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Field of view makes a HUGE difference!


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I've been playing the game for around 4 years or so. and since the beginning I've used the "field of view" option very closed down on my character, since I like to see my character up close.

I got used to this, and while it looked good, I never got to appreciate much of the maps unless I would actively look around with the mouse (specially up).

A few weeks ago I started playing the witcher 3, and onre of the things that caught my attention was that the "field of view" was much more extreme and perspective was more pronounced. I noticed it made much easier to see your actual surroundings. I had totally forgot we had a "foeld of view" option in gw2 (and ESO that I'm also playing) when I remembered about the option, i turned it almost all the way up, and the difference is WOW! I mean it's like playing a totally diferent game!

Since yesterday I've been travelling around most maps, looking at everything again, and appreciating everything much more now that I can see it! it's like I've rediscovered everything.

Also, it makes the game feel more dynamic and like everything happens more quickly and more actively, which for gw2's fast combat and movement, feels great to be honest.

So I advice you, if you haven't tried it, it's very nice. I can't go back to how i have been playing for all these years.

Here's to show a bit the difference, how I used to play: https://imgur.com/CKmyevZ

and how I play now: https://imgur.com/WvBoUyA

The difference is a LOT!

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Always fully zoomed out. Best view of surroundings, best for game play awareness. You can always zoom in during play if you need it or for some action cameras.

Always appreciated gw2 is generous with the view angle/zoom out option. It is horrible when games, especially FPS limit FOV.

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Thanks for posting about this. I've spent years being annoyed that I couldn't zoom out as far as I can in GW1, and had no idea that this setting existed!


Also, today I found that this really helps with the snowstorm section of Storm Top, since you can zoom in to see the clouds better while still having a reasonable amount of stuff on screen at once.

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Yes it really does make a world of difference. Every once in a while I'll do a daily jp in first person just for the change of pace and it feels so different. Otherwise I'm pretty much always zoomed out to max on FOV. It was so nice when they extended it a few years back (I think right before HOT came out).

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To me the zoom isnt far enough. Killing any of the world bosses esp dragons like Shatterer, you cant even see them, just a leg for crying out loud. In raids there are bosses in rooms you cant even see the room the camera dont pull out far enough imo. I still feel boxed in. If they would take it out a smidge more it would be better.

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Field of view and camera distance, while being technically different, are somewhat visually similar enough to be not be distinguishable from each other except in areas of constrained space. I suggest setting the max FOV, and the minimum Zoom Sensitivity, then learning to freely use zoom steps to enjoy the maximum breadth of view options.


And... now that I am reminded about the camera. Is there a reason, that Charr standing animation offset their models to the left of the center of their center position? It always bugged me that the camera doesn't point dead center of their model (with neutral offset settings) from all directions. Always pointing closer to their right arm, whether viewed from directly front or back. They also don't stay centered when rotating in the character select screen. It has always bugged me....

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