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More Nerfs?!?!


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> @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > > Also I think we can expect similar sacrifices to core shatters when picking Mirage or Chronomancer with what they did for Daredevil, Druid, and Berserker probably the balance patch after this one. If they're making changes like getting rid of F1 burst skills for warriror outside of Berserkering, cutting Steal's Range by 50%, and nerfing Druid Pet Stats there is almost certainly something in the pipeline coming for Chronomancer and Mirage that wasn't ready for this particular release. So brace yourselves for that.

> > > >

> > > > im actually glad you pointed this out it had not occured to me that several professions dont give up anything for taking an elite spec.

> > > > Such as scourge giving up shroud, reaper having increased life force cost over time, weaver no longer being able to rapid switch attuments, tempest having longer increased cd for overloading an attunment... and so on

> > > > Chrono and and Mirage didnt really seem to give up anything and just got pure bonuses tapped onto their base mesmer mechanics.

> > >

> > > Chrono was a direct buff like many of the first elite spec. The only thing chrono gave up was significantly increased cool down on elite skills like Moa.

> > > Mirage gave up the ability to dodge backwards, many builds that were once viably available, viable core traits, its perception of being fun to fight against, the 'fun' involved with playing the class in the first place, its position as a top contending class in PvP, and its pride.

> > im not sure the ability to dodge backwards really counts.. you could simply walk backward while dodging lets not also forget that mirage also gained the power to attack and use / channel any skill while being able to dodge which more than makes up for something as simple as "being able to dodge backwards" No other profession can do this.

> >


> Mirage currently can only dodge sideways or strafe 135 units in a dodge time frame when other classes can go 300 units, a 55% reduction in dodge distance sideways. They are also only able to dodge 78.75 units backwards when other classes can go 300 units, a 73.75% reduction in distance?

> Math: Strafing:180 u/s X .75 sec = 135 units, Backpedaling: 105 u/s X .75 sec = 78.75 units. Dodge = 300 units. Strafing: ((300-135)/300)X100 = 55%, Backpedaling: ((300-78.75)/300)X100 = 73.75%


> I don't really care if you think it counts or doesn't. However, if it doesn't, than it is an unintentional bug that needs to be fixed ASAP


Lets be real you wouldnt dodge backward with mirage even if it was the same distance these numbers are just going into over kill issue that is not realistic. YOU didnt lose the power to dodge backwards you just choose not to cause its more bountiful to simply attack forward knowing you wont get hit. Thats the power of being able to attack while having an instant defense and dont even get me started on dodging while under cc effects if you want to go that far as for things that should be "FIXED"

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > > > Also I think we can expect similar sacrifices to core shatters when picking Mirage or Chronomancer with what they did for Daredevil, Druid, and Berserker probably the balance patch after this one. If they're making changes like getting rid of F1 burst skills for warriror outside of Berserkering, cutting Steal's Range by 50%, and nerfing Druid Pet Stats there is almost certainly something in the pipeline coming for Chronomancer and Mirage that wasn't ready for this particular release. So brace yourselves for that.

> > > > >

> > > > > im actually glad you pointed this out it had not occured to me that several professions dont give up anything for taking an elite spec.

> > > > > Such as scourge giving up shroud, reaper having increased life force cost over time, weaver no longer being able to rapid switch attuments, tempest having longer increased cd for overloading an attunment... and so on

> > > > > Chrono and and Mirage didnt really seem to give up anything and just got pure bonuses tapped onto their base mesmer mechanics.

> > > >

> > > > Chrono was a direct buff like many of the first elite spec. The only thing chrono gave up was significantly increased cool down on elite skills like Moa.

> > > > Mirage gave up the ability to dodge backwards, many builds that were once viably available, viable core traits, its perception of being fun to fight against, the 'fun' involved with playing the class in the first place, its position as a top contending class in PvP, and its pride.

> > > im not sure the ability to dodge backwards really counts.. you could simply walk backward while dodging lets not also forget that mirage also gained the power to attack and use / channel any skill while being able to dodge which more than makes up for something as simple as "being able to dodge backwards" No other profession can do this.

> > >

> >

> > Mirage currently can only dodge sideways or strafe 135 units in a dodge time frame when other classes can go 300 units, a 55% reduction in dodge distance sideways. They are also only able to dodge 78.75 units backwards when other classes can go 300 units, a 73.75% reduction in distance?

> > Math: Strafing:180 u/s X .75 sec = 135 units, Backpedaling: 105 u/s X .75 sec = 78.75 units. Dodge = 300 units. Strafing: ((300-135)/300)X100 = 55%, Backpedaling: ((300-78.75)/300)X100 = 73.75%

> >

> > I don't really care if you think it counts or doesn't. However, if it doesn't, than it is an unintentional bug that needs to be fixed ASAP


> Lets be real you wouldnt dodge backward with mirage even if it was the same distance these numbers are just going into over kill issue that is not realistic. YOU didnt lose the power to dodge backwards you just choose not to cause its more bountiful to simply attack forward knowing you wont get hit. Thats the power of being able to attack while having an instant defense and dont even get me started on dodging while under cc effects if you want to go that far as for things that should be "FIXED"


??? Being able to kite away at super speed while using ambush attacks would be way better on certain weapon sets like staff, scepter, even axe, than dodging forward and attacking.

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> @"Xaylin.1860" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > Sorry but im critically thinking here.

> > Druid cannot will that -20% back into existence

> > You can simply press the "s" key and dodge to dodge backwards :+1: While being able to cast skills that would normally be interrupted if other professions tried to do this. :astonished:


> I just feel different.


> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > Considering they nerfed Mirage Cloak to .75s despite that, I doubt it.


> Druid has been nerfed several times in the past. How is this an argument against Mirage?

> While Mirage Cloak has some benefits it clearly has disadvantages as well.


> > @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > Of course there is, daze mantra buff + confounding suggestions buff.


> The changes don't increase the frequency, though. Which hardly makes it any more spammable than before.



I didn't ever say that. The mantra spam was already possible before but weak. And I just hope there won't be a viable or common mantra build now.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > > > > Also I think we can expect similar sacrifices to core shatters when picking Mirage or Chronomancer with what they did for Daredevil, Druid, and Berserker probably the balance patch after this one. If they're making changes like getting rid of F1 burst skills for warriror outside of Berserkering, cutting Steal's Range by 50%, and nerfing Druid Pet Stats there is almost certainly something in the pipeline coming for Chronomancer and Mirage that wasn't ready for this particular release. So brace yourselves for that.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > im actually glad you pointed this out it had not occured to me that several professions dont give up anything for taking an elite spec.

> > > > > > Such as scourge giving up shroud, reaper having increased life force cost over time, weaver no longer being able to rapid switch attuments, tempest having longer increased cd for overloading an attunment... and so on

> > > > > > Chrono and and Mirage didnt really seem to give up anything and just got pure bonuses tapped onto their base mesmer mechanics.

> > > > >

> > > > > Chrono was a direct buff like many of the first elite spec. The only thing chrono gave up was significantly increased cool down on elite skills like Moa.

> > > > > Mirage gave up the ability to dodge backwards, many builds that were once viably available, viable core traits, its perception of being fun to fight against, the 'fun' involved with playing the class in the first place, its position as a top contending class in PvP, and its pride.

> > > > im not sure the ability to dodge backwards really counts.. you could simply walk backward while dodging lets not also forget that mirage also gained the power to attack and use / channel any skill while being able to dodge which more than makes up for something as simple as "being able to dodge backwards" No other profession can do this.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Mirage currently can only dodge sideways or strafe 135 units in a dodge time frame when other classes can go 300 units, a 55% reduction in dodge distance sideways. They are also only able to dodge 78.75 units backwards when other classes can go 300 units, a 73.75% reduction in distance?

> > > Math: Strafing:180 u/s X .75 sec = 135 units, Backpedaling: 105 u/s X .75 sec = 78.75 units. Dodge = 300 units. Strafing: ((300-135)/300)X100 = 55%, Backpedaling: ((300-78.75)/300)X100 = 73.75%

> > >

> > > I don't really care if you think it counts or doesn't. However, if it doesn't, than it is an unintentional bug that needs to be fixed ASAP

> >

> > Lets be real you wouldnt dodge backward with mirage even if it was the same distance these numbers are just going into over kill issue that is not realistic. YOU didnt lose the power to dodge backwards you just choose not to cause its more bountiful to simply attack forward knowing you wont get hit. Thats the power of being able to attack while having an instant defense and dont even get me started on dodging while under cc effects if you want to go that far as for things that should be "FIXED"


> ??? Being able to kite away at super speed while using ambush attacks would be way better on certain weapon sets like staff, scepter, even axe, than dodging forward and attacking.


I mean i wouldnt care if the distance was the same at all. Im all for it if you think it should be fixed. But while you are fixing things make sure that dodge becomes locked while under cc.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > >

> > > > > Was a bit too strong in pvp only when combined with alot of the other defensive / sustain tools offered by mesmer / mirage. Top this ontop of the current mesmer play style and it makes for a strong combo thats very unfun to fight... most people will tell you mesmer in general is no fun to fight and its about time anet started listening. They do it for every other class when it becomes unfun to fight mesmer should not be an exception here.

> > > >

> > > > What mirage defensive tools? 2 seconds of vigor on shatter? Even if we say this is true, why nerf core mesmer?

> > > >

> > > > Mesmer theme description from gw2 wiki

> > > > "They weave deception magic that seeks to confound, disorient and dumbfound their enemies."

> > > > You won't like every class you play against, especially if the reason why is displayed in the class description.

> > > > However, this class description is also why I enjoyed playing the class in the first place.

> > > > Blinding dissipation has been around for almost forever now, that was not the problem and you know it.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > I agree blinding was not specifically by itself a problem the problem was it layered on top of many other tools, do i think it was the specific tool that needed to be hit... maybe not really but in any case anyone who thinks being able to attack while chaining several defenses together such as evades, mobility blinks, blinds, and invuln, dazes, and drop targets both from skills and stealth..... i mean yeah... Thats quite a bit of stuff going on I think blinding dissipation was a small price to pay compared to some of the other tools they could have hit :unamused:

> >

> > I severely disagree. If blinding dissipation in its former state was around for 4 years than there was no need to change it. Mirage evasion was already nerfed. Condi mirage was already out of the meta picture, with the nerf to scepter it would have been fine. There was lots of things they could have done instead of nerfing blinding dissipation. In fact, there was a whole post dedicated to these types of changes and how to handle them. Additionally, why would they want to nerf condi mirage with a trait and then buff it with the same trait? Its potentially an even match for condi (not a buff or nerf) but a dead on nerf for anything else.


> Thats fine to not agree but...

> The evasion nerf only happened after anet admitted that mirage evasion was overtuned on purpose compared to the standard dodge. Ideally your dodge became what it should have been from the start this is not ideally a crazy nerf its just another thing that slipped through the cracks that shouldnt have been there to start with.

> As I said i doubt the blind by itself was the issue. it was likely the blind ontop of everything else. They could have picked anything and chose to pick something old instead of something new. We might not ever know specifically why they picked this old trait. Just because something is not been touched for 4 years does not mean it should never be touched either.


High evasion does not = OP

Mirage was intended and designed as a deceptive class. It says it in the description.



Does a class of this description make it OP? Not necessarily, power mirage was never in a meta position and axe condi mirage isn't either. It is just another tool for the trade. That is why I said condi damage should be nerfed when it was meta since I knew based on power mirage not being OP that it was possible to have a highly evasive, yet not OP class.

If players find it not fun to fight against than that is on the devs for picking this theme out for the class in the first place. Mesmer shouldn't suffer as the result of their actions in picking out a theme that many find unfun to play against. Additionally, Not fun doesn't equal OP either.


"Just because something is not been touched for 4 years does not mean it should never be touched either."

Just because the devs decided to release an evasion themed elite spec doesn't mean that core trait lines should be nerfed either.


It shouldn't have been 'not touched' because it wasn't touched in 4 years. It shouldn't have been touched because it was a trait that has been successfully balanced for 4 years with 5 other trait lines and skills and obviously wasn't a problem before and not the problem now.


Just because it is used for avoiding damage also doesn't explain why they decided to tie the skill to cry of frustration instead of mind wrack.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > > > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > > > > > Also I think we can expect similar sacrifices to core shatters when picking Mirage or Chronomancer with what they did for Daredevil, Druid, and Berserker probably the balance patch after this one. If they're making changes like getting rid of F1 burst skills for warriror outside of Berserkering, cutting Steal's Range by 50%, and nerfing Druid Pet Stats there is almost certainly something in the pipeline coming for Chronomancer and Mirage that wasn't ready for this particular release. So brace yourselves for that.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > im actually glad you pointed this out it had not occured to me that several professions dont give up anything for taking an elite spec.

> > > > > > > Such as scourge giving up shroud, reaper having increased life force cost over time, weaver no longer being able to rapid switch attuments, tempest having longer increased cd for overloading an attunment... and so on

> > > > > > > Chrono and and Mirage didnt really seem to give up anything and just got pure bonuses tapped onto their base mesmer mechanics.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Chrono was a direct buff like many of the first elite spec. The only thing chrono gave up was significantly increased cool down on elite skills like Moa.

> > > > > > Mirage gave up the ability to dodge backwards, many builds that were once viably available, viable core traits, its perception of being fun to fight against, the 'fun' involved with playing the class in the first place, its position as a top contending class in PvP, and its pride.

> > > > > im not sure the ability to dodge backwards really counts.. you could simply walk backward while dodging lets not also forget that mirage also gained the power to attack and use / channel any skill while being able to dodge which more than makes up for something as simple as "being able to dodge backwards" No other profession can do this.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Mirage currently can only dodge sideways or strafe 135 units in a dodge time frame when other classes can go 300 units, a 55% reduction in dodge distance sideways. They are also only able to dodge 78.75 units backwards when other classes can go 300 units, a 73.75% reduction in distance?

> > > > Math: Strafing:180 u/s X .75 sec = 135 units, Backpedaling: 105 u/s X .75 sec = 78.75 units. Dodge = 300 units. Strafing: ((300-135)/300)X100 = 55%, Backpedaling: ((300-78.75)/300)X100 = 73.75%

> > > >

> > > > I don't really care if you think it counts or doesn't. However, if it doesn't, than it is an unintentional bug that needs to be fixed ASAP

> > >

> > > Lets be real you wouldnt dodge backward with mirage even if it was the same distance these numbers are just going into over kill issue that is not realistic. YOU didnt lose the power to dodge backwards you just choose not to cause its more bountiful to simply attack forward knowing you wont get hit. Thats the power of being able to attack while having an instant defense and dont even get me started on dodging while under cc effects if you want to go that far as for things that should be "FIXED"

> >

> > ??? Being able to kite away at super speed while using ambush attacks would be way better on certain weapon sets like staff, scepter, even axe, than dodging forward and attacking.


> I mean i wouldnt care if the distance was the same at all. Im all for it if you think it should be fixed. But while you are fixing things make sure that dodge becomes locked while under cc.


Ok. I think Mirage Cloak not being usable while CC'd was a far more important change than the 1s duration anyway.

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> @"Quadox.7834" said:

>And I just hope there won't be a viable or common mantra build now.


I can understand the concern. But as I said... they didn't increase frequency. However, now +Daze/Stun duration might finally be worth investing in. For example, Runes of the Mesmer. Right now, there just is no point to it. I'd love some of the original characteristics of the class being improved. We clearly aren't considered when it comes to boon removal. So it might as well be soft CC.



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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > > > Also I think we can expect similar sacrifices to core shatters when picking Mirage or Chronomancer with what they did for Daredevil, Druid, and Berserker probably the balance patch after this one. If they're making changes like getting rid of F1 burst skills for warriror outside of Berserkering, cutting Steal's Range by 50%, and nerfing Druid Pet Stats there is almost certainly something in the pipeline coming for Chronomancer and Mirage that wasn't ready for this particular release. So brace yourselves for that.

> > > > >

> > > > > im actually glad you pointed this out it had not occured to me that several professions dont give up anything for taking an elite spec.

> > > > > Such as scourge giving up shroud, reaper having increased life force cost over time, weaver no longer being able to rapid switch attuments, tempest having longer increased cd for overloading an attunment... and so on

> > > > > Chrono and and Mirage didnt really seem to give up anything and just got pure bonuses tapped onto their base mesmer mechanics.

> > > >

> > > > Chrono was a direct buff like many of the first elite spec. The only thing chrono gave up was significantly increased cool down on elite skills like Moa.

> > > > Mirage gave up the ability to dodge backwards, many builds that were once viably available, viable core traits, its perception of being fun to fight against, the 'fun' involved with playing the class in the first place, its position as a top contending class in PvP, and its pride.

> > > im not sure the ability to dodge backwards really counts.. you could simply walk backward while dodging lets not also forget that mirage also gained the power to attack and use / channel any skill while being able to dodge which more than makes up for something as simple as "being able to dodge backwards" No other profession can do this.

> > >

> >

> > Mirage currently can only dodge sideways or strafe 135 units in a dodge time frame when other classes can go 300 units, a 55% reduction in dodge distance sideways. They are also only able to dodge 78.75 units backwards when other classes can go 300 units, a 73.75% reduction in distance?

> > Math: Strafing:180 u/s X .75 sec = 135 units, Backpedaling: 105 u/s X .75 sec = 78.75 units. Dodge = 300 units. Strafing: ((300-135)/300)X100 = 55%, Backpedaling: ((300-78.75)/300)X100 = 73.75%

> >

> > I don't really care if you think it counts or doesn't. However, if it doesn't, than it is an unintentional bug that needs to be fixed ASAP


> Lets be real you wouldnt dodge backward with mirage even if it was the same distance these numbers are just going into over kill issue that is not realistic. YOU didnt lose the power to dodge backwards you just choose not to cause its more bountiful to simply attack forward knowing you wont get hit. Thats the power of being able to attack while having an instant defense and dont even get me started on dodging while under cc effects if you want to go that far as for things that should be "FIXED"


This is often not possible due to AoEs, specially in PvE.

Not being able to dodge backwards is still a constraint, even if it is not a constraint in some situations.



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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:


> > @"Xaylin.1860" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > im not sure the ability to dodge backwards really counts.. you could simply walk backward while dodging lets not also forget that mirage also gained the power to attack and use / channel any skill while being able to dodge which more than makes up for something as simple as "being able to dodge backwards" No other profession can do this.

> > >

> > If -20% stats on pet counts for Druids, I feel like this easily counts for Mirage.

> >

> Sorry but im critically thinking here.

> Druid cannot will that -20% back into existence

> You can simply press the "s" key and dodge to dodge backwards :+1: While being able to cast skills that would normally be interrupted if other professions tried to do this. :astonished:




Druid, herald, chronomancer, berserker, and scrapper were called out for not having tradeoffs. Not mirage. Their concept of disadvantages may differ.


Meanwhile we should be more concerned of how they will alter chrono.

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> @"Xaylin.1860" said:

> > @"Quadox.7834" said:

> And I just hope there won't be a viable or common mantra build now.


> I can understand the concern. But as I said... they didn't increase frequency. However, now +Daze/Stun duration might finally be worth investing in. For example, Runes of the Mesmer. Right now, there just is no point to it. I'd love some of the original characteristics of the class being improved. We clearly aren't considered when it comes to boon removal. So it might as well be soft CC.




Power Chrono in SPvP runs Rune of the Mesmer and is one of the deadliest one shot builds out there right now.

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> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> >

> > > @"Xaylin.1860" said:

> > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > im not sure the ability to dodge backwards really counts.. you could simply walk backward while dodging lets not also forget that mirage also gained the power to attack and use / channel any skill while being able to dodge which more than makes up for something as simple as "being able to dodge backwards" No other profession can do this.

> > > >

> > > If -20% stats on pet counts for Druids, I feel like this easily counts for Mirage.

> > >

> > Sorry but im critically thinking here.

> > Druid cannot will that -20% back into existence

> > You can simply press the "s" key and dodge to dodge backwards :+1: While being able to cast skills that would normally be interrupted if other professions tried to do this. :astonished:

> >

> >


> Druid, herald, chronomancer, berserker, and scrapper were called out for not having tradeoffs. Not mirage. Their concept of disadvantages may differ.


> Meanwhile we should be more concerned of how they will alter chrono.


Knowing Arenanet Continuum Split will be changed to be the F4, replacing Distortion.

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> @"Xaylin.1860" said:

> > @"Quadox.7834" said:

> And I just hope there won't be a viable or common mantra build now.


> I can understand the concern. But as I said... they didn't increase frequency. However, now +Daze/Stun duration might finally be worth investing in. For example, Runes of the Mesmer. Right now, there just is no point to it. I'd love some of the original characteristics of the class being improved. We clearly aren't considered when it comes to boon removal. So it might as well be soft CC.




Yeah I mean I just dislike the daze mantra and mantra of pain playstyle (instant damage and cc generally). We'll see.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > >

> > > > @"Xaylin.1860" said:

> > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > im not sure the ability to dodge backwards really counts.. you could simply walk backward while dodging lets not also forget that mirage also gained the power to attack and use / channel any skill while being able to dodge which more than makes up for something as simple as "being able to dodge backwards" No other profession can do this.

> > > > >

> > > > If -20% stats on pet counts for Druids, I feel like this easily counts for Mirage.

> > > >

> > > Sorry but im critically thinking here.

> > > Druid cannot will that -20% back into existence

> > > You can simply press the "s" key and dodge to dodge backwards :+1: While being able to cast skills that would normally be interrupted if other professions tried to do this. :astonished:

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Druid, herald, chronomancer, berserker, and scrapper were called out for not having tradeoffs. Not mirage. Their concept of disadvantages may differ.

> >

> > Meanwhile we should be more concerned of how they will alter chrono.


> Knowing Arenanet Continuum Split will be changed to be the F4, replacing Distortion.


That actually seem somewhat likely since split reverts all damage you took (barring lethal).

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> @"Quadox.7834" said:

> Yeah I mean I just dislike the daze mantra and mantra of pain playstyle (instant damage and cc generally). We'll see.


For me, MoP is the bigger offender, to be honest. MoD takes way more skill and trait investment to deal damage with.


> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Power Chrono in SPvP runs Rune of the Mesmer and is one of the deadliest one shot builds out there right now.


The deadliness hardly comes from lockdown rather than from a skill combination which basically has been used since launch, though.


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> @"Xstein.2187" said:

> I know I said it before, but can someone please suggest another phycological themed based character game?

> I'm really not feeling the whole gw2 thing and haven't for about half a year now.

> I am cry of frustrated.


Pantheon Rise of the Fallen is a upcoming MMORPG with a lot of the Everquest developers and has [the Enchanter](https://www.pantheonmmo.com/classes/enchanter/ "the Enchanter") as one of the playable classes.

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> @"Xaylin.1860" said:

> > @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > Yeah I mean I just dislike the daze mantra and mantra of pain playstyle (instant damage and cc generally). We'll see.


> For me, MoP is the bigger offender, to be honest. MoD takes way more skill and trait investment to deal damage with.


> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > Power Chrono in SPvP runs Rune of the Mesmer and is one of the deadliest one shot builds out there right now.


> The deadliness hardly comes from lockdown rather than from a skill combination which basically has been used since launch, though.



> @"Xaylin.1860" said:

> > @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > Yeah I mean I just dislike the daze mantra and mantra of pain playstyle (instant damage and cc generally). We'll see.


> For me, MoP is the bigger offender, to be honest. MoD takes way more skill and trait investment to deal damage with.

I agree that mop is worse (as in more annoying).


> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > Power Chrono in SPvP runs Rune of the Mesmer and is one of the deadliest one shot builds out there right now.


> The deadliness hardly comes from lockdown rather than from a skill combination which basically has been used since launch, though.




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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > I know I said it before, but can someone please suggest another phycological themed based character game?

> > I'm really not feeling the whole gw2 thing and haven't for about half a year now.

> > I am cry of frustrated.


> Pantheon Rise of the Fallen is a upcoming MMORPG with a lot of the Everquest developers and has [the Enchanter](https://www.pantheonmmo.com/classes/enchanter/ "the Enchanter") as one of the playable classes.


Yes, thank you very much! This at least looks promising. I appreciate it. At the very least I really need to get my mind off this game and try something else. Just need to get my friends on board.

Edit: Mmm, may see how the balance patch is implemented first.

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Wish they would have done something different reworking Evasive Mirror instead of slapping a 10s icd on top of conditional "on evade"... It's too convoluted to predict and is just going to end up being "luck" relfects that may or may not be influential in a fight. Way to make a trait useless.


And the changing all manipulations to superspeed is kind of lame/unimaginitive. Not happy about this one, they could have done far better.

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_EDIT FROM THE MODERATION TEAM: the moderated quoted comment was removed_


They should buff the confusion stacks on it. Like it's supposed to be a huge condi bomb skill so I get why everyone got annoyed by the power damage on it. But if it's a condi bomb... where's the condi bomb? Like you're going to get what 3k confusion damage against a player max if all the stacks land and they use 3 skills before the duration runs out.


Also rapid fire has a true range of about 2,000 because of how projectiles arc.


Edit: They killed Incissor.

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I did read most of page 1 but didn't bother reading page 2. Without adressing anyone I'll just leave my thoughts on the changes:


* No change to PvE chrono. I guess that means no nerfs *yaaay

* Mirage in PvE either nerfed or changed we'll see.

* Scepter nerf is the right thing to do. It may be a bit overboard. 33% would have been enough I think. It was beyond broken tbh.

* The fact that the CC durations have been increased baseline is great imo. The builds which relied on Confounding suggestions will still be able to chain-CC.

* Counfounding suggestions change is interesting. I like the stun on F3 to be back and the balance is kept so you don't have a instant stun on the mantra. Good Job.

* Blinding Dissipation: The wording implies this will actually stack 4 times blindness as it states "every tsrget it strikes". If not this will gut the shatter mirage in PvE which I would hate. I have a bad feeling about our blindness sources becoming too low for Ineptitude to be a viable option. I will however miss my on demand blind while stomping.

* Flow of Time & Seize the Moment are good QoL changes. Me Gusta. Seize the Moment will still be inferior in grandmaster.

* Master of Manipulation is an amazing change imo. Superspeed is great and I guess this will push me back into chaos for WvW.

* Mass Invisibility: It needed a buff. Does anyone know the underwater cast time, I'm at my parent's house for a few days so I can't check ingame. all below 1s would be amazing. The cooldown decrease is great and the removal of the anti-synergy makes this skill once again really good imo. Can't wait to go PU again :)

* Evasive Mirror: Same as scepter. Had it coming. It's still possible to.gai 20% reflection uptime. It was just broken before.


All in all I can understand the ppl who cry as we now no longer have a viable main hand weapon for power builds in WvW. Sword has been lacking damage for a while now and Scepter has just been removed as a power weapon. Sadly as a WvW mesmer I am required to run at least focus and most of the time I'll be running shield as well so I am stuck with two bad weapons in my main hand. I can only hope for the future.

Anyways I think we'll figure something out. We'll still be good as gWell/Veil/IoL bots :)

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> @"Me Games Ma.8426" said:

> I did read most of page 1 but didn't bother reading page 2. Without adressing anyone I'll just leave my thoughts on the changes:


> * No change to PvE chrono. I guess that means no nerfs *yaaay

> * Mirage in PvE either nerfed or changed we'll see.

> * Scepter nerf is the right thing to do. It may be a bit overboard. 33% would have been enough I think. It was beyond broken tbh.

> * The fact that the CC durations have been increased baseline is great imo. The builds which relied on Confounding suggestions will still be able to chain-CC.

> * Counfounding suggestions change is interesting. I like the stun on F3 to be back and the balance is kept so you don't have a instant stun on the mantra. Good Job.

> * Blinding Dissipation: The wording implies this will actually stack 4 times blindness as it states "every tsrget it strikes". If not this will gut the shatter mirage in PvE which I would hate. I have a bad feeling about our blindness sources becoming too low for Ineptitude to be a viable option. I will however miss my on demand blind while stomping.

> * Flow of Time & Seize the Moment are good QoL changes. Me Gusta. Seize the Moment will still be inferior in grandmaster.

> * Master of Manipulation is an amazing change imo. Superspeed is great and I guess this will push me back into chaos for WvW.

> * Mass Invisibility: It needed a buff. Does anyone know the underwater cast time, I'm at my parent's house for a few days so I can't check ingame. all below 1s would be amazing. The cooldown decrease is great and the removal of the anti-synergy makes this skill once again really good imo. Can't wait to go PU again :)

> * Evasive Mirror: Same as scepter. Had it coming. It's still possible to.gai 20% reflection uptime. It was just broken before.


> All in all I can understand the ppl who cry as we now no longer have a viable main hand weapon for power builds in WvW. Sword has been lacking damage for a while now and Scepter has just been removed as a power weapon. Sadly as a WvW mesmer I am required to run at least focus and most of the time I'll be running shield as well so I am stuck with two bad weapons in my main hand. I can only hope for the future.

> Anyways I think we'll figure something out. We'll still be good as gWell/Veil/IoL bots :)


1¼ second activation underwater instead of 1¾ second ground activation.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Me Games Ma.8426" said:

> > I did read most of page 1 but didn't bother reading page 2. Without adressing anyone I'll just leave my thoughts on the changes:

> >

> > * No change to PvE chrono. I guess that means no nerfs *yaaay

> > * Mirage in PvE either nerfed or changed we'll see.

> > * Scepter nerf is the right thing to do. It may be a bit overboard. 33% would have been enough I think. It was beyond broken tbh.

> > * The fact that the CC durations have been increased baseline is great imo. The builds which relied on Confounding suggestions will still be able to chain-CC.

> > * Counfounding suggestions change is interesting. I like the stun on F3 to be back and the balance is kept so you don't have a instant stun on the mantra. Good Job.

> > * Blinding Dissipation: The wording implies this will actually stack 4 times blindness as it states "every tsrget it strikes". If not this will gut the shatter mirage in PvE which I would hate. I have a bad feeling about our blindness sources becoming too low for Ineptitude to be a viable option. I will however miss my on demand blind while stomping.

> > * Flow of Time & Seize the Moment are good QoL changes. Me Gusta. Seize the Moment will still be inferior in grandmaster.

> > * Master of Manipulation is an amazing change imo. Superspeed is great and I guess this will push me back into chaos for WvW.

> > * Mass Invisibility: It needed a buff. Does anyone know the underwater cast time, I'm at my parent's house for a few days so I can't check ingame. all below 1s would be amazing. The cooldown decrease is great and the removal of the anti-synergy makes this skill once again really good imo. Can't wait to go PU again :)

> > * Evasive Mirror: Same as scepter. Had it coming. It's still possible to.gai 20% reflection uptime. It was just broken before.

> >

> > All in all I can understand the ppl who cry as we now no longer have a viable main hand weapon for power builds in WvW. Sword has been lacking damage for a while now and Scepter has just been removed as a power weapon. Sadly as a WvW mesmer I am required to run at least focus and most of the time I'll be running shield as well so I am stuck with two bad weapons in my main hand. I can only hope for the future.

> > Anyways I think we'll figure something out. We'll still be good as gWell/Veil/IoL bots :)


> 1¼ second activation underwater instead of 1¾ second ground activation.


Thanks. That is ok. I'll take the buff :)

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