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Get rid of Transmute Charges and make all skins free to apply?

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > IMO they are getting a bit over the top with this, even the skins you buy from the gem store still need charges.

> > > i think that, with the armor skins already at quite a high price, a free-to-apply condition is something to make up for high prices.

> > >

> >

> > Who is to determine if the prices are high? Seems to me that ANet has a better idea of the price point than anyone one of us.


> well, i do have 13 years of MMO experience with a 12 years of singleplayer gaming experience before that.


Which means squat if you have no access to the internal metrics and revenue, but stuff right?


> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> i see the same pattern in every MMO that asks crazy high prices, they ether don't get sold as much or ppl simply refuse to buy them at all.


Or, you know, since every MMO does it, they all make more money off these items than you think. You simply are never the target group. Wouldn't that make a ton more sense?


> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> just looking at some other popular mmo's like rift, i can easily get an armor skin for about 50 points while it's 950 point per 5 euro.


Hahaha, you are all about the funnies. Rift popular in 2019. Good one. Talk about a MMO that actually has to fear closing shop soon.


> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> i can buy a whole skin collection for the points rift sells, in GW2 one single armor is pretty much as expensive as 1/4 the game.....


Yeah, I guess that's why Rift is so drastically more successful compared to GW2... wait a minute.


Not sure what your gripe is. The game price dropping (a necessary expense) while cosmetic (optional expense) remains stable is a good thing for most players. I swear, no matter what Arenanet does, people will always find some way to complain.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> Like I said I don't like to pvp. That includes wvw.

> Maybe they should just remove TCS from pvp or wvw modes and then all those people who pvp and never use them can understand the problem a bit.


Yessss...Do this Anet...please. Remove them from PvP and WvW. I am really sick of hearing the PVPers and WVWers smirk about it

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I voted Yes


I have 2000+ transmutation charges the argument that they are supporting the game is far from reality, maybe for new player they are hard to get.


I hope with build templates anet get rid of charges as well and we can have more fun with switching looks more easy.


If anet goes full out with the build template since they had 6 years time to think about it

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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > What revenue? Most posts say people never run out.


> People who post on the forums are not representative of the general playerbase population. For example (not claiming this is true, just providing an example of why bad representation means you can't use post data to arrive at conclusions):


> More Casual = Less Likely to Post

> More Casual = Less Likely to have lots of free transmutations

> Less free transmutations = More Likely to buy transmutations

> Ergo

> More Likely to buy transmutations = Less Likely to Post


Never heard anyone in mapchat talking like oh geez I wish I had more transmutation charges, why they are so hard to come by.


I’m pretty sure no one who plays longer than a few months has issues with having enough.


Anet would probably make more money if looks are easier to switch bcs that’s how the real revenue can come in. The one they advertise ...skins.


Never saw an advertisement in the gemstore transmutation charges now 20% off yay !

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> buy game: people complain

> pay subscription: people complain

> f2p, except cosmetic stuff: people complain

> f2p, p2w: people spend tons of money and complain

> buy game, pay subscription AND p2w: people flog to it.


> In all seriousness: gw2 is very, very cheap. Some purely cosmetic and utterly optional quality of life things cost a tiny amount of money and people complain and want everything for free.


> Please answer me this: who will pay the devs and who will pay for the servers?


I guess the people who buy the skins .....


Ppl really thinking those charges are a goldmine


I don’t have mount skins but does it cost charges to change them ? If not than u now how important anet feels those charges themselves

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > > What revenue? Most posts say people never run out.

> >

> > People who post on the forums are not representative of the general playerbase population. For example (not claiming this is true, just providing an example of why bad representation means you can't use post data to arrive at conclusions):

> >

> > More Casual = Less Likely to Post

> > More Casual = Less Likely to have lots of free transmutations

> > Less free transmutations = More Likely to buy transmutations

> > Ergo

> > More Likely to buy transmutations = Less Likely to Post


> Never heard anyone in mapchat talking like oh geez I wish I had more transmutation charges, why they are so hard to come by.


> I’m pretty sure no one who plays longer than a few months has issues with having enough.


> Anet would probably make more money if looks are easier to switch bcs that’s how the real revenue can come in. The one they advertise ...skins.


> Never saw an advertisement in the gemstore transmutation charges now 20% off yay !


You know you bring up an interesting point if it's a fact. Have transmutation charges ever been on sale?


If they have, then it's just our memory. But if not...well. Things that don't go on sale aren't the things that don't sell.


Either you put something on sale to encourage purchase of other things (bait) or you put things on sale to entice further purchase. For instance the outfit packages are usually only a good deal when they ARE on sale. Black lion chest keys sell anyway but when on sale people probably buy more than they would otherwise AND it draws gold from the game via currency exchange.


I guess once again we really can't tell without having access. Someone looked on gw2 efficiency to see how many players had max luck. Can you see numbers of tc?

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > buy game: people complain

> > pay subscription: people complain

> > f2p, except cosmetic stuff: people complain

> > f2p, p2w: people spend tons of money and complain

> > buy game, pay subscription AND p2w: people flog to it.

> >

> > In all seriousness: gw2 is very, very cheap. Some purely cosmetic and utterly optional quality of life things cost a tiny amount of money and people complain and want everything for free.

> >

> > Please answer me this: who will pay the devs and who will pay for the servers?


> I guess the people who buy the skins .....


> Ppl really thinking those charges are a goldmine


> I don’t have mount skins but does it cost charges to change them ? If not than u now how important anet feels those charges themselves


Last time I checked, outfits don't require transmutation charges.


Given how mounts, gliders and outfits are a lot more similar to each other than unique armor and item skins... What was your point?

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I would like more charges. I do wvw but not enough to freely change alts up as much as I'd like considering how fashion wars is alot of this game.


They should either drastically reduce the price as I'll never pay that much (and I buy plenty on gemstore but never those) or increase the drop rate from current sources. Either is a simple fix and doesn't really affect people who don't use them.

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I have no problem with the system right now...since the rework of sPvP rewards and the wordrobe me and pretty much any other pvp player pretty much never run out transmutation charges...but if we had the old system I would agree...that was pretty brutal....getting a full set of T3 armor with the stats that you wanted was something else, you pretty much would keep that armor set in bank even when you got tired of the looks cause later on if you wanted back you would have to pay again for the T3.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > > buy game: people complain

> > > pay subscription: people complain

> > > f2p, except cosmetic stuff: people complain

> > > f2p, p2w: people spend tons of money and complain

> > > buy game, pay subscription AND p2w: people flog to it.

> > >

> > > In all seriousness: gw2 is very, very cheap. Some purely cosmetic and utterly optional quality of life things cost a tiny amount of money and people complain and want everything for free.

> > >

> > > Please answer me this: who will pay the devs and who will pay for the servers?

> >

> > I guess the people who buy the skins .....

> >

> > Ppl really thinking those charges are a goldmine

> >

> > I don’t have mount skins but does it cost charges to change them ? If not than u now how important anet feels those charges themselves


> Last time I checked, outfits don't require transmutation charges.


> Given how mounts, gliders and outfits are a lot more similar to each other than unique armor and item skins... What was your point?


My Point is very clear

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"coso.9173" said:

> > I play eso, dcuo, ffxiv and secret world legends. All mmos and all of them have a much easier system.


> Yes, and very different monetization models. All of them less free and more expensive.


Still, no reason to call others entitled to ask for this when it's what most other games do.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"coso.9173" said:

> > > I play eso, dcuo, ffxiv and secret world legends. All mmos and all of them have a much easier system.

> >

> > Yes, and very different monetization models. All of them less free and more expensive.


> Still, no reason to call others entitled to ask for this when it's what most other games do.


I never called any one entitled, at least not in this thread. I merely pointed out that the point you were making was lacking a critical component, which was hinted at by another poster, that being that monetization for the other games is vastly different and demanding change when benefiting in other areas is a bit self serving and selfish, least to say unfair to this game.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> It wasnt only for you. Someone else called those who voted yes spoiled. I was merely pointing that since most mmos do it an easier and cheaper way its not spoiled to expect the same.


Then be honest enough though to at the same time point out that those other MMOs charge for this convenience or in other ways demand payment, since that statement on its own is doing this system no justice.


You might prefer one of the other games systems (like option subscriptions) but people are entitled to know where and how this system measures up.

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It used to be free,and i thought it would become an issue.But it really isn't. I have about 8 - 900 transmute charges i believe,and i do use them.Mostly playing WvW,i'm not doing raids/no fractals/no pve farm.So all the transmutes ive earned are basically all from WvW where i don't even blob thus having less loot than those who do.I think theyre quite easy to earn really.


Tbh,Guild wars has one of the best non p2w cashshops out there,while being B2p + f2p and having a cashshop where you can even convert gold into gems which is the most generous thing a company ever can do.I have about 20 outfits ( Sorry anet ) all bought with ingame money.That'd be 100 - 200 bucks easily if i spent real money on it. If I would have spend real money on all the gemstore items i own and bought for others it would be hundreds of dollars. They could have make this a proper "Cash" shop,but they decided not to and deserve all the praise for it. While adding transmutes in the cashshop they're still not forcing you to use real money on them.


Ever layed eyes on the horrible cash shop in BDO for e.g ? How outfits are locked behind a 25$ paywall and if you dont pay up youl look exactly the same at max level as you did at level 1 and dyes...dont make me start about dyes.


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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > IMO they are getting a bit over the top with this, even the skins you buy from the gem store still need charges.

> > > > i think that, with the armor skins already at quite a high price, a free-to-apply condition is something to make up for high prices.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Who is to determine if the prices are high? Seems to me that ANet has a better idea of the price point than anyone one of us.

> >

> > well, i do have 13 years of MMO experience with a 12 years of singleplayer gaming experience before that.


> Which means squat if you have no access to the internal metrics and revenue, but stuff right?


no access but experience enough to know what's going on, it has bin said numerous times that their coding and script work is a huge mess.

when it takes month's (one even said 6 months) to get a single outfit in it only rings a bell to me, making an outfit for every single race takes no more than 3 months and that's with design and planning times

my knowledge of 3D modeling might be quite outdated but i do know that it really doesn't take 6 months to get it together, modeling alone takes one single week at most and that's with my slow skills.


> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > i see the same pattern in every MMO that asks crazy high prices, they ether don't get sold as much or ppl simply refuse to buy them at all.


> Or, you know, since every MMO does it, they all make more money off these items than you think. You simply are never the target group. Wouldn't that make a ton more sense?


my group is the biggest group or did you forgot that part?


> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > just looking at some other popular mmo's like rift, i can easily get an armor skin for about 50 points while it's 950 point per 5 euro.


> Hahaha, you are all about the funnies. Rift popular in 2019. Good one. Talk about a MMO that actually has to fear closing shop soon.


and you really believe GW2 is on a good position?

knowing they lost quite some revenue and that the copies sold tells nothing about the population, GW2 might just as much have a lower population.

better yet, outside GW2 the game is seriously not taken well, ppl rather play runescape and yes, i got that from games like WoW and SWToR, games that despite the setbacks are doing really well.

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > i can buy a whole skin collection for the points rift sells, in GW2 one single armor is pretty much as expensive as 1/4 the game.....


> Yeah, I guess that's why Rift is so drastically more successful compared to GW2... wait a minute.


see above


> Not sure what your gripe is. The game price dropping (a necessary expense) while cosmetic (optional expense) remains stable is a good thing for most players. I swear, no matter what Arenanet does, people will always find some way to complain.


if negative feedback and years of knowledge is complaining to you.

just because someone tells you something negative doesn't mean it's a complaint, you can learn and adapt from it.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> Like it has said many times before. People who play pvp or wvw are swimming in them, but many people don't enjoy to play pvp. There shouldn't be such a huge difference in how many charges if you do pvp or pve.


People in PvE make a ton more gold. Easy enough to convert gold to charges if so desired. The WvW and Spvp crowd do not get that option with their spare charges since they can't convert them to gold. It's a trade off.


> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > > IMO they are getting a bit over the top with this, even the skins you buy from the gem store still need charges.

> > > > > i think that, with the armor skins already at quite a high price, a free-to-apply condition is something to make up for high prices.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Who is to determine if the prices are high? Seems to me that ANet has a better idea of the price point than anyone one of us.

> > >

> > > well, i do have 13 years of MMO experience with a 12 years of singleplayer gaming experience before that.

> >

> > Which means squat if you have no access to the internal metrics and revenue, but stuff right?

> >

> no access but experience enough to know what's going on, it has bin said numerous times that their coding and script work is a huge mess.

> when it takes month's (one even said 6 months) to get a single outfit in it only rings a bell to me, making an outfit for every single race takes no more than 3 months and that's with design and planning times

> my knowledge of 3D modeling might be quite outdated but i do know that it really doesn't take 6 months to get it together, modeling alone takes one single week at most and that's with my slow skills.



and this has to do with transmutation charges how exactly? All you are saying here is: I have a better clue than professional developers while having NONE of their data and NO insight into how their work processes are made up. That's a very arrogant position to take.


> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > i see the same pattern in every MMO that asks crazy high prices, they ether don't get sold as much or ppl simply refuse to buy them at all.

> >

> > Or, you know, since every MMO does it, they all make more money off these items than you think. You simply are never the target group. Wouldn't that make a ton more sense?

> >

> my group is the biggest group or did you forgot that part?



Which is of no consequence in the free to play and micro-transaction marketing. Did you forget that part? Last I checked, the group which spends 0 $$$ on games is always by far the biggest group. Doesn't mean they need to be catered to.


> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > just looking at some other popular mmo's like rift, i can easily get an armor skin for about 50 points while it's 950 point per 5 euro.

> >

> > Hahaha, you are all about the funnies. Rift popular in 2019. Good one. Talk about a MMO that actually has to fear closing shop soon.

> >

> and you really believe GW2 is on a good position?

> knowing they lost quite some revenue and that the copies sold tells nothing about the population, GW2 might just as much have a lower population.

> better yet, outside GW2 the game is seriously not taken well, ppl rather play runescape and yes, i got that from games like WoW and SWToR, games that despite the setbacks are doing really well.


I'm sure if things turn dire, Arenanet will change things. Also both of those games are either subscription based or HEAVILY forcing convenience purchases with locking out core functions from players (in case of SWTOR). But I love how people like to compare singular aspects of games while willfully ignoring the entire picture.


> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > i can buy a whole skin collection for the points rift sells, in GW2 one single armor is pretty much as expensive as 1/4 the game.....

> >

> > Yeah, I guess that's why Rift is so drastically more successful compared to GW2... wait a minute.

> >

> see above



see above


> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > Not sure what your gripe is. The game price dropping (a necessary expense) while cosmetic (optional expense) remains stable is a good thing for most players. I swear, no matter what Arenanet does, people will always find some way to complain.


> if negative feedback and years of knowledge is complaining to you.

> just because someone tells you something negative doesn't mean it's a complaint, you can learn and adapt from it.


Years of knowledge as a gamer. If you had years of knowledge as a developer, you wouldn' be here making up this kind of nonsense.


Negative feedback can be formulated constructively and with a lot more depth (examples, numbers, concrete change ideas). The usual: but game xyz does it differently and I want stuff, is hardly what any one would consider constructive feedback. Actually there used to be a thread stickied which gave a general good idea of how to give good feedback, here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/317/how-to-give-good-feedback

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