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Freeing Inventory Space

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What is the fastest/easiest way to tell if inventory items may be dropped to free space?

I have tomes, books, precursor items, and too many other things that I'm not sure what to do with.

Many don't seem to line up with current events or collections, but I don't want to drop everything to free up space just in case they are useful in the future.

Is there a better way than going item by item in wiki across all my inventory slots to see what I need to keep?

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> Is there a better way than going item by item in wiki across all my inventory slots to see what I need to keep?


I think that is ultimately the safest way. There are so many items in this game, and collections can work differently, some requiring you to use the item/trophy to complete the next step, while for others you can safely vendor them. If the tooltip says the item's use is "only for a collection", you can safely vendor/delete it.


But really the only way to be sure is to check the wiki.


Just as a recent anecdote, I had some of Rolan's Key Fragment keys across several of my characters. I didn't want to delete them, but until I used the wiki to find out they were part of the Troll's Revenge JP in Lions Arch, I had no idea what they were for.


Same deal with the Dwarven Key (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dwarven_Key). Ran around with them for the longest time as I never stopped to look up what they were for lol.


In an RPG game, you never toss out keys... :scream:



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The safest way is to visit any vendor and try the "sell junk" option.


Some collection items won't get treated as junk, so your second check is to hover over the item in question. If its tooltip lists it as a "trophy" or "this item only has use in a collection", you can trash it. If an item has a listed effect that you don't want, you can also trash it (like garlic bread from Ascalon Catacombs or Tonics from dungeons or events)


For anything that remains, I would suggest using the wiki on a case-by-case basis.

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> What is the fastest/easiest way to tell if inventory items may be dropped to free space?

* The fastest & easiest way is to give your API to someone who already knows and follow their advice without question, ideally using voice coms.

* The best way is to learn the value of different items so you can make your own choices.

* The compromise is to work with the advisor from option (1) to help you learn how to manage option (2)


Short of any of that, GW2 Timer has a great tool to help with (2):



It's a summary of all the stuff in your inventories (all toons) and bank and material storage that is taking up space, along with monetization values.

Two caveats:

* it's not an AI, so it can't make good decisions, it can just show you what's worth a look

* GW2 Timer's dev stopped playing GW2, so they aren't updating their app, which means it doesn't have a good understanding of any new items since ~LS4.4.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> What is the fastest/easiest way to tell if inventory items may be dropped to free space?

> I have tomes, books, precursor items, and too many other things that I'm not sure what to do with.

> Many don't seem to line up with current events or collections, but I don't want to drop everything to free up space just in case they are useful in the future.

> Is there a better way than going item by item in wiki across all my inventory slots to see what I need to keep?


Unfortunately, going item by item is the safest way, however a little trick to go faster: you can type /wiki (in the gane-chat) and shift click the item you want to search. It will open a direct wiki page on internet and alt tab you automatically too.


Another option would be to apply a simple rule. If you don't know what it is, just delete it. Most likely you won't need it. And if you really want it back you always have ways to get it back when you will be doing the collection.


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You've already got some really good advice, but I just wanted to add: before you delete anything check if it can be sold on the trading post or to a merchant. It sounds like most of the things you're looking to get rid of will be bound, but you never know. Even if it's only worth a few coppers it's better than nothing.

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