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now that Anet finally have a dedicated team for sPvP, can we address the fact that this season has more bots than the last one?

and it's sad because a lot of bots are condi mirages and scourges and people just die over them. sometimes make you wonder if some of your teammates are bots too.

for a good 6-7 matches tonight, nobody replied to my team chat and call outs like inc home, stay mid, don't die far, yada yada.

they do the same rotation route over and over and at skyhammer, our scourge got cc and hit the wall and he autorun into the wall for half the match xd

how many bots you met this season so far?


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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> At this point i wonder if there are even that many bots....


> Maybe people are just that bad.

yea i'm bad. i was only plat1. but i didn't play that often and now trying to get back to the hang of things are hard when teammates got killed by bots.

dude, there's no way a person could play 24 hours a day. if you add friend those you suspect a bot and based on their matches, you can do a lil math and figure out.




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Bots, bots, bots, so many bots. While I am upset there are so many bots, I'm even more disappointed the programmers couldn't at least give them good AI. The issue is the gold reward, why the bots are in ranked. If the gold reward was replaced with something PvP specific that may help mitigate the problem but honestly with all the the chimps in ranked it can be hard to tell who's a bot and who's just feeding mid.

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> The problem is that people think bad players are bots. So its probably not a big problem as some claim it to be. Just bad players enjoying the game. If anything blame the community for being so small.


That's not correct. It is easy to pick a bot based on movement. They usually follow whoever is near and stop suddenly when the person stops. We're talking bots here, not people.

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im surprised anyone still plays this game mode "for fun". With the amount of AFk'ers, rage quitters, bots etc, im glad i just play pvp for the shards. If i actually played for rank im sure my blood pressure would reach dangerous levels.


I guess in a way i'm one of those contributing to the demise because i don't care for rank and basically "farm shards casually" . I play to win but i'm not gonna stress myself if i'm in a team with a AFKer or rage quitter.

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> @"Spartacus.3192" said:

> im surprised anyone still plays this game mode "for fun". With the amount of AFk'ers, rage quitters, bots etc, im glad i just play pvp for the shards. If i actually played for rank im sure my blood pressure would reach dangerous levels.


> I guess in a way i'm one of those contributing to the demise because i don't care for rank and basically "farm shards casually" . I play to win but i'm not gonna stress myself if i'm in a team with a AFKer or rage quitter.


As long as you're legitimately trying and not dragging others down you're contributing by playing!

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> @"Elrond.9486" said:

> > @"Spartacus.3192" said:

> > im surprised anyone still plays this game mode "for fun". With the amount of AFk'ers, rage quitters, bots etc, im glad i just play pvp for the shards. If i actually played for rank im sure my blood pressure would reach dangerous levels.

> >

> > I guess in a way i'm one of those contributing to the demise because i don't care for rank and basically "farm shards casually" . I play to win but i'm not gonna stress myself if i'm in a team with a AFKer or rage quitter.


> As long as you're legitimately trying and not dragging others down you're contributing by playing!


yeah i always try my best but it doesnt bother me as much now when i get an AFK'er ever since i stopped caring about what rank i am.

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> @"Spartacus.3192" said:

> im surprised anyone still plays this game mode "for fun". With the amount of AFk'ers, rage quitters, bots etc, im glad i just play pvp for the shards. If i actually played for rank im sure my blood pressure would reach dangerous levels.


> I guess in a way i'm one of those contributing to the demise because i don't care for rank and basically "farm shards casually" . I play to win but i'm not gonna stress myself if i'm in a team with a AFKer or rage quitter.

this is me. i gave up on trying to get to top 250. my duo and i got ourselves into it. but i just slightly didn't care for the past seasons and kept playing. need shards for my legendary set. plus, i queued up with friends all over the divisions and it jacked up my rank.

as much as i don't care about rank by now. it still hits me sometimes. the botting. lol. i wish it was addressed by the new dev team so they could get rid of the 3rd party app or whatever that let you implement certain route to a toon.


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