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Do you a want any changes to WvW? If so what and why?


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Do you a want any changes to WvW? If so what and why?


For me, I want more important objectives that I can do to contribute to the battle outside of Zergs and Roaming that can also be rewarding. Right now I feel the best rewards and most fun is large zerg fights, but most of the time it's just player vs door to empty structure with a boss that dies like nothing.


What I would change is how those NPC faction units work and make it something bigger and more effort to accomplish summoning them. Would have different unit types as well.

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Agreed, we still need to replace EBG with Tangled Depths and replace every lord with The Shatterer so that WvW can mean something again. Really gonna need some more mobs though, there are too few in Tangled Depths by default. The design of the keeps is another problem as we need to make them from scratch, but I believe if we place each behind a jumping puzzle - moderately difficult, dont want to turn people off - that should give defenders enough time to come.

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1. Maps increased in size to compensate for mounts now being in it.

2. A new map to rotate in on another color so we have one tundra, one desert and one X

3. Bring GvG and Alliance battles into it.(Or turn it into like an echo of the guild wars, and bring back how that worked to some lesser degree.)

4. Perhaps some new skins (Unsure of what else)

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Reduce squad size to 20. Blobbing has become annoying af because of lag so make wvw more smaller squad based.


Delete SMC or open the gates and make it not cappable


make stability have max cap of 5 and make boonstrips/corrupts only take one stack away. Also stability should slow you by 5% per stab.


reduce healing by 50% and increase hp by 50% tone down power creep

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > Reduce maximum amount of players on maps. Can still be effective with a total player size of 50 and would help lower lag. At the same time it's a bit less blobby.


> 50 players total or per faction?


Per faction


55 sounds good.

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> @"Slanderman.9532" said:

> Reduce squad size to 20. Blobbing has become annoying af because of lag so make wvw more smaller squad based.

We had blobbing when max size was 5, because squads didnt exist and you could only party.


How exactly did you think this was going to work?

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The number one reason for guildies quitting now, is because you're either stuck in a T3 wasteland, or you get stuck in T1 against BlackGate, are massively outnumbered, and have zero chance of winning. There is a SIMPLE solution! MAKE A REWARD TRACK FOR IMPOSSIBLE ODDS!!!!!! Make a set of ascended gear, that can only be won from lots of cumulative fighting with the Outnumbered icon showing. This way, when your team has the Blob size, the game is fun. When the fight is even, the fighting is the best, and when you're fighting with zero chance of winning, you're happy to be working for a set of ascended gear. I'm really surprised this isn't already a thing. WvW is becoming intolerable, because AR and FA have ZERO reason to fight at T1.

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> @"kwaggmire.2051" said:

> The number one reason for guildies quitting now, is because you're either stuck in a T3 wasteland, or you get stuck in T1 against BlackGate, are massively outnumbered, and have zero chance of winning. There is a SIMPLE solution! MAKE A REWARD TRACK FOR IMPOSSIBLE ODDS!!!!!! Make a set of ascended gear, that can only be won from lots of cumulative fighting with the Outnumbered icon showing. This way, when your team has the Blob size, the game is fun. When the fight is even, the fighting is the best, and when you're fighting with zero chance of winning, you're happy to be working for a set of ascended gear. I'm really surprised this isn't already a thing. WvW is becoming intolerable, because AR and FA have ZERO reason to fight at T1.


„starts farming O-Buff and flame commanders joining the map“


And why would fighting guilds care about gear/skins?


They should already have perfect gear, also they most likely dont care about a skin.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"Ni In.6578" said:

> > When did WvW not have a meta?


> the **two years prior to the games release**, you saw alot of people running whatever they kitten well feel like lol. Which can still be done; Typically I Find as long as you're not squirreling too hard then you should be ok.


So... how could people play 2 years ‘prior to release’? ?


If you meant the two years after release, the only servers playing ‘non meta’ were those who hadn’t figured out how to play.... Or were stuck in t-9 ish.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > @"Ni In.6578" said:

> > > When did WvW not have a meta?

> >

> > the **two years prior to the games release**, you saw alot of people running whatever they kitten well feel like lol. Which can still be done; Typically I Find as long as you're not squirreling too hard then you should be ok.


> So... how could people play 2 years ‘prior to release’? ?


> If you meant the two years after release, the only servers playing ‘non meta’ were those who hadn’t figured out how to play.... Or were stuck in t-9 ish.


My bad I meant after release~ But you get the gist.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Slanderman.9532" said:

> > Reduce squad size to 20. Blobbing has become annoying af because of lag so make wvw more smaller squad based.

> We had blobbing when max size was 5, because squads didnt exist and you could only party.


> How exactly did you think this was going to work?


encourage guild play, i.e guild group could earn more points when they kill ppl/other guilds under effect of something like "guild raid" buff. Rework the way how you capture certain keeps like capture and hold 3points to open the gates for short time. Give guild chance to challenge other guilds and winner gets some rewards or even like towers as a price.


I can keep going with the ideas but i feel like at that point i'd need to get paid :)

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I'd like to remove rallying, and to increase the downed penalty (so that if you go down, if you are ressed the down icon penalty directly goes to red, so if you go down again within 10 seconds, it's instant defeat). I would also reduce downed HP by 30% or so, but that may not be needed with the other suggestions.


Beyond that? What wvw really needs is an incentive for players to disperse and roam in smaller / medium sized groups, and get rid the zerg playstyle, as mentioned above already.

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I'd like to see boons have Downtime. This permaboon sharing is beyond obnoxious. You can have your boons back after an allotted period time has elapsed. Lets call it BOON SICKNESS, and be done with it. They used to have this type of condition inside GW1. I wouldn't see why we couldn't have said condition in GW2. Treat it like a sugar crash. You had your up, then you'll have your sugar like crash, except with boons.

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