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Update for the personalization of the characters


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My top 3 wishes for gw2 in the future are:

-updated character models

-more customization for characters, scars, jewelry, uneven eyes,both faces and bodies.

-an update on graphics for the game, mostly on lights and shadows and how they affect the scenery, not actual new models, but a new lighting system could improve the graphics a TON!

-finally deleting the restrictions for armor weights, both in armor stats and looks.


I don't really have much hopes in neither of these, but a man can dream.

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Male charr faces (that arn't ugly and dog-looking) is desperatly needed! A vast majority of male charr characters I see uses the same face - the one similar to Rytlocks. How boring is that!?

Bangars face looks great! More of something like that. Teeth can be visible, but dont make it look like charr eat grenades for dinner... Female charr have better looking visible teeth. Also.... Antler-inspired horns please!

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I would like to see more makeup options, currently only seen in Faces.

Right now, there are various different faces which only differers in proportion. One (1!) dark gothic makeup. One (1!) somewhat rose lipstick, and thats it!

Sorry, this is way, really way too few.

Would be better if you add an additional makeup slot, for various colors and style. I guess the game engine doesn't support this, but I think you do can add some more face textures to the "Head options:Faces" section.

Perhaps unlockable with achievments. Or unlockable in the shop.

I would easily pay 20€ for more(and differently) face textures. And please, not just only red Lipstick.


*shakes head in disbelief by the total few face options in game*

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Several games (including super basic 8bit side scrollers) allow for the selection of a 'stance' per character.


In GW2, this could be something in the character creator or something in the hero panel that you can select/change after unlocking it in your wardrobe. Effectively, it would change your character's idle and movement animations. Stances would still be locked by species, because modeling and clipping, but they could solve a lot of gendered problems this way with minimal effort while also just opening up more character personalization (and maybe gem sales?) full-stop. In addition to letting people pick male or female animations, they could add things like 'casual', 'militant', or a straight-backed stance for those people who are super insistent on having one for Charr.


Like specialized hairstyles, faces, and eye colors, some stances would be free and others could be monetized. Just another element of the fashion war.


Combat animations would remain unchanged for the sake of work reduction.

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> @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> Several games (including super basic 8bit side scrollers) allow for the selection of a 'stance' per character.


> In GW2, this could be something in the character creator or something in the hero panel that you can select/change after unlocking it in your wardrobe. Effectively, it would change your character's idle and movement animations. Stances would still be locked by species, because modeling and clipping, but they could solve a lot of gendered problems this way with minimal effort while also just opening up more character personalization (and maybe gem sales?) full-stop. In addition to letting people pick male or female animations, they could add things like 'casual', 'militant', or a straight-backed stance for those people who are super insistent on having one for Charr.


> Like specialized hairstyles, faces, and eye colors, some stances would be free and others could be monetized. Just another element of the fashion war.


> Combat animations would remain unchanged for the sake of work reduction.


/signed from me

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I wouldn't mind more faces and hairstyles.


Specially longer hairstyles on male characters.. there are a lot of short and shaved hairstyles in the game which personally I don't like at all..

I'm really not a fan of short hair lol


I'm a 6ft tall 32 year old guy with hair down to my backside so suffice to say I am a big fan of long hair.. and by long hair I mean hair past the shoulders.

There are almost no hairstyles for males that are exceptionally long and that's disappointing for someone like me.


As for faces I'd like to have more customization in regards to scars and facial hair.. this is also a weak area of the creation system imo

I would love to have a Charr for example with a very long mane and a braided catbeard.

Likwise more pattern and colour options for Sylvari, Charr and Asura too.. more tatoo options for Norns and humans etc.


I don't care if all these are locked behind the makeover kits either, that's fine.

I just want more options and customization.


All that said though, I rarely if ever come across characters that look, dress and ride mounts that look like mine do.

As far as uniqueness goes I think i've done pretty well there.

When I create characters in Gw2 it goes beyond just creating a character.. name, build, style are all important to me hence past frustration with unavailable names and refusal to adopt standard naming methods people use to get around it such as adding a title to a singular name or by just using a nonsensical name.

Even as a joke those kinds of names end up with me deleating said character eventually.


That's usually enough to make my characters pretty unique but can lead to the creation process being a bit of a headache.. mostly the naming process for Asura and Sylvari characters more than anything due to their singular names being a rule I have to follow to be content with the character.

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What I'd love to see is more freedom with customization (along with extra options ofc!).

For example, sometimes I don't want a 'perfect nose' for my character, I want the tip to be 'crooked' a little and my character to have that rougher look, I want more flexibility with eyebrows (distance between eyebrows), distance from eyes and eyebrows, cheekbone size, different posture, tattoos, and I'd love to be able to adjust the thickness of legs and arms (sometimes male human characters end up having super thin legs in some armor sets that it just makes me facepalm, and I always choose that mid body build because it's the most realistic one).


Other than that, would be awesome having more hairstyle options, tattoos, beards, etc.


Charr could definitely do with a lot more love too. More patterns for fur, more faces. GW1 Charr looked amazing and I'd love to see some of those faces return (Pyre Fierceshot, the cheetah-like Charr face from Gwen's bonus mission story...)


Male Norn look horrid when it comes to body build, I'd really love to see a normal body build for them, with decent proportions and not looking like hulking gorillas :(

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