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Warrior Arc Divider is bugged.

Vieux P.1238

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > Ok i think i got why evade don't work. On my mesmer, f4 & eveades seems not anoth time to evade Arc divider. I think thief evades don't have that problem. Not tested yet, can't confirm. I can't record it cuz i dont have OBS installed. To much lag.

> >

> > If that's the case, you need to relab your dodge timing. As of March 2019, mirages now dodge for the same amount of time as other professions. (0.75 seconds.)

> > As you said, you always have distortion on F4 to cover any timing flubs.

> >

> >


> Yeah makes no sense to use dodge+f4 just to cover it all. Redundant & ridiculous.


If we are going to talk about things that are not right with the game its only fair that we bring up topics like

- Chrono mantra burst doing 20k+ damage from 900 range with a blink and or from stealth that should be culled from the game

- Mirages ability to dodge while the are under a crowd control effect

- Mesmers staff auto attack inflicting too many conditions for free because of its bouncing properties from not only the mesmer bit their clones as well.


After all we players who play other professions should not be using 2 dodges and other skills to avoid your burst from stealth or not be rewarded properly for landing our cc skills between your target breaks and evade frames.


If you think you cant dodge the berserker's burst dont take it on in combat.

Why is one of the classes with the most evades and invluns having a problem with this while other classes that have far less tools are not... could it be that this is a learning curve issue?


As other people have already pointed out you can

- blind the berserker

- blink away from the berserker

- dodge the berserker's attacks

- block them if they dont have unblockable signet on (it looks like a lil fist on the hud bar)

- stun or cc them as they are completely vulnerable while trying to burst you for the most part.


If you think your profession skill is not worth being used to avoid what could possibly be a fatal hit then i dont know what to tell you to be honest. You just dont want to play against it cause it knocked you down a few times faster than you are use to. Mesmers do this to me all the time on chrono builds and i dont like it yet those builds still exist. hmmmmm...

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> @"Velimere.7685" said:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/oWMk0JQ.png "")

> Arc Divider is fine, guys!


using the attack twice fast enough allows the number to stack to a total between 2 uses (can be done by using the zerker heal) likely on a build thats not realistic and would not be ran in pvp as you would be so soft that anything that looked at you would kill you before you got to enter zerker mode, this is unrealistic and you should provide video proof of a single use achieving these numbers ;)


So yes technically speaking arc divider is fine just thought i would throw that out there ;)


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Zdragon did some additional testing, and it looks like to get the 60k damage that is posted in that picture. you have to:


1. Run full glass (zerk amulet)

2. Run signet of might

3. Run frenzy

4. Run Blood Reckoning.

5. Run either zerker stance or land headbutt.

6. Burst, then immediately use Blood Reckoning and burst again after popping signet of might and frenzy.


.... so you burn your heal, all your cooldowns, on a glass build, for 60k damage, evadable, over close range.

This is literally the zerker variant of the chrono oneshot build or soulbeast 27k maul build with absolutely NO sustain AND a telegraph, over multiple attacks that are clearly visible.


Please provide context before trying to pass arc divider off as broken with a cropped screenshot. it makes you look like a kittenhole.


I've changed my mind on this. If you want to pull this from the game at this point, you need to pull chrono instaburst, Deadeye instaburst, Soulbeast instaburst and any other class that can shovel all of their utilities for one or two attacks that do ridiculous damage.

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > @"Opal.9324" said:

> > I had the feeling this would happen. Berserker finally becomes useful and now people want it nerfed right back down to uselessness.


> There is a wide gap between being useful and being dominant.


Considering what the berserker has to give up compared to spellbreaker, the fact that it can be kited, and the fact that only a stupidly glassy build that dies if you sneeze on it can get that kind of damage, I fail to see how this could be considered "dominant". Now, if they make the rest of berserker good, I don't care if they nerf arc divider's damage, but as it is now, that's all it really has going for it compared to core and spellbreaker. You nerf that without changing anything else and it's going to be even worse than it was before the rework.

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> Any sort of extremely high damage output is not good for the game. Same goes for extremely tanky builds too. What's the point? Let's get it in the middle where everyone can enjoy the game.


You mean like learn how to play your profession correctly? Don't be ridiculous. This is a **PvP forum** for **crying** out loud.

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> @"FyzE.3472" said:

> > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > Any sort of extremely high damage output is not good for the game. Same goes for extremely tanky builds too. What's the point? Let's get it in the middle where everyone can enjoy the game.


> You mean like learn how to play your profession correctly? Don't be ridiculous. This is a **PvP forum** for **crying** out loud.


Yeah. That good old, "you think my build is OP?". L2P issue mate ?

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> I love living in the world where "Berserker is absolute trash" and "Berserker is absolutely broken pls fix" can exist at the same time


easy to explain. it's good vs bad players and bad vs good players. just like warrior has always been only that berserker takes it to the next level.

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > @"Opal.9324" said:

> > I had the feeling this would happen. Berserker finally becomes useful and now people want it nerfed right back down to uselessness.


> There is a wide gap between being useful and being dominant.


Its anything but dominate you can literally cc the berserker to its death as soon as they enter zerker mode. Its happened to me several times and im running a build with more sustain and less damage. (defiant stance, blocks, balanced stance etc.)


If you want to talk dominate thats currently spell breaker, mirage, scourge, some soul beast builds, and possibly a good really good weaver player. Those are currently considered as dominate. Zerker hype will fall very quickly as soon as people learn that the best option is no to always run from the berserker once they enter zerk mode but some times fight them head on. Zerker is very VERY VERRRRY predictable now you know that when you see one their whole and only goal is to crush you once they enter zerker mode. This means you have time to shut them down before they enter if not then save some of your skills ( as they are not very strong outside of zerker mode) once they enter zerker mode move away or blind/ cc them.

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> I'm not singling out Berserker here. I meant any spec should not be able to hit that hard in one single hit. Nerf or not, I guess time will tell how it plays out.


Its not one single hit. Its three separate attacks that have a 1 3/4 channel time. Each attack is around 8k ish "IF" it crits. Its no op, the average gw2 player just has trouble dodging. In addition to being 3 separate attacks and 1 3/4 cast time its awfully telegraphed. It does much less damage than whirling wrath on guardian, but nobody complaining about that! Because its a old skill.


The pattern with a lot of gw2 players is like this:


Old: Silence

New: Complain and call for nerfs

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> I'm not singling out Berserker here. I meant any spec should not be able to hit that hard in _one single hit_. Nerf or not, I guess time will tell how it plays out.

> _Any sort of extremely high damage output_ is not good for the game. Same goes for extremely tanky builds too. What's the point? Let's get it in the middle where everyone can enjoy the game.


Arc Divider isn't a single hit though.


I agree with the core of this premise, but with the addition that the high damage output either be **untelegraphed or frequently castable.**

I italicized the portions I take issue with. Soulbeast maul from stealth? needs looking at. Mesmer burst from stealth? needs looking at.


A warrior spending time in a fight, perpetually visible, with a visible animation before he gets access to his burst damage and then the burst damage itself spread over 3 packets? Still an issue, but not as much as the above two. There's a clear indication you should start dodging/leaving or die. I am fine with high damage __as long as the move has a telegraph.__ That's why I don't complain about Death's Judgement.


You can get hit with the first or last cleave and be fine if you're not a glass thief, even if the warrior has poured everything in terms of utilities into that burst. Going to look into this more. The fact that they nerfed eternal champion and made it so there is no stab on entry to zerk mode probably means it can even be interrupted with trivial things, like steal/headshot/any daze/any ranged cc.


One thing is certain though. If the direction Anet is taking is to give every spec a really strong/carry mechanic/synergy, fine. But if you're going to yank arc divider's damage because it's too high for what it provides, soulbeast, herald, holosmith, deadeye and the gimmick chronoburst need addressing at the same time or close behind.


At this point the only thing Anet needs to do is buff ele and (maybe, I need to look at weakness synergy)daredevil a bit more, tbh. They're the last underperforming specs at this time.

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Signet of Fury > Arc Divider > Blood Reckoning > Arc Divider > Escape if you miss **in sPvP**


Is the most boring playstyle Berserker ever had to be in. Feint/fake-outs are discouraged and it's just pathetic. This rework forced Berserker to be a 4 button class when Berserker was A LOT more complex than Spellbreaker and Core in terms of fake-outs.


This rework should be reverted (i.e. Revert Arc Divider) not because it kills fail players like Vieux P, but because Arc Divider could get things like 100% crit on burst on Arms NERFED for example when Rifle needs the 100% crit chance on burst, if you were to look at ANET's history of nerfing things. Legit, ANET could potentially leave this spec unviable because it kills fail players like Vieux P or it could make it disgustingly broken like for example giving it baseline unblockables making it not need signet of might vs. certain comps for an "aggressive playstyle." And that wouldn't be the only reason why this spec is in a potentially catastrophic state.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Velimere.7685" said:

> > Arc Divider is fine, guys!


> Please post the build, I just want to try it out.


The build is partially above your post. Just pick traits that add the most damage.


Its probably Strength, discipline, and zerker line, with bloody roar, burst mastery, and zerker's power all selected as grandmasters. He's probably using signet of fury instead of frenzy to immediately get the adrenaline needed to burst.


It's incredibly misleading as a screenshot, because you need to connect with six hits for that damage, and use every single utility on your bar including your heal. And you can be stunned or dazed at any point during the rotation.



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> @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

> Signet of Fury > Arc Divider > Blood Reckoning > Arc Divider > Escape if you miss **in sPvP**


> Is the most boring playstyle Berserker ever had to be in. Feint/fake-outs are discouraged and it's just pathetic. This rework forced Berserker to be a 4 button class when Berserker was A LOT more complex than Spellbreaker and Core in terms of fake-outs.


> This rework should be reverted (i.e. Revert Arc Divider) not because it kills fail players like Vieux P, but because Arc Divider could get things like 100% crit on burst on Arms for example when Rifle needs the 100% crit chance on burst, if you were to look at ANET's history of nerfing things. Legit, ANET could potentially leave this spec unviable because it kills fail players like Vieux P or it could make it disgustingly broken like for example giving it baseline unblockables making it not need signet of might vs. certain comps for an "aggressive playstyle." And that wouldn't be the only reason why this spec is in a potentially catastrophic state.


Or they could nerf signet of fury by making the adren gain 15 instead of 30, and collapse every single cheese berserker build immediately, and be done with it.


They're not going to give it baseline unblockable. People would riot. This whole thread started because a mirage main couldnt be arsed to press V at the right time and thought it was a glitch that he died because of it. If it gets any better than it is right now, the forums will flood with spin2win memes.


Leave it brittle. It is slightly better than it was before with the rework, and eventually people will figure out the warrior has less stab the more they lean into the cheese build.


Agreed that it's simpler. I'm not used to it. There's probably a way to make it more exciting/complex though.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> Y> @"Halikus.1406" said:

> > Just like engi rifle 3, mesmer gs 5, holo 4 and 5, rev oh sword 4 and any other skill that has a range and doesn't need a target. The game has been like this since forever, try doing a little research before complaining.


> Yeah but no circle radius of 450 should be able to crits 20k-32k while you can't block or evade. That's just plain broken. It's one thing when it's one target. But being able to one shot multiple targets in a radius that big. Plzzzz fix this kitten


You can block it, you can evade it

Stop spewing blatant lies to get ppl on your side


With walls it behaves like most other skills that attack in that pattern, how new are you?


its 3 hits with a very obvious tell and long casttime. It SHOULD pack a punch, if it wouldnt, the whole thing would be a joke. Its the only really good thing they did for berserker


All the high dmg pics flowing around are minmaxed for high dmg, not rly practical builds, might i remind you all of out of stealth worldly impact that hit for 60k?

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:


> hahahahaha ..plz deny it.


Woodstock didn't even attempt to dodge it, because they weren't expecting it.

There's a huge difference between being unable to do something and being able to do something, and not doing it.

Granted, Berserker shouldn't be an opener, (And nerfing fury signet would fix that), but it's hit packets are not bugged. if you press V those hits will miss. I don't know what else to tell you.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> >

> > hahahahaha ..plz deny it.


> Woodstock didn't even attempt to dodge it, because they weren't expecting it.

> There's a huge difference between being unable to do something and being able to do something, and not doing it.

> Granted, Berserker shouldn't be an opener, (And nerfing fury signet would fix that), but it's hit packets are not bugged. if you press V those hits will miss. I don't know what else to tell you.


No one skill should be critting for 20k plus. It doesn't matter the tell. It doesn't matter how glassy one builds. That level of damage should be impossible in PvP.

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