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Upcoming balance patch changes - does ANet not know what to do with Guardian anymore?


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This update focuses primarily on tuning up core guardian skills and traits that haven't aged very well. Mace skill improvements and some fixes to how torch skills interact with the Radiant Fire trait should help these aspects of guardians fit in better with new specialization options. We're also extending ground-targeting functionality to all spirit weapons to give players more precise control.


**Hammer Chain Skills**: Adjusted attack animations and damage to get a smoother attack sequence. The full attack chain is slightly faster with less damage, resulting in a small increase in overall damage per second.


**Faithful Strike**: Lowered the full casting time by 0.3 seconds. Increased damage by 10%. Lowered healing slightly.

Symbol of Faith: Increased damage by 30%.


**Protector's Strike**: This skill now uses full-body animation for the finishing strike, even while the player is moving. The recovery animation is now shortened if an attack is not blocked. If this skill does not block an attack, it fully charges Virtue of Justice.


**Zealot's Flame**: This skill now displays an effect when it pulses to show the effective radius.


**Zealot's Fire:** This skill now uses the ammunition system. The Radiant Fire trait now adds 1 cast to the skill if it triggers while Zealot's Flame is active.

Spirit Weapons: These skills are now all ground-targeted while the player is on land.


**Shield of the Avenger:** Reduced the range from 1,200 to 900. Reduced the explosion radius from 1,200 to 360. Reduced the projectile speed by 25%. Added missing skill facts for shield radius and explosion radius.


**Hammer of Wisdom**: Updated the tooltip to display the sink effect instead of the knockdown effect while underwater. Fixed an issue in which the sink duration was 1 second instead of 2 seconds.


**Right-Hand Strength**: This trait no longer gives a flat critical-hit chance. Instead it gives an additional 80 precision, plus an additional 80 power while wielding a one-handed weapon.

Zealot's Defense: Damage has been increased by 50% in PvE only. Fixed a bug that caused some visual effects to display on the player when enemies were hit.

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That really seems to be the case overall, particularly when you compare the amount of work that was put into the other classes and their elites (of which not a single one of the guardian elites was even discussed let alone modified), granted we got a few crumbs in the sense of the ground targeting on the spirit weapons and a few other things but we have been asking for the ground targeting on them since shortly after they did rework in Aug 2017. I am totally at a lose as to why the Guardian has left to languish by comparison to the other classes

Overall I'll wait until the patch is released to see what the numbers are like etc but presently I'm very unimpressed(which has been the case for about the last 4 balance patches at least).

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I would kind of get it if we came even close to being a dominating force in PvP but we aren't even remotely Meta in PvP , and I doubt we are a first choice for a Raid(heck we are probably luck to get in any more to many other classes can out shine us and do what we do better) the only reason we are strong in WvW is convenience more than overall strength. I really love to understand their hesitancy to do any modification to the guardian like they have on some many of the other classes

Oh yes and did you notice the "lesser" change to the skills that destroyed missiles now just block them instead I'm not 100% sure if the destroyed missiles worked against the attacks that were "Unblockable" but if it did, well thats blown out of the water as a defense against Unblockable and it just made Unblockable even more powerful.

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> @"RUNICBLACK.7630" said:

> That really seems to be the case overall, particularly when you compare the amount of work that was put into the other classes and their elites (of which not a single one of the guardian elites was even discussed let alone modified), granted we got a few crumbs in the sense of the ground targeting on the spirit weapons and a few other things but we have been asking for the ground targeting on them since shortly after they did rework in Aug 2017. I am totally at a lose as to why the Guardian has left to languish by comparison to the other classes

> Overall I'll wait until the patch is released to see what the numbers are like etc but presently I'm very unimpressed(which has been the case for about the last 4 balance patches at least).


you want improvements to firebrand????


meta in wvw hybrid damage, or full support

meta in pvp full support

meta in raids harrier healer or quickbrand

meta in fracs harrier healer or quickbrand



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> @"RUNICBLACK.7630" said:

> I am totally at a lose as to why the Guardian has left to languish by comparison to the other classes


This is not guardian-exclusive. Balance patches usually focus on reworking 2-3 specs and offering lighter changes to everything else. Take a look at the engineer: Scrapper was reworked last patch, but now the profession got almost nothing. Seriously, check their tiny amount of notes in this patch: half of them are bug fixes. Likewise, elementalists got almost nothing last time, but they're getting a few meaty daggers skill reworks now.


Warrior's Berserker and Revenant's Core + Support were the big stars of this patch, with Elementalist being a (distant) third. Those also happen to be the specs that most needed help. Core revenant and core elementalist are the two worst non-elite-spec professions at the moment, and Berserker the worst elite spec. Anet had their priorities right.


Even so, considering that Guardian wasn't the focus of this patch, it still received better treatment than most other professions did. We've got a meaty collection of buffs or QoL changes. Pve sword, all mace skills, streamlined hammer AA chain, streamlined torch gameplay and spirit hammer no longer having retarded automated targeting.

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Just curious your saying that the Firebrand doesn't get out shown by any other class in everyone of those? And I would honestly like to know how players that consistently run any type of Guardian that are top tiers of PvP (without running Duo and I'm not talking about a one off for one season only) I'm not saying there aren't any but I would like an actual idea of how many can consistently hold tier 2 Plat or higher. It's not that we can't play Fracs or the other formats but I am saying that while they continue to do work to improve the other classes the Guardian and it's elites have been sitting idle or worse( seriously look at the last three balance patches and for all their talk of increasing and improving the Guardian's build diversity there really was little to nothing in the way of improvements).

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IF there was a balance patch focused on Guardians, FB would be the last aspect I would want them to touch. It certainly doesn't need attention because it's underpowered, that's for sure. It's got nothing to do with what other classes outshine this thing or that. These class changes are driven by theme, not relative class performance.


As for the changes themselves ... a little strange ... but another nod to the fact that Radiance is not working as they want and the fact that Anet LOVES the spirit weapon concept. Everyone still sending prayers to get RI back to 50%?


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You do understand that the change to Right Handed Strength actually comes down losing the equivalent of 300 points in precision(15% critical chance increase) and getting 80 points instead plus and additional 80 points to power if your using a one handed weapon, this is just like the so called buff on the last patch which took away the flat 200 bonus to concentration no matter what weapon you were using and replaced with a flat bonus of 120 to concentration and only getting the additional 120 bonus if you were using the staff, actually this is much worse than the Honorable Staff was because you are not recovering the lost damage potential from your loss to critical chance(which the fury you got from Symbol of Blades synergized really well) is in no way made up for by the 80 points to power.


Ok yes I will be happy with the ground targeting as for the rest those will be a wait and see as to what the numbers turn out to be and I fully understand that cycles with regard to the ups and downs of changes to the various classes but with all due respect the guardian has been on the downward portion of that cycle for far to long and I have been playing since Beta and I have and do play every class. Don't take my word for it look at the history of each of the skills and traits and look in detail at all of the past balance patches I'm not saying that they are singling out the guardian ( that would be ridiculous) but it seem that they are unsure of what to do with the class as it stands

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Well, mace AA change and SW being ground targetable. To a much lesser extent Zealots defense. Everything else has no impact on the game what so ever.


But lets go in details:


_Hammer Chain Skills: Adjusted attack animations and damage to get a smoother attack sequence. The full attack chain is slightly faster with less damage, resulting in a small increase in overall damage per second.


Who cares? This is not going to make the weapon viable in PvP or PvE.


_Faithful Strike: Lowered the full casting time by 0.3 seconds. Increased damage by 10%. Lowered healing slightly._


Very good may make the weapon more viable if the symbol.


_Symbol of Faith: Increased damage by 30%._


?! Seriously, Anet devs, please **STOP DOING RANDOM SHIT**. How the fuck is this supposed to be useful? I do not care if you buff the damage by 200%, without addressing the cast time it is pointless.


_Protector's Strike: This skill now uses full-body animation for the finishing strike, even while the player is moving. The recovery animation is now shortened if an attack is not blocked. If this skill does not block an attack, it fully charges Virtue of Justice.


Not sure. Does not change much. Fully charging VoJ?!! Was that another random roll of dice?


_Zealot's Flame: This skill now displays an effect when it pulses to show the effective radius._


Cool. Never really had an issue with this, but quality if life improvements are always nice.


_Zealot's Fire: This skill now uses the ammunition system. The Radiant Fire trait now adds 1 cast to the skill if it triggers while Zealot's Flame is active._


Not sure if this is a buff or a nerf or even an improvement. Again, I never had issues with Zealots flame, since it was last updated. Will see


_Spirit Weapons: These skills are now all ground-targeted while the player is on land._


Highly requested. Best change this patch.


_Shield of the Avenger: Reduced the range from 1,200 to 900. Reduced the explosion radius from 1,200 to 360. Reduced the projectile speed by 25%. Added missing skill facts for shield radius and explosion radius._


Not really sure. No one uses this skill for a good reason. Nothing changed here?


Hammer of Wisdom: Updated the tooltip to display the sink effect instead of the knockdown effect while underwater. Fixed an issue in which the sink duration was 1 second instead of 2 seconds._




_Right-Hand Strength: This trait no longer gives a flat critical-hit chance. Instead it gives an additional 80 precision, plus an additional 80 power while wielding a one-handed weapon._


Critical Chance increases by 1% for every 21 Precision. So, all condi builds in all game modes roughly lost 10% critic chance for 80 power. This is probably a bigger nerf to FB in PvE than last balance patch buff (dunno if that was intended). Also, no one, under any condition, uses this trait with a power builds, and all 2 handed weapons (except staff, support) are power builds so... **RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR STRIKES AGAIN**. Way too many times in this patch...


_Zealot's Defense: Damage has been increased by 50% in PvE only. Fixed a bug that caused some visual effects to display on the player when enemies were hit._


Good change. The suggested was 100% in PvE to put sword between GS (cleave) and scepter (single target). Not enough.


Maybe in 50 patches something other than FB will be PvP viable. This is garbage, considering that the last 3 patches eliminated mostly everything but FB from PvP. The changes have almost no impact on hammer effectiveness in any game mode. Mace, also is not going to be viable as a bruiser weapon. I do not want to assume that SoJ and HoW are not PvP viable without testing them, with ground targeting (considering it I suggested the change before). As for the entertainment factor, I think Anet out done themselves. Too many changes that seem to be inspired by April fools.


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> IF there was a balance patch focused on Guardians, FB would be the last aspect I would want them to touch. It certainly doesn't need attention because it's underpowered, that's for sure. It's got nothing to do with what other classes outshine this thing or that. These class changes are driven by theme, not relative class performance.


> As for the changes themselves ... a little strange ... but another nod to the fact that Radiance is not working as they want and the fact that Anet LOVES the spirit weapon concept. Everyone still sending prayers to get RI back to 50%?



FB needs nerfs in PvP.


You are the only one who mentioned RI in this thread lol?! Is this trolling initiation fail B)

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> @"otto.5684" said:


> _Zealot's Fire: This skill now uses the ammunition system. The Radiant Fire trait now adds 1 cast to the skill if it triggers while Zealot's Flame is active._


> Not sure if this is a buff or a nerf or even an improvement. Again, I never had issues with Zealots flame, since it was last updated. Will see


This currently has issues where the trait proccing while you're trying to use the skill can cause it to be really clunky. I'd imagine that the changes to making this use ammo would eliminate most of those issues.



> _Right-Hand Strength: This trait no longer gives a flat critical-hit chance. Instead it gives an additional 80 precision, plus an additional 80 power while wielding a one-handed weapon._


> Critical Chance increases by 1% for every 21 Precision. So, all condi builds in all game modes roughly lost 10% critic chance for 80 power. This is probably a bigger nerf to FB in PvE than last balance patch buff (dunno if that was intended). Also, no one, under any condition, uses this trait with a power builds, and all 2 handed weapons (except staff, support) are power builds so... **RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR STRIKES AGAIN**. Way too many times in this patch...


The previous iteration was 15% crit ONLY for the 1-3 skills. You did not get that benefit on your OH, tome skills, virutes or utility skills. The new version should apply to ALL of your skills instead of just 3 of them. This also alleviates the annoyance of trying to gear around 15% precision that only works for your 1h weapons. As for the power level of the trait, it is in line with other similar weapon traits at the adept level (Ferocious Strikes, Dagger Training).

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> @"Knox.8962" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> >

> > _Zealot's Fire: This skill now uses the ammunition system. The Radiant Fire trait now adds 1 cast to the skill if it triggers while Zealot's Flame is active._

> >

> > Not sure if this is a buff or a nerf or even an improvement. Again, I never had issues with Zealots flame, since it was last updated. Will see


> This currently has issues where the trait proccing while you're trying to use the skill can cause it to be really clunky. I'd imagine that the changes to making this use ammo would eliminate most of those issues.


> >

> > _Right-Hand Strength: This trait no longer gives a flat critical-hit chance. Instead it gives an additional 80 precision, plus an additional 80 power while wielding a one-handed weapon._

> >

> > Critical Chance increases by 1% for every 21 Precision. So, all condi builds in all game modes roughly lost 10% critic chance for 80 power. This is probably a bigger nerf to FB in PvE than last balance patch buff (dunno if that was intended). Also, no one, under any condition, uses this trait with a power builds, and all 2 handed weapons (except staff, support) are power builds so... **RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR STRIKES AGAIN**. Way too many times in this patch...


> The previous iteration was 15% crit ONLY for the 1-3 skills. You did not get that benefit on your OH, tome skills, virutes or utility skills. The new version should apply to ALL of your skills instead of just 3 of them. This also alleviates the annoyance of trying to gear around 15% precision that only works for your 1h weapons. As for the power level of the trait, it is in line with other similar weapon traits at the adept level (Ferocious Strikes, Dagger Training).


I am pretty certain the value of 15% crit chance on skills 1-3 (particularly the AA) far outweighs the tomes and utilities power damage. Also, OH, you mean torch 4 throw? This is the only skill this impacts, since none of the other OH weapons are used in PvE. Same as well for 2 handed weapons. None of them are used in condi builds and the trait is only used on condi builds.


It is a nerf to condi builds in PvE no matter which angle you look at it. And it does not open any alternatives, under any build, in any game mode. If that was intended, that's fine. If not, then Anet devs... are just out to lunch.

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Guardian and random changes no one asked for - name a more iconic duo


I guess this time the dice landed on spirit weapons again. Its funny because making them ground targetted without additional changes is going to make them worse, considering the long delay from when you cast until the first hit actually lands combined with the small radius. At least shield might be usefu- oh wait, they nerfed it LUL

![](https://i.imgur.com/UzyruwC.jpg "")


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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"Knox.8962" said:

> > > @"otto.5684" said:

> > >

> > > _Zealot's Fire: This skill now uses the ammunition system. The Radiant Fire trait now adds 1 cast to the skill if it triggers while Zealot's Flame is active._

> > >

> > > Not sure if this is a buff or a nerf or even an improvement. Again, I never had issues with Zealots flame, since it was last updated. Will see

> >

> > This currently has issues where the trait proccing while you're trying to use the skill can cause it to be really clunky. I'd imagine that the changes to making this use ammo would eliminate most of those issues.

> >

> > >

> > > _Right-Hand Strength: This trait no longer gives a flat critical-hit chance. Instead it gives an additional 80 precision, plus an additional 80 power while wielding a one-handed weapon._

> > >

> > > Critical Chance increases by 1% for every 21 Precision. So, all condi builds in all game modes roughly lost 10% critic chance for 80 power. This is probably a bigger nerf to FB in PvE than last balance patch buff (dunno if that was intended). Also, no one, under any condition, uses this trait with a power builds, and all 2 handed weapons (except staff, support) are power builds so... **RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR STRIKES AGAIN**. Way too many times in this patch...

> >

> > The previous iteration was 15% crit ONLY for the 1-3 skills. You did not get that benefit on your OH, tome skills, virutes or utility skills. The new version should apply to ALL of your skills instead of just 3 of them. This also alleviates the annoyance of trying to gear around 15% precision that only works for your 1h weapons. As for the power level of the trait, it is in line with other similar weapon traits at the adept level (Ferocious Strikes, Dagger Training).


> I am pretty certain the value of 15% crit chance on skills 1-3 (particularly the AA) far outweighs the tomes and utilities power damage. Also, OH, you mean torch 4 throw? This is the only skill this impacts, since none of the other OH weapons are used in PvE. Same as well for 2 handed weapons. None of them are used in condi builds and the trait is only used on condi builds.


> It is a nerf to condi builds in PvE no matter which angle you look at it. And it does not open any alternatives, under any build, in any game mode. If that was intended, that's fine. If not, then Anet devs... are just out to lunch.


The 15% on MH skills effects 11% of your total DPS for a condi FB build. The other 7% of your non-condi damage would have previously gained no benefit.


If you apply the 160 total stats to all 18% of the power damage now, it ends up being about a 0.17% DPS loss overall. Basically no net change.

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> @"Knox.8962" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > @"Knox.8962" said:

> > > > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > >

> > > > _Zealot's Fire: This skill now uses the ammunition system. The Radiant Fire trait now adds 1 cast to the skill if it triggers while Zealot's Flame is active._

> > > >

> > > > Not sure if this is a buff or a nerf or even an improvement. Again, I never had issues with Zealots flame, since it was last updated. Will see

> > >

> > > This currently has issues where the trait proccing while you're trying to use the skill can cause it to be really clunky. I'd imagine that the changes to making this use ammo would eliminate most of those issues.

> > >

> > > >

> > > > _Right-Hand Strength: This trait no longer gives a flat critical-hit chance. Instead it gives an additional 80 precision, plus an additional 80 power while wielding a one-handed weapon._

> > > >

> > > > Critical Chance increases by 1% for every 21 Precision. So, all condi builds in all game modes roughly lost 10% critic chance for 80 power. This is probably a bigger nerf to FB in PvE than last balance patch buff (dunno if that was intended). Also, no one, under any condition, uses this trait with a power builds, and all 2 handed weapons (except staff, support) are power builds so... **RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR STRIKES AGAIN**. Way too many times in this patch...

> > >

> > > The previous iteration was 15% crit ONLY for the 1-3 skills. You did not get that benefit on your OH, tome skills, virutes or utility skills. The new version should apply to ALL of your skills instead of just 3 of them. This also alleviates the annoyance of trying to gear around 15% precision that only works for your 1h weapons. As for the power level of the trait, it is in line with other similar weapon traits at the adept level (Ferocious Strikes, Dagger Training).

> >

> > I am pretty certain the value of 15% crit chance on skills 1-3 (particularly the AA) far outweighs the tomes and utilities power damage. Also, OH, you mean torch 4 throw? This is the only skill this impacts, since none of the other OH weapons are used in PvE. Same as well for 2 handed weapons. None of them are used in condi builds and the trait is only used on condi builds.

> >

> > It is a nerf to condi builds in PvE no matter which angle you look at it. And it does not open any alternatives, under any build, in any game mode. If that was intended, that's fine. If not, then Anet devs... are just out to lunch.


> The 15% on MH skills effects 11% of your total DPS for a condi FB build. The other 7% of your non-condi damage would have previously gained no benefit.


> If you apply the 160 total stats to all 18% of the power damage now, it ends up being about a 0.17% DPS loss overall. Basically no net change.


That sounds good. It still lowers the damage on some builds, but most of them are not competitive, so that is neither here nor there.


> @"FtoPScrub.5476" said:

> Guardian and random changes no one asked for - name a more iconic duo


> I guess this time the dice landed on spirit weapons again. Its funny because making them ground targetted without additional changes is going to make them worse, considering the long delay from when you cast until the first hit actually lands combined with the small radius. At least shield might be usefu- oh wait, they nerfed it LUL

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/UzyruwC.jpg "")



The ground targeting of SW is surely a buff in every game mode. This skills never manage to hit anything in PvP. At least now you can apply them to where you anticipate the target will be.


The shield, I do not get.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > IF there was a balance patch focused on Guardians, FB would be the last aspect I would want them to touch. It certainly doesn't need attention because it's underpowered, that's for sure. It's got nothing to do with what other classes outshine this thing or that. These class changes are driven by theme, not relative class performance.

> >

> > As for the changes themselves ... a little strange ... but another nod to the fact that Radiance is not working as they want and the fact that Anet LOVES the spirit weapon concept. Everyone still sending prayers to get RI back to 50%?

> >


> FB needs nerfs in PvP.


> You are the only one who mentioned RI in this thread lol?! Is this trolling initiation fail B)


Just heading it off at the pass ... Someone is going to QQ about the crit rate change on 1H precision ... I expect it's the same people that think RI @ 50% is reasonable too. What I like about this patch is that IIRC, i predicted more Radiance trait changes of the same nature. Funny, lots of people thought that was crazy.



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Shield of the Avenger: Reduced the range from 1,200 to 900. Reduced the explosion radius from 1,200 to 360. Reduced the projectile speed by 25%. Added missing skill facts for shield radius and explosion radius.


Nobody uses this anyway. Guardians already have tons of skills that reflect and block projectiles. They should rework this into something different. Such as....apply aegis every 2 seconds in the area? But increase the cooldown.

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Great changes but not consequential ones.


I dont really see this as new possibility for sword in PvE and Spirit Weps would need some testing in pvp to see how it works.


Changes to mace are great for players that use them in PvP but for anyone else it meh.


Not sure how i feel about right hand strenght changes. It seems like a drastic change to go from 15% to cca 4%. But then again crit chance isnt really a problem for guardian.


I am curious about the new dps output of sword+torch. This is the second patch in the row that torch got a buff so combined with new sword dps it might actually be a decent combo. But someone with better math skills could answer that better

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I am just disappointed that no buffs to DH or it's Longbow. Overall these changes seem like +/- 0.


@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" Listen, enough with the SW changes. These changes may finally bring them up to par but I believe I speak for every Guardian when I say that we're rather tired of seeing these instead of other utilities that need serious help as well. Consecrations and Shouts come to mind.

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The modification to Combo effects with regard to Dark Aura really leaves me wondering about why they also didn't revisit Light Aura , where DA now gives 5 seconds of 20% damage reduction versus Condition Damage plus 2 seconds of Torment to an attacker when you are struck( with a one second cool down per attacker) but with Light Aura (from a leap finisher also) you gain Retaliation with a one second cool down and only gain a 10% damage reduction versus Condition Damage, why the difference , if anything the one giving Torment should be lower on damage reduction because the Torment can stack in intensity where as the Retaliation can only stack in duration with a limit of 5 .

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Along with the hit to Right Handed Strength did anyone else notice the bonus to Pack Alpha where it now also gives an additional 150 points to Condition Damage when it already gave that to Power, Precision, Toughness and Vitality which of course then rolls right over to the Soul Beast when they are bonded I mean REALLY!!!! This is a Adept Minor trait its giving 750 points over all and there isn't a time limit or a boon they have to keep up like with our Imbued Haste and there they did a split between PvE and PvP/WvW but they don't even blink an eye over buffing Soulbeast which is already abusively overpowered when you look at how often they can use Unblockable attacks.

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> @"RUNICBLACK.7630" said:

> Along with the hit to Right Handed Strength did anyone else notice the bonus to Pack Alpha where it now also gives an additional 150 points to Condition Damage when it already gave that to Power, Precision, Toughness and Vitality which of course then rolls right over to the Soul Beast when they are bonded I mean REALLY!!!! This is a Adept Minor trait its giving 750 points over all and there isn't a time limit or a boon they have to keep up like with our Imbued Haste and there they did a split between PvE and PvP/WvW but they don't even blink an eye over buffing Soulbeast which is already abusively overpowered when you look at how often they can use Unblockable attacks.


I am pretty certain none of the changes Anet are doing have anything to do with class balance. It’s more, “ohh look this skill would be cool if it did X or Y.” Anet devs where we could randomly buff some random core skills!


Example, mace needed buffs, but these buffs are not measured (significantly insufficient) and guardian has major fundamental issues that prevent it from being competitive outside of FB, including mobility, HP pool, lack of controlling skills and sustainability issues. Mace buff surely does not solve them, or even stand on its own as a bruiser weapons, after the buff.


It’s just random crap from clueless devs. Do not try to logic with it, cuz there is none behind it.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> It’s just random kitten from clueless devs. Do not try to logic with it, cuz there is none behind it.


Well, there is logic behind it ... they balance according to theme and what they want the class to do. It's not the logic you want to see, but that's what it is ... and it's always been that way as well, so expecting anything else is unreasonable.

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