secs. This is with a profession that is forced into melee (130) range with 0 extra toughness and 500 stats already pumped into vitality to simply get to 17k. Its an eye opener that this has not been acknowledged yet, and i do wonder if the layoffs have in fact impacted Anets ability to respond properly. Put it this way I have been playing mmorpg since the beginning of wow, and I don't think i've ever seen a bug of this magnitude left unanswered for this length of time. I have also been a dev for 20 years, and the behaviour is odd for a company of this size.



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yeah it's hardly possible to play ele in any compeitive mode with this bug. ele already has low damage, and with this bug they have low sustainability as well. all ele had was sustain and that's been shot. to put the severity of this into perspective, imagine taking the best aspect of your favorite/main class, and reducing that aspect's effectiveness by 70-90%. so if you play dps, this bug reduces the amount of dps to 30%; if you're a support, reduce all healing by 70%. that's how bad this is

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Oh, I had busy week and barely played my Weaver, but when I entered yesterday WvW and won some fights I ended up with blind so as usual wanted to clear it with simply switching to air attun...nothing happened. Thought it was just another WvW bug (hehehe, hey ANet, how about eventually FIXING MOUNT WHILE PLAYING WEAVER, HUH?) but I see it wasn't.

Woven Stride is **m a i n** trait while playing weaver, now it's like playing character without 1 leg.

And as others said, its hillarious that this bug has been on for like 1 week and despite bug report no one really cared about it.

Im just wondering if anyone is actually reading this subforum.

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