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Best Open World Weaver Solo Build

Lord Hizen.5918

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I created my newest Ele two days ago. I'm planning to play her as Weaver but I'm not really sure how to do so. I'm thinking about high defense and good damage build (not high DPS like for Fractals or Raids) like some Weavers do play in WvW. Your Build looks very, very, very interesting. Can you explain a little more about playing this build, because I really dont know how the Weaver works. What about alternative Weapon sets? I really like Double Dagers because of the mobility, but you will lose a lot of your durability I guess?


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> @"Maria Murtor.7253" said:

> Something else: You are using Elemental Shielding for Protection when granting an Aura (which is not working right now -> bug). But it seems like the only Aura you can grant with this Build is Fire Aura. Is this trait still worth it with only one Aura?


It doesnt matter how many different auras you have, only how often you can proc the aura. Fire aura procs pretty often so you get a lot of protection. That still doesnt change the fact that most of the time you dont even need protection since you have huge amount of blinds on ele so you can kill enemies before even touch you, making whole earth spec quite useless in any form of solo play (and group play since the support it gives is quite bad compared to other specs).

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> @"Maria Murtor.7253" said:

> What blinds? Are we talking about completly different Builds?


The only defense you need in open world are glyph of storms, downed lava font and downed skill 5 lifesteal from LS3. It's not worth investing into defensive traits at all on ele since offensive ones are a lot more efficient.

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Playing this Build here since a couple of day. All I can say is: Yes, Glyph of Storms is nice to have, but not necessary in this build. It seems you can facetank every trash in the game as easy as pie. And what's even better: You can solo bosses which where impossible for me doing as Ele like Balthazar's Champion in Aurin Basin or the Vampire Beast HP in Verdant Brink. And I do not see how a Glyph of Storms or going downed for lava font would be usefull on long boss fights like these.

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It's a lot of armor and sustain only for pve ... Mobs will die, ... of boredom.

Playing elem/weaver can be a bit perplexing because sustain comes from mostly weapons skills and combos, but I'm not sure gearing with so much toughness and defensives traits would help to improve "skill", neither the pleasure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"Maria Murtor.7253" said:

> > What blinds? Are we talking about completly different Builds?


> The only defense you need in open world are glyph of storms, downed lava font and downed skill 5 lifesteal from LS3. It's not worth investing into defensive traits at all on ele since offensive ones are a lot more efficient.


That really depends on what your goals are. Lord Hizen clearly isn't concerned with killing trash as quickly as possible. He's soloing champions/legendaries and meta events.

Blinds and downstate skills are useless in this context. But I'll grant you that the title "Best Open world PvE weaver build" is perhaps a bit misleading as "best" depends a lot on your goals.


The thing about ele is that it's very glassy. If all you do is run meta events in a squad or kill trash solo, then blinds and downstate skills on a high damage build will get you through it, and if you're decent with your skills it will get the job done faster and without much risk. But a little sustain goes a long way with ele builds. If you watch the video, Lord Hizen is still dealing enough damage to beat boss timers. The damage clearly isn't amazing. He's probably clocking in somewhere in the 3-5k range, if I had to guess. But if you can deal that kind of damage while being practically unkillable (and weaver is certainly capable of that kind of sustain!)? I imagine that's of interest to a certain type of player.


I haven't gotten into weaver much myself just yet, but I dusted mine off today because I wanted to practice up for use in WvW. So I threw together a celestial WvW-style roaming build with sword/dagger, and even though I have no idea what the skills even do at this point, I am soloing champions with virtually no chance of dying. It's just that tanky. What I'd like to find is the right combination of stats that give me enough sustain with the pressure to finish fights. I'm thinking marshal stats, water/arcane/weaver for a hybrid setup with very strong healing, but I'm too new at this point to be sure.


Back to practicing! Nice video, Lord Hizen!

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I mean, when I pick Arcane line in PvE and Arcane shield on the utilities, I already feel tanky enough. The class is all about active defense. I don't mean anything but what I see is Warrior-izing Elementalist... which still works, it will work on any class, but talking about efficiency, it isn't. If someone is not confident with their skill level on a class, and from my side which is Ele, then my advice would be to run Arcane-Fire and some Healing Power, although Berserk/Marauder are still more than fine given that Arcane provides a lot of support for PvE. 2500 Toughness is a lot, like a hell of a lot, like a lot of a lot... nothing I run in WvW, not even Full minstrel hits that level of Toughness.


Some classes rely on active defense, other on passive, for the squishiest class, you can't go for passive, you have to be slippery and have fine reflexes.

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> @"Auburner.6945" said:

> I mean, when I pick Arcane line in PvE and Arcane shield on the utilities, I already feel tanky enough. The class is all about active defense. I don't mean anything but what I see is Warrior-izing Elementalist... which still works, it will work on any class, but talking about efficiency, it isn't. If someone is not confident with their skill level on a class, and from my side which is Ele, then my advice would be to run Arcane-Fire and some Healing Power, although Berserk/Marauder are still more than fine given that Arcane provides a lot of support for PvE. 2500 Toughness is a lot, like a hell of a lot, like a lot of a lot... nothing I run in WvW, not even Full minstrel hits that level of Toughness.


> Some classes rely on active defense, other on passive, for the squishiest class, you can't go for passive, you have to be slippery and have fine reflexes.


Are you saying you can do bounty solos with arcane/fire zerk weaver by utilizing active defense? I personally haven't tried it, but I'd love to see the video!


Or are you just saying that for doing "normal" open world play, you don't need so much passive defense? I can agree with that.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Auburner.6945" said:

> > I mean, when I pick Arcane line in PvE and Arcane shield on the utilities, I already feel tanky enough. The class is all about active defense. I don't mean anything but what I see is Warrior-izing Elementalist... which still works, it will work on any class, but talking about efficiency, it isn't. If someone is not confident with their skill level on a class, and from my side which is Ele, then my advice would be to run Arcane-Fire and some Healing Power, although Berserk/Marauder are still more than fine given that Arcane provides a lot of support for PvE. 2500 Toughness is a lot, like a hell of a lot, like a lot of a lot... nothing I run in WvW, not even Full minstrel hits that level of Toughness.

> >

> > Some classes rely on active defense, other on passive, for the squishiest class, you can't go for passive, you have to be slippery and have fine reflexes.


> Are you saying you can do bounty solos with arcane/fire zerk weaver by utilizing active defense? I personally haven't tried it, but I'd love to see the video!


> Or are you just saying that for doing "normal" open world play, you don't need so much passive defense? I can agree with that.


Well, it depends tbh. For example, a melee bounty with a slow attacking speed in which you can dodge most then you should be able to take it down easily, the problem comes in if the enemy is ranged or can shadowstep like crazy while dealing damage at the same time, at this point, yeah you will need Toughness because the class's sustain potential will be nothing to that, even on a bunker build, it's like a deadeye but with 1M HP, however, 2500 toughness is still too much especially that the power is 1120 and you have a 13% crit chance with no ferocity. You can try and build a Viper weaver if you would like to get the defense from secondary Earth line aside Fire, and surely you can replace expertise with some toughness or vitality + focus will be the viable weapon at this point.


In the end, my personal opinion would say no this build as it just makes ele players stuck to a playstyle which isn't the type of style that ele plays in all modes. However, I am not here to tell anyone what's and what's not.

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  • 1 month later...

> @"fixit.7189" said:

> i wasted a ton of gold and lw currencies on this build and i kind of regret it.


> sure it's super tanky but on other hand it takes forever to kill stuff which is a bit of a downer.


If you are not doing some hard PvE solo (like some of the hero challenges or whatever) you can use the same gear and go more aggressive on traits.

Change earth to fire for extra might and burns, swap the weaver and arcane defensive traits for offensive ones, and change armor of earth to primordial stance.

[Try this setup.](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAsdnUMAFNglNAG5CM5iFBA7eVHrv1FvhmYaIIAMBeAA-jByHQBBU5jAeAATY/h4p+DAOBASUJYBVCNG9AdDCAmAwqKVVVlUAdtTD-e "Try this.")


Your gear is still very tanky but at least now you have more offensive traits to kill things faster...

You can use the raptor engage to bundle mobs up, use fire/air dual followed by fire#2 and fire/fire primordial stance, wall of fire and fire aura detonation...

Should clear things a bit faster


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Different people have different metrics. Lord Hizen is clearly measuring against the metric of "can solo things most builds can't". That's not going to be the metric everyone's going to use (Nike has a series of builds for maximising your contribution to open world legendary boss events, for instance, and obviously they're quite different and mostly in glass cannon equipment), but I think they're valuable sets of builds to have in your toolbox - sometimes, you're just not going to have a group to help you take down that infamous HoT hero point or that one last champion you need to complete an achievement.

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