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Increase rewards for pof meta events

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pretty much the title.


No one plays them, they are far to time consuming for the shitty reward you get. and because of that you wont even finish them 90% of the time which makes it incredibly frustrating to even try maws of torment or serpents ire.

there are no super rare drops that draw players there and the reward chests at the end of the meta are luckluster at best with the most valuable thing being an intact mosaic for around 1,2g.

--> no reason to even go there, besides one or two times over the age of the account for achievements


Give them some extra skins or t6mats maybe titles for finishing them 100times (like tarir)

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Yeah, the best bet to get the base PoF maps populated would be for them to 'expand' them during LS5 from what they mentioned. I wouldn't be surprised if they did, considering LS5 will still fall under PoF.


Players doing the episodes would naturally be on these maps if that's what their plan is.

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> @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> > @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> > The problem with PoF maps isnt' really meta rewards - it's extreme difficulty/tedium traversing them to attain those rewards.

> >

> > They need to nerf mobs and mob behavior. Period.


> HoT maps are harder to traverse, with deadlier mobs and yet its metas are more popular.


Since when?

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> @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> > > @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> > > The problem with PoF maps isnt' really meta rewards - it's extreme difficulty/tedium traversing them to attain those rewards.

> > >

> > > They need to nerf mobs and mob behavior. Period.

> >

> > HoT maps are harder to traverse, with deadlier mobs and yet its metas are more popular.


> Since when?


October 2015

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They need to fix the bounty rewards. Have it that all bounties drop x amount of elegy mosiacs and have the legendary bounty drop 1 funerary incense each daily. As far as the meta events go they have to drop 1 mystic coin daily. This would entice me to go do them and give those who dont want to buy HoT a way to farm mats for legendaries. But ultimately would keep the pof maps full of life or at least on par with the HoT maps. Maybe add a world boss or 2 that drops 2 blues a green and a guaranteed gold or better like the current world bosses do.

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> @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> > > @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> > > The problem with PoF maps isnt' really meta rewards - it's extreme difficulty/tedium traversing them to attain those rewards.

> > >

> > > They need to nerf mobs and mob behavior. Period.

> >

> > HoT maps are harder to traverse, with deadlier mobs and yet its metas are more popular.


> Since when?


Is this question about HoT metas being more active or about the difficulty of traversal between the two? I will assume it's for the latter since questioning the former could be considered trolling.


HoT's vertical design compared to PoF's linear makes it harder to traverse by default. No PoF mob even comes close to snipers, smokescales or shadowdancers in terms of difficulty or even plain annoyance. Desolation could be considered the most annoying to traverse map in PoF and yet it's nowhere near Tangled Depths. I was lurking in forums and reddit during both releases and the mountains of salt from Hot's difficulty aren't comparable to the very few related threads when PoF launched.


The only annoyance PoF has going for it is aggro range but then again mounts were introduced at the same time.

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I suspect a major part of the "problem" isn't in fact the rewards, but rather the reputation those meta events have in the community. Remember the first few months after the release of HoT, when nobody would even try the Chak Gerent meta in TD because people were convinced the meta was too hard for the rewards? Or even further back, when the new Tequatl fight launched and would fail countless times because people had no clue what to do?


If more people stopped whining about "no rewards" and instead actually tried to learn and play those events, maybe they'd be a lot easier to do (and thus more appropriate to the rewards they give) simply from people knowing how to do them and handing that knowledge on to others.

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> @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> Anet has directly nerfed the most popular (and profitable) PoF/LS4 map meta twice. Then proceeded to indirectly nerf it (alongside all PoF/LS4 maps) a third time. I think that's enough evidence showing they are not interested in doing what you're suggesting in the slightest.


That doesn't follow at all.


First, the OP seems to be referring to the original PoF maps, not anything from LS4. Second, among the many reasons that Istan was nerfed directly (more like four times) is because it was so overwhelmingly more popular than any other meta that nothing else compared. And third, the so-called indirect nerf, the end of double-dipping magic find on unID gear, affected _everything_ in the game, since unID gear now drops in place of specific gear drops.


So if anything, the very changes that you mention make it more likely that ANet would consider buffing rewards elsewhere, since Istan meta is still much more lucrative than those in the original PoF maps.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> I suspect a major part of the "problem" isn't in fact the rewards, but rather the reputation those meta events have in the community. Remember the first few months after the release of HoT, when nobody would even try the Chak Gerent meta in TD because people were convinced the meta was too hard for the rewards? Or even further back, when the new Tequatl fight launched and would fail countless times because people had no clue what to do?


> If more people stopped whining about "no rewards" and instead actually tried to learn and play those events, maybe they'd be a lot easier to do (and thus more appropriate to the rewards they give) simply from people knowing how to do them and handing that knowledge on to others.


If that was the case Serpent's Ire would have already been "cracked" just like Gerent did a few months later. Or Tequatl (as you mentioned), Dragon Stand, Silverwastes (yes it was considered hard at first) and any of the various metas that started slow but picked up pace later when the community figured them out. PoF is not new, it's already been out for 1,5 year after all.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> > Anet has directly nerfed the most popular (and profitable) PoF/LS4 map meta twice. Then proceeded to indirectly nerf it (alongside all PoF/LS4 maps) a third time. I think that's enough evidence showing they are not interested in doing what you're suggesting in the slightest.


> That doesn't follow at all.


> First, the OP seems to be referring to the original PoF maps, not anything from LS4. Second, among the many reasons that Istan was nerfed directly (more like four times) is because it was so overwhelmingly more popular than any other meta that nothing else compared. And third, the so-called indirect nerf, the end of double-dipping magic find on unID gear, affected _everything_ in the game, since unID gear now drops in place of specific gear drops.


> So if anything, the very changes that you mention make it more likely that ANet would consider buffing rewards elsewhere, since Istan meta is still much more lucrative than those in the original PoF maps.


Yes, the recent unid change was game-wide but up until then PoF/LS4 maps were the sources of those boxes. And personally I think they overnerfed Istan even if the first nerf was warranted. Last time I checked before its last nerf it wasn't that much more profitable than the average RIBA.


I really hope you are right and Istan's nerfs translate into considerable buffs in PoF map metas since I actually agree with OP that they need it. As I said above though, PoF will be 2 years old this September, don't you think that if Anet considered that an issue they 'd have already done something drastic about it? This is far from the first thread about PoF metas since its launch after all. That's the main reason I remain pessimistic about it.

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> @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> Yes, the recent unid change was game-wide but up until then PoF/LS4 maps were the sources of those boxes.

And so? The huge drop in market price was due to the fact that you now actually get 85% blue gear from blue unID gear, instead of mostly green, with a lot of rares.


> And personally I think they overnerfed Istan even if the first nerf was warranted. Last time I checked before its last nerf it wasn't that much more profitable than the average RIBA.

To my knowledge, there have been zero checks about the current profitability of RIBA vs Istan that compare apples to apples in the current game, let alone compare to a few months ago. Every so-called analysis looks at one aspect of the farm.

It's hard to say whether the nerf was too much, too little, or just right without actual numbers.



> I really hope you are right and Istan's nerfs translate into considerable buffs in PoF map metas

I didn't say that. I said that nerfs to Istan make it more likely (not less likely, as claimed above). I doubt very much we'd see "considerable" buffs.



> PoF will be 2 years old this September, don't you think that if Anet considered that an issue they 'd have already done something drastic about it?

It took them nearly 2 years to bring Istan in line with the rest of the game. It took them nearly 2 years to deal with AB multiloot, well over 6 months after they said they had a plan to nerf it. (And then they still went ahead and made Istan a lot like AB in terms of lootability/multi-map).

So no, I don't think the delay tells us anything about their plans.


> This is far from the first thread about PoF metas since its launch after all. That's the main reason I remain pessimistic about it.

I might be more pessimistic because I don't think it really matters. There are a lot of maps in the game, a lot of metas, a lot of collections. These all compete for players' time and attention. They are not all going to be equal no matter what ANet does and farmers will always gravitate towards least effort, most profitable. As long as Istan & SW are as they are, nothing else is going to be attractive.



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I was able to successfully do serpent's ire 2 weeks ago with a core group of about 10-12 players. We did it on the third try, but we had to go spam the event in all those ''big'' meta maps. The result was that more then 50 players showed up. The way i see it, that meta's biggest problem is the loot/time ratio.


-You got 30 mins to find the Branded Forgotten zealot. If you're lucky, you just might get loot from all 5 of them.

-Then you got the CC phase of the channelling priests. Again if you are lucky, you just might get loot from all 5 of them.

-Defeat Ysshi Hessani and Pek Rakt Grag, you got 20 mins.

If all goes well, you're in it for about 45 mins


Chest of the Bazaar Raider (once a day per character)

Intact Mosaic (0-1)

Chest of the Desert Specialist (0-1)

Recipe: The Twins' Grieving Insignia (0-1)

Add to that the loot from the 5 zealot, the 5 channellers and those sparks you killed in the last phase.


-Now go into any meta from HoT and compare your loot for the last 45 mins of the meta. (only those last 45mins because you want to compare apples with apples.)

-Do the math.

-Never go back to Vabbi.


The Death-Branded Shatterer gets done on pretty regular base, mostly because we all are used to give a dragon a pedicure.

As for the other metas, they are either dead of not worth mentionning. (looking at you Casino blitz)


_P.S.: Please note that in no way i talked about LW maps, they are a different ball game._


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> @"Katastroff.1045" said:

> I was able to successfully do serpent's ire 2 weeks ago with a core group of about 10-12 players. We did it on the third try, but we had to go spam the event in all those ''big'' meta maps. The result was that more then 50 players showed up. The way i see it, that meta's biggest problem is the loot/time ratio.


> -You got 30 mins to find the Branded Forgotten zealot. If you're lucky, you just might get loot from all 5 of them.

> -Then you got the CC phase of the channelling priests. Again if you are lucky, you just might get loot from all 5 of them.

> -Defeat Ysshi Hessani and Pek Rakt Grag, you got 20 mins.

> If all goes well, you're in it for about 45 mins

> Rewards:

> Chest of the Bazaar Raider (once a day per character)

> Intact Mosaic (0-1)

> Chest of the Desert Specialist (0-1)

> Recipe: The Twins' Grieving Insignia (0-1)

> Add to that the loot from the 5 zealot, the 5 channellers and those sparks you killed in the last phase.


> -Now go into any meta from HoT and compare your loot for the last 45 mins of the meta. (only those last 45mins because you want to compare apples with apples.)

> -Do the math.

> -Never go back to Vabbi.


> The Death-Branded Shatterer gets done on pretty regular base, mostly because we all are used to give a dragon a pedicure.

> As for the other metas, they are either dead of not worth mentionning. (looking at you Casino blitz)


> _P.S.: Please note that in no way i talked about LW maps, they are a different ball game._

> ;)


And this has been an issue for 2 years. I don't understand. I guess they really did release POF then put GW2 into maintenance mode.



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Bounties should become farmable, something like SW, maybe less, 10g/hr is fine imo, but it's better having different bosses for the farming time than repeating the same thing, but when it's done for achievements, it's always in a 50-players zerg, which is enough to melt down any thing and even random heals are more than enough for sustain, so...


Metas need buffs to rewards, especially Serpent's Ire, this is probably the hardest meta in the game, kind of the best you can get out of Open World, given the randomness of the classes on the map and their capabilities as well as different builds, and then look at the rewards, quite sad.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> >Increase rewards for pof meta events

> ..or may be certain other maps with over-the-top gold income per hour need to be further nerfed (who said Silverwastes?), to reach an average income level of the rest of the maps in the game. Just saying B)


jungle events have okay-ish rewards, dont really need any changes. But pof events are just sad... Pinnata has bad rewards, but meta is easier than lvl1 zones, so it makes sense. Serpants ire event, ive tried couple of times, have failed every time and its hard to find ppl to do this meta, but now ill go to vabbi and be there as much as i need to do this event


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Rare, high value rewards certainly work for an event like the Ogre Wars in Fields of Ruins. That chain must be run like 30 times a day by varying amounts of people, all hoping for a chance at the 275 gold item Sam in the final chest. Off course this is an easy, fast chain that you can actually do solo if you want (though I *never* had to). So that is a big difference. But I feel more could be done to spruce up large events like Serpents Ire.

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> @"Katastroff.1045" said:

> Dont forget the Desolation. Pretty appropriate name. :p


It's hard for me to remember when I played there and there wasn't a few ppl around me at any its part. May be only at some weird hours, there are enough ppl on any PoF map at evening, especially on weekends. Yea, you won't see zergs at Desolation normally, but that the best part of it, actually. Hate zergs with passion, they kill all the fun. 5-15 ppl is all you need for an event, depending on its size.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> >Increase rewards for pof meta events

> ..or may be certain other maps with over-the-top gold income per hour need to be further nerfed (who said Silverwastes?), to reach an average income level of the rest of the maps in the game. Just saying B)


nerfing sw won't bring vabbi and whole pof to life

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