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I would love to see some new-old style dungeons!


I think Fractals are more like mini-farm-game without any special lore to current in-game events.


Raids? Meeeh, it's okay, but it's too hard for purely solo-gamer, who rarely PUGing on special occasion (Daily Fractals, Dungeons, Metas).


But honestly, I know, that making new dungeon with lore, cutscenes etc. are really time consuming, so I think it would be awesome to see some new World Bosses in Elona, LS3, HoT. From my programming and designing experience I think it will take smallest amount from all other options.

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> @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > @Fermi.2409 said:

> > I'd like more instanced content in general. I'm not huge on open world stuff, it's generally not really challenging and it's less repeatable then a good instance


> Yeah, this is my same issue. I'm surprised by the number of people indicating they prefer open world stuff.


It's because this game set itself apart - in content and initial marketing - from other MMOs through the nature and high quality of the open world experience. Many of us remember that and dislike the current trends toward less accessible instanced content.


It's passed time for Anet to go back to some of the core philosophies and ideals they had when the game first launched - back to what caused many of us to leave other MMOs for this game in the first place.


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> @Zaltys.7649 said:

> More focus on open world.

> GW2 started going downhill the day that raiding was introduced (despite the devs originally saying that there'll be no raiding). It spreads the dev resources too thin. I'd prefer it if they'd focus on making the core game great.


The raid team is only a small part of anet, so it's not really possible to claim that it "spreads resources thin"

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If the GW2 dungeons were like the old Guild Wars dungeons, I'd vote for more dungeons. But they aren't, so I won't. I mostly soloed (with my beloved heroes/henchies of doom, that is) the Guild Wars dungeons. Much fun was had. Not much fun has been had here with the GW2 dungeons, even back when there was a contingent of my guild that cared to run them occasionally. Maybe that should have been a PVE preference option: heroes. And not the mostly useless and un-gearable, un-buildable, un-here's some new duds for ya! Dragon Swatch goofballs. Ugh.

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> @Adenin.5973 said:

> > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > > @bOTEB.1573 said:

> > > The majority speaks, boys and girls.

> > >

> > > This is why PoF <<< HoT

> >

> > Except the majority doesn't think that.


> Yes, a majority thinks PoF is better than HoT. And while agree on that overall, this poll here shows clearly what PoF is lacking, even for those who think it's a good or at least a better expansion than the previous:


> Open World PvE content.


Oddly enough open world content is one of the areas wher PoF surpasses HoT in my opinion.

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> @Fermi.2409 said:

> > @Zaltys.7649 said:

> > More focus on open world.

> > GW2 started going downhill the day that raiding was introduced (despite the devs originally saying that there'll be no raiding). It spreads the dev resources too thin. I'd prefer it if they'd focus on making the core game great.


> The raid team is only a small part of anet, so it's not really possible to claim that it "spreads resources thin"


It is. Raid team is concepting and putting together raid content but they are using resources from other departments, like graphics, model designers, coders, sound team etc. Saying that raid content is just 5 people is simply wrong.

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I really wish they would invest time in sprucing up existing dungeons and creating a few new ones. In the first GW you had the Mission system that was very dungeon-like. It typically took a fair amount of time to complete and it was pretty cool from a lore point of view. Personally I tend to enjoy instanced content like dungeons that require you to put in a good bit of time. One thing I would really love to see brought back is the Fissure of Woe and Underworld from the first game. I can't tell you how many times I ran FOW and UW, it took time to complete fully and you really felt invested in your party working together well. It was also not crazy difficult to complete, you could pug it pretty easily if everyone knew what they were doing. It required a moderate level of skill that could be expected of most active players, so it felt more inclusive than raids. Not to mention you got pretty good drops like Obby shards and Ectos.

Speaking of rewards, I would really appreciate it if Anet stopped rewarding us with tons of garbage items that max out my inventory within an hour and instead rewarded us with fewer, more valuable items. Just my two cents. :pensive:

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I'd prefer an even split between all FOUR...


Open World content, is a staple in any MMO and absolutely must be fulfilling. GW2, unlike most MMOs, however, has made an open world experience that they can expand upon and even alter as time goes on to add more replay value to older zones when the need arises.


Traditional Dungeons, absolutely are a must. We NEED quality group content that can be completed as part of the leveling experience as well as consistently available as a form of endgame.


Fractals are an interesting addition, that adds to the identity of GW2. It'd be a crying shame to leave them to the wayside.


Raids... have become as much a stable in MMOs as Open World and Dungeons... as such they should receive the attention they deserve and not be left forgotten.

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I'd like an even split between dungeons, fractals and raids. But don't forget world bosses either.


I don't like how Anet just stopped making any dungeons. From what we've seen their raid & fractal team is more than capable of making good instanced group content.

Hell some of the living story instances are quite great. Just scale the last story instance per season for 5 man groups and tie some rewards to them (dungeon tokens) and there you go.


A dungeon / living story patch would add a decent amount of replayability to every patch other than just doing the s tory in 1h and be done with it. (and maybe up to 5h if you do achievements or get any other reward tied to the map.)


Dungeons are more long lasting thing.


And when it comes to open world content. We do need world bosses but there should be a balance.

Would be nice to have a dungeon every patch, a fractal every 2 patches, a world boss every 2 patches & raids coming every expansion cycle.


Edit: I don't understand how so many people prefer "auto attack & afk" open world content rather than something more engaging & fun.

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> @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > > > @andyMak.6985 said:

> > > > Open world content is better.. Bigger groups trains are fun and no kicking for your build or class choice

> > >

> > > I don't think the open world can simulate the same level of immersion and camaraderie that dungeons can, frankly. It's sort of an apples and oranges thing, though - the open world provides a different type of fun and I think the game needs both. I kind of wish I'd left it out of the survey so the focus of the conversation could have been the dev balance between fractals, raids, and dungeons.

> >

> > So you get an answer you don´t like and probably only added for giggles, and now you have to lie in the bed you made for yourself. Poetic, nice.^^

> >


> Maybe, I dunno, try to be a nice person?


If I have offended you, sorry. But maybe you can follow my path of thinking and also a little bit of my irony and sarcasm when I see someone who opens a poll with a general question for the course of a game changing his mind because he is surprised by the idea that the majority of people actually do not want to have instanced content in large parts at all.


And believe it or not, some years ago nearly nobody gave a foxtrott uniform charlie kilo about raiding in GW2. Fractals were fotm but you did not really need them. Dungeons went downhill with the new path for the nightmare court dungeon which is just a convoluted mess and takes too long for its own good.


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I prefer a more even split between the 3, where traditional dungeons expand on the side stories rather than that that is what raids do.


I can do raids I can go through the motions, but I don't have time nor do I want to have a timeslot for weekly raiding. I don't feel like I can be dedicated enough to any game if I feel that my hands are tied to "appointments" to people who I havent been playing with for the last decade.

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> @FrizzFreston.5290 said:

> I prefer a more even split between the 3, where traditional dungeons expand on the side stories rather than that that is what raids do.


> I can do raids I can go through the motions, but I don't have time nor do I want to have a timeslot for weekly raiding. I don't feel like I can be dedicated enough to any game if I feel that my hands are tied to "appointments" to people who I havent been playing with for the last decade.


^ This is me

I could do raids but I don't have the time to practice with a guild and I might not have time to raid on a weekly basis. More dungeons would be awesome though.

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I was torn between this answer and the 'I'd prefer more focus on open-world content' one.


I spend the vast majority of my time in GW2 (and all other games) doing open-world content, so that is definitely my priority for new content. But sometimes I do like doing group instances and Fractals is pretty much perfect for me since you can just do 1 if you don't have much time, or do more if you want to and you can pick the difficulty level. I haven't gotten around to trying raids yet but I like the idea of them, so I want to keep them too.


At the moment I feel like the balance is about right for me - lots of open-world stuff with periodic additions of instanced content.

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I don't know if I'd put a singular emphasis on this, but something I'd love to see are some additions to the Guild Missions along these lines:


Guild Expeditions:

Similar to the Bounty system, the guild is given a selection of INSTANCED targets that are raid-style but not raid level difficulty (we already have raids for that). This allows for more guild activities as well as potential for some cool new bosses. A good way to implement this would be to put it in the Guild Arena in guild halls so ANET doesn't need to create new instances for it.


Guild Strikes:

A new dungeon instance that Guilds may undertake in groups of 5-however many. Bosses may also be similar to bounty bosses in that they are randomly chosen and randomly assigned certain abilities to keep things fresh. So this is guild content, it is only accessible via a portal/upgrade in the guild hall (also could be used for some more guild progression?)


There is not enough guild-specific content in Guild Wars 2, and I'd love to see some more stuff thats available to guilds of all sizes

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Personally even though I love WvW I do not like when it's two massive blobs that just end up being "Run, Die, Repeat"...


I like a good camp, tower and the odd Stonemist/Keep run and really like simply roaming about capturing the odd sentry or camp and having one, or two, on one rumbles, reguardless of who ends up needing a revive... He jumps up and down on your cold body and next time you jump up and down on his so all's fair, apart from thieves and their sneeky perma hide, cut your arm off, perma hide. I shake my private parts at their aunties...


Dungeons were just a precurser to raids, sort of practice for the "real thing", as some would say...


Dislike Raids for it's insta "Kicked for being X" and the inherant profession snobery. The comments made on the few I have tried... well let's say even at my 60+ year old brain learnt some new words...


Liked fractals until they became mini raids...


Congrats though on making coreTryia such a great place to run anywhere and do what you please, and SO much better with gliding...


Guess we are all different with some, like me, taking the slow, almost laid back route - and others who just have to have an endgame at any cost... So, I suppose, I like things just the way they are and would not change the gameplay which, of course, will always be changing anyway...


But if I could change something it would be the players who think this is more than a game... That and "remove" any derogetary comment about build/gameplay/clothing/yo mama/etc... etc... (not between freinds though, cos a true friend will tell you you look like an idiot in that get up :-))



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