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When will ANet finaly nerf conditions ?


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I wanted to fight a scourge this evening, he stayed in his aoes, I tried to attack him, got 7stacks of torment, cripple, and burning immediatly.

I left and never came back where he was.


I’m scared of those scourges. Not being able to find a window to attack them with those 20sec aoes is so frustrating. They’re just waiting to melt you down the second you step into them.

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> @Hana.8143 said:

> I wanted to fight a scourge this evening, he stayed in his aoes, I tried to attack him, got 7stacks of torment, cripple, and burning immediatly.

> I left and never came back where he was.


> I’m scared of those scourges. Not being able to find a window to attack them with those 20sec aoes is so frustrating. They’re just waiting to melt you down the second you step into them.


*Laughs in Deadeye*

Strongest self heal, massive condi cleanse. Can one shot a scourge. Or combo-burst scourge dead in less than a second.

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> @"Menzies The Heretic.3415" said:

> Conditions are fine: https://clips.twitch.tv/RockyVivaciousSnakeDxAbomb

> /s


helseth using every condi cleanse he has in his build , without having condis on him.

-> gets condis on him.

-> realizes he just burnt every cleanse he has

-> Scourge OP


edit ; he uses dune cloak, cause who cares for condis.

-> condis OP

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> @Hana.8143 said:

> I wanted to fight a scourge this evening, he stayed in his aoes, I tried to attack him, got 7stacks of torment, cripple, and burning immediatly.

> I left and never came back where he was.


> I’m scared of those scourges. Not being able to find a window to attack them with those 20sec aoes is so frustrating. They’re just waiting to melt you down the second you step into them.


did some duels today vs scourges i was Mirage. He tried stayin in his AoE. I used Chaos storm. he tried putting shades on me. I walked away. He had nothing left. I swapped to sword troch and killed him.

Felt easy.

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> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > @Hana.8143 said:

> > I wanted to fight a scourge this evening, he stayed in his aoes, I tried to attack him, got 7stacks of torment, cripple, and burning immediatly.

> > I left and never came back where he was.

> >

> > I’m scared of those scourges. Not being able to find a window to attack them with those 20sec aoes is so frustrating. They’re just waiting to melt you down the second you step into them.


> *Laughs in Deadeye*

> Strongest self heal, massive condi cleanse. Can one shot a scourge. Or combo-burst scourge dead in less than a second.


This is true. When I'm on Scourge, Deadeyes scare me the most. It doesn't help that most of them go full Sniper RP and actually use the terrain. I'm not used to people doing that. >.>

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> @Vyrulisse.1246 said:

> > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > > @Hana.8143 said:

> > > I wanted to fight a scourge this evening, he stayed in his aoes, I tried to attack him, got 7stacks of torment, cripple, and burning immediatly.

> > > I left and never came back where he was.

> > >

> > > I’m scared of those scourges. Not being able to find a window to attack them with those 20sec aoes is so frustrating. They’re just waiting to melt you down the second you step into them.

> >

> > *Laughs in Deadeye*

> > Strongest self heal, massive condi cleanse. Can one shot a scourge. Or combo-burst scourge dead in less than a second.


> This is true. When I'm on Scourge, Deadeyes scare me the most. It doesn't help that most of them go full Sniper RP and actually use the terrain. I'm not used to people doing that. >.>


I laugh stupidly hard when I get that one scourge that thinks it's wise to challenge a deadeye who hasn't marked anyone or used his intiative. Oh a well got thrown on top of me? I'm just going to eat it like the demon I am and blow you up.

Mark, crouch, tripple tap, 2, (now at 20 might), DJ.

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @Rewoken.1209 said:

> When will ANet finaly nerf conditions ?


Its not a condi only problem. Skills and traits should be designed with PvP & WvW in mind and then been splitted for PvE.

Its not hard to change boons stack, conditions stack (see Deathly Chill) and ICD to make skills/traits good.


With this skills splitted by default balance should be easier to do, increasing damage/utilities on PvE while not having Two Seconds KO or immortal builds and trash.


To me:

* Should builds be able to ignore conditions or cleanse it at faster rate? No.

* Should conditions deal more than power damage after only 1 second if not cleansed? No.

* Should conditions impact the game with side effects as heal effectiveness and other effects? Yes.

* Should effects like Weakness have 100% uptime? No. Solution? Make it stack by intensity with reduced effect.


PS. on hp% defenseve procs should be merged with Utility empowering traits (like Defy Pain with Last Stand and Last Gasp with Spectral Mastery) with the effect

"X skill's get recharged when under 50% hp, ICD = skill's CD" or to be removed to give more space to new, less passive traits.


Sorry for my madness,

-Glide To See You


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> @chibbi.3706 said:

> Unless you're a scourge condis are dogshit right now, nothing dies to it. Are we playing the same game ?


> Just look at all the builds, only 2 classes runs condi, mesmer and scourge, all the other classes either runs a power based damage build or a support build.


We have one or two spellbreakers with permanent resistance in every game. Only Mesmer and Scourge have enough boon strip to play condi and even they struggle to remove it.

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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> > @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> > Why would they nerf condi when they already decided to take that path since a few years ago?


> What this guy has said. Also to add, PoF was pretty much iterating condition damage builds.


Yeah with only 2 of the elite even being viable as condi builds (mirage and scourge) and interestingly enough those two classes where already running condi before the expansion anyways.


I'm sick and tired of people saying "nerf condi!!!" when what they are really want is "nerf scourge!"

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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> We waited years for Conditions to be made a viable play style. It would be a giant step backward for anet to re-cap conditions now.


Condition damage is no different than Power damage. The worst mistake that anet has made with gw2 (and the list of grave errors is nearly endless) was catering to a miniscule, misguided vocal minority who didn't understand how adding two sources of the same kind of damage would only lead to bloat oversaturation and an arbitrarily balanced powercreep arms race between the game's original (and perfectly adequate) means of dealing damage and some random newcomer who brought nothing new or interesting to the table.


The condi cancer update did nothing but drown gw2 in an ocean of skill bloat the likes of which I feel no other online game has ever seen.

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Power builds are still very viable, you know. Deadeye is a testament to that. As someone who mains core ranger, I have personally preferred condi builds ever since I began playing the game (when it wasn't "OP"). All condi builds had to adjust to power builds for far longer than power does to condis now. We had to deal with the constant taunting and deaths, too. Now, unlike power, we still take time to defeat other players. No matter how many conditions are stacked, it still takes longer for a player to be killed by condis than raw power. I understand the uproar, but it's time that the players do something about their situation, rather than expecting ANet to cater to their every whim. There are ways to defeat condi builds; find a way that works for you. Metabattle builds may help, but the point of being able to craft your own builds should be enough reason for you to discover the solution to your problem on your own.


Argument aside, I'm probably not the best person to address this issue since I suck at PVP. But, I know what it's like to lose from being one-shot by a power build. It sucks, but I had to adjust. I found a build that I liked and ran with it. And you know what? I survived better and could eventually defeat power players, even if it was only a few times.

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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> We waited years for Conditions to be made a viable play style. It would be a giant step backward for anet to re-cap conditions now.


and they have done same thing as with necro as many necro users sayiong it nonstop.....thy are doing necro to op (look at scourge) and then everyone qq because there is no way to deal with this and they nerf this into useless ground


and no, this wont be giant step backward for aner after nerf condis...this will revive pvp more if condis will be true **damage over time** not like now its burst harder to survive than power...

because from power or you get combo with cc or you will break and defend from this while from condis you just get insane amount of stacks and even cleanse wont help you if you arnt guard or warrior with viable resistance for this

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @Swagg.9236 said:

> > @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > We waited years for Conditions to be made a viable play style. It would be a giant step backward for anet to re-cap conditions now.


> Condition damage is no different than Power damage. The worst mistake that anet has made with gw2 (and the list of grave errors is nearly endless) was catering to a miniscule, misguided vocal minority who didn't understand how adding two sources of the same kind of damage would only lead to bloat oversaturation and an arbitrarily balanced powercreep arms race between the game's original (and perfectly adequate) means of dealing damage and some random newcomer who brought nothing new or interesting to the table.


> The condi cancer update did nothing but drown gw2 in an ocean of skill bloat the likes of which I feel no other online game has ever seen.




As i already said in other threads, as long Anet embrace Toxic Reward-Only design, throw out healthy fair risk+reward competitive scene out of the window.


(Have you noticed the amount of condition toxicity in each of gw2 expansions? Even incoming new reports of condition toxicity are causing damage control in living world season 4)


**'Lessons In Life

Will Be Repeated

Until They

Are Learned'**



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