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Balance Changes Upcoming

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Hello, Irenio.

Here's my feedback on Anet's guardian's changes.


_**Hammer Chain Skills: Adjusted attack animations and damage to get a smoother attack sequence. The full attack chain is slightly faster with less damage, resulting in a small increase in overall damage per second.

Zealot's Flame: This skill now displays an effect when it pulses to show the effective radius.

Zealot's Fire: This skill now uses the ammunition system. The Radiant Fire trait now adds 1 cast to the skill if it triggers while Zealot's Flame is active.**_


All interesting QoL changes. Zealot's skills especially annoyed me a bit before, so I'm glad they're going to feel nicer to play with.


_**Faithful Strike: Lowered the full casting time by 0.3 seconds. Increased damage by 10%. Lowered healing slightly.

Symbol of Faith: Increased damage by 30%.

Zealot's Defense: Damage has been increased by 50% in PvE only. Fixed a bug that caused some visual effects to display on the player when enemies were hit.**_


I enjoy buffs as anyone else, but I fear about the constant powercreeping that is being injected into this game. Besides that, I think one of the most interesting niches about mace is that it's a damage+healing weapon (very Paladin-esque), but I feel the healing theme is underwhelming. Symbol's regen was never that great in a damage build. And now I see the final AA skill to get its healing nerfed. It seems like its losing its niche. I wouldn't personally want for Mace to be a generic "boom! lots of damage!" weapon and nothing else. We already have Greatsword for that.


_**Protector's Strike: This skill now uses full-body animation for the finishing strike, even while the player is moving. The recovery animation is now shortened if an attack is not blocked. If this skill does not block an attack, it fully charges Virtue of Justice.**_


Besides the QoL changes, I have two things to say about this. First: Why would such a skill charge VoJ? That seems so random. I honestly don't understand the intent behind this change. Second: design bloat (as you mentioned for Mesmer's traits).


The cool thing about Protector's Strike, is that it feels like a very visceral, visually-striking version of aegis+retaliation flavor, except without relying on tiny boon icons. You have this big ass shield that explodes as a retaliation to your opponent's aggression. Thing is, this thematic fantasy is not perfectly executed. The block is very underwhelming because it only procs once, so any tiny, accidental, ambient AoE damage tick will blow it up, meaning that the guardian ends up not protecting anyone at all. This can be easily solved by having the block duration last for the entirety of its damaging animation. The "attack" portion of this skill would still activate on the first hit blocked, just as it does now, but the guardian would keep blocking stuff until the attacking animation fully ends. That, to me, is all this skill needs to be useful. But instead, Anet has been throwing additional stuff into it over the years. First, you added aegis and protection, an awkward change because those tiny, nearly hidden boons are defensively stronger than the main core mechanic. Now, you're adding a... VoJ reset? Why? How does that improves on this skill's thematic fantasy?


Instead of fixing the core problem and achieving a simple-but-functional skill, you're leaving the main mechanic flawed while bloating it with boons and now VoJ resets, and who knows what else you're going to bloat with in the future. This new version of the skill is complicated, unelegant and messy. It's hard for a user to read this skill's description and understand what exactly are they meant to do with it. Should they fail this skill on purpose? Is this skill meant to be balanced around aegis-enhancing traits and useless outside of them? Is this skill meant to be a counterattack (as it was originally designed to be)?


It's a mediocre counterattack effect. You could have turned it into a better counterattack effect. Instead, you're adding a bunch of unrelated stuff to it, bloating it with effects over the time, while leaving the core problem unfixed.


It's interesting to note that Anet's skill _reworks_ have been spot-on when it comes to balancing effectiveness with simplicity in design, but their skills _buffs _have been (historically, since GW1) about bloating them with additional effects over and over. Just last patch, to give an example, elementalist's shout buffs have been nothing but "let us cram even more stuff into them", leading to awkward situations where the fire shout offers additional might while its core mechanic (fire aura) remains as mediocre as ever, or their elite _defensive_ shout offering an _offensive_ boon (fury) or their conditional anti-projectile shout - which already doubled as an anti-movement skill - now tripling as a general anti-direct damage effect. Very messy.


Are the people working on skills reworks different than those working on skill buffs? My wish is that Anet finds a way to buff skills by actually fixing what is underwhelming in them, instead of covering it up with additional effects. That's how the game ended up being so spammy over the years.


Back to Protector's Strike, its main appeal is that you're protecting your party members with this big ass shield, and then punishing your enemies for being aggressive. That's it. It's that simple. It also has clear counterplay visuals and clear moments of skill expression (especially timing it up). All Protector's Strike needs to be - and that is very simple - is to be good at what it was meant to be. Not at spamming random boons. Not at resetting virtues. It's a defend + counterattack skill that should be good at defending and counterattacking. Everything else is bloat.


_**Right-Hand Strength: This trait no longer gives a flat critical-hit chance. Instead it gives an additional 80 precision, plus an additional 80 power while wielding a one-handed weapon.**_


It's a good change, but I will have to warn you about design bloat again. This trait will now do 3 (!!!) different things at once. It reduces the cooldown of sword skills AND gives 80 power while wielding one-handed weapons AND gives 80 precision. It makes it look a bit messy, because it's trying to do too many different things at the same time. If this is meant to be a sword-trait, I'd rather it just have 2 effects at most (sword-enhancing, and something broader). If it is meant to be a one-handed weapon trait, I'd rather the sword cdr reduction be moved to another trait, or else it should affect all one-handed weapon CDR.

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can Firebrands now please keep there mantras activated when changing a map?!

Thats the most annoying thing


and i dont know if

> Spirit Weapons: These skills are now all ground-targeted while the player is on land.

fixes the problem that the spirit weapons can not attack a lot of stuff - for example octovine - if not. fix it.


and overall tome usage. if we switch a tome, use a skill and leave the tomb, the tome should not go to full cooldown. making use tomes often like a bad choice.

tomes should go to full CD when all pages are used. let us switch in and out until all pages are used.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"Zenith.7301" said:

> > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > > @"Zenith.7301" said:

> > > > > @"Elrond.9486" said:

> > > > > > @"Zenith.7301" said:

> > > > > > Glad to see more PvP centric garbage changes dictating the direction of balance in this game.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It wasn't enough that power herald and reaper are about 30%+ behind the top power DPS specs in PvE, but you needed to divert your attention to revamping power warrior and daredevil, two of the meta specs. Obviously for PvP reasons, since we've established you only do inane token changes for PvE.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Then the poorly thought out nerfs to druid keep rolling in. It's not enough that renegade+firebrand completely outclass druid/chrono in PvE in healing, damage output, and boon provision, but you've felt it necessary to make the druid spec more like the healing elementalist specs (a pure healer with decreasing offensive utility) which is precisely what leaves healing elementalist specs irrelevant to begin with compared to support specs which boost the offensive performances of a group.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It's too bad the structural changes going on at Anet didn't happen to class development, because you alone are to blame for the dwindling raid and instanced PvE scene given your atrocious balance gimmicks which don't address the NUMERICAL DISPARITIES that are so vast across specs and which you refuse to bridge for some reason, instead choosing to implement strange changes to niche traits as if they were some solution.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Take the revenant changes. How in hell does 25 more energy help a power revenant compensate for their abysmal numbers? They already swap legends on cooldown and at best it's 3 seconds of extra impossible odds, which does absolutely nothing. POWER REVENANT ISSUES ARE ITS ABYSMAL SKILL NUMBERS, FIX THEM. Making the core spec have some worthless 5 unblockable attacks in PvE in shiro will change nothing; a 30% buff across the board to its skills in PvE only WILL. Same goes for reaper.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > But who am I kidding, it's always this PvP/WVW first, PvE later garbage design for the past 5+ years. No wonder people have flocked away from the game when you show them what formats truly capture the attention of your developers.

> > > > >

> > > > > Is this satire? If this is a PvP centered balance patch, it is one of the most misdirected patches ever, this does absolute nothing about any of the obvious problems in PvP balance.

> > > >

> > > > Let's see, scepter nerfs on mesmer (because they were so good in PvE, NOT), ventari buffs (because it was struggling in PvE clearly, yes this is sarcasm), daredevil steal change for no reason whatsoever alongside those "offsets", a berzerker warrior revamp that wasn't even needed because condi zerker was a functional meta build in PvE.

> > > >

> > > > No significant PvE buff for power herald or reaper, because those specs get cried about in PvP. More druid nerfs, because the babies in WvW are complaining about druid roamers alongside soulbeasts. And a couple more mirage and chrono nerfs just for further pandering to the pvp crowd, as if raids needed any more daredevil/weaver stacking with the only competitive condi build besides mirage, renegade, nerfed in an earlier patch to make sure no condi spec competes with the top power specs because god forbid condi specs be good, since the pvp/wvw crybabies will flood the forums with their tears about losing duels or eating an epidemic.

> > >

> > > Soul eater gives +10% damage universally, how isnt that a significant buff?

> >

> > Because it competes with Decimate Defenses, compare decimate defenses to right-hand strength trait for guardians. It's a considerable loss to crit rate in exchange for a modifier, so you don't truly gain a 10% buff. And power reaper needed significantly more than a 10% buff, especially after the changes to soul reaping.

> >

> >


> I am well aware it competes, but there is more crit sources in the game. And reapers tends to overcap on them. Solo and smaller groups would likely favor DD still.


Reaper only overcaps in pve really hard. But if you calculate with full zerker armor, you will be at 84% critchance with spotter and banner of warrior


So there's 16% missing, but 10% dmg doesn't make up for that I think.


If you compare the stats you loose 246 power and 5% critdmg to reach 66%critchance. And you gain 10% overall dmg... Not that good.


Also as I mentioned in necro forum:

The change to locust swarm is good for PvP modes, for pve it's not, cause life siphon can't crit

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > @"Zenith.7301" said:

> > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > > > @"Zenith.7301" said:

> > > > > > @"Elrond.9486" said:

> > > > > > > @"Zenith.7301" said:

> > > > > > > Glad to see more PvP centric garbage changes dictating the direction of balance in this game.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > It wasn't enough that power herald and reaper are about 30%+ behind the top power DPS specs in PvE, but you needed to divert your attention to revamping power warrior and daredevil, two of the meta specs. Obviously for PvP reasons, since we've established you only do inane token changes for PvE.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Then the poorly thought out nerfs to druid keep rolling in. It's not enough that renegade+firebrand completely outclass druid/chrono in PvE in healing, damage output, and boon provision, but you've felt it necessary to make the druid spec more like the healing elementalist specs (a pure healer with decreasing offensive utility) which is precisely what leaves healing elementalist specs irrelevant to begin with compared to support specs which boost the offensive performances of a group.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > It's too bad the structural changes going on at Anet didn't happen to class development, because you alone are to blame for the dwindling raid and instanced PvE scene given your atrocious balance gimmicks which don't address the NUMERICAL DISPARITIES that are so vast across specs and which you refuse to bridge for some reason, instead choosing to implement strange changes to niche traits as if they were some solution.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Take the revenant changes. How in hell does 25 more energy help a power revenant compensate for their abysmal numbers? They already swap legends on cooldown and at best it's 3 seconds of extra impossible odds, which does absolutely nothing. POWER REVENANT ISSUES ARE ITS ABYSMAL SKILL NUMBERS, FIX THEM. Making the core spec have some worthless 5 unblockable attacks in PvE in shiro will change nothing; a 30% buff across the board to its skills in PvE only WILL. Same goes for reaper.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > But who am I kidding, it's always this PvP/WVW first, PvE later garbage design for the past 5+ years. No wonder people have flocked away from the game when you show them what formats truly capture the attention of your developers.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Is this satire? If this is a PvP centered balance patch, it is one of the most misdirected patches ever, this does absolute nothing about any of the obvious problems in PvP balance.

> > > > >

> > > > > Let's see, scepter nerfs on mesmer (because they were so good in PvE, NOT), ventari buffs (because it was struggling in PvE clearly, yes this is sarcasm), daredevil steal change for no reason whatsoever alongside those "offsets", a berzerker warrior revamp that wasn't even needed because condi zerker was a functional meta build in PvE.

> > > > >

> > > > > No significant PvE buff for power herald or reaper, because those specs get cried about in PvP. More druid nerfs, because the babies in WvW are complaining about druid roamers alongside soulbeasts. And a couple more mirage and chrono nerfs just for further pandering to the pvp crowd, as if raids needed any more daredevil/weaver stacking with the only competitive condi build besides mirage, renegade, nerfed in an earlier patch to make sure no condi spec competes with the top power specs because god forbid condi specs be good, since the pvp/wvw crybabies will flood the forums with their tears about losing duels or eating an epidemic.

> > > >

> > > > Soul eater gives +10% damage universally, how isnt that a significant buff?

> > >

> > > Because it competes with Decimate Defenses, compare decimate defenses to right-hand strength trait for guardians. It's a considerable loss to crit rate in exchange for a modifier, so you don't truly gain a 10% buff. And power reaper needed significantly more than a 10% buff, especially after the changes to soul reaping.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I am well aware it competes, but there is more crit sources in the game. And reapers tends to overcap on them. Solo and smaller groups would likely favor DD still.


> Reaper only overcaps in pve really hard. But if you calculate with full zerker armor, you will be at 84% critchance with spotter and banner of warrior


> So there's 16% missing, but 10% dmg doesn't make up for that I think.


> If you compare the stats you loose 246 power and 5% critdmg to reach 66%critchance. And you gain 10% overall dmg... Not that good.


> Also as I mentioned in necro forum:

> The change to locust swarm is good for PvP modes, for pve it's not, cause life siphon can't crit


From the necro thread. This does make sense and you may be too hasty:



umm flat damage increase almost always work out better than crit chance, even with high ferocity considered. Hence you see most food/utility/sigil go for power rather than crit chance when you have to make a choice.


Especially the difference is only 16% crit chance when not in shroud (guarantee cap 100% while in shroud), which is like ~50% of the time.


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> @"Magolith.9412" said:

> > Illusionary Counter: This skill now uses an 8-second cooldown in all game modes.

> > Confusing Images: The physical damage of this skill has been split and reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.


> This is a pretty terrible change that makes scepter kitten-tier. It will have nothing to compensate for it's terrible AA seq.


> Meanwhile, invincible scrappers and LB memebeasts go untouched.


Well i was confused too why they nerfed druid pets but kept soulbeast unchanged.

Where is the tradeoff in soulbeast? Bet they will remove one pet in the next balance and the code is just a mess to work with.

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> @"Doggie.3184" said:

> Hmm, so Pistol/Dagger Thief has been useless in both PvP and PvE since launch so lets focus on the skill that requires a Pistol with an empty offhand. Cool beanz.

> Lets make Melee Daredevil spec harder to get into Melee range. Neat I guess. Does Swipe do anything else? I don't get it.

> Lets continue to not add Ricochet back to the game to make dual pistols and rifle not the same exact weapon set just with different ranges.

> Nothing really interesting about the rest of the Thief stuff I read so whatever butters your muffins I guess.


Well repeater can be used after p/D dualwield skill. That's the reason why they changed that.

Ricochet would be neat though.

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > Wondering if solo druid will still be playable in PvE with the pet nerf.


> Will depend on the pet I'd guess. Might need to pick more for utility.


> > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > Thief is already borderline useless in every game mode, why are you nerfing it without compensation?

> >

> > ANY thief nerf is completely unjustified with the state the class currently is in.


> I see someone who doesn't play in WvW.


And yet no Vault nerf. Curious.

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Regarding to PVE I would like to discuss a matter and hope that maybe it is not to late to implement it.


My main proffesion is revenant and the problem is that the revenant is the only proffesion that do not have a power DPS build for fractals and raids. At least one that can approach the DPS of the other power bust specs.

Every other proffesion has at least one power build,one condi build and maybe a suport build.


If you can address this matter would mean that any player can do any activity in PVE with any type of dmg build that they want = amazing balance.


Thank you for listening me and I am looking forward for the changes.

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So: ele - gets something ( _something_ lol)

engi - Scrapper and holo perfectly fine, like for real guys, l2p...hehe...he...

mes - kinda okay, evasive mirror was truly abused lately

ranger - hehehe, soulbeast op? What you talking 'bout, Wallace?

rev - nice, after X years we get proper hammer animations, also some core treatment

thief - fine/ w/e things (oh also Repeater, yes lets keep focusing work on off-hand empty builds, thats the future of gw2)

warrior - berzerker adjust, we will see.



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I am not sure if somebody said it before, but the druid pet changes seem... puzzling?

I mean everyone has more or less a decision-making change, that might or might not impact sheer power in some ways. The druid does not, it only gets a 20% reduction.

I am not sure if that is balanced or not, by any mean, but it seems very out of the line. I have imagined something like " the druid can't pet swap" or something like that.


That said, overall i am happy with this. Always said that the elite specs were more like elite buffs, and i like most of the approaches done here.

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I like that new balancing philosophy which finally targets what was promised before the first expac was released but could never be achieved: create additional playstyles and not just powercreep.


Adjusting the elite specs that were just flat mechanical buffs to the core spec ist appreciated.


Reworking and Rearranging traits to create a drawback to every benefit is also what the game needs.


The changes imply that this is only the first step and further adjustments will follow (soulbeast, holo...!) Keep up the good work!

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> To your point about Druid not having a place in zergs, as I understand it, Druid just got a better, **group wide**, Endure Pain, just for conditions instead of power damage.


> Depending on the duration of this thing, stacking a few Druids in your Zerg essentially deletes Scourge and other Condi Pressure from large scale WvW, making Druid an absolute Pillar of Zerg vs Zerg in WvW.

> Really just depends on the numbers, but Glyph of the Stars could be pretty massive.


Condi builds are practically dead in large-scale due to the sheer amount of cleanses from classes such as Scrapper, who also have more group utility and support options than Druid outside of just healing. These changes certainly won't make Druid shoot to zerg meta stardom.

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> @"hennrick.4623" said:

> I am not sure if somebody said it before, but the druid pet changes seem... puzzling?

> I mean everyone has more or less a decision-making change, that might or might not impact sheer power in some ways. The druid does not, it only gets a 20% reduction.

> I am not sure if that is balanced or not, by any mean, but it seems very out of the line. I have imagined something like " the druid can't pet swap" or something like that.


> That said, overall i am happy with this. Always said that the elite specs were more like elite buffs, and i like most of the approaches done here.


Honestly when do pets ever matter? PvP Druid? Can't think of a situation where it matters. It's a trade off, but it's mostly just fluff for flavor. Since it's such a non-nerf I'd say good on them. Definitely excited to see more of that in the future.

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> @"Fatal Frame.9568" said:

> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > To your point about Druid not having a place in zergs, as I understand it, Druid just got a better, **group wide**, Endure Pain, just for conditions instead of power damage.

> >

> > Depending on the duration of this thing, stacking a few Druids in your Zerg essentially deletes Scourge and other Condi Pressure from large scale WvW, making Druid an absolute Pillar of Zerg vs Zerg in WvW.

> > Really just depends on the numbers, but Glyph of the Stars could be pretty massive.


> Condi builds are practically dead in large-scale due to the sheer amount of cleanses from classes such as Scrapper, who also have more group utility and support options than Druid outside of just healing. These changes certainly won't make Druid shoot to zerg meta stardom.


Fair enough, haven't played much large scale WvW since before the Scrapper buffs. Last time I played it was still largely dominated by Celestial Scourges.

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While you are all at the changes can you also add weapon swap to engineers and elementalists? I know the reasons for it originally however the necro and ranger druid are able to change the weapon skills. I think that makes the original reason to not give then weapons swap invalid. At the very least allow the eng and ele to weapon swap out of combat to give them a slot to stow an extra weapon. It would save having to fish in the inventory for a weapon to swap to.

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A lot of these sound interesting and I fully support adding draw backs to elite specs (hope more to come)


some thinks that I would change


: Blinding Dissipation. tying this to one type of shatter is very limiting and it on a shatter that condi focused what not useful to power builds. I would make it inflict blind when a clone is killed by an enemy (not shattered). this would punish people for hitting a wrong target, would stop ppl using the trait to secure stomps (what I use it for) and be useful for all builds.

: confusing images nerf might be to heavy 25% would be better as a test first.



don't understand why only one skill 3 with no off hand being changed they all should be given massive buffs for limiting your skill options as a trade off (please look into these)


things that sound like great ideas but not enough info to judge yet



core rev changes and ventari trait line, berserker and necro changes


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Read more in depth into the patch notes.


The good of the patch:

-At least making some attempt at inner class balance with elite specs for PvP is good as it cuts down on the disparity between those who don't have all expansions.

-Adding more animation tells is always better than nothing as this is a constant problem that many skills have yet to receive a balance pass on

-Depending on the specifics, Berzerker rework could be fun.


The bad:

-Way too many dartboard changes that won't change anything

-Overperforming specs untouched. In fact you actually buffed chronobunk and scrapper slightly. It should be a common sense balance team rule to never buff something that is already considered meta.

-If Berzerker reworks result in perma-zerker mode builds it could end up being OP.

-There is zero sense in nerfing confounding suggestions only to make it baseline on certain skills.

-Reworks to Revenant staff are bad and 100% should not be implemented. Staff is a weapon used on almost every Rev PvP build and changing it around just for ventari is shortsighted. **Instead, keep staff as it is and then add a trait to salvation that makes staff skills drop healing orbs**. This would make staff have synergy with ventari without screwing up the entire class.

-Why you would nerf druid which is off-meta but leave Soulbeast untouched wins the mystery of the patch award. Soulbeast is slightly overperforming due to its ability to bounce stability back and forth between the pet and the player, while druid really isn't. This change would have made a lot more sense if the pet nerf applied to **both** SB and druid, because then we can say "Oh OK core ranger is balanced with its elite specs because you tradeoff some pet stats" but by making the nerf Druid-only it just seems arbitrary and strange.














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If the focus for daredevil changes was to emphasize melee, why did you halve the range of Steal, making it slower to get into melee range? That seems to run counter to the stated goal.


I'd love to see ele/engi get weapon swapping at some point. I'd love to start taking my sword weaver main into fractals instead of my alts, but there are fractal fights where you HAVE to have a ranged option, and I don't always have time to stop and fish around in my inventory to swap weapon sets. This is also a problem in the open world, with the phase shift bounty effect for example. If I take my ele to a bounty with that effect, I have to spend a good chunk of the fight twiddling my thumbs uselessly because she can't switch to a ranged option in order to hit from the marked area.

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@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048"

I love the fact that you guys are releasing the patch notes a week early. I love the fact we can salivate over all the juicy changes before they go live.

Please, please, please tell me this is a permanent thing and ALL future balance patches will be released in this way.

It really ramps up the hype train for myself, and gets me even more excited about the patch, than compared to the old method of releasing the patch and the notes at the same time.

Please keep up the fantastic work, and thank you.

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The Revenant changes are a welcomed sight to behold. Tablet revenants often suffered from wasted healing due to their bursty nature. I just hope that the orbs will be large enough to actually run over or be easily triggered in a productive manner, unlike the tablet pieces from the elite skill which blows randomly into unconventional locations and are often wasted. The Orbs' healing range is 120, so I assume the hitbox is roughly a 120 radius and within a reasonably close range to the revenant or the tablet?

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> @"Fashion Mage.3712" said:

> ITT: People complaining about power creep even though the whole patch is mostly just buffing/reworking weak builds like Ventari/Berserker.


> Sounds like some people only want their build to be viable.


Nope. People complaining about power creep want the power creeped specs to be toned down to the level of the weaker ones. At least some do...

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