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A problem without solution for years


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Since the appearance of the lucky essences, the problem of its use has not been solved after reaching 300%. It is disrespectful to the players that this has not been solved, even more so when we have proposed measures such as the essences being a material of craftsmanship, that there is a merchant to exchange essences of luck for other objects or that there is a scale exponential to reach 400 or 500%.

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> @"onio.6403" said:

> Since the appearance of the lucky essences, the problem of its use has not been solved after reaching 300%. It is disrespectful to the players that this has not been solved, even more so when we have proposed measures such as the essences being a material of craftsmanship, that there is a merchant to exchange essences of luck for other objects or that there is a scale exponential to reach 400 or 500%.


There is a sink now actually, during Lunar New Year.

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It would be interesting to know how many people as a percent of the actively playing population has maxed out magic find. GW2efficiency doesn’t have magic find listed but it does have luck listed under progression and according to it, 99% of players registered with that site have less than 3000 luck (429,550 luck is needed to reach 300%). I suspect the % of players with max magic find is low.


As a comment, I don’t have maxed magic find but I’m not far away from it.

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I’m here from the start now and sometimes with breaks now reaching 281% I’m not someone who farmed extremely but when I play a lot and farm it’s 1% mf a day otherwise it’s around 4 days or 5 days.


I guess the maxed out topic will be very popular a few months later when the mid frequent player reach the max.


I have no idea why anet always put stuff in the game and thinks later about a sink.

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This has come up before (and will come up again). And the conversation is roughly the same. As it turns out, ANet has said that they agree that there's an issue, not so much with the lack of a sink but with the fact that luck is used as a reward for so many things.


As others have noted, this year, Drooburt accepted luck essences during Lunar New Year (around January-February each year) and there's no limit to how much he takes. 1000 points = 8 [red festival lanterns](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Red_Festival_Lantern), i.e. ~1.4 silver per exotic essence.

(One just has to save them up and wait for LNY.)

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The sink people keep mentioning happens once a year for a couple of weeks, you salvage luck everyday, Anet should have realized long ago, this would eventually be a problem, they could have easily made the MF slow down after 300% but they decided to cap it, to appease a few people who love caps ( think daily AP )


In a game that never stops, caps are a bad thing, Anet should increase the cap on MF to 500% and make it cost 180,000 luck per level, ( if they wanted to super slow it down, make it 1,000,000 luck per level ) this would massively slow it down, yet still make EoL viable for something.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I've been playing since launch (nearly every day, sans the few weeks when my old computer just couldn't handle it), and I'm at less than 200%.

> There are several recipes that use Luck; though, except for Guild items, not used that often, I suppose. And, as mentioned above, there's a sink now (during the Festival).


Pretty much the same here. Been playing since day 1, over 5,500 hours in total and I've only got 201% magic find, although I'm pretty close to 202% now.


I've just never worried about it. I never used equipment with magic find back when it was a normal stat, so when they changed it to the current system I didn't see any reason to go out of my way to get it up as quickly as possible, I just assumed it would happen eventually. (Maybe if I'd known I'd still be saying that almost 6 years later I might have reconsidered...but having realised it's been that long I'm still not planning to change my approach, so maybe not.)


Of course I'm not opposed to having other uses for luck, but as people have said there are other options once you hit maximum Magic Find. It wouldn't surprise me if they add more over time as more people get close to the cap...or maybe they'll rework the entire system again.

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> Anet should have realized long ago, this would eventually be a problem,

They did realize it long ago. They just don't like the alternatives.


> The sink people keep mentioning happens once a year for a couple of weeks, you salvage luck everyday,

That's far superior to what we used to have: no sink at all, all year round. Now, at most, you have to save luck for 11.5 months.


> they could have easily made the MF slow down after 300% but they decided to cap it,

That would have been one way to handle it. They don't seem to like the idea of a goal that people can't realistically reach.

Had they hired me in 2011 as I asked them to... I would have advised them to set up the curve so that the required luck for the final 25% increased exponentially, to the point at which 301% would cost more than all the essences theoretically possible in the game.


> to appease a few people who love caps ( think daily AP )

No one loves caps. No one. Caps are just a simple tool that address a variety of issues. There's no evidence (and even less likelihood) that ANet does anything to appease anyone with annoying mechanics that even they aren't fond of.



> In a game that never stops, caps are a bad thing, Anet should increase the cap on MF to 500% and make it cost 180,000 luck per level, ( if they wanted to super slow it down, make it 1,000,000 luck per level ) this would massively slow it down, yet still make EoL viable for something.

You'd destabilize the economy, and make the difference between being a veteran and being a newbie more extreme. That solves the issue of what to do with extra luck, while creating far, far worse problems with the rest of the game.


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Personally I like the idea of a luck eater which gives out minor buffs to other things, like Candy Corn Gobbler.


That would give an infinite use for luck for those who have reached the cap, but because similar buffs are available from other sources I think it's unlikely anyone would feel penalised for not putting their luck into it, or pressured to reach the cap as quickly as possible.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> It would be interesting to know how many people as a percent of the actively playing population has maxed out magic find. GW2efficiency doesn’t have magic find listed but it does have luck listed under progression and according to it, 99% of players registered with that site have less than 3000 luck (429,550 luck is needed to reach 300%). I suspect the % of players with max magic find is low.


> As a comment, I don’t have maxed magic find but I’m not far away from it.


Your interpretation on GW2efficiency's statistics is wrong. The datas shown are organized in percentiles.


The valid interpretation of those numbers would be : 99% of players are **above** 2590 luck. We can also see that 50% have above 392 955 luck, which is roughly at +140% of magic find. The total luck required for +300% is 4 295 450 and, according to GW2efficiency's statistics, a number of players between 1 and 10% are over that threshold. This is logical, considering that we can easily get 3k luck in one play session, and it is safe to assume that accounts registered on GW2efficiency generally have many more than one single play session.


It does mean however that you're right about the fact that accounts with max magic find are a minority.


Also, about the actual topic : we do not need to have a limitless purpose for absolutely everything, and eaters aren't necessary for every single ressource. Sometimes, you have reached the maximum you can gain from a specific ressource and it becomes worthless to you, and that's okay. Especially with luck since you gain it "on the side" when salvaging, and salvaging is profitable in itself, without considering the luck gained.

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I've had 300% for quite a while now.

It would be nice to have something useful to put it towards that has actual value (the Lunar Year stuff was pretty weak, in my opinion). I like the years old idea of being able to throw four stacks of 250 essence into the mystic forge and receiving a 24hour booster relative to the level of the stacks you put in:

Fine essence: 24hours +5% MF

Masterwork: 24hours +10% MF

Rare: 24hours +15% MF

Exotic: 24hours +20% MF


Functioning like the guild hall boosts, you can only have one type active at a time (no stacking of stacks of stacked stacks, etc.)

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> @"Neural.1824" said:

> It would be nice to have something useful to put it towards that has actual value

That right there is the problem: players that have capped magic find already have an advantage over those who don't by getting better loot (on average). Any aditional advantage you put behind luck increases the gap between the maxed and non-maxed players, making it harder to "catch up".

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Neural.1824" said:

> > It would be nice to have something useful to put it towards that has actual value

> That right there is the problem: players that have capped magic find already have an advantage over those who don't by getting better loot (on average). Any aditional advantage you put behind luck increases the gap between the maxed and non-maxed players, making it harder to "catch up".


The problem you are describing is that there are players who feel the need to "catch up" to other players that are ahead of them in a variety of metrics instead of just playing the game . . .


The problem the OP is describing is that there's this stuff we get from playing the game that we then have to delete or it clogs inv. I believe I've heard it referred to in the past as 'negative loot', stuff you get that is supposed to be a reward but actually decreases your enjoyment of the game . . .


From my perspective the LNY luck sink is fine as a solution. There are certainly better solutions out there, but it does solve the problem so this is pretty much a non-issue. At this point I'd rather they just improved on this solution -- allow us to use it year round and make converting luck to gold more efficient and less click-intensive -- than spend time and energy coming up with something else . . .

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Neural.1824" said:

> > It would be nice to have something useful to put it towards that has actual value

> That right there is the problem: players that have capped magic find already have an advantage over those who don't by getting better loot (on average). Any aditional advantage you put behind luck increases the gap between the maxed and non-maxed players, making it harder to "catch up".


They suggested putting in a Mystic Forge obtainable buff of 20% bonus magic find... That would hardly make it "harder for players to catch-up," especially since there *is* a cap, and as a player gets closer to the cap, they're seeing more of an advantage. Also, they could make the buff available to everyone, not just players who are capped. So I mean, yeah, it might take you longer to reach the cap if you're spending essences on this--but being able to pop 20% before events would be well worth it for uncapped players too.


All that said and done, I don't even see what's so wrong about people having this advantage... Even if magic find was a huge advantage (it's really not), it wouldn't exactly be an unfair concept to reward players for actually playing the game and give them chances at better loot than the super-casual. While a new player might be somewhat envious, they have to at least understand the work somebody put into obtaining that advantage over them... The flip side is how heartbreaking it is for somebody who does meta events everyday to see someone who doesn't really even play the game get an infusion or precursor while they got a handful of unidentifieds for the umpteenth time.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > There is a sink now actually, during Lunar New Year.

> >

> > ...that is absulotely useless to the player once they have reached its AP cap. :-1:


> Ah not true, you can get a few gold per stack of exotic luck by selling the junk item he gives you in exchange.


Really? Can't remember. Will test this next time. Thanks.

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You call that a problem?

I've always considered myself a player who grinds and yet my magic find is only around 240-250


While it may be annoying to drop luck, there is so much stuff we drop in bulk like dragonite ore


I think the best solution to your 'problem' is just try to ignore it

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> You call that a problem?

> I've always considered myself a player who grinds and yet my magic find is only around 240-250


> While it may be annoying to drop luck, there is so much stuff we drop in bulk like dragonite ore


> I think the best solution to your 'problem' is just try to ignore it



Those things you talk about (because you do not do it properly) already has several gift exchangers to solver the excess.

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> @"onio.6403" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > You call that a problem?

> > I've always considered myself a player who grinds and yet my magic find is only around 240-250

> >

> > While it may be annoying to drop luck, there is so much stuff we drop in bulk like dragonite ore

> >

> > I think the best solution to your 'problem' is just try to ignore it



> Those things you talk about (because you do not do it properly) already has several gift exchangers to solver the excess.


Those exchangers give rewards are often less valuable than the time it takes to drop them, though.

I usually keep collecting dragonite until the “store in bank” no longer works, and then I start dropping them until i’m not non-lazy enough to throw the 500 dragonite against Princess and drop the rest.


Similarly, if we get a consumer for luck, the rewards will probably be such that I’ll still consider just dropping the luck


PS, why was I not mentioning trash properly?

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> @"onio.6403" said:

> Since the appearance of the lucky essences, the problem of its use has not been solved after reaching 300%. It is disrespectful to the players that this has not been solved, even more so when we have proposed measures such as the essences being a material of craftsmanship, that there is a merchant to exchange essences of luck for other objects or that there is a scale exponential to reach 400 or 500%.


While I don't disagree with you and I can completely understand your point, aren't just a few % of the people at the magic find cap?

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> aren't just a few % of the people at the magic find cap?

Probably around 3.6-3.8% of all accounts have hit the cap. Over 16% of veterans have hit the cap.


* [stats from GW2 Efficiency](https://gw2efficiency.com/account/statistics/statistics.luck) (likely that those who are maxed are _over-represented_)

* 4 295 450 is required to max

* 1% of players have 4 986 660; 4% have 4 044 030; 3.5% have 4 320 280

* For veterans (defined as >4000 hours of playtime), it's closer to 16-17%

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