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Idea: Entry Price for Ranked PvP


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We were talking in PvP map chat about a way to deter AFK/non win oriented players from Ranked matches and came up with the idea to add a possible gold cost to ranked matches. Something simple like 1g per Ranked match que with a 1.5g reward for winning the match would go a long way to give winning ranked matches more weight since a loss would cost you 1g. There still needs to be a place for those types of players though so i'd suggest letting them Pip in unranked for no entry fee at a much reduced Pip value. Other players were bringing up the idea of scaling the entry fee based on the tier level of rank, like bronze have a 1g entry with 1.5g reward, silver 2g entry with 3g reward, gold having a 3g entry with 4.5g for winning etc. I think this kind of thing would go a long way towards improving the overall experience in Ranked games. The question really is at what value people would still play the game mode and would the cost of more investment in the games be worth it if Ranked games quality went up. I know i'd like to see more people trying harder to win and at the very least not just joining to afk Pips.

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I mean, maybe the pip system could be changed to actually reward success rather than participation, but ranked is far too volatile to have a per-match entry fee. If you get matched with wintraders or two top players stacked together in a DuoQ, then you just straight up lose gold for reasons beyond your control. Likely to happen every other match as it does now, and just like the way points are rewarded; the average player would be losing more gold than they'd be earning in such a scenario.


The last thing ranked needs is to appeal to that top 1% by rewarding and encouraging them to farm ranked more than they already do.

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The concern is mostly about how to deter players from afk or not really play to win in ranked. An entry fee seems like it'd be a good deterrent for that kind of play. Also, a key part to the thing was that the reward for winning would only ever be 50s per gold spent on entry fee regardless of tier. The only thing that tier's up is the value of the entry fee per tier you are in.

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> @"Mordayn.6198" said:

> The concern is mostly about how to deter players from afk or not really play to win in ranked. An entry fee seems like it'd be a good deterrent for that kind of play. Also, a key part to the thing was that the reward for winning would only ever be 50s per gold spent on entry fee regardless of tier. The only thing that tier's up is the value of the entry fee per tier you are in.


I absolutely suck at math, but...

1g to play

1.5g for a win


You profit 50s should you win. You lose 1g if you lose. That means it would take 2 back-to-back wins to make up for a single loss.


We already have rating for that, don't think we need to start losing gold too.

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There's a much simpler solution. Just remove participation rewards, so losing matches gives you nothing, and losing becomes an essential waste of time.


This way doesn't impede participation(not everybody has 100's of gold laying around) but it means you need to be actively participating in the game to gain something from it. A 4v5 is a loss 98% of the time.


Time to stop giving free gold to these leeches!

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Awesome idea(NOT).


People who regularly go AFK are older players of this game, and those hardly ever are in need of money. So it won't really deter anyone from ruining matches.

You know who needs money though? New players!

Also who keeps losing more matches on average? New players!

So who would truly be hurt and/or deterred by implementing this? NEW PLAYERS.


A real solution would need better tracking of player activity during the match, and tying (the losing side's) rewards to having those refined topstats. So even in the face of defeat, it's still worth pushing yourself to some degree.


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The actual issue is that ranked is simultaneously a system for competing for prestige AND for gaining valuable material rewards. The best way to solve the issue of farmers is to simply allow unranked to gain slightly better material rewards than ranked. In this way, only players who actually care about prestige would queue for ranked.

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> @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> > @"Mordayn.6198" said:

> > The concern is mostly about how to deter players from afk or not really play to win in ranked. An entry fee seems like it'd be a good deterrent for that kind of play. Also, a key part to the thing was that the reward for winning would only ever be 50s per gold spent on entry fee regardless of tier. The only thing that tier's up is the value of the entry fee per tier you are in.


> I absolutely suck at math, but...

> 1g to play

> 1.5g for a win


> You profit 50s should you win. You lose 1g if you lose. That means it would take 2 back-to-back wins to make up for a single loss.


> We already have rating for that, don't think we need to start losing gold too.


They could make it you get the gold regardless of win or lose. I still do not think it is a good idea.

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Yeah, i guess equal value return would be better so equal wins to losses would balance out. That's something they'd have to tune. Overall i think it's worth the price for better quality ranked matches. If people have to buy tickets or pay an entry fee it promotes more want to actually win the game, and that is the whole goal to this post. We want matches where people don't just afk or give up on the first push.

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Like I said though, they would also need to pair this with moving some amount of Pips to Unranked. If a player isn't good enough to win in ranked (would lose gold) they can still go get free Pips and pvp experience in Unranked. The daily already gives 2g when you do it so even if you go in and lose 3 matches, you still come out only 1g down if games were 1g entry gives you 2 gold for a win. The whole point is promoting more active play and deterrent for afk/non win oriented play.

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I am against this idea. It would make me avoid playing any ranked (and unranked) if it would have a cost to play. Besides I don't wanna pay for the guy afking... And given the current match maker (and ppl can still afk no matter what), its easy to be on the losing side (especially if someone on your team afk's) and thereby you loose ranking and rewards in general. This would add loosing out on your gold on top. I think most ppl that play pvp in general play to win. They may not play it hardcore (with meta builds and all) tho. I also play pvp casually. Doesn't mean I don't try to go for the win....


Next to that, ever heard of tournaments? That already exists!!! And it takes a joining fee. Needless to say I never heard anyone actually playing that mode. If you want to play for prestige, play that...


But mainly, its a game... It is there for the enjoyment... not to make some hard work...

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That's the whole point though that you're missing. This would be a deterrent for people that afk in matches. You wouldn't be paying for the guy that afk's because those players wouldn't be afk'ing matches if they had to pay to play it. I also understand its there for enjoyment, what i'm getting at is the amount of players not actively playing to win or afk'ing the games is not fun for anyone except the guy afk'ing. An entry fee would give winning or losing more weight and deter all the afk we're seeing in pvp right now.

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> @"Mordayn.6198" said:

> That's the whole point though that you're missing. This would be a deterrent for people that afk in matches. You wouldn't be paying for the guy that afk's because those players wouldn't be afk'ing matches if they had to pay to play it. I also understand its there for enjoyment, what i'm getting at is the amount of players not actively playing to win or afk'ing the games is not fun for anyone except the guy afk'ing. An entry fee would give winning or losing more weight and deter all the afk we're seeing in pvp right now.


The ability to delete money from other peoples pockets (by throwing the match on purpose) goes against the core philosophy of this game. They want to reduce your ability to grief other players in every way they can. A feature that gives more griefing power won't ever be implemented, give up on this idea.

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> @"Mordayn.6198" said:

> That's the whole point though that you're missing. This would be a deterrent for people that afk in matches. You wouldn't be paying for the guy that afk's because those players wouldn't be afk'ing matches if they had to pay to play it. I also understand its there for enjoyment, what i'm getting at is the amount of players not actively playing to win or afk'ing the games is not fun for anyone except the guy afk'ing. An entry fee would give winning or losing more weight and deter all the afk we're seeing in pvp right now.


I do get your point. But I don't think an on purpose afk player will stop doing this if he has to pay to enter the match.... If his team carries and wins the match with 4 ppl this afk person will still get his gold back.


The idea of the dishonour sounds better, tho not perm. Rather a "long" afk = timed penalty to enter a new pvp match (like when you miss the queue entering thing). Then you will have an afk person in your match but same person cannot enter a new match after within, lets say a 30 minite period or so... You can't make it a long penalty as theres still players that may get an emergency phone call or crash or the likes. For this same reason, you cannot delete rewards if someone afk's (if you happen to be that poor player that crashes, gets stuck idle a while before he/she can make it back, or gets stuck in the pvp map scenery (as i have seen ppl stuck in objects before).

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Do people really afk this much? I rarely see more than 3 afk's a month in Gold/Plat matches, so it must be an issue in lower divisions. When you start adding criteria to enter a match/get credit ect. it starts gettin kinda messy. Usually I just report the kitten out of them and move on to the next match : D

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So does that mean I have the ability to, at the cost of 1 gold, make everyone else on the same team lose a total of 4 gold, simply by throwing the match?

Marvelous! I mean, it's not hard at all for a player since launch like me to farm a bit every day to get a few gold.

At the cost of only a few gold, I can make people lose 4 times as much money, *actively*!

I mean obviously we're not going to throw the match in a manner that everyone can see, I'm just going to get outnumbered and die, lose duels and die, deliberately fail at holding points and die...

You are giving me so many ideas! Now the trash talkers will get what they deserve for talking trash - I'm going to make them lose the game *and* make them lose gold! Who cares about winning as a team when all I really wanted was to make someone lose?


Thank you sir, I hope your idea goes through.

>! That was sarcasm beyond the capabilities of Scruffy's meters

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i dont think there is much AFk goin on in general, at least not enough to punish everyone by making pvp more complicated to join.


a lot of what ppl call afk is players who stop playing at total blow out games like 90 -400 than some ppl stay in base one player dies respawn sees player stands in base and assumes he was afk from the start

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> @"Ralkuth.1456" said:

> So does that mean I have the ability to, at the cost of 1 gold, make everyone else on the same team lose a total of 4 gold, simply by throwing the match?

> Marvelous! I mean, it's not hard at all for a player since launch like me to farm a bit every day to get a few gold.

> At the cost of only a few gold, I can make people lose 4 times as much money, *actively*!

> I mean obviously we're not going to throw the match in a manner that everyone can see, I'm just going to get outnumbered and die, lose duels and die, deliberately fail at holding points and die...

> You are giving me so many ideas! Now the trash talkers will get what they deserve for talking trash - I'm going to make them lose the game *and* make them lose gold! Who cares about winning as a team when all I really wanted was to make someone lose?


> Thank you sir, I hope your idea goes through.

> >! That was sarcasm beyond the capabilities of Scruffy's meters


i think this nailed it the troll ability is amazing with that system

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First they need to make algorithm to determine the 'AFK' atm i's its simple use of skill that makes them not AFK.

They can go on damage taken, units moved, damage cause, healing etc but then you have people just running strait to mid, respawning, repeat.

Those gold numbers are really high, given win cost 30 silver and defeated-15 silver atm


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